p. 8


PAGE TOUT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JOLY 31, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races 20cmance wondoan To Morrow Races Dr. Wendehake EXCURSION TRAIN day on were samanaaaaa.
Races! Races!
sertence God leve There are nine races booked MEDICAL CLINIC The Panama Jcokey Club reap to be run at Joan Franco Park to: 7, 025 Front Street Colon ed a meed of praise for e excel morrow afternoon, and to all ap OPPOSITE STATION lent program they furnisbed the pearance this program prsmises to fans, who attend the race meet at PHONE 11 be an unusually good one. There Juan Franco Park on Sunray aro to be five four furlong dashes; afternoon last, not with standing little gloom which was cast over Panama to Colon and Return two six furlong one five ſtrong and Dr. Connell one six and one half furlong.
the feature event of the The feature event will be the SURGEON DENTIST.
when Capoul and Bombo were dl:qualified although they toist On Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 1926.
seventh race; distance 4 furlogs, purse Three Hundred Dollars, bei Begs to notify his patrons ed tirst and second respectively.
They weve a squalitied by the tween Frou Frou carrying 126 Stewards for bastog crowded BY THE ODDFELLOWS OF THE ORDER pouncs and Burlesc9 122 and ko. and others that he has relando, moved his Dental Parlours Dbole who came in third but was Capoul and Bombs will take up to more convenient quarters throb the effect of the dis quals fication gireu first place; Silver 126 pounds respectively orer six at 165 Central Avenue, upKing, the fourtb horse in the farlongs against Meelah 112 Dhole stairs the 25 cent Store.
race, although be ran a bad TRAIN LEAVES PANAMA AT 30 Givia 90; while shimmy is also 121, Sister Cecilia 95 and Super fourth came in for second place.
matched with Silver King 126, Tc Jealous God Another little incident, which however did not to any great With Stops at Balboa Heights, Red Tank and the same distance. Shimmy will 96, extent affect the day epjuy, Pedro Miguel carry 120 pound ment. was the disqualification of Shimmy is also entered in a fourContinued from page Cococh in the second race; she furlong with Chomb: Loca, Sister mandment that was viven to won easily but it was found that she carried six pounds under RETURNING LEAVES COLON AT 30 Cecilia and Col. Arango for the them by God. They fell into sin, third eveat the and lost their position. From program weight For the curtain raiser Fap, ly inberiting this spirit of disobe.
that time the whole human famiDhole paid the best in the parlRuso, Payasso and Repulse are mutuel as bis backers matched to run four berlongs sind diente, continued with it all down rwarded with 13 70, for each the last rare will bring out Lucero, with Goo. But with that unlimittoe age; walking out of favor original outlay of The track being in excellent ROUND TRIP Novici. Jailer, Tango, Belie Sau: cd love for his human son, Jebovage and La Garzona cver the condition vah sought orpartuairy to rescua there were many same distance.
them, bence biscovecant with excititk firisbee; these were started wben Dardarella with FIRST CLASS 25. SECOND CLASS 00 Abraham CONDEMNED MAN.
In order to remind these peoJimin. up 10 a pretty iace from Peter Pan win a le Jards to Continued from page ple whom he had chosen as a the winning post. Peter Pan bad Secure Your Tickets Early. Avoid the Unnecessary Delay of the garrote, and shortly the ato special peopl; of the conditions oped da wide prom the start tending physiciºns pronounced life which existed since the fall of but Jimin e bicught up Li.
mar, ia Eden, God reminded mout tactiully over the x tu Pablo Romero was on the verge them of all that he bad done in Ings and won by head.
Suimmy with Juckry Codel up Refreshments will be on sale during the entire trip of hysteries imm diately after the their favor, and told them he is execution, but Davis was una! feet jealous God, be wished them won the third an eighth races in ed. The executinter oder was taken to a to walk in ob dience to his way: tine style.
cell, where a physician Rotbis th: Israelites failed 20 do ICTO will have their prison sex THE DEVIL DEVICE3.
