
GRENADA Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR The Education Board. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 congiak moved VIGOR TONIC islaud.
o JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Cider Champagne was dent Continued from page 2)
in the receipt of Government. pensions, and irquired whether PLEA POR INCLUSION OF ELEit could coberroper to su perd the payment of pension is such MENTARY TEACHERS, NOT cases. He instanced the case of ENTERTAINED Corner 12 Street East Avenue of Mr. R. Bovell, late Director of Agriculture, who in addition Grenada Legislature, the re sonAt recent meeti of the AND We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also to an annual pension of 600 was stitucion of the Bard of Elacaalso voted a gratuity of 1, 000 by Lion came up for consideration watches. Our prices are the lowest and our The House of Assembly. Mr. Mr. Lacas referred to the fast Workmanship is guaranteed.
Bovell is now filling a post ata that for the past two years two Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages sugar factory in Jamaica at a sal bead teachers appoined by the ary of 1, 000 a vear.
Governor bad sat on the Board and bad rendered admittedly inWE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Valuable service. Io be o luton Summary of Contents: JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. The Church in Barba the Government was to be highly History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years atulated on doing away with dos Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, the ball and ball provisions of the Bjard it was specitically stated From this date on, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, tbat the Director of Eiucation ANGLICAN MINISTER IN WES. and Inspec or of Schools should Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, AUCTION SALES LEYAN PULPIT b: Lernbers of of the Board and be Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual that in addition that will be he every day from a. to p head teacher should be Players be appointThe Agricultural Reporter of ed. He knew there was as sm. 11 Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and recent date says:minority who regard. it as an Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall We u derstand, on good innovation out it chut not be reInteresting be pleased.
authority, that consquent on the garded as such nowadays.
son for Triaid 4d, to take up atlon Copland seconded the modeparture of the Rv. HurriPrice 50cts.
Palpit tent is that island, the la reply to His Ex. Il ocs at the Wealevan Church Baker Director of Eduction at James Street at morning ser said that be krew of. no o. her The best Tonic in the World Secure yours now there will be a great rush size on Sunday next, will b3 Board of Educ. tion that included taken by the Rev. Nchel. eachers. At the same time be for them. Inspector of Schools in this admitted that those wh, bad already served, had done good Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendWe fel sure that all lovers of work.
Panama the Protestant Church will vote. His Excelleccy said that they ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, with deep pleasure and satisfac had already gone beyoid what was Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up tion, this brotherly act of the practically settled some years a run down constitution chols, and that there will ago by appointing the Director be a large attendance of worship of Educatioa and the Inspector It promotes digestion, improves the appe pers on this occasion to mark of Schools as ex cutive members tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system their appreciation of what many of the Board. Taey certains persons devoutly hope is only the could not add another member DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or precursor of EL GAITERO a regular inter He thought the appointment of times a day.
change of pulpit between Wes any teachers would have to be leyan Clergy THE ONLY ELABORATED yman and the few re. left to him.
maining ministers of the good old Mr. Lucas accordingly withOrthodox Church.
drew the amendmeat.
Now that dissensions from (Contio ued on page 8)
Spanish Cider with its withio are fast disrupting the State Church of our forefathers, the Salute.
own Carbonic Acid Services of the Bethlehem and men wearing the livery of Colɔnel Mudge congratal. Additional Church Services.
heaven no longer scruple Church of God Holiness to re the men on the cleanliness of ceive the taxpayers money for their uniform and equipment and spreading false doctrines, it is the mazer in wbitbibeir pouchas Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROBESENA well lead set by Canada and other said that belteberfound and the ibe that Barbados should follow and putties had been put on. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL places in the matter of streorvery good on the wh ls and the (near Isthmian Park. TANAMA.
Sunday 30 a. Prayer Meeting. theoing the bounds which should orders were well shouted ous.
10. Children Sertio; 11 exist between all bracches of the Mistakes would oecur, but Babbath (Saturday) 45 am, BabURETIC AND REFRESHING tre bath School: 11. 15. General Worship Divine Service. Bro. R Sasll.
Protestant Church, and. by bro was pleased to observe that their Trad: Mark 80 pm. Spaniel Class; p. o. Sundny School, Superinten. therly acts of the kind, remind non commissioned officers were 30 Society, meeting pel Service, Elder Bruster pm. 30 pm. Gos the outside world that. on the look out for them and We are not divided, were ready to correct them. It VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ 30 Junior and Senior Standard The usual weekly services will be was no use trying to hide misof attainment Class pm. Vespers.
conducted on Tuesday and Thursday One in hops and doctrine takes from an outer who had S, Bunday ever iog 30 to. Stereoight, at 15 One in Charity bad thirty five years experience, VILLAVICIOSA optican Lecture. The gineral public is BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting cordially invited to turn out in large Should ever the day come (bis are in fact it was only when mistakes SPAIN numbers.
