
9292 of and the sun peeped bring and by (burch to the cemetery, the Revo sentent Funeral of Robt, THE WORKMAN Stewart, The mortal remains of Rebort Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertiseren on applies Stewart, age 57, late prominent WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes and well respected member of the Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Grenadian colony in this city, nere laid to rest in in the PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Cemetery last Sunday afternoon Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of in the presence of a large and representative gathering of relaOne Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica tion but as a mark of good faith.
tive, fraternal brothers and friends who We do not undertake to return relast tribute to the deceased. The jected correspondence.
body, which had bera kept at the Ancon Morgue from the day follow. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue ing that on which he suceurnbed.
was removed to Court Paradise, SATURDAY JULY 17, 1926, No.
the Ancient Order of PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Foresters, 24th. Street Guachapali, the decrased having been a subTHE SEGREGATION DECISION Chief Ranger of the Order, where it was viewed during the course of the day by scores of sorrowing reCommenting on the very vexed question that forms DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING latives and friends.
the headline of this subject, a contributor the PHILAThe morning opened with a DELPHIA TRIBUNE animadverts thus:drizzling rain which later increased OF THE HIGHEST ORDER into several heavy 800 wers and it Of course, we disagree with the honorable court in its was feared that the funeral prosegregation decision: action by the courts of a state is in cession would be marred thereby.
allịcommonsense action by the state. and the law ought But a little after midday the never to be interpreted against commonsense.
An arguWork Done While You Wait showers ceased out ment not to sell to the Negroes is a matter for the individuals from behind the clouds ing a welcome relief to the anxious concerned, so long as the agreement is made and kept by nearts the individuals concerned, But when this agreement is TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED of mroy who were intending therein. The after enforced in the court, the state becomes a party to the matnoon continued fair ter, and endorses the legality of the agreement. and the o clock, the hour arra aged for the matter is doubly serious when the court enforces an agree Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices start, hundreds of spectators had gathered on the sidewalks aloog ment made between two private parties AGAINST a third Ladies Garments carefully handled toe route to be followed, waiting party who was not even allowed to be a party to the prito view in solemn silence the sad vate agreement. and more especially when this private but imposing spectacl.
agreement is of a kind that has been forbidden in the state REID Manager After the administration of the itself.
laat rites of the Order by Bro.
According to this side stepping decision of the court, Alfred Rouget, Senior Past Chief Ranger of the Court, the prothe majority and controlling people of any city, county or wie XXSXODK se sion formed and beaded by the state could agree not to sell food and clothes to Negroes Benefirent Band in full strength (or to Jews or to any other minority. and not only would whi bad voluntarily offered its the court offer the minority no remedy, but if one of the ఆయన services for the oecasion, wended coespirators should repent and start selling to the hated its way to the St Paul į minority, the others could go into the courts and compel service ws conducted by the Revd, bim to cease. And all that the higher courts could ofter F, Nightenga e, D. supported would be to sit and observe the horror, for lack of jurisby a full vested choir. At the comthe church and the diction That is a peculiar situation, Evidently something needs sion again formed the pocespletion of the revising or amending in the very Constitution of this and proceeded country. According to press reports, it does not appear man theo completing the that the courts has said that the thing is right, but the ceremony, which was followed by court only admits its inability to prevent or help in the that of the Foresters and the earth closed over one of Grenada matter. It seems that there is plenty of help for those who most beautiful characters, a genuwant to enforce these barbaric agreements, but none for ibe friend and cheerful associate.
the victims of them.
Well, the Negro will have to get busy at the polls and The pall bearers were selected from among the Past Chief Rangers see the various states in person about this thing. Certainly of the Order, while the chief mourn.
the state courts have plenty of jurisdiction. Meanwhile, the ers included Mrs. Breoks Bod Mrs.
Jim Crowing south will sense that it has been giving a new ATDonalt, sister aud niece respective: ly of the deceased. Mr. Brooks and weapon, and will use it. But there is a possibility of saving Bon, Mr. Donald the Messis.
the day in the more civilized parts of the nation. and of E, Charles, Boyke, confining this new monstrosity to the present territory of Simmon Bullen, Jim Crow cars, disfranchisement, and the other co existent erts, Drakes, Payne, evils. until such time when it will be possible to purſe it McDonald, DeSuze, Bapt ste, Dorsett, Simpson, out of the whole civilization. Greaves, McLaine, Ford Miss Straker and DeDier, Would Keep The Negro in Ignorance. Only First Class Ones Need Apply The casket, a production of the Isthmain Undertaking ComDany, was a beautiful work According to a press despatch from Washington, Senator of art, and the bearse was Cole Blease of South Carolina, former governor of the State, specially with boasted his opposition to the so called education, while bon several fine wreaths were sent, talking to the Senate in opposition to the Haugen farm The Officers and the dobbers of Court Paradiee.
relief bill.
