
Young Irish Explorer Visits Lost World Wir branca del Prince of Wales Has Dance With a Nursemaid.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for odge Business months Acsording and signature of Dbarlllloon Workman Stationery Store PAIN ENEMY THE BEER room with wasn Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
It is specially suited for this climate eaten.
Fuller Jewelry Store OFHEIR TO BRITISH THRONE TIK ES Dr McGOVERN PIONEER OUT NICE LOOKING GIRL WHO ADVENTURES IN UNKNOWI APPEARED NEGLECTED AMAZON COUNTRY. Well Doer It sems scarcely possible that of Wales eelebrated his thi ty the tall, frail lookiog man, with second birthday la week stil bis slender tands, short, silken seemingly free of all matrimonia does more to drive away has been paine and aches than any beard and quiet utterance, wbo arrived in London recantly was bitmeats.
other known remedy that is Dear Dul, where be why thousands of people the Dr. William Mong myry Mchas done conside able. lor, world over call it pain Govern, the famous explorer inci di tartally sbocki 41 British enemy Yet during the past 12 conventio is by removing his Rheumatism, sciatica, stift peck, sore and tired muscle, this same man, tog ther with jicket sweater and roll n2 up his his companions had lived ca lumbago, neuralgia, neuritie, while playing nne har sleeves aprains and bruines are in die doy.
41 mcakeys and red an toi the British atantly relieved by mary a hostile tribe, baten oft idea. short sleeve role isn SLOAN LINIMENT two attacks, and faced danger respectabls, certainly not If the None legitimate without portal and wild animals and insects.
sleeves are rolled up. AT THE Dr. McGovern is the young The Priece, however, Is eni y: Ulsterman who, after he left ing himselt with characteristic Ox! ord, penetrated in the guise of disregard for conventios. Fr At all drurite and dealer Dative servant, to Lhas the instance be caused a sensatio the Forbidden City of Tibet. He other night SLOAN While attend even poured lowon jalce into his ing a ball be saw a nice looking LINIMENT eyes to give his eye calls the cor aradadadanogo do ano ang pagbabago angono un gran amanao anao mnad Tiger and an add as ano. Dan girl quietly garbed ja b3 rect darkness of colour and be sitting in the corner of the ante.
talked to the Dalai Lana him self.
room seemingly neplecied The prince exarcised royal:y pie.
He was not satisfied with this rogative of addressiog 205 adventure however, so no sooner Sko SSSSSSSSSSSSSS 959 without an introduction and was be back thao be started out asked the lonely girl to dance on his travels once again.
The girl accepted abyly. Tre next comert the bostess This time he chose the Amez country. He explored the rivers beart miss ed several beats as the Negro, Apoporis and Yapura, saw the heir to the British and incidentally discovered six.
SUPPLIED BY hrone whirling around the ballwith the family bitherto unknown Indian tribes.
nursery Roverness! Sbe t supposed For 12 months Dr. McGyvern, in be deceidg at all, but merely with one fellow countryman, a handful of Brex lian, and 20 or The governess danced char plog.
30 Indiane, has been pursuing ly, and when the Prince led her In every form can be seen tbls romantic and daring expetoward her seat other guests here at its best See our dition through the upper reaches of the Amazin the Lost World suoa filled ber leav lg the hostess ball amused, ball Wrist Watches of Sir Conan Doyle tale.
Dr. McGovern bas succeeded Bracelets where other and stronger men is brewed from the best have falled.
Get Married or Get Diamond Rings No wbite man before Dr. Mc materials obtainable Out!
and a hundred other adornGayern bas ever set foot on the territory whicb includes the ments and you ll recognize junction of the boundaries of Brezl, Colombia and Pera, and edications are that the more why this is the LEADING retorn alive, power women gain, by the vote JEWELRY HOUSE in town is superior to all imported beers sold and other direet and indirect Two explorers tried recently influences on legislation, the ask prices and you ll find stik One died of fever. The other was here and it sells to the public at 80 rier will become the lot of another reasonthe single min.
his arrival in London the HALF the price.