Died af Brooklyn reces shorter ed as The body of Aguilege was left in against da He having drawn Satan opperates in many ways the garrote for the ensemary four nens mind a way from God, bas The many friends of Mr. No. ROYAL BOUQUETS hours and was buried aths after endeavoured, and is still endeaman Wilson, mechanic at the (Continued from page 1)
noon by his father and mother. lboa Brewing aca Refriger ens at Windsor, sent by Queen The garrote has been ordered vouring to deceive them into a held in Santiago juil. where several swaying his influence over them, over estimation ating Company in this city will Mary to be sold for the benefit of ot God Ve.
regret to learn of the death of the Queen Alexandra Rose Day other prisoners are under denth and lowering them his mother Mrs. Elvita Wilson Fund, brought: 1, 548 at Christie into degreda recently at Brooklyn Uniud auctiea rooms. One sold for 913 Aguilera executio is the tion and sin, be also get them to States of Am rica. Ibe sad in land the other for 635. Day, intwentyfirst in the history of the punish men for their disobebelieve that should not telligence reacbed Wilson lew It was Alexandra Cuban Republic The last previous dience and days ago and this juroal greatly stituted by the late Queen in the one was on June 12, 1906 in therefore they do not rebellion agaióst hlu; ympathize withiin in big sad intereste JUAN FRANCO TRACK of English hospitals. Lən in Havana, sucb a God.
beruarement, But Jehovah says: don streets were patrolled all day About seven years ago the Cuban Though hand join in band, yet Brx kiyn pap. in porting by debutantes, peeresses, actresses TO MORROW Senate passed a bill abolishing the wicked sbal bot be urthe atath say sinter aliu. and others, who sold roses from capital punishment but it was punished. Pror: 11:21; 10:5. She lived an exemplary Christ one penny up: never fully ratified. Last year the NS 1926 Sunday, August 1st earthly father House of Representatives resur this child to Runpunished for will As a result of their efforts that allow ian life, and was deariy beloved by 11 with reeted ihe ball from a mass of wiltul wrong doings because he whom she came in con afternoon almost every man in tbled legislation, but no further loves him dearls. Is he wieer trael. Requiem Mass was said on London was wearing a boutonaction has been taken on it.
Tuesday morning, May 11, the riere. The garrote is a relic of the mens mind are blindid, they tban God? No. But because funeral service was held at the Cati edral at o clokk in se after CHURCH SERVICES Spanish regime in Cube. The briss cannot see and appreciate the Hoon, and intement 19k collar aboue the neek effects stran. justice of thely Maker.
Evergreen Cemetry. The numerou: gulation. At the saure time a sharp floral token bore testimony to the THE WAY OF ESCAPE Fik enters the back of the neck, Races for Imported horses Ninth Sunday After Trinity esteem in which she was held in the breuk ng tue spinal column. God has promised to bind community. May site rest in AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH and for Native bred Ponies Satan, bis riyal; and restrain peace. Anglican Catholie)
BALBOA BOY bis associates for thousand St. Paul Church, Panama years (R? 20:1 3)
Rev. Night ngale, ctor)
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE (Continued from page 1) which period men blindness last Christmas but had never will be removed.
Under the Löyal David Installs a to Holy Communion been used, and from which, it is influence and and teachings of the 10. 15 a. Matin At well, Christ Jesus Officers, Catechist.
entered the left breast of Roper. and His men will be 10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon, Young Holston arreste brought to Thursday, Digbt. July 16. 12 Holy Baptiem.
charged with the legal use of and bods. Al who refuse to was a bappily memorable ght pm, Anniversary Servic: for Edith firearms in the Canal Zone, but for the Officers and members ot Cavel, Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
later released on bood. It is not be the Propbet in that daydey of restoration and bl theLoyal David Lodge, No. 2821 3p. Chareh School First Race Starts p. Sharp believed that the accident will end ing will be destroyed from S, a 100 spirit of beal. 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon fatálly.
among the people (Acts 8:28)
thy, stimulating brotherliness Friday, August 6th. Feast of th Toen will all unbelievers know manifesting itself all through the Transfiffuration Holy Communion Canal Zone Notes assuredly of the love of (ou for night proceedings. The meet 6am.
ADMISSION. the human fsmily, and the re.
ing was called to order at p. St. Alban Church, Paraiso (Contioued from page 5)
son of his jealousy: Goa love by the retiring Worthy Master, CANAL ZONE.
Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Bu Georget e, the Misses Lola in its fullest extent, will ti èn be revealed to mankind Bro. B: Alexander, and after the 00 (Rev. P. NIGA TENGALE, Bucharan, Leonora Jom, Thelma regular business bad been tran: Suarez in butter color Georgette. THE TREATY.
sacted, the chair was turned over Prieat in Charge.
to Bro Ellis, the duly ap.
11 a. Matins and sermon. Rev.
