
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE HH CANAL ZONE NOTES Attractions at the Theatres Gordon King blend which the Seco.
Hector to streets in podeli What Is Your Fortune?
PANAMA Chairman SK Walters of the LA Boca Panami District of the TOD SATURDAY, July 31st TODAY Saturday July 31st Bakery and Grocery Projects TODAY Saturday July 31st Panama Canal West Indian Emand Helene Chadwick in Will be Launched, Dorothy Revier in ployee Association and his coworkere are arrangicR TOMORROW Sunday August 1st HER OWN FREE WILL WHEN HUSBAND FLIRT plendid musical program for the fourWallace Berry in Sunday, August 1«t. proroises TOMORROW SUNDAY, August 1st TOMORROW Sunday August 1st teenth of next month at the Clut BEHIND THE FRONT. to be an epich making day for Alice Joice in boute, when lovers of good singSpecial Cast in the United Negro Improvemant DANCING MOTHERS lor will bear both Miss Winifred MOANA trained MONDAY, August 2nd Association of Colon. grand Incoloratura sopra augural ceremony will no, ard s, Olga be held Aileen Pringle in MONDAY, August 2nd MONDAY, August 2nd their voices. The atteadacce the Association 10. St at SOUL MATES Corinne Griffith in Lewis Stone in thle Concert should be particu.
in connection with the INFATUATION larly large especially owing to and Grocery proj TOO MUCH MONEY cts TUESDAY, August 3rd the fact that the net proceeds of Association has been preparing TUESDAY, August 3rd TUESDAY, August 3rd the entertainment are to be given All Star Cast in to put into effect since August, Rudolph Schildkruat in Jack Hoxie in for the children trest at Cbrist THE DANGER SIGNAL 1925. Approximately 15000 00 HIS PEOPLE mas tims.
have been invested in this busi LOOKING FOR TROUBLE pess and the members and WEDNESDAY, August 4th WEDNESDAY, August 4th WEDNESDAY, August 4th friends are predicting an era of unbonded success. The present Margaret Livingstoan in Entertainers to go to Palo Wallace Berry in Buster Keaton in out look is COM THE CHORUS LADY very BEHIND THE FRONT GO WEST Connor Presidentory. Mr.
of having at bls disposal the THURSDAY August 5th THURSDAY August 5th THURSDAY August 5th Tomorrow afterneon McCauley unstinted support of approx Alice Jojce in Aileen Pringle in Raymond Griffith in Bayne will make bis periodical Imately 1800 followers and op that account he feels that every. DANCING MOTHER SOUL MATES visit to the leper colony at Palo Seco HANDS UP along with several other promibonest effort which is put forbent members of ward is bound to succeed.
FRIDAY August 6th FRIDAY, August 6th FRIDAY August 6th for the purpose of rendering the community Corinne Griffith in All Star Cast in The Inaugural ceremony will Wm. Fairbaoks in program of songs, recitations etc. begin at 1:00 precisely. The INFATUATION THE DANGER SIGNAL THE HANDSOME BRUTE for the entertainment of these Government has given permission who are confined in the Colony, occupy unobstructed the SATURDAY August 7th SATURDAY August 7th SATURDAY, August 7th At least once a month this conentire block between 10th and Richard Dix in Margaret Livington in Buck Jones in pany of entertainers go over to 11th and Hudson Lane, ibe Colony and their visits are THE ARIZONA ROMEO and it tas THE VANISHING AMERICAN decide that THE CHORUS LADY been always looked for and much apeverytbing be done preciates by the inmates.
Patriotic speeches will be rered by several Students of the Girl Guides Meet Twice Next Technical School who have al FLOWER OF THE ISTHbelieved in him, and would have ready made good on the public Month platform, and several other MUS LODGE No nothing to do with such a God.
prominent speakers will be Assuredly we know that this beard from. It is also expected The girls Guides Compeny of expression is the outcome of the that Mr. Moses Janolere, erst Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs blindness of their minds the La ca have arranged to hold while 1st. Vice President and each wook for Readers of this paper Adversary the Devil. whose two special meetings at the Club vetera. N, A. worker, will Instals Officers.
WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE existence they also deny; who house in August, the 2nd having present a special musical prorood 3rd, 20pounced Captain Mra.
made ard their minds darkened, grand mè.
The following officers were Guides society. The meetings a e fidence, and usually succeed in un ave become rebellious Brainst scheduled to commence precisely Apart from the above mention. Installed in their respective July 23 29 ed the Association activities oftices for the July December, The Cusp of Cancer, and will ba by term.
form As statesmele, bank te slavefrom material things and teach questing to be presembers are reLoo.
Bros. Barnaby: The unconventionality which is ministers, they will be suecesful.
regard to.
as shown by the following pro Worcell. M: Headley SSD tharacteristic of the eign of LeoAmong those born during this expect Salvation from sia and Nelson JD. Lewis, Seo will lead to disaster in the lives of cusp are General Henry Knox, death though their own exort Players Return.
