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PRICE Cts. Cy.
IN GUBA Nicaraguan Woman Denied Accommodation on Pullman matrodo daug the murder. 180 British Planes WEST INDIAN EXECUTION EMPLOYEES In Big Aerial Pageant To Contribute to Red Causes Great ExciteCross In The Month ment When Aguilera of August.
Was Garotted.
Imposing Demonstrations WitMistakened for Colored American nessed By Sovereigns of Britain Corresponding Secretary, There was tremendous excite. But Served By Passenger Agent And Spain.
Eilis, of the Panama Canal West ment at Santiago de Cuba on the Indian Employers Association Sth inst, says an. Exchange whan a On Indentification.
forwarded the following Memoran. murderer was executed in the jai cable despatch from London dated July 3, states that Distric:s of the Associatio.
duro, under date of June 18th, to there.
It for 20 The KANAS CITY CALL of July 2nd reports the followwhat was hailed as the greatest demonstration of air power advising them on the decision years in that end of Cuts and ing: ever seen at one aerodrome in the history of aviation took arrived at, at the Ponrd of Direc mounted police had to be used to Any kind of coloured person in the world can get better placein the London suburb of Hendon this afternoon in tors meeting held at the Associa: drive off the enormous crow that treatment in America that the American Negro who has die to Queen Victoria of Spain.
May 26 h, with regard to tho prison. The big Havana news this wondrous democracy.
observacce of August as a Red papers sent special reporters from Squadrons aggregating 180 airplanes of many types, Cross Month. This step by the the capital to feature the even, If you haven heard of any case before this listen to belonging to the Royal Air Force participated in intricate is considered most which caused tremendous excite. what happened to Señora de Mena, of Nicaragua, who was a evolutions waich thrilled the royal person iges and a crowd common ad goes to prove tiiat ment in many parts of the Repub visitor in Kansas City last week.
of 150, 000 assembled to see the unprecedented display. that organization is taking proper lie, the newspapers printing special Mrs. de Mena, a U, worker, who was the house remarkable feature was the showing of several new hold of, and solving many ques editions, types of war aircraft, which hithert) had been kept aecret. people coasiderably in promoting tions which are sure to help our guest of Mrs. Williams, 1323 Jackson street, went to the There were no speeial features Pullman window at the Union station and received the same These included the latest form of air bomber, known as the self respect.
Salvadore Aguilera, killed answer that many, many dark skinued travelers have receiv. Ava, and a coastal torp do plane, which carries 21 inch THE MEMORANDUM bis aunt in February and was ed: We have no berths. If you come back at six.
torpedo besides machine guns. It is a fighter of tremendous At the last meeting of the e excitement was that this mur.
sentenced to death. What caused o clock, perhaps.
speed and formidable power.
Board of Directors, held on Nay derer was to be made to pay the ment, You have not even looked, she said with an ae: But Mrs. de Mena was not accustoined to such treatThe spectators were thrilled again and again by the 29; 1925 it. for daring and precision wi which the aerial fighting engines agreed that, in view of the amount 20 years every other assas in. and cent. you look at my fice and decide you have none, ltwere handled by their pilots, who included some of the RED CROSS loeally afforda needy reprieved or pardoned, or granted the passenger agent. After he examined her passports and of assistance, the AMERICAN there have been scores, has en you were in my country. Then she went upstairs to most noted experts in Great Britain. Among the spectators were officers of many foreign powers who follow the evolu (Continued on page 8) arunesty by Congress.
credentials he himself went down to the Pullman window tions with absorbed attention.
and returned with a reservation for her. note of humour was supplied by two comedian LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING It does not pay to fight and die for a country eviairplanes, dubbed respectively Pterodactyl and Autogyro dently, for even with the fighting and dying one cannot These did weird mic gyrations, to the huge delight of (BY STUDENT OF LIFE)
enter certain schools, hold certain jobs. buy certain homes the onlookers. One of the latter described a pterodactyl as CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for even reserve a berth in a Pullman.
an overfed bat, The Autogyro has fourbladed horizontal It pays to speak broken English and come from another windmill planes which make it look like a strange tropical Undoubtedly, what am about hands down to their inferiors the country. a country as small, even, as Nicaraguapalm.
