
THE ATTENTION that Friendly Societies and Secret Orders Poom MINUTE BOOKS IND LEDGERS logia Workman Station ry Store that long and from Kes THE BEER Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Jamaican Youth Fo un 20 shiro arthurrosistotoropriorror livi Gior toiiiiiiiiiiiii Statue Unveiled To Be Prepared Kitchener Memory for that Pain (Contioued from page 1)
This official, whether in auger London, June 10. Distinguishor dominated by the most YOU can stop excru: ed generals joined with privates hardened brutality, decided to ciating pain instantly cbastise the insubordination of OFin paying a tribute of respect if you will only apply to the memory of Lord Kitchener the boy with a torture when the memorial erected by SLOAN LINIMENT ivalled the darkest hours of the Parliament to the great of liquisition. With the help of in the House Guards Parade Sloan Liniment is some e of u e crew be threw the pain greatest enemy, was unveiled by the Prince of stuwaway into a so called lamp IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Wales yesterday.
and is backed by 40 years or paint room, after of success the world over.
baving cleaned it out in order to We are bere this morning, receive his viction: To said the Prince, to commemoIt is an invaluable remidea of the torture to wbicbt rate one who, as soldier and as ody for statesman alike, was pre emiRheemte Sciatica to state that the room is question Dently a wise and faitbral Sore Throat Bachache is only a steel walled attic imservant of the Crown.
Sprains Brate mediately above the boilers and With neither favour nor for Chest Pains Stilf Neck without any ventilation whats ever tube io help bim, he took his life It penetrates right to Half of tou Space is occupied by into his own capable bands, in the seat of trouble, shelves, bence Jones bad to re Suitable for Lodge Business his bands he was constantly to warms and soothes the main standing between the door carry it in the face of his coutu. nerves and tissues, banand be suelves or double u00 try enemies, and for bis cousishing pain.
the floor.
try he was always ready to lay it Try it now.
Both the floor and the walls AT THE down.
At all druggists and are kept at a temperature so Kitchener every day work dealers.
high that one cannot keep bis Ws in steady view of a trial of band on either for more an a rength which some time was minute, or the skin would ure to be forced on us. When SLOAN burnt, due to the fact that a conday of blood and LINIMEN?
tinuous beat is suppl edibu wa maga prapova gogoaranapang ang gagang dua Pag. gngagemango on a broke, placid, peace loving EngPAINS ENEMT room from the furnaces and land must be transtormed by the boilers. er shutung in master strokes into the mighty Jones, the officer licked the door and put the. bis pocket military power wbich, in decid.
ing the fate of battles. would and went away peaceful y to OSS 0:00 determine the destinies of the attend to the docking of the ship.
This occurred at 30 a. Oue man, and, so far as THE VICTIM AGONY.
know, one man only, stood forShortly after Gebler left Jones ward at once to pronounce that started to at the door with his past transformation to be vitally hand and to cry out that he was SUPPLIED BY necessary, and, to England burning and they soald open undying glory, be proved it to the door. His blows and cries be periectly possible. He roused become momentasily more insisthe people to the magnitude of tent, but no one dare to move to the task, be raised the great belp him so as not to contravede armies with which to accow In every form can be seen the express ord orders of the First plisb it.
Officer. Later, his clamours be Underlying his bigh courage here at its best See our came weaker. The cook, who ald vision, the qualities which Wrist Watches, stopped for a moment before raised bim to the position where the door, beard him begged be imperisbaoly stands, Wete hoarsely for water and for air.
is brewed from the best Bracelets At last, no further sound was bis Infinite industry and bis infinite patience Diamond Rings beard.
materials obtainable In the heat and hurry of the The cook and his belper, preseat day qualities such as and a hundred other adorn worried by the silence in the these are apt to be outsbone by ments and you ll recognize room, went to advise Gubler, 10It is specially suited for this climate Sbowier and torming blw of tbeir lear that more decorative talents, but unless misjudge why this is the LEADING the stowaway might be dead.
my fellow men, Lord Kitchener JEWELRY HOUSE in town Gehler at tirst refused to pay is superior to all imported beers sold will bave not only bistory for bis any attention to them, but at last abiding witness, but posterity ask prices and you ll find still he agreed to open the door st here and it sells to the public at tor bis faithful friend.
another reason. 10 a.
Scarcely bad the door been HALF the price.
