
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Successful Jamaican BARBADOS Views on The Treaty.
is Mr. Com ComAccouate. commerciapina and loRecommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify, ing and enriching the BLOOD.
not vote will Disablsd Soldiers The GLEANEX says News just to band that Mr. Alfred Home To Be Closed. Clarke has had conferred on him the degree of Associate of the Institale of Commerce of BirCOMMITTEE NOT AGREEABLE TO mingham, England, and is HANDING OVER TRUST MONEY accordingly entitled to use the TO THE GOVERNMENT.
initials Mr. Clarke was trained after his name, at the Kiogston Middle Gade Matter For Regret.
Commercial Subool Job: College of whic his understands that as from the chool where be made his mark.
The Herald of the 17th inst. beatens tems Alle Clarico do dmaster. After leaving for 31st of the present monto, tbe the Rockfort Rad will be closed. mercial career sat for and was home for disabled soldiers along Mercolarke embarked on a comThis is the result of deliberations successful in the Senior Gade of the London of between members of the Pension merce in Booker and Allowance Committee and Accou His Excellency dustrial Law and Advanced Governor.
the Arithmetie; At last session of the student in Jamaica to take the the being the first Legislative Council. tne elected London Chamber of Commerce members decided tbat they would test in the last two subj:cts, up keep more mon y for tha Io 1922 Mr. Clarke left for of this bɔme as from the Colombia, where he bad worked 30th June.
a bank, a gold mining com The members of the Pension pany and a Railway Company, and Allowance Committee who He is considered a keen student met His Excellency. few days of Spanish, is well versed in ago asked that the home should shorthand both lo Spanish and stated that if they desired to Ings where only Spanish was be kept open. The Government English, and bas reported meetkeep it open they could do so out spoken and the notes have had of the funds they had in hand, to be taken in shortband.
and when such funds were ex Since hausted the Government would Jamaica, Mr.
over the bome if necessary, enticely to secretarial work Charle bas devored bimselt It is said that the members of bas bad occasion to the Committee refused to do thes, on the icon pacconataocyanind who practice as they claim that the to organise the money and they did not feel jus Empleados de Commercio de to of titied in banding over any of this Barranquilla il Commercial Ensum for general fand as had been ployees Association of Barran.
quilla) and in recogoition of bie The hone will, therefore, in all progress in this connection was probability be closed on the 31st named a foundation member.
of the esent month wh! ch is certainly a matter for regret.
TRINIDAD Drop in Banana Scheme for the GradPrice, Our Gitrus ing of Cocoa in Fruit in England Trinidad.
For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MOKAN. American Pharmacy AGENT extend the West Indiese beint egreement Clarke leaving take The ADVOCATE of a recent insue says:The latest issue of the Official Gazette informs the public that the ratification of the Trade Agreement between Canada and The West Indies Parliament received the Royal ndies by the Canadian assent on June 15th. Thus the labours of the delegates to the Ottawa Conference which began last July bave come to their full fruition We have consistently suported the Trade Agreement. The old Agreement proved mutually advantageous to both parties and it was inevitable that the New Treaty should attempt to the bends which bold us together, benefits and Strengthn the Under the substantial benefits by way of increased preferences. In this island when We are cbletly concerned with Perth sugar and the sugar preference bas been raised from 83 cents to one dollar sugar duct of the sister colonies and not the staple pro they baye ob:ained substantial cocoa, Putn bitters, coconuts, cocee, ginger, pipe apples, and nutmegs, Ba Danas, too, bave included In the preferential tarift list and the preferential tarift list and the preference on on Lime juice is raised from 10 to 15 cents. Can.
ado, for her part, bas obtained subtsantial benefits by preferences on flour, butter, beer and pork, fiab, cheese and cement.