to say in this article will briig same treatinent meted out to them One of the most striking features of the afternoon was down a storm of protest upon my during their occupancy of a like THE GRAND DUCHESS BRITISH VICE CONSUL a royal salute, performed by fifty four airplanes in hon uffending head, never the less position. Gneler having th unfor AND THE WAITER AT PANAMA our of the visiting royalties. Another item on the pro am constrained to write my views tuoate youth at his mercy (and he, beiog evidently, tha most reAt The Cecilia Theatre Leaves For England on gramme, which elicited immense enthusiasm from the upon the subject, couple of weeks ago, was teach hin a lesson, fractory of the four) decided to crowd, was entitled group evolutions of fighters. In this Vacation Accompanied horrified upon reading in local should dare to murmer th Tonight and Tomorrow boy (Continued on page 8)
a zaiust Night.
by Wife.
newspapers of the fiendosh murder inom his Among the passengers sailing Movie Fans will be treated to an of a West Indian stow away, at treatment must have constituted; the hands of the German mate of to the mate imperialistic OPEN LETTER TO way of exe llent program at th: Cecilia today on the steamer Ar guani the steamer, Orlancho while in of the Elders and Fyffe line are the harbour of Santiagº de Cuba, avakive an unparionable ollense: The tre tonight and tomorrow Mr. and Mrs, Humber, who in his bozor a desire to night, when that up to date pliy SECTION PANAMA AMERICAN Wyile wondering what could beard tiny a remark eed travelow the West Indian in length house will ser en the stupendeous, go to Eagland on six months Vacaso brutish over and power of his might. do ot feature The Grande Duchess condtion. Mr. Humber is Britin Vice e realy intended to murder the Waiter in which that stilliant to the British Legation. He has Consul at Panama City, attached Prominent Druggist Defends Westies.
in connection the oy when te shul lim up on screen artist Adolph Morjou will e IE.
Šir: It was my intention for was the best way to act. As re. about it PU shut him up in the the total room wither he aver esti be the states vices for this Republic for a number some time now to address you with gards bullying and Dictatorship, is like manner. roast bim to death mated the vouth The picture is full of action and of crears and was recently awarded reference to the plicy of the in such maiter it may not bout not be hung, hanging too good anger at the inpudence cas bo rause will gip the ittentiou of screen to M, e; bv Hi Britannic Westi:s, but hesitated because ea led for muscle and brawn, not eyes, pull his teeth out one by on away, beemnet iti of a dirty stow lovers from start to finchi Be at Majesty for long and faithful Section of your paper towords of place to remind, that the canal for a fiend like that, gauge out his bave overlooked the fact that the Cecilia tonight and tomorrow service.
did care to add to the aiready Brain and tellect and the few ere he dies pluck the biolog the room was un ventilated, and night if you would spend two not The Workm wi hes Mr. and very any controversi:8 On we can find with the latter should heart from his body. too perhaps he kept him there pleasant evenings Mrs. Humber a fe verage aau spicuous their pleasuot absence take thing is band and avoid That Throw him into a turnace. longar than ho knew d give him pleasant. sejourn is the old country.
in the American Section. Bit that confusion which is the outstanding the benefit of the doubt you may know that the paper is feature of an untelligent multi:ude Such and many another exam pondered long upon the crime, of virdie. ive retaliation upon the best way of metiog ou not being taken to kindly no SPARKLETS days, to attenNext comes an article by De neard pronouced in judgement justice to the criminal, wonder tion to the things that burt wich Portage which your translated and upon the murderer and could not how the Cabảns would act in the (By K)
out now or ever doing any good.
publthed with approval. Because help thinkias priminal and a low read and seiroe two weeks later The Intelligent Listener.
