
၀၈ all lovers of evening is and bril 080p. mo May DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING Is He preached the ser: PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1926 NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES THE WORKMAN (From Onr Correspondence Miss Doris Russell is preparing grand secular concert to take place at the New Providence Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen os applies Lodge Hall, on Tuesday, August WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes 3rd 1926, Tickets for same Avenue, Panams, de of public interest invited.
are on sale, the price is 25c.
PO Box 74, Papams All copy for publication must be for Dot written on one side of paper only, and or colldren and ball. splendid splendid Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of programme la prepared already. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mark of good faith.
of amusement Doors will be opened Three We do not undertake to return reat 30 jected correspondence.
performance will commence at o clock precisely. The net The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS proceeds will be given to the No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Household of Faith Union (of SATURDAY JULY 31, 1926, wbleb Miss Rossell in the Secretary) to assist in carrying on the SUBMITTED TO THE TEST OF PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 good work the society is doing Mr. George Laynis, an oldtimer on the Isthmus, who arrivDEMOCRACY FOUND WORTHY ed here on the Isthmus on 16 b, 1907, will be leaving here Not so very long ago, writing under the above caption in about the middle of next month this very column, we stated that the real test of a people do for his native home (Antigua, not consist in the discharge of the ordinary duties of citiOF THE HIGHEST ORDER whence he will not return to this country, Mr. Laynis zenship, and today, local conditions compel us to revert to the subject.
Local Dresch the most efficient of tne Wesleyan The paying of national contributions: the holding of Church of the PangWork Done While You Wait responsible positions, and the exercise of the franchise, are ma at New Providence for the last but the administrative, judicial, and executive functions from which successful sovereignty emanates. These in TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Inst, and themselves may be sporadic and inefficient. They may be at the close of the vice, the following address was the occasion of discontent and revolutionory ideas of either Dreset. little souvenir 9 nted to bim by Mr.
good or evil. successful form of democracy is really to Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices be found in the nature of the protection the constituted also presented to him by Mi89 authorities are able to extend to the people, and the willing.
Ladies Garments carefully handled Dorio Russell, lo beball of the members of the churob, to which ness of the people to extend protection to the government be fittingly replied: in times of national crisis, without mental reservation or Wesleyan Metbodist Church equivocation of any kind. Our duties in a democratic gov. REID Manager New Providence, R, ernment are according to the standard of ideals Set by the July 25, 1926 people who constitute the nation. Our wills and personal MR GEORGE LAYNIS, political doctrine of right or wrong are subjected to the New Providence, economic demands of the governinent in time of extreme Dear Bro. Laynis, peril and danger, from within and without.
We the undersigned oficers The safeguarding of the national boundaries is one of and members of the above named the sacred and most necessary duty of citizenship.
The Church, expressing the senti.
ments of the entire congregation pure and undefiled administration of justice as far as human tuke this opportuoity on this organizations will permit: the developing of the national your last visit to this station resources, and the perfecting of the educational institutions; prior to your departure for your are sacred principles which no truly democratic People will native land. Antigua, beg to assure you that we are permit to fall into disrepute and stagnation. These at times must be sustained with the blood, energy, and intelligence sorry to part with you.
We always appreciate and enof the nation. These are the indications to liberty and joy your plain and simple gospel freedom; and all those who are part and parcel of the nation sermons as Local Preacher, become non existent and non effective when the necessary during the many years you bave force, financial or otherwise, is withheld by those who con.
been preseblog to us. Your stitute the nation from the governing body, or those who qalet disposition and brotherly counsel to us has won for you our are given the power of the administration of a sovereign appreciation and esteem.
We know that you bave lived a In the western civilization into which the colored trulp Christian lite, during your people hwe grafted themselves, let us for a brief moment many years sejurn the Isthinvestigate how they have acquitted themselves, and let mus of Panama; and now ibat us see whether they have demonstrated their usefulness you are about to leave here for your native home, we wish you and assimilation of the white man civilization. In the God speed, a pleasant voyage, West Indies, they are the producers of those commodities and a safe return to your family of nature which are essential ro man existence. They are and friends.
the ones who have from their labour developed the comWe slo sincerely trust that the Divine Providence will spare mercial and industrial importance of those colonies, Their your life for many years to come entrance into the fields of science and literature, mechanism to continue your useful service and agriculture, as also religion, has proven their eternal in the Master vineyard: and fitness to the development along the lines of those higher sbould we never meet here on planes, by which the white man success is assured. We earth again, we hope to meet with concede that they have not yet collectively reached the same KOKOS SEXO you in the Master Kingdom.
standard of efficiency as the other race; but it must be We ask you to accept a very small souvenir in kind rememgenerally and unreservedly conceded also, that there are brance of us all.
many of the other race who in spite of the years of advance civilized life, so that this world be made safe for democracy. Army Informament over the colored people, have not shown that readi Thrilling reports from the Generals commanding the armies We beg to remain, dear Bro.
