
Official Report of West Indian Conference in London.
ให iiiiii เบาะbrirrorbirdriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii English Woman Ask For Equal Royal THE ATTENTION Hononrs. OFFriendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Pain Enemy MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store PAIN ENEMY)
THE BEER patch from Toronto darede Sus Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Fuller Jewelry Store LAYS DOWN GENERAL PRINCIPLE Lordon, July Equal bonOF THE ESTABLIMENT OF ours for men and women is ene of the aims of the Women FreeSTANDING CONFERENCE.
dom Lague, which has writter to Premier Baldwin demandir MEETINGS IN COLONIES.
that women who have rendered distinguished service shall be Subjects of Common Interests Riven equsl consideration with That will be placed Upon men in the forth comicg Birth day hooours list.
SLOAN Liniment le proThe Agenda.
The King birthday was c! claimed the world over being Pain greatest enemy.
Jane but the honours list The London Times of the bas be beid in abeyance because Multitudes of people use and 24th olio. published the followof the industrial unrest.
recommend it.
ing:B Rheumatic aches and paine Women in the past have been instantly obey its command The delegates to the West Religible for certain diticctions and disappear.
Indian Oon (grence; which sat in and the title of Dame of the It penetrates right to the London from May 13 to June 5, British Empire bas been giant gore spot. No need of rubbing.
to draft the constitution of a ed by royal favor to many wo It does its work thoroughly.
Standing Conference to deal AT THEmen of merit, but the Freedon Give it a trial.
with the common affairs of the League is apparently not conten One bottle will convince you.
West Indian Colonies. British with this.
At all druggists and dealers.
Guiana and British Honduras, have made their report to the We have sent the Prime Minister the names of ten Seeretary of State for Dominion SLOAN Affaire.
women who are certainly as LINIMENT worthy of honours as the majorits The report, which is issued as aggagagangguanggu pagagngangaangegaano man ang maganda angle of men whose names usually apa White Paper (price 31. states pear on the list, stated the that the idea of a Standing Conleague.
ference originated in a report We have also urged that when drawn up by Sir Edward Davson bonours are bestowed on women President of the Associated they should be ad quaie honours Chambers of Commerce of the and not, as it non tbe rul. only West Indies, based on a resoluminor bonours.
tion reached by that body and submitted to the Secretary of State. Although the majority of Canada Has Enormous Governments concerned declared themselves favourable to the sugSUPPLIED BY Trade alance gestions contained therein, the matter was left in abeyance Direct West cable desuntil 1923, when the Goveromet of Jamaica expressed itself will.
11 states that Canada has sound ing to consider sympathetically reasons for unlimited optimism in every form can be seen any proposal for the establishment of a Standing Cerec, as to it future, Hon. Frack Car rel, member of the presidente sin here at its best See oui and the Governments concerned Council of Quebec, and sent representatives to a preof the Canadian Wrist Watches Daily News liminary conference.
is brewed from the best papers Association, declared in ESTABLISHMENT OF CONFER.
Bracelets the ENCE.
yesterdae of an interview bere wish the Cape materials obtainable The report then lays down the Diamond Rings dian public would concentrate general prlnciple of the establishon the amazing trade statistics and a hundred other adorn ment of a standing conference in just published he said. We the following paragraph:It is specially suited for this climate bave trade balance of four ments and you ll recognize The first question which we buad red and two million dollars, why this is the LEADING bave to consider is that of the is superior to all imported beers sold the largest of any nation in the JEWELRY HOUSE in town world. Let people bave th general principle of the establish meat of a Standing Conference, here and it sells to the public at truth abous, our country nosi: ask prices and you ll find stil!
tion and pro: pects, and no one another reasod. as a purely advisory body, with, can be pessimistic politically or Do executive powers, meeting at HALF the price.
regular intervals and performing otherwise, for its constitueris functions analogous to those which the Im 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 perial Conference performs for tbe Empire as a whole. From Public Uility Sarvices; Tourist tbe establishment of suzb a body it Trade: Trade presentation; appears to us that nothing but and all questions, administrative M. WILKINSON good can ensue. Without in any and other, alfecting the interests way impairing the autonomy of of the Colonies, and their rela Contractor its members it would provide tions with other parts of the them with a flexible, well underEmpire and Builder stood and eminently Bri ish piece. As the last words ind cate, of political machinery for adjus this list is intended to be illusting their own internal and intrative, and not exhaustive. It House No. 20 ter colonial relations, consulting is an attempt, not to enuinerate on their similar domestic prob. Oso oss all the subjects on which the 28th NOV. STREET, lems, and exerting witbin the conference will be entitled to SAN MIGUEL Councils of the Empire a weight touch, but to suggest some of the and influence commensurate with main avenues of common action their collective populations, wbicb might usefully be ex. Box 411, Panam, wealth and resoures, which as plored.