Alter the ceremony at the Church, the mortored At (Continued from page 1)
party pointed installing officer for the Cowan, At St. Jude Mission Summit, and st WILL WITH.
who no ninaded Bros. p. Church Sehuol and Coifirma Simon Gambus. Matias and address LMotimer, Samuel and tion Instrucʻion. Mc. Osborne, Church Sebool, Confirmation Class and the fool she thought was. Continued from rage 1)
through the prircip streets of Thursday last with re peut to his LA Boca, to the residence of Mr. opinion on the important document vos as his assistants. The Catechist.
the ting and Mrs Alfred Ruget is quoted as sayiag, in substance.
beautiful and Impressive ir 30 Choral Eversong address. by the y Renders, To my son. leave the pleasure where a a good time was spent, the that the whole contente should stallation ceremony of the Shepherd rituals was then St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca MULCARE Priest in Chrike he has thought that the pleasure of the victro ia on til very near synopsis which does not disclose of earning a living, For 35 years entire party dancior to the tune have been published instead of a performed wichout a bitch, thee was all mine. He has mistaken. widmight when from sheer various stipulations wbich the Sin American Episcopal (Anglican Com Treaty contains, exhaustion the party broke up. Fraccis, M. Bro. J, Tu:myatoo)
To my daughter, leave 100 Baptist Cnurches There is a general wave of dis.
We wish the bride and groom loch, M, Bro.
000 She will need it. The only Holy Communion 30 am. The re elected) Bro. Braoker Rector.
goorl piece of business her husband, unbounded good luck and future quietude over the synopsis pubever did was to marry her: prosperity and happiness in lished and a yearning for the reve.
lation of the full contrnts of the Holy Bap iam 30 m. Under the auspices of the Southern their newly made life.
Christian. SisA Phil Litany, Holy Eucharist and To my shauffeur, leave my high contracting document, Baptist Convention. ling, mm. sis. C, Wallace sermon 10 45 Rev. Mucare, cars. He alufost ruined them and Sis. Gibson, chaplain. s. Church School p.
Colon 11 am, and 15 pm. Rev want him to have the satisfactioh Preparation Going. Strong Dani Wilkios Choral Evensong, sermon. 30p.
of finishing the job Brown, 8. Sis Sayers, Grand Patriotic Rally For Musicale at St. Peter S. Sis Taylor, Sis. Preacher Rev. Cowan, Chorrillo 11 a. Descon Crooke; To my partner, leave the sugPetero Capisimation Claes Wednesday and Our music loving faiends who 15 Pastor Witt.
gestion that he take some other intend eojusing the high grade Monday evening, the 2nd prox. Bro. Fr. day 30.
Calidonia. 11 a. Pastor Witt. 18 clever man in with him at Onco, il Musicale Mrs. T. Mulcare is imo, a and Patriotic Rally will Forde, 2000, Bro. he expects to do any busines Wall preparing for them. the 12h of be leatured in the Churen Social Phillips host.
Evening Prayer and address Wednes Surreant Brinkley.
At the close of day 30 co.
Red Tank 11. ad 718 Street Journal.
the ceremony. all repaired to the Toneber Elis of Colon. T. MULCARE, Rector next be pleased to Hallon Barthohear that the Panami Symphony lomew Churoh, Laa Cuscadas.
banquet room where a specially Empire 11 am 15 Deacon Orchestra, prepared menu awaited them St. Barnabas Church, Emp 10 Yearwood captained by Mr. All members and tried friends Matins and address 11 am. Mr.
Garfield Murray, has been engag. are and rigut royally did they parHave you: tried thio to Gatun 11 a. Supplied. 16 to.
ed for the occasion Eearly next out in large numbers, and make lake thereof. Spechmaklng was Johnson, Lay Reader.
Dracon Rubio new Beer week the Program will apear in the effort a pronounced success.
at the same time indulged in and p. Church Sebool and ConfirmaNos Providence. 11 am. Descon these columns, and you will be in Remember the objet: Repairing the occasion was generally prc tion instrue ion.
Broome. Kronen Brau Choral Evensong and addrees pm. cide fically our Church Building at Las Cascounced a splendid and er jos posizion to Pueblo Nuevo 11 Leader Galli whether or not you can afford to cadas, Dcor įwill open at 30 abla time.
JT MULCARS Pried in Charge more 7, 15 Mr Pete kin.
mise such a musical treat, Good Races place at during AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT Installed being Tollows: Sis. McDonald Bro, turn


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