p. 8


PAGE EIGHT TBE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 24 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE To Morrow Races CHURCH SERVICES List Sunday Races Open Letter to Races! Races!
on bis living do not Recor Perlag tbist Classy Races is.
as he 18 and woman tbt for the previous. Continued from page 1)
One of those programs Eighth Sunday After Trinity Last Sunday card of nice which usually furnishes the racer drew a good z crowd to elsewbere. or you and your friends kick is arranged by the AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB (ST. JAMES DAY)
Judo Franco Park. Although we open up better ones.
track was pretty slow, wbue Dot Next is the cheap dance and the Panama Jocky Club for the (Anglican Catholie)
entertainment of race goers St. Paul Church, Panama 80 beary, the events were pu: musians. sin just to ridicule, through ar arranged.
Whatever may be the difference at Juan Franco Park to morBolsheviki with Muncz up, between a may going to Enginnd JUAN FRANCO TRACK row afternoon. The card con. Rev. Nighlengale, Rector. easily won the feature event of de port of the proceeds of a cheap sists of eight races, and while am. Boly Communion The Rotor sir furlooks beating Reloa Mor dance and Bram Garden Parti.
TO MORROW the 10. 15. Mati Mr. At well, the purses offered are not upCatechiat.
and Bolt, the oiber two conter. but this koow that cheap ders, who came in in thousand dollar mark the la ibe o: 10. 30. Iuly Eucharist sermon, named. Jockey Aranda wbo rode Sunday, July 25 th 1926 distances are short and the The Bolt, was found guilty of intet lances are the world over and. aggregation for each race is a 12 m, Holy Baptiem.
with ina Mor: by clos comparison means anything, those ino her out on two occasions There has never been a murder in e Panama p. to, Anniversáry Bervice for Edith a particularly good one.
are an. oangst the best leader the atrace. for Cavell, Fire Fly and Zapito are Stewards find bir 50. 00. Bolshe3p Church School one bere while the publi fied file of matched with the new ones 30 Cboral Brasong, vermoe.
Viki paid tbis backers 10. 59 00 Scotland Yard shows the contrary Harold, Don Simon and Fap Rev. Meleber tacn win ticket. Immediatel, you talk of England and was most in England. am at home when to run the curtain raiser St. Alban Church, Paraiso After ibe race a fist fizbt was Fi Staged by Jockev Hidalgo wb amused (at your lisale game) when Races for Imported horses which is a four furlong, disCANAL ZONE.
tance; while Wormwood will (Rov. NIGA TENGALE, rode Relpa Mora, ad Aranda: you stated, That a public dance is appeared affair and for Native bred Ponies taken on Dictador, Ruso, ceived the worse of tbe mixing.
Price in Charge 3ir. But must exercise the liberty to submit that you stoop to the Cocucha, Repulse and Pyaso 86. Holy Communioa kod sermon practice of decepti when you try WILL BE RUN, OFF RAIN OR SHINE in another four furlong dis Rev. F, Nightenpale.
tance for the second event. a. Holy Baptism Interesting West dance in England and our cheap In the third event, Top p. Churob Bohuol sod Coifirmalances here are are cne AD the and same.
AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT 90 Sergeant will take up 126 lbs tion Instruction Yºr. Osborne. Continued from page 7)
pnb ic dance in England, 18 Catechist.
against Dardanela, Peter Pan, Lord Major dance for the Com 30 Choral Ever song sermon.
Wom Luckland, Hope and Pensa Rov. Nigbleng le 1! mon People who are not accom odited at the Mansion House on Agriculture in Grenadi. Katonal Festive Ocasiones, such Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
miento over six furlongs.
The balance of the program St. Potor by the Sea, La Boca To make the First Race Starts p. Sharp five races will be all five fur Amerions Episcopal (Aaglican Com From Trinidad Guardian June 2) tell us of ompari on properly, yon must the lungs distances in these munioa)
public bous dance, Introducing the report of tb the dance hall dance and the Bomba, Capul, Dhole and Holy Communion 30s, The Rector Imperial Department of Agricul nusic ball dance Places where ADMISSION Silver King have been Matis. and address 11. Mr.
tore for the West Indies on people go to dance s? cheaply that matched for the 6th event: B. Hunter, Lwy Ronder.
