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PRICE Cts. cy.
Disastrous Hurricane Passes JAMAICAN THE TREATY. Tragic Death of.
SHOT The West Indian Islands Islands By Colombian Through Panama and the United High Commissioner Blow Did Damage to Bananas at copy of El Pais. newspaper At Costa Rica Throws Local Golden Grove, Jamaica.
Branches Into Consternation.
Hato at Santa Marta.
States Signod.
bo respective officials.
hospital ca le despatch from Washingprinted at Santa Marta, Colombia, ton dated July 28 states that the forwarded us a few days ago th supplemeotal treaty between the marked article reporting, the United States and the Republic of According to latest information culled from the shooting and killing of a Jamaican, Panama replacing the abrogated The local organizations of the A, on the Isthmus GLEANER about the terrific hurricane that were travelling by the name of Henry Bowen, op Taft Agreement, was signed at the were thrown into consternation during the early part of the in the Caribbean, Saturday was a day of considerable the oth indt, by Aroulfo Ripell a State Department this afternoon week when news of the murder of Charles Bryan, High Columbian anxiety in Kingston, the question asked in many quarters Ricardo According to particulars gleaned, Finance Secretary Euribio Morales Commissioner for Panama and Costa Rica, was receved being, Will the storm menace to the East develop into an it would appear that the Colom for Panama, and Secretary of State from the latter place, actuality. At midnight Friday, after it had been thought that the junior clerk attached to the Me chief of Latin American Bureau of. Kellogg. Particulars which came through later stated that Bryant disturbance which had commenced off Barbados, and had dical Department of the United the State Department, for the was shot down by Aurelia Bermndez, ex chief of detectives hit some of the smaller West Indian islands in its course Fruit Company in Santa Marta United States. The new conven of Panama, who it is stated was legal advisor to the Port northwesternly, would have passed by Porto Rico into the Some days ago, Heary heard from years negotiations will be submitted ities in connection with the working of the organization at bas been at enmity with Rowention which follows protracted two Limon branch of the It appears that irregularAtlantic a message came through that it had changed its a friend that the Colombian whu to the Senate for ratification when Port Limon demanded the presence of the High Commiscourse and was expected to pass south of and near to Hayti, is about 23 suminens threatened to it ro sesembles in Decembr.
sioner to straighten out matters and accordingly he left the during Saturday, furenoon. This meant that it was coming kill bim, Contrary to the usual custom Isthmus of Panama in December last year for the formet in our general direction, and said the Jamaica Weather On the morning of the 10th, the State partment declined to Bureau, All precautions are necessary.
while cycling to work, the Colum moke any statement regårding the place. On his arrival at Costa Rica it is stated that he found Early Saturday morning a message confirming the shot him. On falling to the earth. will be kept confide tial until mub and at once started in to adjust matters but encountered great bian met Bowen. on the way and trenty, explaining that the texto the affairs of the Association in a very unsatisfactory state above was given out. it was expected to stiil pass close to four other bullets were fired at mitted to the Senate. In addition opposit on from Bermudez and others who claimed the the south of Hayti on Saturday. Then at about 10 o clock bime. but only two caught him to lie commercial treatr, a special rights as local legal entities to the Association affairs.
through the courtesy and enterprise of the West India and One bullet penetrated the abdo olime convention we also signed Panama Telegraph Co. the GLEANER was put in pussession men of the deceased, whilst the by the This of course led to a series of fracases with which it went through vis spine, of information that the weather disturbance was in Santo which caused internal hemmorrhage published on the local dailies has to cope. Realising the ascendency which Bermudez bad dynopsis of the Docum ot is stated High Commissianer Bryant found very difficult Domingo, similar to that experienced in Porto Rico which The deceased lived for about two pat met with popular favour us it gained in the Organization, it is stated Bryant at oncc conhad been visited some hours before. At 30 on Saturday minutes.
the disturbance was still in Santo Dūmingo, and early Satis the general opinion that the full cluded that the only successful weapon which he could The scene of the tragedy was text should have been published advance against Bermudez was to challenge his opera.
about five chains from the hospial.
urday afternoon the local Bureau gave out another buhetin The courrence was reported to the populace who other tions in Panama and at once demanded a record of his past.
