
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands The Church and Divorce Law.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD thes Divorce and the general Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Commenting on the Divorce Law wbieb is at present occupy ing tbe miods of thinking people n the Colony, the WEEKLY GUARDIAN says: Nothing will help Divorce Laws to be introduced into the Colony earlier than ferce opposi.
tion to them by the churches. think it would bave been a better policy for the churches to rest content with Chege ned adopted in opposing the which motion which Watc was recently Ceuneil. Their activity now, will brought before the Legislative lesd to counter ction by the advocates of public will always resent ansthing which bears the least ie sem oblance to back to the days when not to agree with getbe by was a crime. The Anglicore their petition has gone many discover, be rounds that its circulation has aroused many indiferent persons into demanding Divorce Laws, and brought many waverers to definite stand in favor of Divorce.
Or course, from the ordinary man point of view the insurmountable barrier up against the Churches is that they are asking The Secretary of State not to al low people in Trinidad to bave enacted, laws which are in force in Eegland.
drifting Cho will Churchews put For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Student Returns MR. ORMISTON LAURENCE, Sc.
Successful Mechanical Engineer ATTENTION!
small por stude ts ws JAMAICA Making Model Map of Jamaica, Havoc Done by Winds In Trelawny.
The GLEANER understand tiat Mr. MeNail, chief draugb sman at the Jamaica Government Sawyers, July Information Railway, is preparing a model as to the result of the gale on map of Jaxalca done in plaster Monday bas reiched this town showing the bills and valleys, from the surrounding districts. streams and main roads, and the And snch were the condition routes over which the Railway stated that your correspondent passes.
made tour, as far as access could allow, to see things for ire and ereditable piece of work It is certainly a most interast.
which, when finished, will give At Cottage, a distiist of Saw. the traveller at a glance a vivid xers, from the result of the idea of the country though which olow one has to come to the be proposes to pass and the conclusion that the wiod here, name of the bills, ete. of outhad developed into a storm of no standing importance. When com mean power.
pleted this interesting piece of The direction of the wind was work will be put on display in from East aod Southeast and was one of the principal waiting apparently of whi:licg nature.
It also blew su low as to stros creepers and vegetables.
Not only was it distructive to TRINIDAD vegetation, but trees, deep rooted dwelling houses, bere and there Emigration to America were also damaged Roads have been made in passabe.
The plantations especially ba. OPENING OF NEJ QUOTA YEAR Dapas, on Aseley Hall Pen, suffered exceedingly Io some Trinidad Grenada Waiting List instances whole fields are en of 940 tirely devastated. At Leichfiels, Colehis, and neighbouring pens. more or 88 sigilar fate is Sav the WBEKLY GUARDIAN of hord sbared the 3rd inst:Though the loss crused by the Nine hundred and forty natives damage of bananas and such o! Prioidat, Tobago and Grenada portable commcdites bas given are on tbwaiting list at the the destruction of cord. bead trance into the Uaited States in rise to financial consid ration, United States Consulate for enfruit and groun provisions gives the new quota year which opened anticipation to a drop in the out on Thursday.
put of local foodstuff. There has The position in Trinidad and been no loss of life reported. other West Indian Islands with The weather is tine now. regard to emigration to America is similar to that in other Talented Jamaican in tries included in the list to which United States.
apply The numbers of appl. cants for visas are enormonsly in excess of the quits allowances for the year and only a At its graduation exercises centage of those registered can beld June to 11 last, Howard bope to gain admission into the University, Washington, United States this year, awarded grens to 309 Tris bag en the case over the distributed throughout the two yearsh: and coming from various schools of the institution, bave been in a provision operation.
in America and 18 foreiga covo. permitted to issue one hundred every State The Local S. Consulate is tries. Among 55 students graduated the medicindenta Immigrant visas a year to applied cants in Trinidad and Tobago and Acante la derson, Sc. a native of St. Ann surgery, was Mr. Felix AC Grenada, under two classes, Jamaica. It is pleasing to pote the preference and mon preference former that in a class of 60, Dr. Ander skilled labour and the wives of baving reference son maintataed the place in American cltiz bs, etc. and the order of merit lo the honours (16 Ink work. The Consulate is division for the en:ire including the immigrant years in of Medico, ing beaten only by B. Fux nine years on the face of the therefore, bcored up for over Torlonge, a native of Montserra; large waiting list, but in view of of study the exeduto. and during the years, De also that many of those Anderson distinctions in whose honours mark in each of to remain at home, it is eartaio Dames are registered may decide the recaining that there will be a fair reduction As a special pr za ot exc llence permitting people willing to tra in Psychiatry, Dr, Anderson was vel to do so earlier than they ex.