But though the Agreement bas opened up new prospects for these islands, it is nevertheless annoying to find that the main (Continued ou page 7)
although be Sched upon SSSS SOMOS But per 100lbs.
preferences 00 ATTENTION!
been House Rent Receipt Books demand fear.
the bigt qualive and inspectors their SPANISH ENGLISH rate was to would, he believed, convince dealers that inspection was simple matter and that there was nothing to 11 dealers worked together be saw no difficulty in carrying out the inspection of cocoa. the great thing stop the mixing of termeated cocoa witb the untermented kind and to certity that the cocoa was clean Believing a we do that the future of the Trinidad cocoa industry is dependent upon the quality of its output, which is more and more tending to become regarded as a speciality, we shall await with deep interest the findings of the coa mittee of the Agricultural Society. The West India Committee Circular.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies superior la The price of bananxa bès gre down to 9 per bunch and the Chamber of Commerce of the The rejection by the Trinidad output this week might not ba as rec)mmendations of the joint large as the previous wees says committee of that body and the GLEANER of th: 15inst.
In America the price usually grad the Agricaliural Society for the falls after the 4th of July, and the grading of Trinidad cocoa bas Slackens a bit, but this is pointment to the leading plantof what growers are accustomed Their interest just now, bowover, are who realise that it is only by is cetered on what is malo taining happening of in Bagland with regard to a sepa. can hope to survive in these product that their iadustry ne now operated by Messrs. Elders West Africa The last word on of steamers, trom that days of acute competition with and Fyffes the It is said that Capt. List of the subject has not brwever yet Jamaica Fruit and Shipping been said.
Oy. who is now in the mother c107At a meeting of the Agricultry, has a scheme, which, it is cural society, held on May 13, hoped, will material and ing the Hun. Carr moved the about what so many producers appointment of a Committee to bave been clamouring for.
cosider ways and means for The market for bananas in introducing voluntary classitiEurope is immense. The demand cation and the grading of cocoa for citrus tralt is increasing, for aad export, and the issue of certiIt is is expected that as far as the ficates therefor.
latter product is concerad, The motion was duly carried, special efforts will be made to and Mr. Baraardo, Cap produce the best grad of frait, wain Cipriant, Hon.
which when compared with those Strollmeyer, Mr Med ford from South Africa, will be far Mr. Forbes and Mr. Cory in favour as well as apwho had conded the Dearance. the. lo moving the resolaEngland, had every opportun! ly tion, Mr. Carr was careful to gentleman interested in the there appolated ot testing both product, and, to polat out that there was no inten be candid, he said, he was ton of interfering with the merat once struck with the fine ap chants and dealers in cocoa who pearance of the South African did not think that grading was Frnit. They were tempting to look necessary, and as it seems to us at and captivated the eyes at no one could legitimately object glance. But not so the the Ja to a system of voluntary maica fruit. One would be sooner which we take it would be a temptee, on appearance, to take a:velopment of the system the South African fruit. but already adopted by the Cocoa when it was cut and eaten, the Planters Association whose Jamaican fruit bad beaten, asmark is admitted to bave won for the American say, to a frazzle. itselt a name for excellence in With proper packing and selec many COCG consum og CPUtion, our fruit would easily be in regarded as a description equal to the best PA.
greater demand and fetch better prices.
of the finest Trinidad The Ha. Carl de Verteuil, gupt correctly the proposals, per haps interpreted the 00000000000000000000000 feelings of the merchants when TRY he suggested that they feared inspectors would enter their KRONEN BRAU premises and interfere with their business. He added that the inspectors of the grading ON DRAUGHT body which it was propɔsed to set up would only inspect the OR BOTTLES asked it.
6000 000 3000 300000000. 00 experience and Shark Caught in Harbour.
CAN BE HAD AT grading The Workman product.
Stationery The Weekly Guardian States that a shark weigblog well over six hundred pounds was caught in the barbour by Jobp Nickel, one of the local fishermen, and brought ashore. For guite long time it attracted streams of sightseers around the Fish Market where it was lauded.
Niekle made this interesting catch in one of his nets set for small fishes Apparently the monster was feeding close to sbore, and entangled in the mesbes. When an attempt was made to baul in the net it was discovered that there was an COM unusual load in it. As the fishermen tugged at the ropes tbe shark struggled violently but was unable to break free. The united efforts of a score of fisber folk succeeded in landlog the catch safely by the market.
It measured 18 feet from nose to tail and was six feet around its thickest part. This is the largest abark that has been brought in bere for many a season.
Store ADVERTISE The fanspogliaroe wondered cars In The WORKMAN it Pays


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