thereby ying the apprebet sion north east gale was reported at Morant Point, ans that the thoroolide the haber corpae wis re: wwe be inclined to form arroneous This of cuurse was not expected from Bermudez and so it is. idens in arriving at conclusi ne, barometer was falling. Saturday afternoon message was The Columbian is now under) De Harmodlio Arias, Punamni of Bermudez career which was disclosed to the organization alleged that Bryant wrote over here and got an official record that the barometer was rising slightly and that at (5. 40 m. arrest, and the case will come on most noted jurist on international thereby stamping him as not being a fit and proper person the wind at Morant By continued northeast at 25 miles for hearing at an esrlv di te.
a per hour.
The deceased was very popular representative of EL TIEMPO to be legal advisor for the in Santa Marta and his foueral was, It is further reported that this act of Bryant not only In the meantime, a wire came from the GLEANER attended by fully 150 sympathisers (Continued on page 8)
Golden Grove correspondent, contirming information that affected Bemudez in his operations with the but also militated against him in directions where he earned a had filtered into the city, that a norther there has knocked down an appreciable number of banana trees.
SEES WORLD RUSHING INTO livelihood This tended to greatly aggravate the already strained relations between the High Commissioner and CANNIBALISM Bermudez and led to frequent litigation and eventually tu a CONDEMNED MAN BEHIND THE FRONT man to man quarrel and terminated in Bermudez shooting Fronoh Savant Foars Blaoks will Wipe Out Whites and killing Bryant on Sunday last.
The organization in Panama and Colon have been deeply Protests Innoceno. Up to At The Cocilla Theatre ToLast Minute.
night and Tomorrow Night low races from he earth under a wave of cannibalism Commissioner who was held in high esteem by members Paris, Friday. Disappearance of the white and yel: moved by the sad news of the tragic end of the High of the local branches.
Santiago, Cuba, July The The screen at the Cecilia Toeatre is pictured by Professor Jacques Barty, French student of death penalty in Cuba was received Up to the time of going to press it has not been learnt after a lapse of twenty years when will present a miniature battlefield birth statistics.
whether or not Bermudez has been arrested.
early this morning Salvador Agui ton. gut and tonorrow night when It is only a question of years not so many years, bera wan garrated for the murder of the Paramount comedy Behind after all, he says, until civilization rushes into catasBryant leaves a widow at Port Limon to mourn her the Front dasbes before the eyes trophe.
deep loss.
bis aunt, Caridad Suarez, in sagua of the hundreds of de Tanamo.
Iwbo visit this cool and airy play patrous The day is on the calendar when the world will Aguilera became bysterical; re house. From the first flicker, the too small for its population and the people will be forced by SPARKLETS walkeu unassisted from the death worked into a biz continuous storatives were applied and be the audience will cbuckle. then get hunger to kill each other. The globe today counts 1, 800, cell to the gartot. accompared by and end up with a grand wow 750 years there would ba 14, 000, 000, 000 people on earth.
Hugh Jon0, 000 people. Each day sees 50, 000 children born. In (BY WOK)
guarde and his spiritual adviser, no bave Father Edigo.
ever been filmed than the wat se In the year 2676, or 750 years from now, Professor Friend Babington Simons ap. includes improvement in service The condemned man wat dowo quences of this picture. The story Barty believes that if any one remains upon this earth it will parently has the interest of West and environment, to the Sanion beach opposite tie garrote ina u to life comedy, rather be a race of negroes. The white races he estimates as com: sweeping disapproval of the general surprise. As a rule the Sanitary at hearttary is an sad smoked a cigar which had been than burlesque on the war, and prising 550 millions occupying four tenths of the surface of policy of the West Indian Sectio Department in most cases, interDie arms and legs were tied by the the constant eye of military office ale double in the next eighty years.
given to him by a fellow prisoner. was made technically correct under the world. He predicts that the white population will of THE PANAMA AMERICAN In venee nitur or during epidemical official executioner, Pablo Romero. who raw service overs as, at the exposing from time to time, or The entire subject involves as and his 59 upon which appear importaut issue Meanwhile the yellow race will double in population ed in his Letter little idiotes, which offer Savannah (Ga. you, gentle reader, the resulte years of. a The picture was suggested by in only sixty years and the black in forty years, he said. Section in last week issue of this of my superficial observation in negro veteran of the Buure or Hub Wiley Saturday Evening Logically, eventualy the black race will dominate, and it paper. Would it not be better if ext werken in gue of our indispenJuxu Hill in 1898, trying a two Pust story, The Spoils of War, will be the blacks who will turn back to cannibalism to dian Serbia ed the Westible woekly.
