p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JOLY 17, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Races! Races! Good Races highway that liv arbeiten the great Another Big Day of Sport also caused King Contra Crespo of And Last Sunday Kaces Important. Mayor of Colon Dr. Connell SURGEON DENTIST. fair sized gathering was and our Atlantic side writers Contributors in general (Continued from page 1)
not seen as in other atribute it at Juan Franco Park on Sun in particular, are asked to sirs, to the exeptional circumstances Begs to notify his patrons day afternuon last to witness draw breath when writing that surrounded thrir spirits and others that he has rethe eight races which com and Condense their contribuenrapped in the black notes of sad moved his Dental Parlours prised the card arranged by tions considerably, to ensure ness, and the painful wounds in to more convenient quarters their hearts by the thorns which at 165 Central Avenue, upthe Panama Jockey Club fer JUAN FRANCO TRACK publication.
pierced them and their pathway to stairs the 25 cent Store, the afternoon. It was indeed ibe heights of fame.
an uneventful afternoonTO MORROW We desire to put away evil everything went through as Atlantic Side imaginations and think soberly and To Morrow Races planned. Although no rain Sunday, July 18th 1926 righteously for the future of our Continued from page country we we would take the advise rell during the race early of the wise man, Tipffer as our nine race prograin makes morning showers left a heavy guide it reads thus. Go forward Make Friends track.
up the card for the meet at without vae lating; to our advera Juan Franco Park tomorrow There was plenty of money affection to our friends under the afternoon, the feature event Saris respect to the indiferent ard for the moon shooters as (BY COMMANDER WATSON. only a couple of favorites ample protection of a most healthy listed being of six furlongs, Seltishoess is one of tbe worst elimate and on the sacres of rur for a purse four hundred and lived up to expectations. diseases of which the human Races for Imported horses iwo seas the infinite and invaluable fitty dallars, in which Bloshe.
way of the world with the Dhole won the fifth event of family suffers and which po doesix and one half furlongs and tor is able to cure 1: destroys a savitation of our principal cities viki, Bolt, and Reina Mora are and for Native bred Ponies whole family circle whan it enivals those of any other billed to take part.
paid the biggest money 15. 20 ters there. Malice, envy and great nations which even ihe Next in importance will be. three WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE war has not disturbed nor will it another three horse race. the ning the seveuth, a distance brothers. Caio of old was atacked be hampered by other calumiii tourth event in which Burof seven furlongs, paid the with th disease when he sie With our fertile lands and the lesco will take up 126 ponnds big brother Abel. Cain had qu next best price, 10. 90, while ons fruit which it produces like milk and honey will go forward towardegainst Frou Frou 110 and in the third event, a distance chances of making good bat fall ed and because Abel had made progress and advancement for Rolando 102, over a distance of six fnrlnngs, Frou Frou good with his master he hated our country and finally for justice of five furlongs.
came in ahed of his field blm and killed hlm. The eleven and liberty Caribe, Repulse, Cococha, Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
and paid his backers 10. 20 brothers of of old Joseph ee Fellow citizens! Let us make Payaso, and Wormwood are on each original investment also attack wiih this First Race Starts p. Sharp good the position we have already booked to run the curtainof when they agreed to cast theis attaiaed to merit the consideration brother into the pit becaused bie The mile run, which was father loved him and because hr to which we be ve a right as a free raiser. a distance of four furand civilized people.
longs; and in the second the feature event, in which dreamt a dream. But the Lord ADMISSION WALTER HARVEY event a lively lot comprising Kataplan. Bolt and Pereque and out of their hands. It was delivered Jose »h from the pit. After a number by the band His five class native ponies, tried conclusions was won by selfisbness that caused the prestGrand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Worship in an admirable flow of Baby Peggy, Zapo, DardanelRataplan with Carrillo up. dents and Princes of the days of eloquent oratory, delivered hisia, Fenomeno and CandleMaracay, Renteria and Cara Darious to cast Daniel in the inaugural address. Among other bobo weré scratched. den at lions bnt the Lord also things, he se id, Panama, although wood, will compete over five delievered him out of the lion mouth. It was youth among the family of furlongs.
nations, is one of the foremost selfishness that Fenomeno is again entered David to put Uriab exponents of Liberty and Demo in the eight event with five West Indian Conference. to the front of the battle to kill crucy; continuing, uing, His Worship other flyers, which event bia 80 be could take his wife.
declared, Panama knows neither Too much cannot be said in class, creea, nor colour, Panama should furnish a little excite(Continued from page 1)
connection with welcomes and protects all indus. ment.
selfishness acd the proof THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER the penalty which gous to those which the Imperial trious law abiding people. The last race will bring out Conference performs for the Em this fell disease we wil follows. unless we get rid of In conclusion His Honour said, Poncho Roto, Capoul, Sister pire as a whole, always WITHOUT AN EQUAL it is sometime since have been Cecilia and Colonel Arango this Conferenca Barbados. Coand wanting. Let us therefore pe placed in the balances and hearing of New Providence, today over six furlongs.