11. Divine Service. Bro. 18 only our dream) when there were made that there. san Webley.
can be found an Anglican Minis. Their s should continue opportunity to correct them. 80 0p. Sunday School, Superintent ter in Barbados courageous to look out for mis akes and co.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Webley.
dent. p. Gorpel eet vice B:0. s. enough to brave the worth of bis ieet them. The March Past was Bishop SOLE AGENT Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible readirgy and his pulpit, we promise the visitor heran Clerrymen to take charge of well done and the time keeping For the Republic of Panama Sabbath (Saturday) 46 a. Sabbath Prager, SEO maintained tbe they Bchool; 11. 15 a. General Worship such a welcome from the laity as that They should always GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and will surpr se even an Anglo correct time and not hurry in 30 p, Young people meeting p. w, Bupplied.
Catholic any circa nstances. Colonel 30 Veepers wbed be Bro. WEBLEY, udge added that.
arrived here he did net expect to Bunday evening 30 pm. Proaching Bervice, You are cordially invited to Acting Pastor ja. ch. the. BRITISH GUIANA Gesuch cospod, performance see a attend these services and bring your a company was kept friends, Ebenezer Church of God a way from buadquarters, it sowie Holiness mes get into the habit of not Inspection of Demerara getting on well. He was glad to Regular Assortment of No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD The Church of God Local Forces, Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin with No. Conpany. In y had Panamı, Arosemena Street, House 25, 11 a. Divine Service Preacber turned out as if they had been in Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Georgetowa for tbe past meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am. Supplied COL, COMMANDANT MUDGE p. Sunday School Superintendent.
and 30 Sunday School at pm CONGRATULATED NO:7 COM6 Programme On his appointment to the West SUCH ASMonday at 30 Testimoy Meeting PANY OF THE MILITIA. Indies and British Gaiana, Col.
Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People 7 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Mudge continued, he went to the Meetio.
Wednesday at 30 tn.
War Office in condon and asked Casnel meeting. Thursday at 30 Tuesday 30 pm. Grepel Service INTEREST IN LONDON, what was the particular object.
Open air meeting, Friday at 30 pm. Note Other Se vicce for the week He was told that he had to go Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Prayer Meeting will be given from the pulpit. recent Demerara paper pub around and tell the colonies that the BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Elder ODLE lished the following: the authorities in London took Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Red Tarik, Canal Zoue, Sunday Scho Patsor in charge.
No. company of the an immense interest in them. He p. Gospel meeting on Thursday Militia, which was a tattering hear regularly from him both was told that they expectad is etc. etc. etc.
at 30 institmtion up till recently but officially and unofficially.
Sis. GRAY The Salvation my не wbicb received a new lease life when Cap MacPhersoa took them know that he was the conof (Col. Mudge) was told to let New Providono. Gospel Meetings at command of it over last year, toen 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday Shool PANAMA CITY CORPS, parade at pm. Wednesday at 30 Gərwas inspected at de necting link between London, Services are as foliowe ground, seenstown. Naw An ol of the principal Army of pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer a. Early Prayer Meeting.
10 a, Children Directory Meeting oy Colonel Commandant Madge tnat when he went to England sterdam, on Saturday afternoon the West Indies and British Guiana, Colonel Mudge add a 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Bro. MeDONALD Bad Brigade United Open Air Meeting and Inspector of West Indian recently he was called to Loodon Gatun, Canal Zone, Gospel Moetinge at 11. 30. and 30 Sunday ducted by Commandant Martin.
11. Holiness Meeting to be con local forces.
Panama City.
an audience with His School at pm. Wednesday 30 large number of the puble Msjasty the King. He also went p. Company meeting and fore gathered on the street and to the War Office where he had Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Brigades Open air.
in the neigbourhood of the to answer questions about wa)
Prs Meeting p. Junior Open Air.
Bro, GEORGE C, GRIFFITH 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air parade ground.
was going on and then was told The Company which fell in at that he would have to Colon. and Streets. Gospel meel Meeting, central station consisted of 44 Committee of Imperial Defence Ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
mea under Capt. MacPherson, and for two hours he Behool at p. Wednesday at 30 Other notices for the week wi be Sgt. Major A, William (drili in telling them what was happen pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 given from the pulpit, instructor) Sgt parts. He mo, Prayer Meeting, Major Oliver beiug also them to know of the great to Why throw away your old, but no Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Notice to Correspondents.
present. There was a gon party terest taken to them in London, under Corporal Hancock The people ia London were an.
dan: doubt interesting, books when you Salvation Army Hall, seith Lance Corporal Guliverioda be pleased with the report Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contribu. operating the gan.
to hear about them can have them neatly bound at wo LA BOCA CORPS tions not later than Thursdays to The campany arrived at the he would send about what they THE WORKMAN insure publication. This is impera. ground shortly after five o clock were doing in this important 30 a. Knee Drill.
tive apd must be adhered.
11 a. Holines Mecting, Belde wedodba. Colle Mudged Colors poste af the Britisla Propire.
Black Mejor Ledgard.
it able to retura 93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. Sunday School.
Rent Receipt Books In Span The men were inspected and next year to see many more meo, 30 Open Air.
ish and English for sale at the drill, concluding with the Mareb Pherson on all they had done!
afterwards put through some He congratulated Captain Mac7. 30 Salvation meeting.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre We extend cordial ir vitaton to all Workerer Printery Past, Colonel Mudge receivin. that afternoon.
All one body we, ESTEBAN DURAN.
Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The Workman Printery at the And bad meet th.
Book Binding!
was engaged and


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