awarded a special three month pected.
post graduate curse in ervous ånd mental diseases at St. Ez beth spital. tha largest in Divorce.
the district of Colombia, having an average of 200 beds in daily On the completion APPEAL TO THE ANGLICAN of this special course in September the COMMUNITY new Doctor takes up an appointment as Interne of tbe staft of Proposed Memorial To Freedmen Hospital Washing Secretary of Stato, ton, an appointment received as the result of open competitive The Clergy of the Anglican examination, bas also been Communion are commencing a selected for the of.
sistant professor of Psychiatrycampaige against the recent atto iatroduce College of Medicine for the in the Colony. Although the moyear 1926 to 1927.
tlon Dr. Anderson brought forward by the is a member of Hon. Reilly in the the es exclusive Alpha Phi Alpha Legislative Consul was defeated Faternity, hga also wears the gold by a compulsory of continue the of the Kappa Pi Honorary it lit to Medical Society which stands for campaign in view of the Exemplary Scholarship. of the motion being re introDr. Anderson will be remera. duced. Resolutions has been bered as a beadmaster of the passed in the Rural Deaneries of Mandeville Government School Port of Spain, San Fernando who in 1917 enlisted as a private and Tobago. The Birhop, after a in the Jamaica War Con consultation with bis Advisory tingent. He on Active Board Service in the capacity of a conna Be ra hos directed the Clergy op various to circulate mal pany Sergeant Major in France a memposed to forward to His and Italy and was mentioned in it is for signatures which despatches by Lleut, Cols. Ship Excellency the Governor for ley and Ogilvie, transmission to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. The memorial in effect asks that no Have you tried the change be made in the law relating to marriages. An appeal is new Beer being made to members of the Church to be loyal In signing the Kronen Brau memorial, and in some parishes lation.
House Rent Receipt Books two wbo Mr. Ormiston Laurence, B, Sc. Joungest son of Dr. Laur.
ence, Port Health Officer, retura.
ed from England on Tuesday in the Architect Mr. Laurence who was educat ed at Queen Royal College, left bere seven years ago and proceeded to Glasgow wbere be studied mechanical engineering at the iversity of Glasgow.
There, two year ago, be obtained bis Sc. diplomi and for sears he was engaged in practi.
cal work at Railway Engineering sbops in Glasgow, in which of bis profession he spe.
the recent strike, Mr.
Laurence was one of the young engineers who volunteered to replace strikars in order to help the Government to face the seri.
ous position with which tbey were confronted. He was detailed to work in Glasgow Subway Railway Power Station and dur.
ing his period of volunteer work, bad some lively experieaces.
Mr. Laurence has returned to tis native land with prospects of obtaining employment and settling down.
branch to SPANISH ENGLISH the College covered earned 32 and Order Books BARBADOS Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies High Food Prices.
CRITICISM OF EX OFFICIALS DRAWING PENSIONS AND FILLING OTHER APPOINTMENTS, CAN BE HAD AT key of the possibili soldier The Workman Stationery Store Barbados, June 26. Daring a recent visit to the Parish of St.
Andrew, Barbados, the Governor of the Colony, in the course of an lo formal discussion of general, Eocial and economic conditions with the Parochial Vestry, was informed by one of the members. Mr. Williams. Chairman of the Highways and Sanitary Board) that there were considerahle distress among the labouring classes, the result of the high prices of foodstuf which people believed to be due to excessive profits the merchants were said to be making. There exists in large combine of mercbants, the objet of which was swald to be the prevention of over Importation. Mr. Williams asked the Governor to look into the matter with a view to finding out whether the profits of importers jot too large.
The same speaker called the Governor attention to cases of sereral retired officials securing remunerative employment while (Continued on page 7)
were ADVERTISE home morial is actually in clre In The WORKMAN it Pays


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