
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Sexxowes sex Scene in Magistrate Court.
JAMAICA TRINIDAD Use of Gas For Do Shouters at Baratairia mestic Purposes. PILGRIMS BAPTISED IN RIVER Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD from Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
shoating which The City Magistrate Court was tbe scene of an excitio struggle, says recent issue of the Trinidad Guardian when prisoner named Dudley Clarke who was brought from the cells below the dock for trial broke away from the turnkey and threw bis jacket at Mr. Van Buren. solicitor and soar ister at the Bar table vacated their cbairs bartleggled frantically Clarke with policemen, who rusbed from various parts of the Court and tried to restrain him, while the keys of the cells were das bed the hands of the turnkey, and added their metallic jingle to the noise of the sculle. arke. young black man of medium height and built, bad been charged with the larceny of jewels valued at 25 dollars 15 cents, the property of Dr.
Ernest Mercelle of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. As Clarke reached the top of the stens leading from the cells into the dock, says the Guard.
lan, be broke away from the trunkes, and after throwing bis jacket violently toward the Magistrate, rushed in the direction of Mr. Shrewsbury, Govero.
ment Analyst, and seemed to be about to attack him with his head. In the melee which ensued. Clarke showed that be possessed an extraordinary degree of strength, and besides shouting various obscene re(Coetiqued on page 7)
use For Sale at all Drug Stores difficulty in getting fue And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT too he said over ATTENTION!
One to sleep client The GLEANER of the 5th instant ONE WOMAN GETS THE states that the Kingston and SPIRIT Saint Andrew Corporation will soon bave to take up the question of the use of gas for domestic 16 POUNDS IN FINES.
As newspaper readers are Fourteen persons were charged aware, quite a number of public by the Police before the City buildings will, in future, be lit Magistrate with taking part in a with electricity. There is the Shouters meeting at Barataria, public hospital, and the lunatic San Juaa, on Suoday May 3)
asylum, which latterly is bang There were three men and equipped with electric wires. The eleven women who were found police stations bave been installed by Seageant Kennedy of the with electric current, and in a Police Station to that district at short time a contract will be a but whence issued sounds of entered into with the prison singing and Authorities for the lighting of the were audible for over a quarter general penitentiary.
of mile door of The Corporation, will, there but was a woman; grunting and fore, have to consider to what swaying to and fro, and within the pas service will be the complainant discovered other applied. It is known that house things which he said were familiar to bim as being con.
holders in Kingston and lawer Audrew bave been experiencing Shouters. They were eaeb tined Wer st.
Dected with the practices of fuel, and an will be made to on except one who was not get them found to use gas for cooking purposes. scheme will be worked out, Jeseph Lynch, charged with and it will come up for consider maintaining a Shouters house, ation of the Corporation Council was ffoed at no distant date.
iynch said that he had the place rectified, as he termed it, for the purpose of carrying on Divine Service. Services bad times every week Glorified Obeah Tracts been held three for seven years, and the Police had never interfered before The services commenced at six Under the caption The o clock and continued until about Observations of a Man in the ten in the evening, and consisted Street The GLEANER of the 2nd of reading, singlog, and praying ins, prints the following: baptise pilgrims, when they come to me. couple of days announced added that on May 39 he baptised He that quite a number of gloritied obeab tracts were being imoue bundred persons ported into the island from the where the meetings were beld as Lyncb referred to the place United States, and two gentle the temple.
men who styled themselyes as professors have been doing a Mr. Cook appeared for good business with the criminal all the accused, and entered a class in Jamaica. In addition to plea of not guilty.
the mystic rings and emblems which have been sent to the post plainant was sworn and said that Sergeant Kennedy, the comthere is manual giving instructions to the burglar how to act. lived at Barataria.
he knew the accused Lynch, who 01 May 30, chapter states that in order he was on duty about a quarter to put the, Inmate of the house of a mile from Lynch place, and the must kill abis kill a his attention was attracted by a dog, remove its heart and by sound of singing and shouting.
mixing it (when drled) with This was was at eleven in the some liquid the barglar is ble to evening Constables Harrigin use the preparation with marked and Hopkinson were wito bin.
effect. Is it any wonder that complainant went towards the witdin the witdino past six or seven place, and found all the accused months a few watch dogs bave structure, like a hut, waich been slaughtered? typical case was situated about 40 feet from occurred on the Brentford Road Lynch place. Lyoch was not not so long ago. barglar who not there at the time.
attempted to get hold of a watch GRUNTING AND SWAYING.
dog lost a portion of his paats whilst on the run.
