
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 17, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR Interesting West. Man is Held in Buckingham Palace Grounds STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 the policeman.
case:Foto sin for se land, and securing of all rights Econotida tiver trom high railings report VIGOR TONIC being himself have occurred 10 bed JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
quiry Cider Champagne dicei, Bro. Continued from page 2)
marks, that violently at one of SAYS THAT HE IS SAILOR the spectators. He was at length taken below, to the relief of tbe London, June 20. man was panic stricken spectators.
Corner 12 Street East Avenue Clarke is said to bave behaved srrested in the gardens of Backiolently from the time be was of Saturday morning as be wis ingham Palace in the early hours. AND arrested, and was being brought making his way toward the We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also before Mr. Van Buren for the private entrance to the King purpose of being remanded for watches. Our prices are the lowest and our examination by the doctor, bis apartments. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages One policeman who patrolled Workmanship is guaranteed.
sanity ieing in question.
the palace gardens saw the stranger approaching in the The Oil Industry.
darkness about o clock and WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED cried out a challen, e to stop.
Summary of Contents: Tbe wan made no reply and History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Under the caption Southern made no resistar ce when tackled Notes the WEELLY GUARDIAN by Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, An alarm was raised and extra Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, From this date on. There is new life in matters police were detailed to search Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, relating to the oil industry in the grounds, while the stranger AUCTION SALES the South; In fact there is some was taken to the private police Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual thing in the nature of the activity Station in the palace precincts.
Players will be held every day from a. to p. hat there was some years He gave the name of Arthur when the great oil boom bere Elmore and describd himself as Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and begao. Ec uo ging reports are a seaman, but could not offer Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall being received from Dew pros any coherent reason why be bad Interesting be pleased.
pectiog areas in the Siparia. entered the gardens. Indicativos Erin and Cedros districts, and showed he bad climbed into the Price 50cts.
there is a stir again fell grounds cootrol Work bas been port of the incident was steadily progressing in Pablo immediately made to the King The best Tonic in the World Secure yours now there wlll be a great rush Seco area and be results obtain at Windsor Castle, where the for them, ed are said to be very good court is in residence. The King Hopes are entertained that decides whether a formal in a few more months develop charge shall be made in euch Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend megt work will be in progress cases, but it is stated that no Panama at several points in the County charge had been formulated ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, of St. Patrick and thus there against Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up will be a quickening of trade it is vold ore up to tonight.
out that several because of the employment that cases seve of strangers a run down constitntion will be available to the surplus being found within the paecincts It promotes digestion, improves the appelabour that is now idle. of Buckingham Palace. Some years ago a man actually pene. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system trated into the bedroom EL GAITERO DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Rose of Panama Lodge of the palace. One of the times a day.
THE ONLY ELABORATED just retired to pare No. 463 when her door opened and a Btranger appeared, When asked INSTALLS OFFICERS Spanish Cider with its what he wanted, he replied that be bad made a mistake, but the page was not satisfied, jumped own Carbonic Acid On Wednesday night 7th, Inst. of bed and the man was deout Services of the Bethlehem the above named Lodge of the taiped. He told a story which in Additional Church Services.
British der of Ancient Free bad made a wager he would enter proved to be true, that he Church of God Holiness Gardeners: Fs. of the chey: Buckingham Palace at night, is installation of Oficere Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA st. for th9 July cumber teria The King gave inrtructions Presiding Oficer, Tbe Mar. that he could not charge him STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL tim Holligan opened the with any oftence, but the map (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
URETIC AND REFRESHING 10 a. Children Service; 11 after going through with the Sunday 30 a. Prayer Meeting. Lodge in its usual manner, and was severely reprimanded by the the Police authorities.
Babbath (Saturday) 945 amSab.
Trade Mark bath School: 11. 16 a. Geners! Worship Divine Service. Bro. Webley.
business of the evening, torted climbed into the palace gardens On recent occasion a man 30 Spanish Clase; p. Sunday Sehool, Superinten over the Installation Ceremonies to recover bis dent. p. 30 pm. Go to Bro, William Beckles, who sweetbeart 4. 30 Society, meeting pel Service, Elder Parkinson.
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ in wind had 30 Junior and Senior Standard S, of attainment Class p. Vespero.
conducted on Tuesday and Thursday iog M09 88 assistant Install blown over the wall.
The Grand Officers Sunday evening 30 Stere night, at 45 VILLAVICIOSA ihen formed the ceremonies Funeral of optican Lecture. The general public is SPAIN proceeded cordially invited to turn out in large 11 o. Divine Servipe Bro. A, Smal, the oath and obligation to pilot BEULAH 30 am Prayer Meeting Officers were presented to take with, when the numbers. 80p. Sunday School, Superinten this Lodge to the shores ESTEBAN DURAN dent. p. Goepel rervice. Bro. Small pro(Continued from nage 4)
gress the end of the year.
SOLE AGENT Seventh Day Adventist Church Thured y night, Bible readings and McPhun, Alexander, Doug.
The Officer installed were as las, McDonald, Budd, For the Republic of Panama Ord STREET BROADWAY, COLON Prayer. Bro. J, Webley. Artbur James. J. Waller, McLeod; GAMBOA MISSION 11. m, and Howard. Worthy Master; Fitz and Thomas of Court Minerva.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Bebool; 11. 15 General Worship p. m, Bupplied.