Layois, your brethren in Cbrist.
ness to assimilate the modern doctrine of democracy as the on various fronts, of the colored soldiers were disclosed of tion Service (Sgd. MARKHAM West Indian and American colored people have done with since re devotion to duty; and their unwavering behaviour PHILLIPS out the exercise of force or undue pressure.
under shell fire; their high standard of discipline and their New York, July Again the JOSIAH SCOTT It takes but very little teaching to convince the colored moral conduct towards the wives and daughters of the Army mula bas kicked thing sky.
people of a just and righteous cause. When once con people in whose countries they were fighting. We site this bigb And several others.
vinced, no more reliable and sincere copartisan or adherent as a record of which any people may feel proud, as com. But Maude hefty hoof, incan be found who is more ready to face danger or fearful pared to the conduct of the German soldiers in the places of stead of demolisbing an unođendodds in the preservation of the ideals he has adopted, than their military occupation.
ing machine gun cart or chargthe colored man. He very often lacks due appreciation and IDR baughty sergeant toajor And despite all that may be said to the contrary it can during dress parade, this time representation by those who ought to do him justice in his Why pay doublo price infancy and imperfections; and instead of a sympathetic be stat without any tlattery that the coloured people have taken as a target nothing for inferior Imported consideration, is commɔnly shown up in the most untavor. have nobly proven themselves to be worthy citizens when less than one of the longesi dierums of the War Boer when you can able light not done to any other people. In the discharge put to the test. They have discharged without stint the Department General Statis of his national duties and obligations, it can not be sucress requirements of demoracy, and we opine that the future will Two bundred thousand hoote buy a superior Beer fully brought home to him, that he has on any occasion ties, and a larger share in the administration of the various caused the Army to abandon Ita find them always ready to discharge any new re ponsibili. needing periodic re shoelng bave such as BALBOA for betrayed with wanton carelessness or greed the sacred trust half the price.
of the nation to which Providence has decreed that he should governments under which they may elect to live. Self efforts to find trained horsesboers civil and estatbe a party. No nation of people has shown a more honor. Determination in practice and principle is the reward of lishment of a schooled while ea tebe able record, and without the least shadow of a doubt, he well deserving citizens. Onesidedness and selfishness can Army to turn soldiers into the has occupied very responsible positions in the armies and not any longer be a national asset. Man must in true bro pert horsesboers It all the result of the pass ish and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books In Span navies of the most democratic countries and has played his therhood be permitted to enjoy the benefits of civilization.
part with all the strength of manliness and a faithful per The social life of a people is there own business, so long as ing of the horse from city lite.
formance to the national requirements.
they conform to the national ideals of morality and order, Horseshoeing has become one Workout Printery Let us for mere reference recall the active part taken but national privileges and opportunities must be open to all of the lost arts, an Arayane bouncement explains. Daring a can yass of New York City by West Indians during the late World war when the men and women of ability; irrespective of class, creed or com people unsolicited and without any urgent call or persuasion color. This is the demand of modern democracy.
Wo apprentice borseshoers the establisbed order is now to found at work.
be reversed. At every post in rose to the emergeny of citizenship, Friendly Societies, War Where for years the Army bag mounted troops are stationed the United States Army where Contingent Committees were organized; Red Cross Associadepended upon reads trained there will be a school at which tions were established, and all kinds of necessary assistance mechanics and artisans for the horseshoeing will be taught to for the wives and children of the killed and wounded bulk of its technical assistance, soldiers.
soldiers and sailors were extended. And before the British Snapshot According to the War DepartGovernment saw the desirability of taking men from this 132 ment announcement the Army Republic, they were able to organize themselves, and at Our boys and girls are potentially anything we will today uses about fifty thousand their own expense presented a body of men well drilled and encourage and urge them to be. They must be as fully mules and horses, and Have you tried tho mobilzation that number would whose physical appearance was a wonder to the Govern trained as any other boys aad girls are if they are to have ment at Jamaica, They answered all the calls of democracy an equal chance in the struggle ahead of them. Unless we now Boor be increased to at least two handred thousand animals, corps uncomplainingly; and on the battlefields of Europe and see to it that they are as fully equipped as others are, then Mesopotamia they demonstrated that they were willing to we must take the responsibility when they sink into Kronen Brau of skilled horsoshoers would become. pressing seccessity dur make all the sacrifice, and to give up all the comforts of a secondary positions.
ing an emergency, in the view of Army officers.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATS ESPERANZA LAUNDRY on Only First Class Ones Need Apply Only were in a

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