isolated units they do not und Report states as its opincannot spite of the distances that sepahope to command. In ion that The rig to place Plans and Specifications Free subjects on the otticial agenda rate us and the diverse conditious should be contined to the Sacrethat prevail, we do not think that tary of State and the Consti First Class Workmanship it will be disputed that we have tuent Güverament in consultation Satisfaction Guaranteed many interests in common; that with their Legislatures, common interests should lead to Of every description ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN concerted policy and action; and that for this purpose we repuire The chairman will be elected by FLOWERS each conference at its first meetnot merely some more adequate and effective means of cooparing.
ation than is provided by the Specialized ad hoc conference of Abogado. Attorney at Law present system of occasional exparts on special zed subjects OFFICE: No. 44 sr departmental and ad hoc conshould, the Raport considers, ferences, but a body, as has been work in conjunction with the BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY sald, capable of TELEPHONE No. 1377 of putting forward standing conference; deta:ls of detinite West Indiaa opinion these to be settled as experience for the information of the InAT THE dictates. The secret ry of the Practicing before all the courts of perial Government (which has standing conference ence should be in the Republic since April 1914 till now been lacking, to the touch with these specialized corgreat lose of these Colonias) and ferences, and should tour the possible en itling it in due course Colonies in between meetings.
to voice in the deliberations of The Secretary salary shoula Dentist Howell Imperial Conference, tha: at not exceed 1, 000 per anaum, length raising the West Iodies NOE and the total expenditure of the to their proper status in the secretariat should not be more HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Empire.
than 2, 000 per annum.
NAME OF CONFERENCE Another important point touchThe Conference is to be called oldad, 4; Babamas, 3; British alterna ely lo the West Indies perial perferences and trade led upon is the relation between (Opposite the Restaurant)
being the Standing Conference of Windward Islands Grenada, 1; meetings to be held in rotation at gulations; port and barbour Imperial conference The West Indies Conference, Honduras. 3: Leward Island, 8: and in London. The West Indian agreements, shipping lawa and the standing conference and the Office Hours: a. to p. do British Gniana, British Honduras St. Lucia, 1; and St. Vincent. Barbados. Jamaica. British Gai dues and regulations; steamabip same status as the self governot. says the Report, claim the to p.
the Bahamas Islands, and the DAILY British West Indian Island, In the matter of selecting dele sca, and Trinidad. The First to services, cable and wireless ing Dominions but we neverthe gat, the report considers that be callen during the winter 1927 services; Customs, The number of representatives this ohould remain purely 28 in Barbados, as the oldest of saritt gaestions and Customs toms less venture to suggest that the PHONE 1941 BALBOA to be sent to the Standing Con domestic matter, but recomthese Colonies regulations; Defence; Education, West Indies as a wbole might be ference by each Colony bas not, mends that they shonld be mem SUBJECTS FOR CONFERENJE and the consideration of the allowed to have separate repre Specializes in all the branches the report continue. been set bers of their respective. Logisestablishment of a West Iudian sentation and to speak with their of Dentistry, tled, in proportion to the respec latures and Governments. The following, continues tb e University: Imperial College of own voice on matters concerning tive population, and in fixing the following figures at the numVoting will be by Individuals falling within the scope of the special reference to uniformity with other parts of the Empire at report, are the subjects. Tropical Agriculture: Law, with their welfare and their relations British Consulate Notice bers of delegates not to be ex and not by Colonies, and, as in conference: of laws as far as practicable, and the great Imperial prototype, ceeded, the fact that a Govern the Imperial Conference, only ment my not necessarily wish unanimous to the operation of the West which in our narrower sphere we decisions will be Agriculture, including veter Indian Court of Appeal: Market. are endeavouring to imitate where adopted.
y regulations always to send the same number to each Conference bas been The report goes on to recom diseases; Aslation; Banking, curs ing administration, hygiene, ing Dominions discuss the com Thomas Davis, a native of dealing with animales de planting of Produce: Medical, inclad the home government and the would be glad of informatica as to goveraments of the self govern the present whereabouts borne in mlad: Barbados, 4; mend that annual meetings of rency and note is8988; Civil Ser sanitation, British Guians, 4; Jamaica 4; Tel tbe Standing Conference be bela vice; Commercial, including Imagainst buman disease; Police; whole.
quarantine laws mon adalrs of the Empire as a Jamaica, weo some years ago had a cantine in Guachapali, Panama.


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