Prescott, puty Master; Carrington, Past Master, heltic end. Baad Day of Court Brock (Atlao4, 30 p, Young people meeting Bro. WEBLEY, 30 pm Veepers Acting Pastor in ch rge.
bert Roach, Junior Warden; Augustus Haynes, Senior War.
Mention must also be made of Bunday evening 30 Preaching den; James Bervice. You are cordially invited to Guard; Dratt, In the representatives of the Salvation Outside Army who out of love, respect attend these services and bring your Ebenezer Church of God rtinel, Julien and symathy for their ex com Holiness friends.
Alfred Herber Girnes. Chap. manding Officer wife, Mrs Mar.
Treasurer; and No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD John Ricbards, cretary, tin, sister of the deceased, as well as their own personal acquaintance Regular Assortment of The Church of God Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin There were many visitors from with the deceased. attended in a 11. Divine Service Preacher. ine Si: ter Emanuel, Wortby Mrs. Lewis, Sgt major Wiltshire the sister Lodges, and iorluded Adjutant and Panama, Arosemeda Street, House 25, Supplied Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Sunday School Superintendent. Lodge. From the Lily of the Secty, Garrick, Sgte, fill Tavlor, Mis rise of the Mystic Rose Home League Secty meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am. p. Programme and 30 Sunday School at p.
Isthmus were: Parris, Watson. Benjamin, Cozier, Jack SUCH AS 730 Gospel Service, Preacher Crittith and Waldron, also other man, Mrs, Roland, Mrs. Ifill, Mrs.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Supplied.
Tuerday at 16 pm. Young People From the Orange Pickering. Mrs Gooding. Song Tuesday 30 Gospel Service Flower Lodge were: Leader Leach, Envoy Simons and Tonics, Soaps, Meetin.
Vanishing Cream, Wednesday at 30 pm.
Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Note. Other Se vices for the week Prescott, Selman, and other others.
members Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Will be given from the pulpit.
It is hardly to be expected that Prayer Meeting Elder ODLE The Installation was perform note should be made of tne names Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Pataor in ebarge.
ei in a manner very creditable of all who attenbed, but as far as Red Tank, Capal Zoue Sunday Schos to the assemblage and praise we could remember the following should be given Broe. William Dwer p. to. Gospel meeting on Thursday etc. etc. etc.
The Salvation rmy Beckles, and Charles at 30 Fergusson for the able Mesdames Grace. Boyke, Taylor, Sis. GRAY Now Providenos. Gospel Meetings at PANAMA CITY CORPS.
manner in which their services DeDier, Bullen. Rouget, Renson. were 11. 30 am and 30 Bungay Snbool Services are follow: The Garden of Eden being now Redwood, Davis, Wilkinson, Aita at D. Wednesday at 30 Gor a. Early Prayer Meeting.
pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer 10 a. Children Directory Meeting invited their co workers into the Thomas, Bremner, DeCoteau. Butclosed the Officers and members Fields, Munroe, Druglas, Black. Ross 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Meuting.
and Brigade United Open Air Meeting Paradise Bating Houses where terfield, Campbell, Redhead, Drake Bro. McDONALD 11. Holine Meetior to be con. li delivered toasts were wel Bertrand, Nathan, Alexander, Mc Panama City.
Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetinge ducted by Commandant Martin, at 11. 80a. and 30 m; Runday p. Company meeting and morning, thus brioging the long Ford, the Misses Bovke, DeDier, comed antil the wee hours of the Donald, Arlein, Celestine, Hunt, School at pm. Wednesday 30 Brigadee Open air.
anticipated accomplishment of Simmons (3) Niles, Harris, StenGoepel Meeting. Priday at 30 p. Junior Open Air.
Gardeners fraternity to long Prs Meeting. 45 m. deparate Brigade open air to be remembered night.
mitz, King, DeCoteau, John on, Shand, Moses, Hunt Andrews, Bro, GEORGE GRIFFITH 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
Colon. and Streets. Gospel meet and Messrs. Ruiz, Fogarty. Bain Other notices for the week will be ings at 11. 80 am and 30 Bunday Marquis, Fereris, Ford, Bahool at p. Wednesday at 30 given from the pulpit, Why pay double price David, Wilson, Koight, Brown. Mc0 Lawrence, pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 for interior imported Prayer Meeting.
Notice to Correspondents. Why throw away your old, but no Beer when you can Wayte, Johnson, BlouBro. GEO. GRANDERSON Contributors and correspondente Bernard and Jean Joseph.
doubt interesting, books when you buy a superior Beer Salvation Army Hall. are asked to send in their contribu: tions not later than Thursdays to such as BALBOA for To the bereaved relatives and can have them neatly bound at insure publication. This is impera.
more especially to his sister Mrs, half the price.
Martin, wife of Commandant LA BOCA CORPS tive apd must be adhered. Martin of the Salvation Army THE WORKMAN 80. Knee Drill.
until recently in charge of the 11 Honness Meeting.
Army work in this city and now 93 CENTRAL AVENUE 6006 Blood Tablets safer than p. Sunday School. 80p. Open Air.
606 Money back removed to Belize, British Honguarantee.
Rent Receipt Books In Span duras, and to whom he was greatly 30. Salvati meeting. Price Particulars free. Welsh Ish and English for sale at the lattached, we tender our sincere Opposite Cecilia Theatre wo extend a cordial ir vitaton 10 all Medic po o. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. Workmar Printery condolence, were. to Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Hannah members The Workman Printery Meeting Book Binding!


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