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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Prisoners at Jamaica Kick AUGUST COLOSSAL Old Men Made War For DESIGNATED MUSICALE Against Diet Served Them Red Cross Month for At St. Peter Church Young. Men to be killed Panama Canal La Boca Thursday Employees.
About Two Hundred Broke Into Criticized by Ex Premier Lloyd West Indian employees are re In to Assessment Open Rebellion Defying minded that accompliance to the door to order Patie here to see hoca George in Speech Before Chriscision arrived at by the Board of towards the General Church PROAuthorities.
tian Endeavor Movement.
Directors of the Panama Caral GRAM of the Protestant EpiscoWest Indian Employees. Asso. the pal Church for the year 1926, Mrs.
month of It will be remembered that early last week the news designated a Red Cross Month st. Peter s, has planned a colossa!
August of each year is Mulcare, the wire of the Rector of LONDON, July 20. Europe had been drinking of flashed across the wire th prisoners at wben Penitentiary, Jamaica hat started a riot. Today we are able Bo collected from emplopedia et Miehening tragede armaments until it got delirium tremens in 1914, and is of to give full details of the occurrence taken from an Ex aterplants to contribuxae voli selline veningen en Terbaru dengan tening on drinking secretly now, said David Lloyd George in This entertainment speech this afternoon before the seventh world convenat likely to be the best ever given alion. through the Associating a The general Penitentiary was the scene of stirring to the St. Peter s, Miss Wiuifred Gordon, tion of the Christian Endeavor Movement.
the events on Monday afternoon last, when about two hundred cokep of appreciation from a captivating hundreds of music mistakes of their elders, including the fighting of another talented to to been employees good work the authority. The cause of the discontentment is claimed, by doing for indigent West Indian ribute to the program Mrs.
of vo There was some cynic, observed ex Premier the prisoners, as unsatisfactory diet. The prisoners took from time to time. As the As ociLloyd wars for young umbrage at the food served out to them as compared to ation has already made dona. Ang also, the togel men to be killed in. That is not just a Thoser old men had appreciate the European prisoners, and the outbreak had been evi tion for this year, caly Gifty cents sifted Tocal singers, the Panama they been young, would have taken just as gallant a part as dently brewing for some time. The affair started in a per person is asked for this month. Symnhony Orchestra, and the youth did. All ages and all classes were made for warar dramatic manner, when the men broke loose. grabbing at a location de indeedople are recher oder sie keer Churches Each generation has its task, and the supreme task of is booked to take the verandah rails, wrenching pipes and resorted to getting alive to their responsibili worthwhile sacred entertainment the generations that are arising is to achieve the substitu:ion storerooms for whatever they could lay hold on, Reinforce fties. When they are able they are ments were not slow in arriving. however, and during the way thing to contribuire alte The occasion des ondoubtedly of organized justice for organized violence. We old fellows splendid opportunity to were brought up in a world that regarded armaments, with night precautions were taken. Squads of armed policemen help their fellowmen.
the geueral public, not only to occasional wars, as a part of the grim essentials of human from the Depot and the Central Station arrived on the honour musical endowment, but civilization. Youth must get away from that idea. If it scene whilst an armed piquet of the Green Howards also ERRATUM also to a did duty, arriving at about nine o clock.
In our Editorial of today in the behalf of the work wbich a great does not, warn you that the past war was not the greatest After a few warm skirmishes in which Mr. Bernard first paragraph line for the word Church is doing all over the world and the greatest will yet have to come, unless youth tears the Holy Catholic that will be waged. The most horrible, the most devastating Toole, Superintendent of Prisons, Deputy IG. Sidley. neglect please read repeat If you miss it, you are going to that idea from the heart of civilization.