Sunday, August, 141 00p. B. Wynter, Tyler. Robinson those born during this week uoless Cardinal Gibbons and Sir Joseph (wbich they call evolution. They retary. Clarke, Rec. Sec.
Inaguration of Bakery and Gro: Treas. Als. Chap.
it is guarded against, for Reynolds pretead to accept the teachings des iny is cery at the Association 10 St guided by union with the Aries born of God Beloved Son, Christ the stars Members of the Orpheus Musl Building No. 138 Endap Lan. The installation Ceremony was which reign in the cusp between that is, one boro during the last of Jesus, yet they bluntly deny the cal Cinb of La Boca who went to 00 pm. Grand bae at co ducted in two sigue, and the emotional Liberty Hall by udents of the and efficient madrer by Br, of the Cancer born is still nature March, would result favorably as cause for wbich he came to this Cristobal on Saturday last kod JODFs. assist. by with them. Self control is hoog the cool intellect of the latter would eartb; that is, to give himselt a presented for the fourth time the Technical School Allman an im tead to steady and Monday, August. 2ad, All Day other past officere, and came toportant le son to be learned, and of the formed the emotinal nature ransom for Adam and his pro comedy drama The Path Across tbe Hil. at the Silver Claude, to the children should be tau ht the The malachite is the lucky stone returned on the following WHY JEALOUS GOD Baking and distribution of sam close in the wee hours of the worth and desirability of conven for this week, and the belotrope is ples.
when tion the. taccording to Collins and Web sacrilege played througege reported 00 pm. Social Entertainment repared on the Barquet Hall, to The people born during the cusp and the home surroundings of the Bleria theus worden jealous ojerom of play goers who accorded their at Liberty Hall, refresh themselves and gave have an the attractive personality Leo boro should be decorated in aprel Zaluse omans bus pictus splendid reception.
According Tuesday, August. 3rd, All Day appropriate speeches for which stands them in good stead colors whieh complete it, apprehensive of rivalsbip; uneasy to Director King the Clab under the Bakiok by Ladies Division pre occasion.
both in business and in social life (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense engs fear that another may now has in contemplation the engage, They are well liked and inspire con Adams Syndicate. or paratory to Children Fete, has engaged the affec. preparation of a bigger Play.
tion of oce we love: eager or anxi 00 pm. Grand membership Jealous God ous for one Mass Meeting Why Wednesday, August. 4th, 00 Children of Israel the Ten Com; faculty that should be enployed Wose sboala the Great God be to Georgette Wedding at possession of Grand Children Fete free mandments, the first part of in this matter. By Philip LEWIS)
of such a quality when be is Infioltely powerful, wise to the Children of our Schools. Four hundred and thirty years which is as follows: ANCIENT IDOLATRY. Thou shalt bave no other gods and just; able to destroy his Thursday, August 5th, All Day after Jehovah bad promised opIn ancient days when the ponents as he did the Egyptian Stocking of Grocery. Abraham to make of him a great before Thou shall not make world was peopled again after årst bords in Egypt, and their very paetty Georgette Crepe 00 m. General membership natton who will bless all the unto thee any graven images or the 100 manate hearts beste army in the Red Sear He not wedding took place on Thursdag Mass Meeting families of the earth, He released any liken 89 of anything that is 6th sod 7th. Completion of Gre through Jacob) the earth beneath; or that is in again God. The nations of the the earth as it pleaseth bim! Alfred Rouget, House 1059 Friday or ah. mighty hand from the the water under the earth; Thou art grew it to dedse idolatry, ed should be be afraid of rival sa Boca, cz. The contracting and Toese questions are quite in parties were Miss Annastasia cery stocking oppression of who not bow down Installation of Officers.
Standes. And once tb 00 bad forcibly made slaves of them them por derve them, for the stone: the sun, moon and stars in der tony will occur to every Blackburn of Grenada and Me because they were strangers in Lord thy God am a lealous God; they made images of animals and thougbtful wiad; therefore the Jobn 81. Wilmott of Jamaica and aaswer must be now residing at Colon.
Monday, August, 9tb 00 pm their land. After their release visitors u pone che le red de to these they offered sacrifices and of the as. Jehovab, before the formation At 45 precisely, the Oficial eat; aace on the market. from the Egyptian bondage in fathers upon the Sunday, August 15h 00 the spring of the year 1615, the third and fourth generation burnt off arings. Such conduct of of your planet and the firmament beide leaning on the arms of her Celebration of Associations 2013 gey tested Mount sind of them ihat bate me; and show. the peoples of earth were very which envelops us, bad secared in father Mr. Blackburn ascendAnniversary wbilst on journey Canaan, the Ten Command them to love me, and keep my promised Nob (which promise Tais plan he began to put into Church, Balboa, where she was mente or Royal Laws were Copmandments, be sealed with the rainbow) that execution with his son as his Re met at the door by the briceTHE FIRST COMMANDMENT!