As say As be approached the but, this debased form of literature the complainant said that a bell wbich is coming through the was rung, and he heard a man post should be stopped.
readiog. One of the accused, Gladys George, was in front of the eastern doorway in stooping posture. Sbe bad slick in Herd To Be Shot, one hand and a candle in the other and she was grunting and swaying backwards and forward, Iaside the but, ia a corner Tha Sav la mar Correspondent Cathrine Phillips sat on a beneb.
to the GLEANER telegraph stat eyes were bandaged, and she ed that arrangements bave been was leading forward over completed at Midgehan estate bouquet of flowers holding two for the destruccio, by snooting, lighted candles. All those in the of the entire herd of 146 steers but were holding lighted candles infected with foot and mouth dis and had their heads tied with rows of pit masuring white bandkerchiefs. Ια the 10 50 and 54feet long by 12 feet wide center of and feet deep.
the building, on respectively, the ground near pole, bave been dug for the receptioa was a bell, and another ball of the carcases, which will be was on an erection, which he buried in disinfectants. described as ao aluar. O, this Altar were lighted candles ws The 146 snimals are valued at.
about 800. Sıx longing to end, bigb up out of reach the small suitlers in the area the complainant saw a flag or banner others to the estate.
hieroglyphics, resembimg Chinese caracters, Dr Lockett, the Govt. Vet. The shouting and siagiok bad busy examining all the herds on ceased when he entered.
aajiing properties to see GLADYS GETS THE SPIRIT.
there are any infected animals. If be tuds any the proposal to desKennedy suid that Lyoch came troy the herd on Mid zeham win out from his house, and the con be abandoned. The Vet. should stable asked him about the tinish this work of io Vestigation 108. Lyncb said it was a liceto morrow.
church that he kept. The man then asked why the woman Gladys by the door was bebaying in that manner, swaying, etc.
000000000000000000000000 and Lyoch replied that probabiy, as the book was being read, she TRY had got the spirit crossed. He then spoke KRONEN BRAU to this woman, but she would bit answer, and only paid attenON DRAUGHT tion to him when another of those present shook her. She OR BOTTLES then said that she was to be baptised, and that if the Police SerODO0O0000000000000000 eant, too was baptised he would House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Her happen to him He took their names, Constable Harragin gave eviderce. He said that the accusaed Gladys Geofge in the spirii Sh3 was granting and swaying Toe accused Lynch in giviog evidegce in the witness box alleged that at the hour, eleven o clock, mentioned by the complainment, the meeting was althe sad told Laurence to over. He said finished.
Matthew Gospel. He stated that the congregation left, and there was no singing, shouting nor gruoting except Gladye be added, who came in late. She was stoopiag down praying.
To His Worship, be said that those present bad oa no white bandkerchiefs, nor did they have candles BAPTISED IN THE RIVER.
To Inspector Power, Lynch said that the person with the eyes bandaged was not knowo as the mourner, or pilgrim.
don bave mourners or pilgrims at my meetings, now be averred, although be admitted that he bad them sometimes. He said that be baptised bis members in the river.
Mr. Cook elicted from constable Harragin in cross examination that if it was not for the runtiog, the charge would not bave been brought. Harragin said be objected to the grunting He did not know that a bell was rong in the Roman Catholic Church during service.
Mr. Cook did not call any witnesses He remarked among other things that there was something similar in the things discribed by the Police to the Roman Catholic services. He referrd to the ringing of the bell, and the candles on the altar; also the pews, e the beaches were called by the complainant.
His Worship said that he had been to many shouters meetings and they were full of beaches.
He did not know that there was anygranting at the Roman Catholic service. Laughter. The Magistrate also remarked that the law fixed a fine as bigb as 50, but he fined all the Sbouters Lynch bad to pay for mantaiping the house used by the Shouters. week time was allowed.
The Sborters were Henry Laurence, Gladys George, Mildred Richards, Cleotille Kirton, Eunice Borke, Catherine Phillips.
Rufina Pbipps, Louisa Mason, William Roberts, Theophilus Bruce, Louis Thomas, Antonio Julien, Edward Greenidge and Edward Clerke, Julien was not found by the Police, Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies ease. Two rows to CAN BE HAD AT The Workman meetStationery Store Spirit, and the ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays


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