
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES Attractions at the Theatres an aim four, and Rood he Cyclone halt wile.
your in short Harrison. Neely Conclusion from AthLA BOCA letic Meet Colon Rallay Day 5th, July CECILIA AMERICA AMADOR On Sunday the 25th of this month the La Boca Wesleyan Well the long looked for and (PANAMA. COLON PANAMA heralded Welcome and Grudge Christian Eodeavor Society will Meet bus come and gone, and bold a Rally at their church on TODAY, Saturday July 17th TODAY SATURDAY, July 17th TODAY Saturday July 17th Balboa Road. This will take the with it, confirmation of the old and Dorothy Revier in Wm. Fairbanks in form of an afternoon entertain.
adage You never can tell just TOMORROW Sunday July 18th WHEN HUSBANDS FLIRT FIGHTING YOUTH.
ment with to wait and see wbien is explained swaken a as follows. Oat of the six more lively interest in the work Buster Keaton in cycle TO MORROW SUNDAY, July 18th TOMORROW SURDAY July 18th events, members of the which is being carried on by the Isthmian GO WEST Tom Moore in contingent to Jamaica, Special Cast in local branch, Delegates from won THE SONG DANCE MAN losing the first. The mile other young people societies on MOANA to MONDAY, July 19th the Canal Zone elsewhere Practically a a novice De Paz, this Raymond Griffith in being his second apperance on MONDAY, July 19th MONDAY, July 19th are expected to be present and a the track, of all events, paoz ram is being arranged this HANDS UP one, Larry Semon in Lewis Stone in for the occasion. The chair will. event of taken away, speed be STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN TOO MUCH MONEY taken by the Rev.
TUESDAY, July 20th and more speed. The writer did Cousins, Associate Minister of not see the race, but it puts bim Wm. Fairbanks in TUESDAY, July 20th TUESDAY, July 20th the Pacama Wesley Circuit.
in mind of one of our cracks. HANDSOME BRUTE Jack Hoxie ir Glen Hunter in won say wbether nominaily or LOOKING FOR TROUBLE THE LITTLE GIANT Athenaeum Install Officers actually so) however this crack WEDNESDAY, July 21st con latest after deserting from the WEDNESDAY, July 21st Buck Jones in WEDNESDAY, July 21st Buster Keaton ia ranks, won bis first event, a ball On Tuesday evening last there Special Cast in mil THE ARIZONA ROMEO hu was installation of officers at tbe mile too, by getting away, and not GO WEST THE AMERICAN VENUS being taken seriously was allowed Atheraewn. when the following THURSDAY July 22nd THURSDAY July 22nd to lead his field, and when the THURSDAY July 22nd were given the reins of governWhead others Baw what was ment of the society for the ensu.
Special Cast in really Raymond Griffith in Constance Benett in happening and tried to gain lost MOANA ing term: Neely, President. HANDS UP SALLY IRENE AND MARY William Jump, Vice ground, too late, the race was Clifford Sewell, resident; already won, and from that time FRIDAY July 23rd FRIDAY July 23rd FRIDAY, July 23rd Cyrus, Aest. Secretary by until several years later, and Lewis Stone in Wm. Fairbanks in James Kirkwood in proxy for Reynolds. Gor.
only recently at that. TOO MUCH MONEY THE HANDSOME BRUTE don Smith, Chaplain tape first, Weg. GERALD GRANSTON LADY never crossed the Hence the only cycle victory for ley. Critic. Russell Phillips Colon in which the Jamaica con SATURDAY, July 24th SATURDAY Juiy 24th SATURDAY July 24th of Panama was Installing Master tor and after the ceremony spoke on Adolph Menjou in ungent participatod was won Buck Jones in Richard Talmadge in Literature, depicting this as from an unexpected quarter. Joe THE GRAND DUCHESS THE MAITER THE ARIZONA ROMEO THE NIGHT PATROL in McCalla who was looked upon aldbad Yiteratures which good found as the star of the 75 should be taken to select the best Club, hardly came before the pointing out that the gratest care limelight, in as much as be only kind of reading matter for our placed in one event 3rd in the social, intellectual and spiritual did remarkably well, coming Colored West Indians gallantry New Providence Notes uplift. Short address were given In the mile Bryan and him 3rd, in 100 and 2nd. on 340 yds.