British Guiana, Jamaica and Trinido kod at all times to ober dad would be represented by four brothers; let us cease to dig pils Don fail to try it at pleasingly surprised at uit that have seen and heard. shall delegates each, the Bahan as, Brit Pop our brotbers and fall into alwoys support aty measure tend CHURCH SERVICES ish Honduras and the Leeward Is ing to promote the prosperity of lands by three each, and Grenada, them ourselves.
the Colony. thank the Welfare Bt. Lucia and St. Vincent by one No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Committee and all who have con Seventh Sunday After Trinity each, the Representatives being ap.
tributed to the courteous reception pointed by the Government of each Sacred Concert myself and the members AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH of (Anglican Catholie)
Colony as as possible from my party Members of their respect ve LegisCheers for the President of the St. Paul Church, Panama latures of Governments and voting Grand Sacred Concert at Republic, Panama, and the Mayor Rev. Nightingale, Rector)
as individuals.
the Colon Wesleyan Methodist brought the cerem ny to a close. a. Holy Communion The Rector It is further understood that it is Charch by the Atlrntic OrchesAn appetizing chicken and Vege10. 15 a. Matin Me. Atwell, luuch was served, followed Catechist.
should be alternately in Lou artists will take each week for Readers of About the party left for 10. 30 a. Holy Gomm nion, The don and the West Indies at inter 31. ce on Sunday July 18th 1926 at p. Admission by ticketsthe vals of thirty month. In the West WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE neighbouring colony (New Recor 12 m, Haly Baptiem.
Indies the meetiugs would be held adults 50c. Children 25c.
Limoa) thereby closing another pm Church School.
in rotation in Barbados, Jamaica eventful duy in the history of New PROGRAMME 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon British Guiana and Trinidad, the July 15 to be unhappy unless trented with Providence.
The Rector.
first of the series begin held in Bai. March, The Right of Way The Sign of Cancer, the kindness and consideration, Among the visitors were Lieut.
The Atlantic Orchestra.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso Rodriguez, Dom Alfonso Crab.
The men born under this signCorres; and Dom Ephraim Tejada Coatrman Opening Remarks, CANAL ZONE.
will usually follow the commercial of Colon.
Buca matters as Agriculture, Avia. Rev. Cousins.
The Moon exercises a great in life although the lunar influence (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, tion, Ba aking, the Civil Service. Overture, Semiramide fluence upon you who are born may lead them to other pursuits, Commerce, Customs, nce )sini. Atlantic Orebestra.
Priest in Charge under the sign of Cancer. This in especially along artistic lines. The 11 a. Matins address Catrehist.
Anthem, Come Let us fluence is often so strong that you women are devoted home makers, SPARKLETS. The College, om at fleeing a perial Producer Sins. Wius. Colon Wesley) moods. Wuen the moon is wanios lectual ability. Some of the people cao it pm. Church Sehuol and Coi firme varying and have much dramatịc and intel.
Medical Affairs, Police, Public Choir Utility Service, the Tourist Trade, Vocal Solo, Save Me, you will be restless and excitable, bora under this sign are John in (Continued from page 1) 39 Evepsɔng address and Trade Representacion. God. Randegger) Mrs. Olga while at other times you will exhibit Adams, Henry David Thoreau, ially knowing that they are memo Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
The appointment of a Permanent St, Matthias Mission Secretary at a salary of 1, 00004 (Granados. Mr. Ortega. Violin Solo. Playera Zodiacal sign, on the other han, John Wanamaker and Rembrandt bers of the higher ups. can see with Brother Beckles At the bar year is contemplated, the total cost steadfastness gives and LAS SABANAS As warm sympathy and oneness of justice he has a good case wita persistency (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, of the Secretariat, priblings videdbe Pano Romance (Bach. messrs due to these two intluences, you Capricornmand Cancer, great. com. Trio (Violin, Celio, and to your character. Consequently, of purpose usually exist between either party; at law, he hasn any inke 2, 000 a year, to be provided as Prado. Lawrence and will find yourself misunderstood. jugal harmony is apt to result is the member of the Employees Priret in Costne.
case as far as bis complaint with to 500 by Jamsica, 400 by Bril.
friends is p. Church Scbool ish Guiaua, 400 bv Trinidad, 300 Lawson, 30 Everong and address by Barbados and 100 each by the Flowers. Coben. Mr. constancy which you at times exhi the latter part of December.
during the member could have helped bom Mr. Richards. Satechist.