Agriculture partmeot of Gre costs theto just the patronage Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. Linda, Zapo, Fenomeno and Church School p.
na a for 1925, Professor they give the bar, and where men Coral Evensong, sermon. 30 Ballou, Acting Commisbioner o Chiqui for the seventh, while The Rector.
en hustle each other dead Agriculture summarises drunk, lying helplessly around, the last race will bring out Confirmation Claes Wedoerday sed contents of the document in and very often found murdered in 180 British Planes.
Shimmy, Carzona, Altanera, Fr dny 30 m.
vitby, manner. He says: Rater. a nearby hedge.
Criental, Peti, Tigre and Oran, Evening Prayer and address Wedneence is made to the interest taken Another thing is you encourage dày 7, 30 by Agriculturists bananas eine Apple, and citrons toutes and those remetion that man erines ka olay stunt six groups of nine airplanes each took the air simul of wbich makes for Sparklets MULCARE, Rector, the prospects of the development why all the long discussion? We taneously with beautiful precisisn the greatest number of St. Bartholomew s, Church of a fruit growing industry, Tb. all know the calibre of the (Continued from page 1)
LAS CASCADAS, Agricultural products of the fellow around us and we should be planes that ever rose into the air together in the presence of. Colony represented a large in inteligent enongh to know what the public: In their evolutions they flew with their wings require an accomplished ringer to also that it does not necessarily b: Litsay, Holy Eucharist and crease to voleo over the values to expect when we go to be of cur almost overlapping, but so et icient was the airmanship detect faulty pronunction, die erom 10 Shures Berola Confrare ow was due to the high prices of nut a Marie Roseland, a Bernard Show without getting in the way of the others, yet at the same as well as inappropriate people. Our cannot look for of the pilots that each of the fifty four planes manoeuvred tion. phrasing and breath takine, 3p. Church Seboul and megs and mace, and the fair or a Sir Berbhom Tree; and the tion instruo ioa.
exhiession for branch of be Giule Priendly Bociety and poor articulation in a singer.
critics who crop of cocoa. After dealing with these files are thingswhat are time kept its exact place in the formation.
The authors and To day air pageant has been dubbed an Ascot of the audience and listen to a musical service. Al the girls from six years old Many sentim ntalists sit in an wil be organix after the mid day the work in the ka dens and ob the critics. Pell! Just six of one Air, owing to the brilliant assemblage that turned out to see rendition, take part in the general and over are cordially invited to turn servations on plants, the report and half a dozen the other, Look it and the great importance lent to it. In fact, the lure of the routire applaue and depend on out ond get enrolled.
proceeds to deal with the po at the other people how gress of the chit industries and their offorts are recieved by their novel spectacle s so strong that it kept King fonso of the fellows at their elbows for an JT MULCARB Priest in Charco of pointed feature this aspeet own. The least you can hear is Spain and his royal consort trom going again to Wimbledon opinion on the production, situation The intelligent li tener knows At St. Jude Mission Sumu it, and st.
od the advance which hich is being made in columns of your paver, one gets rez, play in the finals for the ladies championship.
dlo tew o the agricultu: the to the to see the beautiful Spainish tennis expert, Señorita de Alva what to exneet men he je invited Simon Gambs, Matia, and address, Church Sobool, Confirmation Clase and of that culong, innression that to enjoy a stated we are afraid Some idea of the enormous interest aroused by the performance, for om af dramatic Eveos ng will be held at the usual tias he In the poor fellows will be summoned species 1925 the agricultural exports to New York on a salary of has the MULCARE Priede in Charge amounted to the very satisfac thousand a month and to like a 000 motor cars were parked in the open spaces aronnd the the drama are tragedy and comedy, tory total of 407, 413 wiile inferior to ihese are the crab, Pull him back down into the aerodrome while the pageant of the skies was in progress.