This society was apprised of by the newly installed officers selt were looked upon as possible look out for Teacher Smoky Joe, most meritorious deed after which refreshments were winners, both chaps riding nip he intends to lower your standing GET RECOGNITION FOR through the British Consul of served.
Continued from page and tuck with the Panama trio another member of the Jamaica stances VALORDUS DEEDS.
Colon, and it bas deemed it it to Nimbley, Smith and Atherton, Team, dominated the longer disa award to each of you a Vellam Address, Welcome and Intro. Mrs. Neely Heard From eta en by Bryan, and mile runs, beating Morle Presented With Vellum Certi. Second bigbest award at the baving been completly tan Certificate. This certiticate is the duction; Mr. Burnett.
who set a tances, easily winning the 880 dis Address, Pioneer Day, Mr. Moore, Word has been received from posal of the society, and though gruelliug pace for almost laps of Panama, who was boss during ficate From Royal Humane Williams not to be outdoneseno bis absence.
it carries no monetary value it March, To Pioneer Landing. Mrs. Susie Neely, wife of SecreSociety of London, is sued, but fall byl the wayside, not an a vard first of which any man Place wbere Colonists tary Neely of the Clubhouse, who left for her home in actually fell, but dismounted and The meet as an athletic event may well be proud to be holder landed.
walked home. Thbileyhine almay events were run off without: went was all that could be desired, the Alabam, some weeks You now occupy the enviable most unique function took position of being the only ones on Ivy.
Psalm and Prayer, Me. Thomas ago. Mrs. Neely arrived safely along. and begs to be remembered to Atherton, Bryan and Smith, hitch. thanks to the efficient place at the Gstan Silver Club the Isthmus of Panama to hold Anthem of the Republic.
officials)or any unnessary delays house last Sunday, when Jas. such certificater, a fact for all kind friends and acquainevery man watching each other. The track was in tirst class con Coulson and Allan, Rush were which you may jus:ly feel parFireworks tances, McCallay and Bryan were seen dition, not one word of dissatis each presented with a Vellum donable pride.
dart out on the 2nd. last lap, but faction having been heard from man March to Cemetery.
Certificate from the Royal Hu In conclusion, might state suddenly when asked as to reaHymn, Peace Perfect Peace Secretary Bradley to Relieve song wby. McCallay claims to any of the cyclists, this feature of the location trendog England, that the Royal Humane Society gallantry in saving Psalm and Prayer, Mr. Ferº have been fooled as to the number is sideration of rains on Horton and her two children from was founded in 1774 for the pur.
of laps, taking it for the last Saturday and Sunday, but the drownins in the Gatun Lake on bave saved, or attempted to save, rewarding those who Eulogium; To the departed Mr.
On Tuesday evening last Secre.
and Bryan claimed to bave been the the 24. of October, 1925. Burnett.
pocketed ton, paying attendance was comparaby Smith and Atherton tively speaking, small. say most tary Neely of the Clubhouse in lives from drowning is Majes Among those present were, ty, March. Return to the ball, troduced Hubbard Bradley of the 80 that the race was won by and His Royal Smith, Atherton and Nimbley in ing attendance because, almost Captain and Mrs. Calloway, the Patron, sk. 18 its illustrious where refreshments were served Philadelphia who will relieve him Highness.
the order named. The comical 3 of Captain reprecenting the Canal the Prince of Wales, its distin of the spectators belog PART II for sixty days while he un Mr. and Mrs.
side of the story is that Bryan jumpers, men who were mean Zone Gvernment Messrs. to cherish these certificate as in.
Irs. guished President exhort you Horton and children.
