
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1926 FREE him;s can reconquer him by tbe sam meade, Totoo bambidny feed 200 must tractiveness. with If you read How to Be a Good Treaty Makes Panama a Vassal a Wife.
State, British Press Says. BY THE RED CROSS NURSES Washington Press Describes OF NEW YORK.
Panama as Uncle Sam Ally Reverence your busband. He few of the many Presents given out for Empty Packages of Lucky Strike sustains by Goa order a posl Under the above Captions, our esteemor Victor Cigarettes tion of dignity as head of led confrere the Star Herald in its issue of family, bead of the woman. Any breaking down of this order the 5th inst, states that Cablegrafic advices in lors digression from daty. Love received in Panama from Panaman students a wife loves as naturally as SUPERIOR the sun shines, Love is your in England, call attention to the fact that the best weapon; you cou quered him KITCHEN OUTFIT with that in the first plac. you English Press, commenting on the treaty recently signed between the United States and he is crowded with care Panama, opined that Panama was reduced and too busy to seem to heed your love, you need to give all by it to the status of a vassal state, the greater attention to securing bim knowledge of your love. If Quite contrary to this opinion is that ed.
you suspend, be will settle down cold life with with itorially expressed by the Washington Post, Increased ample will keep the light on his home for under date of August first, entitled. Panama neglects the conviction, and the more be Our Ally, in which great importance is given the more carefully must you to Panama co operation with the Uni.
allowed to go out. Once out you ted States. The editorial according to a cabledarkness the cold. Sealtivate personaal gram just received by the Department of PIECE KITCHEN SET This means storing of your mind with a Foreign Affairs of Panama, from Minister RiConsisting of the articles pictured above knowledge of pas passing events and cardo Alfaro, says in part.
good idea of be :o la 200 Lucky Strike empty packages or general advance. The new treaty replaces the Taft Con.
400 Victor empty packages gain intelligence you will soon vention which was abrogated two years ago, sink dowo into your busca and while its stipulations are most essential to husband never bears from you any words the interests of the American nation, it is unof mation, he will soon in or nothink questionable that the Republic of Panama and s00u wear ou. Il your memory obtains such assurance of support and help worth while to read, that i, as to guarantee its stability and prosperity is weals so that it heraly seen addit. ocal res on on ees: cleaulions and wood taste Cultivate physical attractive for the future.
In conclusion the editorial says: This they did for Keep yourselt at your your treaty will prove to be a blessing for Pana.
best, make the most of physical waents, neatness and orderma. For the United States it is an absothe power of poverty.
Study your husband character; lute necessity, and it is pleasing to know that bas to many of them, and it has been happily negotiated them, thus you MEAT AND FOOD CHOPPER can avoid many hours of; triation. PIECE KITCHEN SET Consult bis tastes; it is more in914 inches high. Five different portant to your home that you Consisting of Can Opener, Paring should please blm than anybody knife and Potato Peeler else. Practice economy. Many 200 Lucky Strike families are cast out of peace in to grumbling and discord by being compelled to fight against poverty free from the Keep your busband appointed creditors and be annoyance of diswill be more apt to keep free from annoying you. To toil hard for bread, to fight the wolf from the BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. PANAMA) LTD.
door, to resist im patlent Credltors, to stroggle against comBox 2025, Anoon, or 897 Panama plainlog pride at home, is too mucb The Most Beautiful Love Story ever crust that is your own is a feast, wbile a feast that is pur.
Told with All Star Colored Cast loined from powilling creditors is fatiue.
Daring in its intensity. Startling in its NO Son op Try Again Society revelations. Abounding in action and thrills.
will attract do med meris.
he endon aide oreak the be bas no right to pecul you need Bises detachable cutters 60 Lucky Strike or cr 400 Victor The Call of His Race 120 Vietor to ask of one man.
EXCURSION TRAIN Panama to Colon and Return On Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 1926.
BY THE ODDFELLOWS OF THE ORDER THE MAN WHO WOULD BE WHITE TRAIN LEAVES PANAMA AT 30 With Stops at Balboa Heights, Red Tank and Pedro Miguel RETURNING LEAVES COLON AT 30 The Try Again Friendly Saciety installed their Otficers, for the July and December torm on July 17th, 1926, at the Paraiso Lodge Hall, The installation ceremony was under the supervision of Bro Nurse and Gilkes, Past President and Organizer, wbo performed their duties in creditable manner.
Following are the Officers elected to guide the destiny of the Society for the present term.
Sis. Pond, President. Sis. Blades, Vice President, Bro. Howard, Secretary, sis. Garpes, Assist. Secty. Sis.
Packering. Treas, Bro. Blackman, Marshall, Bro, Anderson, Assist, Marshall. Sis, Piggott. and Sis. Derway, Sick visitors. Sis, Beckle, Chaplain.
After the ceremony had ben performed Bro. Gilkes, Past President and Organizer who acted in the capacity of Grand Marshall, declared the installation closed in the usual after the Members retired to the banquet hall and did justice to the nice things Speeches and Addresses and singing of the Doxology brought the function to an end, meanwhile all present expressing themselves as having spent a most enjoyable time.
Root Receipt Books In Span Ish and English for sale at the Working Printery Powerful Human Document THRILLS THAT BITE ACTION THAT STARTLES LOVE PATHOS. ROMANCE It the Man that counts and not his Color or Creed Never deny either your race or your religion THE MOST UNUSUAL PHOTOGRAMA OF THE SCREEN By special agreement only one day in Panama ual form, ROUND TRIP FIRST CLASS 25 SECOND CLASS 00 Secure Your Tickets Early. Avoid the Unnecessary Delay which Eldorado Theatre MONDAY, AUGUST 9th Refreshments will be on sale during the entire trip Reserved Seats Now On Sale 09


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