Inspector General Harrell, Sub Inspector Harvey Clark. the sorry when you hear what a You must get rid of the idea that you can settle diss and Acting Detective Inspector Murphy, held their own contributors and correspondente pe care selse were in these columns. putes only by an appeal to force. Whether it is guns and big hit it was. program against the outlaws, the prisoners were at the point of the are asked to send in their contribu: read it and judge whether it is can non or strikes and lockouts, they are all part of the barbayonets all got into their cells by nightfall. But they tions not later than Thursdays to worth while Doors will open at barism of the past.
acted like caged demons after this, shouting for all they insure publication. This is impera. 30. Get your ti skets acd be on Defending the Versailles Treaty, Mr. Lloyd George worth, and beating the strong cell daors with their tive and must be adhered. time, admitted it was a human instrument, therefore imperfect.
tists During the night the Public Service Company were som It was vital, he said, that it should be just as subject to juwere requested to aid sible to maintain order in their ta k, and Messrs. Nelson LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING dical arbitrament as any other cause of dispute e between and Campbell were down in quick time and had (By STUDENT OF LIFE)
There were greater armies in Europe today than ever powerful lights installed, which swept the premises from before.
one end to another. Inspector Murphy negotiated seven of No. BOOKS. The United States and ourselves entered into a the convicts at one stage of the fray with his bare fists, disarmament arrangement in 1921, he continued. It was hurrying another to his cell with his boot. ve always loved them, or to be out weighs realization, on the one of the finest achievements of modern times in disarmaThe Superintendent also can: in for his share of a more correct, ve always beeu fond magie carpet of the printed massed attack but after being rushed to the ground, rose to bad and indifferent, but papers and Asia, not as a mere tourist but as of reading not only books good, word ve väited Europe, Afrea ment, but we are gradually being cast back. Europe had been drinking of armaments until it had the situation and laying hold of a bato slugged right and magazines and enjoy them all the principal of the most thrilling gotten đelirium tremens and it is going on drinking secretly left. The inspector General and his Deputy frustrated the from Volney Runs of Empires, adventures and best of all though now. Youth must take it in hand. believe in a bright attack of the Superintendent, whilst Sub Inspector Clark down to the comic section of the ve died a thousand deaths m, future. Let them make it Sunday news papers.
still to uniform came in for some rouga hiniling The men who fought with their leaders maintaining order did their part sarily an aset of reading for to wet one can never be dull or Connelly but sense of imagination is Blessed with a passion for books OPEN LETTER TO well and are to be complimented.
the be in the a chair Up to a late hour Monday night a large number of able to put oneself into the toro can shut out the world as easily as SECTION, PANAMA AMERICAN people gathered in front of the Penitentiary despite the in or heroine place. can remember the radio fan tunes from one termittent showers of rain. Amongst th use who visited th: now the characters of book land etation to another, can leave tbe MR. SIMONS STANDS FIRM prison during the disturbance were His worship the Mayor that earned my cbidhood friend neighbors to their quarrelling, Hans and Col Commandant Mudge.
Christian Arderson the dogs to their barking, and the Calls Jingles Master Jester And Takes on Mr.
Edward Rood.
Armed guàrds have been posted throughout the and The Snow Queen. Baron proctise and be oneself to a differweek to cope with any further trouble, whilst the staff of Mauncbauson and Guliver ent sphere and era, can live tie Sir; As one thing suggests neatly dressed.
warders has been increased by twelve An enquiry is being wonderful adventures. Ichn Hali: life and loves of a thousand years another, and am placed in the That the Panama AMERICAN held in connection with the matter. check up has been and Little Women suffered and fax Lientlemao bow loved him! ago.