Song claims he was pocketed by enougb to take advanctage of the Cambridge. chairman of the valuable mementos which should Theresa Jayes. Patria Alma Miss vacation. Mr. Bradley arrived on the Isthmus on the 25th of June Atherton and Sanith, and Ather improper and disinterested and is to take charge of the Para.
proton claims to have been crossed tection given; the jampers even British Indian Welfare form beirlooms to pos Address, Mr. Titus Hunte. iso Clubhouse on return of Mr.
by Smith, thereby infringing the golog as far as to tear the fence Committee: Duzant, Fred terity, Song. Cielito Lido Miss Neely from leave.
Conor, rule about crossing within pre down during the meet in order Snart and flector Conor, scribed distances, as a conse to gaia admission and beat the bers of the committer; mes Alter reading and handing these Mary Henlon. certificates to Mr. Address, The Wellare Com. Look out for Grand Musical At St. Peter s, La Boca, the stands ridden As tions very to niston, Commander Watson and Song, Tired of Living Alone mentioned by Wingwheel the promoters, but be that as it bis brod, and many of the pred words of Long fellow: minent citizens of the Lock we can make our lives subline; silent of great men all remind us, Miss Blanche Spence.
Song Save a little Money Mr music loving community. Mrs.
Here is good news for the true mettle and came home win up the tight, until success reAnd departiug, wards their efforts and tills up At 3:15 Commander Wat. Footprints on the sauds of time.
leave behind us ning the novice race.
David Johns Mulcare, the wife of the Rev.
the many boles that dog from son band struck up a musical Address, Social Economog Mulcare, rector of St. Peter The incident in the mile race, time to time. So please be in number at the close of which the committee for the kind consi Mr. Coulson brletly thanked Mr. Bynoe.
Chinch. La Boca, be arranged proved that the beys did learn for med dear public that Labour Mr. Duzint, chairman of the deration and interest manifested. because Address. Unity Mr. Mc Grand Musicale for Thursday the they domonstrated soine stra Day 7th. September will be the afternoon, in a brief address wel in this beball and that of me. Courty.
of August, date for our next Official Ath. comed the tegy, as explained by them on letic Meet. This will be a cham to them the purpose for the that they had performed; and Grabam.
audience, explainior will Address. Unity Mr. 1926, The Musicale be given Rush for the act of tomanity in the Church already named.
their urn to the effect, that several times they thought they plonship Meet and it is hoped to gathering, then called upon assu red ihe audience that they Song, Hurrah Mr. AldMiss Winifred Gordon, nur highhad an event wop, when they bound to attend. Definita plans sentation to Coulson and Rusb. invalqable treasures.
make it so attractive that you are Mr. Cambridge to make the pre would cherish the certiticates as ridge.
ly esteemed artist, who has were suddenly confronted with will be disclosed in the very near Me. Cambridge then called CoulAddress, The Negro Mr. giving very satisfactory account of herself, in Panama ann else.
stone wall, which spelled stop son and Rush to the platform Captain Calloway then rose and Eugene Hall.
or disaster wbore, will make her debut in The exhibition walk between and addressed them as follows: in a very stirring address eul Song Just a little Melody 15. Peter Church, La ca, that As mentioned in a preceeding Long Joonny, Kid Frederick and gised the meg for their gallantry Miss Henderson. As chairman of the British which he considered most comnight Several other well known Davis, paragraph, did not see enough Hubert very West Indian Welfare Committee, mendable.
of the events to reliably and just spectacular. The second named it gives me unusual pleasure to Address Progress Mr. Gri rtists will be contributing to the Program. Our friends may ex.
ly comment on them, but from pedestrian comiog in first, be present here this afternoon on Mr. Horton was next to speak; Song. Bill Johnson Mr. pect notblog short of a real treat.
results, can give a retrospec followed by Davis and Johnny, an occasion so unique in the any he was visibly filled with emotion Charles Clarke.
More about it later.
tive opinion and in doing so, cannals of West Indian life on the said among other things that Panama Address Unity and Progress not but admit that the Unadulterated Facts: Isthmus of Panama.
no one in the world could be Couey.