Bahamas, British Honduras, the bit.
to save his five cart wbeels. As weon.
Leeward Islands and the Windward Your soul color is Nile green, to his uncollected winnings at the Vocal Solo, Abide With slands assumed that the specialised Me (Mendelsohn) Miss Ram cies and should guar against being and your lucky stone the corneriaa. foutdation and The la may yet gee You have strong psychic tenden your flower is lily contest, is complaint St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca American Episcopal (Anglican Comor ad hoc Conferences, which have pie.
influenced by the thoughts and deand receive Grand Selection. Aida munioa)
proved so successful will be consires of others. You are sensitive Adams Syndicate. Veidi) Adlantic Orchestra. Copyrighted 1925 by Hense. sc me action apology in sone form; it is a good tirued, and that the Secretary Holy Communion 6s, The Rector 10. Celio Solo! The Voice of and emotional, so that you are apt case but his conplaint will have to would be available to act as SecreMatius and address 11 a. Mr.
be addressed to the Isthmian Love (Schumauo) Mi. Law.
tary, or Joint Secretary, to them, rence.
ANGLO FRENCH AGREE Canal Zone Honor Weeks. naine that suads like that (but Amusement Association, or some Hunter, Lay Render.
the view being held that the Stand 11 Cornet Duet Drink o me Aniversary Service 3p.
ing and Specialised Conferences Oany With Taine Eyes (S. olth)
ON DEBT FUNDING Choral Evensong, sermon. 30p.
now defunct. care of Division num Preacher, Canon Melcher.
will, in fact, be mutually supple Messrs. Limbert and Joseph.
On order of Governor ber seventeen of the this mentary, and that in time it may 12 Violin Solo Isigane (Na cordial invitatiup to all.
city; Secretary Tomlinson may be be found desirable definitely to con: cnce) Mr. Prado According to late cable re Walker of the Canal Zone, able to locate the par ies for whom Confirmation Class Weda sday ind Fr day 30 pm.
stitute the latter as part of the 13 Vocal Solo Ave Macia ceived here during the week, all flags were flown at half the complakat is inte, ded Evening Prayer and address Wednesmachinery of. Guonod) Mrs. Olga King.
the former.
an agreement on the Anglo staff on Thursday last, the day 30 Finally, it is understood that the 14 Anthem Let thu Righteous French debt has been reached occasion of the burial in the MULCARE, Rector, Delegates suggest that the West Be Glad (Witty) Colon Wesley in London and later signed United States of ExSecretary NEW TREATY. Indies might be allowed to have Choir.
separate representation at the Im15. Sacred Selection, Love Chancellor Churchill for their Ex Secrerary of War died in by Minister Cailleux and of War John Weeks. The St. Barnabas Church, Empiro Continued from page with theit own voice on matters lantic Orchestra, perial Confereace and to speak to tell the Story (Hayes) Al respective governments. It is Lancaster, on the 12th will start back to the Isthmus with be Litany, Holy Come union and concerning their welfare and their Chairman Closing Remarks. unfficially believed that the instant, and was buried on the signed draft of the treaty whict, sermon 10. 45. Rev. Mucare, p. Church Scbool and Confirma relations with other parts of the Empire. WEST INDIA COMMIT Atlantic Orchestra.
16. March Osward for Ever payment to England will the 15th.
will be submitted to the National stretch over sixty two years: Assembly, for its consiueration tion iostruo. ion.
Choral Eventong and address p.
and ratification, starting with a first payment Mr. Johnson, Lay Reader.
The commissioners will be ac.
of twenty millions dollars T MULCARE Priest in Charge Notice To Members Dr. Wendehake compained by Señor Eugenic during the fiscal year ending Have you tried the Chevalier, Secretary of the Treaty At St. Bartholomew. Las Cascadas, Commission.
St. Jude Mission Summit, and st.
MEDICAL CLINIC March 1, 1926, after which new Beer Simon Gambos, Matias and address, The Istbrain League of Britisb 7, 025 Front Street Colon gradually until they reach an annual payments will increase Church School, Confirmation Class and West Indian will hold its seguOPPOSITE RR. STATION Rent Receipt Books in Span Evensong will be held at the usual time Kronen Brau lar meeting at Geddes Hall annual payment of 62 500.
ish and English for sale at the by the Lay Readete, tonight Saturday 17th. PHONE 11 000.
Worlar Printery T, MULCARE Priest in Chatgo accorded What Is Your Fortune?
recommended date the color ferences Coor and other the colour Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs sy flat and ices.
pl bados, as the oldest Coloid be Defence, Law, tion Class King.
a Islands even an


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