position of defending all things should live and live long, is my made on the regular street gangs, but on the whole the wept with Nicholas Nickelby to look for the gems in literature, hesitate to accept the other which in duty bound to speak up on Children of today are not taught Westy, am hoping you will not sincere desire, but an editor situation is now quiet. Oliver Twist, Old Curiosity to take a delight in standard works is, you are attacking all things behalf of bis party or his people; Shop and Uncle Tom Cabio. or the classics, they cannot appreWesty, hence we heard from Me SPARKLETS As grew older the pages of ciate the dry whimscial humor of From any standpoint all things Baxter, as soon as THAT sugar history Freioated me ve marched Dickens, the poetry of Scott and being equar, continue to stand, the gold commissarios, usar sti side by side with Napoleon, bave Maculay, Instead you will find and shall contentedly fall, by the are eatitled to the same (BY CK)
whom we believe are capable of Helena. ve roved the seven reas confession magazines Bernar Mc since the others do not play up We do not objeet to being told our copy of position that the Westy is as good consideration from the W, Seclang sila oricare in exile with him at, st. True (1)
Playing Our Game are involved.
dah Let us not make any mistake withstanding all this, the idea of followersI ve been pirate with believes that truth is ben utiful alone.
the line of agrument advanced in those of us who are given employ. pieces of eight, in my ears a band also that for, waroed is fore to admit them; but in the absence our fayour by Mr. Babington Simons In his Open Letter to went or privileges on the West about my head and a cutlass armed; he does not believe. is the most powerful factor in all practical scheme to correct them, Capital. working and reserve) of a suitable remedy based on the West Indian Section ich suche privilegos to the maximum sacked Panaina be shared the best bei dies are suite bizic with their reCAN dan sure the courtoiture about them to alter, thereby apto help themselves and the com: sentiments of Robin Hood.
neither do T, am the attention of ultmo. is is weak; the basic priasi. belong to the better possibllities passionate Byron and Wilde, geote their salacious suggestive appeal stores, like The PANAMA AMERI many in the opposing who camps ple io volved in his idea of the best of life, stretching these privibave passed by without ways for the Section to render to Tennyson, ervice, but which, however, bad by usiug them for abounds Follow beautiful Evangeline through ber own folly, is abducted that are now in a better position calling attention to the faults of never failed to enchant me, ong: typical story; an American girl, succeed in obtaioing the financial noticing. And now, before passing assistance they now need on, ask. amart from regularly upon, is sufficiently, icht la legiti were rated stones over into our ranks with and The Courtship of Miles bị a Cuban and forced to of our Standish, Walter Scott life of red yelled in and do not need to stanje odla Westies here, how do you propose for gitimate business ventures, is West be continue on to. is Lady Of The Lako ad aad Indian Section to any local news penicious, Such action is one of mired Essays, have dengan lirium during a fit of sickness she ERICAN ever begins a series of in dealing with my letrer. be not marrys, her husband scale in keeping with their various the smooth si rple flow of da Vapa: she escapes, returns to bere in new the little interesting invigs the in our Ingersol ght. being ignorant of her past, in de localities; and it The PANAMA AN Jingles of him, it is true, that intis. game of life which calls for applause ed in in Elbert Hubbard humorou only reverted to played would, philosoply and so on to the works reveals the truth and is forgiven on the set ber of the soch anvendes tend true to form a master jester in my letter 30th ulto, it is without a or courtiers be undesirable. pre amused. We have had our tauleto which tends to help promote the a perpetual state of social degene Southworth, and numberless ma show the American male up assary overhead expenses can be emitted. now call for a not what they need policy. But if cannot afford to be treecherous to Dell, Hull, etc. fool which is hardly an accurate done by one self, only to avoid workable remedy. have also sug. pointed out time and again. They given them what they want and racy and economic slavery. We gazine stories by Gilbe, Hughes, gulible hen pecked easily duped paying to do things our we are unable to take le for treat this stage of our battle for a lite Folhamo, mediomemy. pete verio, and sining wilially for the sake of medio bound to bila so that there is a gested a line of helpful articles.
me reading will lose portraitand. being in working attire. It is it us to eutrust them in the hands of those (Continued on page 8) imagination whicb in most cases (Continued on page 8) me for everything, even to te (Continued on Page 8)
to his with when our interests in insist that 1: that drug maximum of real leges over reasonabie Those our people pot been to a. shame of a ve mine idea the first place the paper published English Janguage is immoral, and its introom the oth to who a


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