Scotland and Ireland produce no cricket si les of the first NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES The One of the things that helped ruin the country and order and among the various British Deminions Australia Land, Madame Rachael, the put the farming interests in the condition it is now said alone can measure itself with the Mother country. South Under the suspices of The Son of La Boca, Mr. James Buyke family, Mr, and Mrs BenBlease, is so called education. When was governor Africa plays a fair amount of cricket, but it is not cricket of lare Committee of w Alexander and Mr. Albert Anson of was asked in reference to signing a bill for compulsory the Auatralian quality, and of foreign countries none pays ovidence on July 6 the Silver City, Cristobal, education. distinctly stated that if such a bill was passed much attention to the game except perhaps certain of the pe ple of that place, celebrated wouls veto it.
Latin American States. And even in England there are the twelfth anniversary of the The Sister Courts wure well repaesented, the Court Land delega By means of what term so called education, Blease moments when public interest is almost as much centred ouodtor of their colony.
Away in their little woodland tin attending in a boty. Amoog. to the on tennis the Post Offi who attended were prente destroyed the best farm labor that has ever been than men that makes the popular appeal. Suzanne and cool preparations for beboerno Be Jarvis, The Hinde, er for ing known in this country. The greatest mistake this country Helen are household names and regret at the operation fourth of July caught the ear aza lack, Allea and Cumminks of ever made was when the white people agreed to pay taxes that has put the American lady champion temporarily out then something happened; some Co Bartholomew one remembered that som nyliams, Smith, small, and am not their enemy. of action is universal.
Jnie. to give them a free education, Merritt, Wil tirst believe in giving them what is due them. Teach them to broken, the first ray bone F, Husband of Court Mizpab; read and write in order to protect them in their dealings.
througb the dark clouds of Atherly, Dyer and Gran.
But whenever you try to really educate them as a race you Pointed Snapshots industrial and eonnemie depres oum of Court Pacific; A, Strachan, do them an injustice and your country no good.
alon, bopefully inspiring a group Sancbeez, Applewhite, We are at one with those wide awake confreres who shining testimony to the bene and Ferguson of Court Wallace; of men and women who are today George, Fletcher, Smith state that there are those who are ill at ease when others ficent protection of Sport to the Fore.
wise and (Continued on page 7)
are doing well, and they devise mischief against them. The Providential Creator.
Psalmist speaks of those In whose hands is mischief andl, Tous, in the words of Writing early in June, a London correspondent states their right hand is full of bribes. Often they woo your Pioneer, although there was that in spite of industrial troubles and minor excitements friendship and confidence They draw nigh that follow nofogalereligious henor political British Consulate Notice in the political world due to the quarrel between the leaders. they of the Liberal Party there is more talk in Great Britain of after mischief. They can not harm in the distance, They unite in prayer and tbanksgiv The of Conforundation Colto Derby and the Oaks have been run, and now all the world their hearts are bent on evil. They congratulate themselves Below is program wbich, al the presert Davide reaboative of of door society function of the year. The great rowing into a hilarious mood. Solomon says: It is as sport to ao expresohe popular senti, Jamaica, weo some years ago had The indoor part of the cantine in Guachapali. Panama.
carnival Henley will soon be on us, and meanwhile day by program was conducted at the day cricket dominates everything. The fact that an Ausball of the local branch of The tralian cricket team is here this year redoubles the ordinary The world is ow to accept the new creations, whether Association, Universal Negro Improvement tbe same having interest, for Australia with its population of less than seven in science, art, literature or invention. The one who creates been placed at the convet lence millions seems generally to be able to produce better suffers; while the one who performs gets the applesauce of of the Welfare Committee, cricketers than this country can find among its thirty the crowd. Note this difference in the human makeup. through the courtesy of the TRY millions. At all events the English team that went to Aus Genius is scorned for daring to show that there are stories Officers and members.
tralia last year failed to carry off victory, and the results of yet untold, pictures unpainted, inventions unrealized.
PROGRAM KRONEN BRAU the test between the two sides on English fields is being While Talent, the second cousin of Genius, and without National Anthem of the Pabawaited with extraordinary interest. Why cricket has which there would be no field for Talent action, is praised lic ON DRAUGHT never affectively established itself anywhere except in för her cunning and winsomeness and lauded for her ability Prayers, Mr. Thomas Ivy.
OR BOTTLES Egland and Australia it would be hard to say. Even to express what Genius has placed in her possession. Continued on page 5)
00000ODOGODN00000000 GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted and ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Robdraped purple ribe including Court Land; 4th 1914 sbone ment.
po00oooood 000g


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