with 251. 092 in 1928 barrel and thats what you encompared opera, lo drama, burlettas, and 314, 054 in 1924 This show WEST INDIANS. ermedy dratna an: farces ed an increase in value courage of 156, ? eout local Play 321 over 1928, over 1938. Personally am a Guianese but the kindly Hope outfit recopomsinde for The Path Across The in that he was unable to intelliRegarding the economic poter. Jolly Well Proud of it and Bally pleased to call Britishers but who in for political con course we are (Continut from page 1)
follow the production or of the colony, Mr. Bala venienor. am a Westy and am the actions of people whom you are connect the acts through lack of West Indians from time to time, it tains no doubt with regard to the well Proud of my Brother Westy reality are not so As for me was sequence and the rest of it; and would be proper and commendable most important factor o conui and to those of us who have had born itish and even if could Jim Jones rushes into inte print and for this accociatioa to give regular bute to its success. must All roads over in Cistobal and attempts to conform us to his idea financial support to the Red Crose the remember, he declares, as the we have point of beginink: toebisid lacas such othing to be ashamed of that where notion better than Culon will ad to the Cristobal that the scout used to preside at It was also opportunity to be informed, honestly find thought that this would Justice Taft and his sto. More than brazo members of nothing about a person than Silver Clabboise this evening tea meetiues, hence he knows put the Association in a position that the Colony is exclusively a Play and there to make receomendations to that man from the slums af Lon ciates recently spent some time tha Orpheus Musical Club of La fore incompet ut to differentiate institution on needy casses th it producing one. Except for an ice don, Paris our New York in the studying ito Ccorts of Justice. B. cat will leave you the mid Jag between its merite and demerits. might be brought to the Associa: factory an a very small tannery, existent. aring is practically nonime as the man from the slums conſess that lark the ambition to train today for ristobal, Bod By ruch etion Mr. Jones explains tion attection.
of sugar, the Colony of the West Indies and the argu make a change, But for all that, does not produce enough to supy ments for and against prohibition be sugared if d jump up and dort tonight is het welke present to the his own horrible lack of At that meeting it was thoug It of knowledge sorld over bear me out like tink ring with the British Across the Hiu which delighted man should of should not know. regular membership in the to raise the fuads by coliicting my hat everytime someone feels Atlantic side folk the threr act of what the average comedy breeding, which is carried out on your paper write Mr. Jones knows nothing abor TIME on very unsystematic lines, tur about Westies it Prohibition Johne National Anthem hundred on this end. Music for what should be the necessary, aming West Indiane in nishes has been Look around you and read your this entertainment will be tur qualifications of an for local stone were to be soeaking against mest general, it however intelligent saloone in Da Lesseps Park and a Elitor in Chief on the treatment nished by a competent orchestra listener. At least, we all ought to of the matter, suggested since, discussion need. Beauported Perl, Westy threw a stone at him? Well by the local progo of a distinguisbe directed bland as follow here is not edited or candemos todos los certainty of prising because of the to Now rk but Datoer bigb prices membership, it would be better ind Pas Foling mace, sad the ly had an eye stone out in ne less It may help you to change vour thu Path as everybody will be fy to hold ounelve down to the to to appcint a Red Cross Month e conducive to those not place than Hyde Park, My point attiyude towards Westies, whom there. Curtain goes up at ball level of the rent. meistal applausers. and solicit voluntary donations of for cocoa, bave is, the Westy is as as good as any and you seize every opportunity to ex past eight. Here are those who Isthmian Hollywood not less than 95 cents nor more Agriculture pushing better than many and sittee the pose as the worst, wliere as in fact will present the Pay.
Pending the arrival of Milton than 00 r person, year; banan, culations had been others do not play up their bad they are amongst the best.
thought. Labour does not seem to leave oure alone.
seem points, the least you can do for us, Garvey Hellea the Show Gorl sad the plan was accepted at. May not suggest that you be Samuel Crawford, Grandpa which you and mav or may not be mee ing of the Executive cliers on to be so scarce in Grenada as Rin at once a column with a view Willian Jump.