Activities of the Girls FriendBoys (I mean the Jamaica Team)
demonstrased much better class more greatful than he for the As you are aware, we are act of heroism displayed by Cul Mrs. German, Ricbard ly Society of St. Peter than the Local boys. Nimbley is The heights by great men for your gallant and heroie ser of his wife and children, and this many others paid tribute to th gathered today to do you honor son and Rush in saving the lives Aaldrig Bramwell, and indisputably the best cyclist we Tomorrow afternoon, have one ebe isthmus at presents are acele de bain dudalet waren met elkavice rendered in saving the lives act of gallantry shall ever re lovered Thorbo repond toe o clock the Girls Friepdir Society might be attributed tained by a sudden fight. The of Mrs. Horton and her children main green in his memory. Governor of the Republic for to bis continu sous riding and the Boca have detinitely decided to 1925. This act is all the more mendably of Coulsou and Rush Oepbeus Musical Club of La at Gatun on the 24th October, Mr. Parker also spoke com development.
participation in the colony of St. Peter Church, La Boca, will celebrate their TENTH andiseriousness with which be about it. In other words, be is stage the light comedy drama, commendable from tbe fact that declaring that the age of cbivalry was spens. Music enlivened the The popular girls extend, through Altogether veriary. The Rev. Canon interesting and enjoyable day it The Path Across the Hill at it was performda spontaneously is not past and that deeds of kale Melcher will be the preacher.
business like and does not take as a matter of course. thing the 24th of this month. The or praise; the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on and without thought of reward lantry are not coatined to any one entire proceedioge.
this medium. a very cordial invi.
worth doing is worth doing is but noble ble deeds sel race; a that acts like that of tation to the general public.
and the sooner the other budding Play of such magnitude as the dog troeversom duo recognized; Coulson and Rush tend to cement cyclists wake up to that realiza Shakespearean classics, nor one from the Royal Humane Society, brotherhood you today receiving mankind common Community Night tion, the cooner they can hope to to be compared with any of the London, England, through the aspire to championship honours.
Why pay double price stage successes of the New York British The band then played a closing for interior imported This month community In the flat events Wallace Metropolitan House; they boow Committee. Colon, the tangible plce, after which a most pleasant night will be held on Thursday made good his threat in not only better than that, and then the token of recognition for your and unusual function was brought Beer when you can the 29th as agreed by the District extending Jamaica Beckford, price would be ranging from five to a close.
buy a superior Beer officers of the Panama Cana!
but actuaily beat bim in the 220 to twenty dollars for a bitch (Continued on page 8)
West Indian Employees Associa: the very good time of 12 5 They are mindful of the fact that or may be a trifle more it you are such as BALBOA for seconds, Beckford tried his best great heights to be reacbed able to stand it, to listen to a tion at their meeting held at the British Consulate Notice half the price.
to win, but lost honourably. Io not attained by sudden flights simple and modest but intensely Clubhouse on Friday of last the 100 be run it in 10 secs, flat, But they guarantee, bowever, to interesting little story intelliweek. Eforts are being put forta anoter Event in very good time furnish the Atlantic side folk gently told in stageland by ten of to have an appreciative gatbering The British Consulat Clon on that occasion. committee 18 In the 440 he also annidiliate a bis with a clean eutertainment salt our boys and girls of bigh calibre would be. glad of Information as rivals, stepping it in 52 flat. able for the young as well as the from the Pacific end, then secure to the present Rent Receipt Books in Span arranging a good program, and Teacher Thomas known amongst old, and cut you, gentle reader, a ticket in time to be able to for Charles Noland, a native of Ja ish and English for sale at the agent and educatives lecturer train may like to invest a the Workmar Printery be looked forward to.
beavy from pose of your acerebed or which the judge seuled gate receipts. All those con Pastor Cab Cherrywa Daar berdige eclosed with the memorable mitte, Mr. McDonald. vening, 12th future.
was ith.
and at which fact their 80e8. if in to One


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