In France, they are planning to Your Poctor, speaking to his limit the locome of bich löra.
wonderfully softened voice, exThe direct cause of this proposed 122 Cetnral Ave.
plained that the expedition bad tax on single bļiss is the declinPhone 629 TRY OUR NEW BEER been divided into two parts.
birth rate which is worrying dins Altogether passed complete did ly from the Atlantic to the Paci World War. In England bache. M. WILKINSON ric. In the second ra the ex lors are for plorers excavated remarkable giug tbo site the best and most comfortruins of tbe Incas civilization in able ble Contractor apartments and living the tablelands of the Andes, new war cry bas where they found material for and Builder been started: Get married, or prolonged scientific investiga SUPERIOR TO ALL get out which bas beenled. com tion.
wp enthusiastically by by mother They found also a large num: with a large number of marriage House No. 20 ber of zjological specimens of Discoc 05XXSCOXX able daughters 28th STREET, great interest Including a pumare seltish men and SAN MIGUEL ber of new species, especially of 70038 which could accommodate birds.
of five or six peonla The doctor was bimselt sur ays be enemy of bachelors. Box 411, Panama, R, prised, considering his frail This is almost criminal in theRA build, that he came through days of housing shortage, and though bo had one bad attack of the motte should be One Man Plans and Specifications Free the great enemy lever. One Room, WOMEN BARRED.
Since the war, mulcting money Regarding bis success in makfrom the unmarried men has First class Workmanship become one of the favourite In Satisfaction Guaranteed ing friends with the Ratives; Dr.
door sports of European coun.
McGoveru seriously atributed Of every description Tbe it to the colour of his pyjamas.
tries hard up for money, which he wore for coolness.
Irisb Free State recently passed law redueing the salaries of FLOWERS To such an extent did the lots in the government doctor succeed in winning the and imposing a confidenee of a certain tribe that tax on wealthy single med, but a heavy Abogado. Attorney at Law he was actually allowed to witness offering bandsome bonus to OFFICE No. 44 STJ the devil worship of the Amazon government employees when natives, the strange Jumparl, or they get married, and also an BOX 36)PANAMA CITY barvest rites.
The TELEPHONE No. 1377 So secret are the mysteries of these eeremonies, in wbleh the AT THE tax for unmarried persons bav. Practicing before all the courts of young men hava initiation; they log taxeble incomes makes them the Republie since April 1914 are whipped until they bleed pay on 00J income more than think was the first person to the married persons; and ozcaba initiated without whipping sald De, McGovern.
sionally a delegation of women marehes on the Capital and Dentist Howell Although it took the doctor that poor bachelor months to win the confidence of be taxed. SXCHANGE. this tribe, at the end of that HOUSE 912, LA BOCA time the chief presented him with a complete set of the instru.
British Consulate Notice.
ments on condition that he a child spankad, sald the doc birth as evil things.
MESSAGE SENT BY RED (Opposite the Restaurant)
would not allow any woman totor.
Dr. McGovern found the diet P, TO. AR. COOLIDGE would be glad of information as to The British Con ul at Colo Office Hours: a. to p. see them.
It is a virtue however for a man of monkey and nuts very good The Amazın said the doctor, to steal from other tribes. Al esting: The ants tasted, like the present whereabouts of Albert to 6pm is an amazing river. At Manaos, though there are as many as 000 crisp bacon, while the flavour of DAILY Direct West Indis Cable Davis, a native of British Guiana, the tidal rise and fall is 49 feet. known and legal for a man to that of pork and chicken.
a thousand miles up the stream women is one tribe, it is un monkeys something between Coʻs. despatch from London, who is stated to be is the leather PHONE 1941 BALBOA dated July states that Sakla business and whose address is said Once a year floods over marty He on piece of country the mizo or repairs to a nelghbouring tribe story of the herofo death not one barred from the United States The doctor told a touching Vala, who recently was o be Colon, Specializes in all the branches had chooses the glel of his of the Brazilians who bad acted by the State Department has of Dentistry.
Speaking of the people them heart.
13 guide to exp addressed the following message selves, Dr. McGovern is con DIET OF MONKEYS.
Why pay double price cataract in six canoes, when the vinced that these wild tribes DR. HOFFMANN The men, for the most part, sixth, containing the galde and national freedom and social progratulations on 150 maintain virtually the highest for Interior imported morality to be found anywhere have finer figures than the wo: the records of the expedition, Beor when you can gress. Your nation must Ice has transferred his clinic to 37 in the world.
thankful that no Kelloggs with Save the papers and will emigration acts were then in Crime within the tribe is up clothiar. The men wear only albok after myself, cried the existence to bea George Washbuy a superior Boor Central Ave. upper floor of La Mascota in front of the Alcalde known. There is no such thing lolacloth, such as BALBOA for Entrance between La Mascota as corporal, let alone capital, Deformed persons are Brazilian. The papers were ington and other revolutionary un rescued, but the brave man was spirit from entering the couse half the price. and Preciado Book Store. punishment. never saw even known, and twins are killed at drowned.
KRONEN BRAU quarters, Most bacbelors occupy a family JOB PRINTING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH United increased the New York State WORKMAN PRINTERY Europe.
for patie were descending and revealdene Coolidge me recome years of

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