had condem year sentence for robbery. Agui and was directed by Edward idea as a whole.
sland lers yesterday expressed disap Sutarvision of Garnett Weston, blem facing the future generations in the next century.
editorial solve the question of food. This will be the greatest pro T Davis setion were to make an attack on terested in the welfare of the chilIn the meantime, if you are inteering to act as assistant execu The supporting auch a large scale I would first dren, and if you have not yet tioner the two baving been cou Chester Conklin, Richard Arler: Africa, invading Europe and then passing oversea to rule although on and our et you are longing to hear her includes The blacks, driven by hunger, will pour up from strike at that swatem of segregation; heard Miss Winifred Gordon an so very kindly although if you have already heard fiord in he same jai. over a year. Louise Lorraipe aod the world.
80 to the system As the garrote was placed about Astor.
indicates our his neck, Aguilera said: belief that we must you are in for good time He who goe, to death at this Canal Trattic During 16 Emancipation Day Balboa Boy Shoots continue to be oursed Be that if you visit the La Boca Clubhouse on the 14th of next month.
moment is not a criminal Be is Days of Jnly Notes.
as it may. Could not friend Simons Citizen Salvador Aguilera, innocent find even one bright spot in the It is authortively learnt that the of the crime for which he has been entire career of the West Indian Orpheus Musical Club that preDuring the first 15 days of July In a Circular Memorandum to Jemima Rop. r, Jamaican cook Section be referred to? think if sented the comedy dramı The Pablo Romero sigualled to the 227 commercial vessele and small beds of Departments and Divi in the home of the Holston family ve detected several bright spote; cobal Clubhouse on the 24th inst bad looked carefully he would Path Across the Hill at the Criaofficial witnesses and the condem launches transited the Canal. Tolle sions of the Panama Canal, Gov be could have said that have succeeded in leaving the Alonly persons who actually saw the gated 962, 698, 09 and on the laun permission to be abeeat without lying in Anoon Hospital suffering and then dard set has not been latie side folk in equally good ned man spiritual adviser, the on the commercial vessels aggre er M, Walker authorized that in Rolden Street in Balbos, is from from execution, that all preparations had obfeofi326making a total tollo pay on the aftersoon of Emancipe. 22 calibar Cole automatic revor maintained. Disinterested eriti, humour as did they those on this been made, collection of 8972, 711 20, or a daily lioa Day, August let, may be given ser operated by Francis Hoelston, ciom should be constructive, and end who were privileged to see the to Silver if ser The executioner then Play son of ber employers. constructive over Aguilera shoulder and asked: leated average of 64, 180, 75 on all traffic vice can be speared. Absence with the late occurrence took should at all times be given and out permission will Doest thou pardoo me. Royal Boquets Fetch condoned.
ace on Monday last in the Hol. received in the spirit in which it is WH With a Kiok.
be condemned man with Fabulous Prico ston kitchen where Jemima was given. There are some of the pointe slight smile on bis Ips, replied in a seryed on August 2nd at the Pana Boleton is said to have occupied defeuding our position which with her. Young low, clear voice.
The following excerpts are from pardon tuee and may Gel calile despath from Loudon ma Baptist church, under the aus some of his time io teasing the fully concur in; in others disagree; bated ia the Y, Courts.
aleo pardon thee.
states that on June 30 two boo pices of the church. program cook with a revolver which is re for instance: his opinion that we To my wife, leave her lover, The exeentioner pressed the lever quets of roses from the royal gard. consisting of addresses and musisul ported to have ben given to him leave ruch questions as the impove. and the knowledge that wasn numbers is arranged for the occa(Continued ou page Contioued on page 8) sion. Continued on Page 8) ment to our barber shops, which. Continued on page cie will assistant, brauk Davis, front.
to the be proval cast and for again) condemned.
be now have the pot be place


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