The many thousand of people who witnessed the ceremony in.
speded, wben a most terrible cluded a few grey baired med spectacle met tbeir gaz: the body of Jones, which was leaning with Egyptian medals flashinx 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 639 against the door, teli, in the TRY in the sunlight, who talked ou OUR NEW BEER Jened eyes reddened tbe memorable march to KbarLoum and pulping out, his mouth filled with bloody froth, bis hands Pratically all the members of RM. WILKINSON bruised by by the blows, bis skir the Cabinet were present, and tried by the contact Contractor others who were noticed among all rela ea with borrible eloqu nce the throng included General Sir the agony in wbich he had lost George Milne (Chief of the im.
and Builder his hte. The heat and asphyxia Durial General Staft) Field Mar bad carried bim SUPERIOR TO ALL off slowly, and shal Viscount Allem by, Admiral Ibe indescribable sufi House No. 20 fiering which of the Fleet Earl Beaity, and the Eail at Cavan.
be ena ured, until ueath darkened bis sensibility and put an eod to 28th NOV. 5THEET, 0:0 5050 Standing almost and bis mayrtyrdom, can only be left erect as the statue itselt were SAN MIGUEL to the imagination the King Indian orderly officers Dr. Prieto, who was on board and representatives of the Egyp.
One of the Express Navlera tion Army and the Sudan. Box 411, Panims, steamers went board the Ichce Furce. Olanchu and examined the Plans and Specifications Free codaver, certuying that Jonas had died from asphyxia and internal burns suffered all over Why pay double price First class workmanship.
for inferior imported Satisfaction Guaranteed Horrified and apparently reOf every description Beer when you can penting of his criwe, Gebler buy a superior Beer FLOWERS urdered the body of his victim such as BALBOA for to be immediately taken upon DONE WITH NEATNESS AND deck, where respiratiou half the price. Abogado. Attorney at Law i, at Vimeo practiced in OZFICE: No. 41 sr the persons DESPATCH was used.
However, this was BOX 36 PANAMA CITY useless and but British Consulate Notice. TELEPHONE 1377 beigoten the sadness of the scene. The heart of the tunate Jamaicao bad ceased to AT THE The British Con ul at Colon Practicing before all the courts of beat for some time, and the would be glad of information as to April 1911 only resul. obtained from the the present whereabouts of Albert attempts at artificial respiratioa Davis, a native of British Guiana, was ibat whole pieces of the who is stated to be in the leather Dentist Howell Came of the body is said at the least effort.
o be Colon, The Custom House Inspector, HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Mr. Odio, came on tae scene and wished to approached the body, CANAL ZONE.
Wanted but he was not permitted to co (Opposite the Restaurant)
80. The captain on being advi ed, In the afternoon the body of port police to take him into cus die in the narrow steel box came to where the body was the poor Jamaican was interred. tody, but the latter were unable oich he closed him. But Office Hours: a. to p. m, gardener for the British Legalaying and showed signs of the The Atlantic Navigation Corporato do so as they could not go on neither can. be conceived tion, Panama, Apply to the Brtiish to pm greatest sorrow on learniog of tion, consignees of the ship, puid board the ship until she was ibat person of bis judge. Consulate General between the the tragedy that bad taken place the expense of the funeral. Igranted pa ipue by the Healto ment did not realise that to hours of and p Only those DAILY on bis ship. Th. polics of the THE CAPTA S STATE fauthority.
shut up a man in that metal cell, who have had experience in garden PHONE 1941 BALBOA MENTS.
GENERAL INDIGNATION unprovided with ventilation, and Immigration rence by tbe Yesterday ope of our The Specializes in all the branches subjected to the terrible heat of ng need apply. References reInspector, went on board the reporters inte ihoon Captain Gheler raised a general clamour to the surest and most horrible barbarous conduct of the boilers, was to condemn him uired, of Dentistry, were Hausen on board the Oloncho, ot reproof among the element of deaths.
taken by the Coiet, assistant by wbo at first refused to make any that frequents the watertronts, Policeman Astorga mother or father, wbo saw him Secretary. statements. But cornered by our on their learning of the occurLater the Judge of Inspection questions, be informed us that in rence. It is quite true that comes a small bloody stain romains te strungth and vigour, in search of On the deck of the Olancho leave bome one day, full of DR. HOFFMANN appeared, Dr. Domingo alongis judgement Chief Officer with bis Secretary, Mr. Miyares, had only done his duty, as it was behaviour was very trruating, last breath of life that escapa fortune, and ordered the im wediate imperative that discipline be but that did not justify under from the tortured breast of Jones Oar corresponcent says that it was transferred bis clinic to 37 arrest of Gehler. The latter is waintained on the ship, He advised any circumstances, the horrible on falling into the lap of death would be interesting to know Central Ave. upper floor of La now in the jail, and, wo unders us also that, on Jones becoming punishmet meted out to him. It imprinted, along with the story led by the Secretary of Immigra Entrance between Bola Mascota stain will remain indelibly just what report has been render Mascota in front of the Alcalde stand, will be indicted for home abordinate, he, the Captain cannot be supposed that it was o Preciado Book Store. cide.
bad requested the help of the Gebler intention to make Jones imagination of the bis terrible agony, in the ion to the Jamaican Government afflicted regarding the crime.
Fuller Jewelry Store passageway. His act with the beat KRONEN BRAÜ as still JOB. PRINTING which served to unfor WORKMAN PRINTERY boy skin port being advised of the occu 8s The


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