Riven to them by God, through he will not destros all the presentative or Executive. This groom, Messrs, Altred Rouget William Jump, Gordon his servant Moses, who was then families of the earth agato as be we will find recorded in St. Wol Colon Wesleyan Church The portion of the comman had done with the floyd, ha bore John gospel chapter one, verses Hosten, accompanies their Med ator and er ments coupled with the followone to three.
thetr idolatry, These Liws em bodied a coveing three, our Lord Jesus called by the bridesmaids who escorted Society.
her up the aisle to be received by nunt bitween them and God.
The time baviog come to begin GOD PLAN the first and great Commandthe Reverend Fatber McDonald, People Society of Before giving the Laws to ment; the sum of which he gave the execution of bts Covenant Io Genesis chapter one, we and there jbloed in the bonds of Christian Eadeavor of the colon the children of Israel, God to the lawyer who questioned with his selected people, he told find the record of the execution holy marions Wesleyan Methodist Church Ito Mose: Tell the children him: he said: The dirst and them that they were not to bave of the first part of this plan in The bride was resplendent in staged Bible Evening on aid unto the Egyptians, and how shalt commandment is, thou any other material gods in bis than formation of our earth and ber array and looked a picture of of Israel, ye have seen what great love the Lord tby presence; neither were they to the Wednesday night, July 26. to the firmament out of the waters; loveliness in ber dress of white large crowd was on band. bear you on eagles wings, and all brought You uoto myself. Now libeart, and with all thy make any graven images in the the after the Contents of the sea patla and incestructible voile and with all thy the. also creating She was Mr. George Layols, vice presis therefore, if you will ubey ms (Math. 22, 87) Hera Jesus showed heaven or on the earth, or that and exing of these astral bodies obtene blonde lace.
deat, presided. The chief feature voice is dead, and keep my cove that it is expected of us to love is badbe ses; they were tot to an and woman were brought a taining to good luck.
crowned in every thing perwas lecture by the Rev. bant, then ve shall be a peculiar Jehovah with your whole being to the form of worshipping them same substances of the elements, any of the scene of the Bomething old Cousins, which was very interest treasure unto me above all people and energy our miodemaste bi as gods, for He is Jehovah their au was pleasing to Jehovah, Somethiog new Ing and instructing for all the earth the performance and The program, as rendered was shall be unto me klagdom of service and reverencoj dit soorten will punish them for their disobe very good. Love appearing in God; be is jalous, God, who be pronounced his Something gold approval as Somethiog blue.
as fo! lows:priests and an holy nation. pied find time evil (Exodu: 19:4 6)
dience things, and such act of love om fourth generation of those who and justice, went forth in an an. paired oft in colors.
and on 1, Hymn 258.
unto the conjunction with wisdom, power, The Bridesmaids were all Prayer.
bere showed his dis bodies the whole Toe Chlef law, chosen peopl; as, the decendants ontplok ourself to the second ledge him as their God. But be the crownlog part of this won IDR was dressed in sky blue Scriptare Reading Psalm 19. tinction for these people as a bate bin and refuse to acknow bounded extent toward man as Bridesmaids Miss Hilda Spald4. Solo Mrs. Feurtado.
of Abraham with had now endeavor to tind out Lecture: How We Got Our Imade cwenant. In substance wby Jehovat is sjaalsus God. of them that love him and keep Man was then placed as king Misses Carmen Delevante, Neido bis Commandment.
English Bible. V. 3 he said; have selected you as Men with great education today. and Aneria Paillips were dressed MODERN BLINDNESS.
my own people, and am going have failed to understand this About two years later, iniquity in white Georgette. The Migues Thelma Solo Mrs. Cousins.
Blackburn, Dorothy to enter into a covenant wita simple ytruth abat sacha Io modern days (when men sprung up into one of the God 7. Chairman Remarks. you, am golog to give you laws loving God, of cou sa it does not are expected to bave greater angelic800, Lucifer by name, Church. Cherrie Carrington were Georgette, Nətices by the Secreta y.
for your governing and protect need bigb kaowledge tɔ cumpre knowledgs and reasonableness as who became rebellious against dressed in ion, Ia keeping with this hend factor fandam intal civilization purpo:ted to give) God, and can singly induced the Misses Cecily Cumberland ad Hym: 1131.
arrangement, Jehovah gave to tratbe; caly reasonableness is men are sayiug. since Jehovah pair in Edan to disobey the com Esther Barke were dresses in 10. Benediction and Mizza, Moses for the governing of the needed; therefore reason is the is a jealous God they refuse to (Contioued on page Continued on page 8)
a rights and La Boca.
With 89 Smith Add Arnold Lader patiently God with lo even Jehovah whɔm be will Pink


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