it was hitting at Westies, it suited line When your paper opened its in The Panama AMERICAN you so nicely. You could re abiding citizen is writes, and then eaps the climax Very that in the Section, for one did not minded De Portage look forward to see a champion people too wriggle before a drum, of that his after all Meu and women bud new, frient a fool eap. Now, we bitting right and left on behalf of using a bottle and nail, in place of almo08610g such sentin, rouba, the med. eval lago de Regard not, then, it wit be old or by placing on the head of iny same class with the since the island used (for the second time Bax blame he fase, and valu) still the should discourage the litida féllows ut who like to rush into priat with the Westies. Indeed there is no need the Fife. You could have told him an one but did pect that Lord Londsdale would neverlanman, and every wbit as brutal, in the executioua republic)
murderous at heart, taking who killed his aunt in order to an of a It is more justifib e in defend sole aim of telling the world love that one would be able to us but he did take part in the Sportswhat (seeing these self rightejuslimah such a thing in the two uphold the inei, les of the im tim mixing up everybody in the have a visit a cock fight a bull fight the inco rigible friend thin ts little they know, and at the same the will for the deed one wonders obt her savings. Can pleasant read at seeing everything of Kings at Juan Franco, the citia. ns were moved to twenti: modest and immoral bram deal. Elie le loss who are not night intelligant enough Dice said about other ople whilst greatest cf all Sports in Panama lengths in a case that affected a century? That brings me back dances It is not cogi Tera credit to intelligent efforts, but are to give du and ridicule. As it is now you are Westies. You could have told him would be in one that touched them my frankly do believe to it affects adversely a common my way thinking pangaly toe that are concerned. You have beaten parks and play athletic games here certy ponilty fron of individuals, is affected, it very many scientific nusicians e others before you by a long and lots of other things to prove her man. he did not retain me as criminal is unconsistent; how can is in o der to seek the services of among us if this is true, we have his counsel) and too his crime is it forbid me to kill my brother; such mea as Bill DeSouz1 our bu: few wno are able to appreciate sighit that he or.
takes up the poper at moroings, sense of gratitude, ho Westies up was unprovoked, but, there must if it is wrong for m: to marder in been admitted to practice befow My friend is accused of alway be kearns to the waT Sectiorf anx to ridicule but it suited you not have been some motive for eler a moment of anzer. or passion it the Canal bwe Bur?
iously to tee, What Next No to.
action; and to find this one must is surely worse for the law to do so dabbling in music, a su vject of people can like a paper that de.
Next, and for no other reason go back to the time whea Kaiser in cold blood.
lights in airing their faults in ivi The belief that it is only a which he knows litile or nothing; this charge agaiast him is emphatidusliy and collectively as you do. but to show up a people and that to William had his releutless heel Impossible as it may seem preacher who is competent to criti.
incorrect and intrinsically Iudeed you do nothing else.
the Westies barber shops. your the most imperialistic country on people. He mpchiale de country placed singer a ringer singing, carries a The first thing noticed strange, paper a scav nger.
muckrake, emperor clip go to the was your persistent attack on the general reformer or a fire brand? earth, where will imposed murder occurs less fre the little essentials which one respect the principles in such little quently than in those that resort the like Silver Association and its President There is a Health Department here was law and lives of his leaves, med must necessarily possess to be able phrases as be the attitude of that association to these men are not subsidised by merre de ce type deay to do every there holds sway in defiance of the pen niet mee my acorrigiblu friend, rarely found. am sati lied that Whyte. a served It seems as if passion unbridled to form a unit of an intelligent and where they moçt abund audience to be an intelligent much fruit of sense beneath is be. man is compelled and your biten and are nuw twice shy, its business how they to their places learned that the slightest insubor. alty. Thou shall not. has been the wood worker, Wilh a knowledge a musician is t essentially a (Continued on Page. 4)
of music as his next best attr, bute, peteat player of musical instruDO uso hurrying Give them a sufficient it is in keeping with the we least infringement of chance and wben they see what we law and the requirements of the rule or dicipline was dealt publishes bis opinions on a musical mənts or a cultured artistic singer, are doing, they will come and we Heal Department, After that with summarily and out of all entertainment recently held re. Any refutation to this strtement ALL ROADS WILL LEAD to some sembler. cores along and will serve to evligaten me on some proportion with the misdemeanour, shall all pull together. We all know who does not like it; should go every German is autocratio at THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF attempts to kill us that my friend other subjeets And am sa titfied the fects and the people and to (Continued on page 8)
those who understand both, that heart, and when raised in raok JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW. knows notbing about weathe (Continued on page 8)
prompted with the ele my same place and.
He sho. Il of the luckiesangebunnit risistence ple who have city of are true POP for such murderer or the disgust on seekornings action de group of Is to Words are capital A3 com


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