
Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History tions to AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages in the Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams und 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting venders Price 50cts.
cession to endure Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, VIGOR TONIC Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
out Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Cider Champagne be mants URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark Britain Roadines to Pay War Debts. Continued from page 2)
part of the agreemeat has not AND LOOK PLEASANT ABOUT IT get been implemented The dela.
IS ONE OF HER GREATEST Rates were intsructed West Iodian to use as I. Chambers of ASSETS, Commerce the basis for DegoCorner 12 Street East Avenue tiations. They stood together 15 LONDON NEWSPAPER and followed their instrucCOMMENT the letter. In the We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also opinion of the Associated watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Chambers of Commerce the Cable despatch from London Workmanship is guaranteed.
greatest need of these islands dated July states that long was transportation and they re extracts trom Frederick Peacommended vastly improved body petition to President steamship service. Owing to their Coolidge orging cancellation of WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED insistence provision was made, war debts owed to the JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
spite of the opposition of the United States are published here.
Marine Provinces, for The STAR joins lesse with Mr.
nightly service with passenger Peabody when he conterds that and cargo boats of minimnm grand hatred of America is From this date on, capacity of five thousand pounds growing throughout Europe The Agreement also provided ocaust of its attitude as reAUCTION SALES for ten thousand cubic feet gards these war debts, capacity of cold storage space. We borrowed on bard terme, will be held every day from a. to p To provide such Service The STAR says, but we no more subsidy is considered necessary bate America than we should and the West ladies agreed to bate any other money lender to Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall contribute proportionately to the be pleased.
subsidy. But the efforts of the ment of vital emergency and who the whom we had recourse in a moCanadian Goverament to obtain afterward insisted on the strict bave not yet been suc letter of his bond. It is the test and so far far from enjvying ing time of British stability, and an improved service we shall our readiness to pay up, and Bave for some months even to look pleasant about it, is The best Tonic in the World at least a a great reduction In one of the greatest of our assets, transport facilities. Naturally in a situation which is still fall of keen disappointment is felt at gravity.
this untoward clrcumstance, But This elegant Tonic pre aration is highly recommend. American bas our gold and we cannot agree with those who fiod cause for tbis in the craft begins to think she would be ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, iness of the Dominion better off without it. The fund.
ing arrangements are far from Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up CRAFTINESS OF THE DOMINIO baving Shaken England to her a run down constitntion GOVERNMENT, foundations, as Mr. Peabody Nor can we support those who fears, and It promotes digestion, impu uves the appeeven France, which are already advising a recon has taken the perican attitude tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system sideration of the Agreeinent by less gracefully, is far from being the West Indian islands. Uotil sunk into. hopeless bankruptcy.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or the service begion it is under It is unfortuna e that few of times a day.
stood that the sobsidy will not the leading American pewsbe paid. Further is this term in papers, with the bonourable exthe contract were not carried ception of The New York within a reasonable time Times, have designed to pubthere would be grounds for lish the petition, says the Daily calling for recision of the Mall. The argument it conAgreement. But charlishness tains will consequently never Services of the Bethlehem will not help us and is distinctly reach the great tass of the Additional Church Services.
Church of God Holiness un becoming at the prenent time. Amer people.
The Canadian Government have The Daily Mail can find found themselves in diffi nothing to deny in those arguSeventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA se cult position and we must The British people. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL patient and give them a reason it says, is at present paying able time to find a way out. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting. The smaller islands will be the receiving little or Lothing of the war debts of the world and 10 Children Service; 11 am.
Babbath (Saturday) 945 BabGREATEST SUFFERERS, what it is owed by others even both Sohool; 11. 16. General Worship Divine Service. Bro. Webley. p. Sunday School, Superinten. But Trinidad and Barbados will its fearful liabilities to the by those for whom it incurred pm. Spaniel Class; dent. p. 30 Goo also be adversely affected. The United Sutes. It is very pleas4 30 Society, meeting pel Service, Preacher Supplied.
630 Junior and Senior Standard The usual weekly service will be to increase our trade and cial heroism, but it would be purpose of better facilides wad sat for us to be praised for tion: of tainment Class pm. Verpers. conducted Tuesday and Thursday Sunday evet ing 730 Stere. bigbt, at 46 especially to eccourage and develop a fruit industry, We must little sympathy abroad for the not pleasanter still were there a opticao Lcture. The nelal public in BEULA 30 a. Prayer Meeting keep this end in view and we lover tax patbritish cordially invited to turn out in large 11 Divine Service. Preacher Sup must insist on the provisions of among those who are profixing taxpayer numer.
the treaty being implemented. 30 Sunday School, Superintent to stand together and to tes that It is our clear daty at this time by our fina acial berols.
dant. p. Gospel tervice. Preache the smaller islands are Seventh Day Adventist Church Supplied.
ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON treated unfairly.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Flying Bicycle Invented Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbatb Prayer, But the great difficalty is to By a French Machanic.
sebool; 11. 15 am, General Worship All other notics for the week will be Co. alone offered ten: Iud a practical solution. The 30 p, Young people meeting given from the Pulpit, der. This was not accepted by Paris, July A young French 30 Veepers Bro. WEBLEY, the Canadian Government. It is mechanic employed in a factory at Sunday evening 30 Preaching Bervice. You are cordially invited to Acting Pastor ia qburge. evident, therefore, that no other jon has just invented bicycle Company intends to enter the that tlies, According to a resort attend these services and bring your West Indian trade. Consequently received ia Paris, he has been friends, Ebenezer Church of God courses are open to the Do workino un bis invantion several Holiness minion Government. They must years and his fi ally completed The Church of God No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD either negotiate with the Royal successful sts.
Mail Company or they must The bicycle can immediately Sunday Bo clock, Prayer Meetia supply the stipulated servica by be transform :d iato a very small Panama, Aroremena Street, Loune 25, San Miguel Bunday at a. Prayer 11. Divine Service Preacher. sncreasing the tonnage of the monoplan and fly a height of Canadian meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 mm. Supplied Government Mercan 150 feet. Toe trials were coltile and 30 Sunday School at p. 3p. Sunday School Superintendent. action may be adopted there Is The mechanic laten doo to nare Marine. Whatever cou se of ducted without a misb ap.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Y. Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People 730 Gospel Service, Preacher 10 timefor delay. The Canadian ket his macnise next vatb, Toe Meeting. Wedncaday at 30 Supplied.
Government must cometo de sucoessful manufac ure of the Cisnel meeting. Thursday at 30 cision and act promptly on it. Of flying bicycle in large quantities Tuesday 30 Gospel Service one thing they may be assured would make flying within the Open air meeting. Friday at 30 pm. Note. Other Se vicce for the Week Delay in this matter will chill the menus of all in the opinien of the Prayer Meeting will be given from the pulpit.
aspirations of the West Ladies Inventor.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Elder ODLE and will also tend to discredit Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Suuday Schos the Trade Agreement, For we Pateor lo P. Goupel meeting on Thursday chargewant the Treaty and the whole at 30 Why pay double prico Bin. GRAY The Salvation riny for inforior Imported New Providenon. Gospel Meetings at Beor when you can 11. 30 and 30 Sunday Sabool BRITISH GUIANA PANAMA CITY CORPS. p. Wednesday at 30 Gore Services are follow:buy a superior Boor pel Mooting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer D, Early Prayer Meeting.
Colonization Board in such as BALBOA for Bro. McDONALD 10 am, Children Directory Meeting half the price.
Gatun, Canal Zone, Gospel Mesting and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11. Halinere Meeting to be con British Guiana.
at 11. 30a. and 89 m; Rupday ducted by Commandant Martin Babool at pm. Wedeceday 30 p. Y, Company meeting and Gospel Mooting. Friday at 30 pm British Consulate Notice As a result of the favourable Open sir.
Pra Meeting. p. Junior Open Air.
recommendation of a committee Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH 45 7. seperate Brigade open Air matter, there has been created in would be glad of information as to appoiated last May to go into the The British Consul at Colon Jol and Streets. Gospel met. Meting.
British Guiana Colonization and the present whereabouts of Aruold Inge at 11. 30a. sod 30 Sunday 30 Big Salvation Meeting.
School at p. Wednesday at 30 velopment Board. The Board James Lewis, a native of Barbados Other notices for the week wi be will be composed of the Colonial Gospel Meeting Friday at 730 given from the pulpit. m, Prayer Meetine.
Secretary (Chairman) the Director of Science and Agriculture Farmers Conference. One object Bro. GEO. GRANDERS IN Notice to Correspondents. Deputy Chairman. the Commis of this board is to deal directly Salvation Army Hall, sioner of Laods and Mines the with all matters relative to the Contributors and correspondente Immigration Agent Generel, the development of the natural are asked to send in their contribu Conservator of Forests, three resources of the Colony, porautions not later than Thursdays to Elected Members of the coming a strong progressive policy, LA BOCA (C3P3 iasure publication. This is impera. dined Court, one representative and thereby forming and con5. 30. Koee Drill tive avd must be adhered. of the Chamber of Commercial stitating an advisory board to Il sco. Holinese Meeting.
one representative of the Royal the Bilete Gingerament. The board is p. Sunday School Agricultural and Rent Receipt Books in Span Society, two representatives of cerned in, not only Icdian Impi!
Commercial also 30 Open Air.
to deal with all matters conish and English for sale at the the Sugar Planters Association, gratlon, but also the colonization 30 Salvatim eting.
We extend a cordial ir vitaton to all Worker Printery and one representative of the of the country. 80 VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For tho Ropublic of Panama not Take Notice Ito Regular Assortment of Ho Ro Co Famous Products SUCH AS Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.
Brigades Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre


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