Just to show how you aim at to help the Westles along by showpeople in the other British West Indian colonies and British injuring Westies here. You repro. ing up their geod points and pam ford Sewell.
privileged to enjov gentle reader, the rvening of the 16th instaat.
Robert Post, The visitor Cli the Club will entertain you at. It is therefore, instructed that Guians would have the public be duced from the Gleaner an article ing the many nice things they have the Cristobal Silver t lieve, for the report states trat on disrespect for the National introduced here. It will at least Loreer Johnson, Walter Conrad, Rath Brother ning with the little stage success as Red Crose nth. th»t DisIt is tricts Te Path Across the Hill.
as above the peasantry and the labouring Anthem there and at once you see help the young generation to know ino it Dr. Jimmie Rat d, With Amb. interesting to Low all classes were well fed last year, that La Boca and the and despite the fact that several suppose what you say is true. Well Who io thank for many thiogB DOW tloo EP. Downes.
so thanklessly enjoyed.
young ladies will play in the lead. end of that month batebes left for Cuba and South What about it? The present United Yours truly America and other places, the States of America was once a Brit Salamander Alexander bu ing roles in tonight comedy. mit to the corresponding Secretary drama a Cristobal and in Hellen who will in turn transmit to the BABINGTON SIMONS Henry Jones, local labour forces were fairly ish Colony; It devoloped republil he Shox Gir. respectively, local Rod Cross; but that in ısmuch Zuzu Choic. nry Hall.
constant. He notes that one im can ideas, could not see the further St. Peter Grand Musicale If you consider Fred Brath write, a collection in this connection Mrs. Davis, Grandms. Mrs. th sten grapher, whom Milten has already been made during today there are Olza Kiog rare musical treat is being also pars for his troupe we may, the present year, no more than 50 Bratijo was the map of those volted looking loyal and rebo emigrated remitted good English men who not only ignore prepared for the reneral puble Bobbie Wild Doris Evans.
Ruth Conrad nicknamed without fear of contradiction, vot cents per person shall be collected La Bcca as our lathu. ian Bolly, in August this year.
Obey to their relatives at regu the National Anthem but Granthe Rector of St. Peter s, Doris Campbeil. the lar intervals. The most noticeable shout out the Red Flag, the Flo Gray, Ruth cousit Miss wood.
Improvements in the crops of latetaationale to drown it. Then. Tois will take 1925 took place with nutmegs of what about it? If few Westies after of Grand Musicale and shape Lutie, Neighbour Miss Dr. Wendehake which 21, 782 cwts were exported long association with republicanism rendered in St Peter Church Leonor Jump.
Dr. Connell valued 145, 861like the MEDICAL CLINIC the of lon za the Cook: Miss Gwenducut. valued at 127. 231; SURGEON DENTIST.
National Anthem?
Thursday: Do mace.
you August 12th, 7, 025 Front Street Colon 1, 843 cut, valued at 39, 606 and that views and feelings that are care had the re1936. emraMul 1ya Clarke.
secured cotton 364, 624 ib. valued at 16. good for others are to good for service of Miss Winifred Gordon Begs to notify his patrons OPPOSITE STATION 500. In the case of spicas, Mr. Westies? The Britisa National the, highly appreciated artist King, together with the large Ballou reports that several bold. Anthem in these parts is a rare who has been recinte dhe scouts Choir of St. Peter will contri and others that he has re: ings with mortgages on them thing but whenever ceremonially of music lovers of the totoimus tute to the program. You can moved his Dental Parlours Rent Receipt Books in Span had wiped of their liabilitlen al played, it is not true to state that since her arrival from New. atford to miss it! Get ready, to more convenient quarters sbourb the erop was not as large those of us who are still British in York. Other famous artists. Keep your eyes on the columns at 165 Central Avenue, up Ish and English for sale at the as bas been anticipated. spirit and in truth, do not give it including medalist, Mrs. Olga it stairs the 25. cent Store. Workerer Printery regard to real enterprises of in value 63, 269 over Hill.
gently 09 a1 consumption. Stock What would enough ed engaged is la practical each.
CAST OF CHARACTERS from soliet donation West Indians.
at. PHONE 11


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