
PAGE TAREF Interesting News from The West Indian Islands XSSSS Severe Drought Conditions in Clarendon MAN, BEAST AND PLANT SUF FERING FROM LACK OF WATER IN MID AND LOWER DISTRICTS Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD IRRIGATION NEED.
seas: Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purifying and enriching the BLOOD.
beauty livery canale of Engliste Boeger, the Irrigated districte la Verge fodder; one in For Sale at all Drug Stores ness of And in Large Quantities by see large num JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT The Clarendon correspondent to the GLEANER writing to that paper on July 16th states that the weather conditions in mid and lower Clarendon are much worse. For months now not a drop of rain has fallen, Tbe der rivers are dry, ponds are beds of bard brittle soil, the ground every where is scorched, and goats, horses and cattle roam about in search of cannot understand how these animals manage to keep alive.
People bave had to travel miles and miles in order to get suffcient water for domestic use.
If such cor ditions coutinue the future for these parts will be lamentable. The estates bave all closed dowe for lack of water.
The Jabourers are reduced to a state of beggary, and it is indeed to see ho bers or these bonest, hard workoutside a gate asking for bat women an hour work. Some of these bave left their boldings of tive and ten acres desolate, for want of a suitable scheme to develop the land. The needs of the people are great, and the Government should do some thing to alleviate their sufferThe well bere is still giving trouble, The aeromotor is inca pable of pumping a sufficiently large supply of water to meet the demands of the inhabitants, hence tbe water collected in the is soon soon discharged by the outlet pipes, and this again is a source of much dissatisfaction.
All kinds of methods bave been devised to assist the people, but bothing substantial bas resulted: the only solution to the problem is for the Government to supply a good gas or steam pump 80 as to always have on hand, an ample supply of water for drinking purposes.
asso irrigation were ings.
tank BARBADOS JAMAICA Codrington College Proposal to Line IrriBoard of Management gation Canals With Cement.
The GLEANER understands In making appeal for funds to that the Government are conrebuild, Codrington College the sidering a proposal to cement Board of Management, says the irrigation canals of Bt.
among other things:Catherine with a view to increas Oa April 18. b, 1926, the ing the water supply to planters, ravages of fre reduced to ruins There is now a scheme in hand in the Island of Barbados one to expend 60, 000 to get an inof the most ancient and most River, creased supply from the Ferry useful educational centres of the Dominions beyond the The solation of the water Cod rington Catherine, is College, founded in problem in St.
Its buildings standing on with concrete the several de be lin lining Oupu: of romantic where Experience in miniature of an English and within its precincts have bas conclusively proved that the been trained not only many men utility of water supply ia by this wbo have won prominence method increased. At present in public life in the West Indies in St. Catherine, contracts are and elsewhere, but also two mide for the supply of 15, 000 thirds of the Clergy labouring in cubie yards per hour.
Il con the Dioceases of the West Indian tracts were made for 20, 000 Provinces including Bix Bishops. cubic yards per bour with Since 1875 the College bas provision that all supplies would been affiliated to the Uolversity the scheme would be greatly abate pro rata the usefulness of Durban: It ranks as one of increased and an arrangement recognised Balls of that Univer of the kind would automatically sity, and it is the only place in lead to the living of delivery the West Indies at wbich the advantages of a residentall Ual canals by the several corsumers.
a versity training can be obtained Mr. Parker, an irrigation Unless Codrington College expert of great experience came speedily rebuilt. the educational to the conclusion that in Vere the loss was from to cubic advantages available st Indhene yards per boar for each 1, 000 which West Indians take a just pride, will lose their square feet of wet area in the In St. Catherine there influence of an ancient founda are certainly not less than 30 coping stone, and the uplifting cacals, tion, breathing an atmosphere ot miles of consumers canals terv bigh thought and learning, willing the district between Gregory be lost to the common life of the Park and Spanish Oa a community very conseryative estimate, canal to carry 500 cubic yards It is reckoned that the cost per hour would have not less rebnilding Codrington Gullege than to square feet of wet 000. We feel that the area per fco: run.
Each mile College has definite claims on the therefore of such cans would sympathy and large hearted bave 5, 280 feet run by or feet generosity of the whole British wet area would equal 23, 760 to Empire, and especially West 10 26, 4000 square feet of wet area, dians, representing it the first pioneer movement in the connoting a loss per mile of fron 72 to 130 cubic yards of water Colonies towards intelectual proper hour or for thirty miles a gress, as an institution slil of total loss of froin 180 to 3, 900 gaeat value to hese, parts, and cubte yards per hour.
standing for a posterity to the memory of that cb mile of canal would serve noble Scholar Soldier of 200 say, 200 acres of land, Lining years ago, General Christopher such canals wi coner te would Codringtos, wbɔ bequeathed bls cost abut 400 per mile, equiva possessions to put within the lent to a capital expenditure of reach of New York World tle about per acre.
gains of learning, with It is submitted that the adopout which its growing commerclai prosperity might become eventually result in a largely tion of the proposed plan would base and sordid.
increased revenue to the GovThe large sum that has to be ernment, raised calls for large and generous contributions from the rich in the spirit of General Codring.
9000 50000000 DOOOOOOO DODO ton, as well as small contributions from those who bave little TRY to give, many of wbom have already exhib ted a touching eu KRONEN BRAU thusiasm for the obj ct of this appeal.
Every subscribor on a large or ON DRAUGHT small scale may be satisfied that OR BOTTLES generosity in this matter in not mis directed unQOD000 1000 2000 30000 300 The Board of Management have hopes when the College is rebuilt ot reconstructing its curriculum on broader and nore true, it is impossible to say, but modern lines.
the Board of Management would In connection with the fore welcom extension it fuads are going, Lördshithe Bishop available. The first thing is to of Barbados to writing to persons raige 25, 000 for restoration bein England, says inter alia. fore extension can undertaken.
At this stage it is impossible to To old Codringtonians ibe blow is stunnlog. All the old associa will be the cost of reconstructions are gone and our Alma estimate with accuracy wbt tion, but a very rough estimate Mater is a heap of ruins. We long places it at 25, 000, to see it restored, but 25, 000 IS If the suggestion of extending a large sum, fear it will be imthe top floor through the whole possible to raise it unless we building as recommended by the receive some substantial donaengineers, is carried out and the tions from those who value the coast of refurnishing is ineluded, College for its long and honourthe estimate of 25, 000 is not able conection with the Colony excessive, as the local centre of higher eda.
The Building was losured for cation. It has gigen men of stand 000 in the local Ec. nimic In ing in many parts of the Empire.
surance Co, Ltd. This amount Will you help us to restore has been paid up by the Society. Codrington noble gift to the There is a strong local opinion Colony?
that the opportunity should be taken to extend the scope and on the sthmus. Barbadians Some weeks ago, West Indians usefulness of the College by Providing professorships in Math particularly made a stir for colo Law and Teaching It lecting funds to assist in rebulld.
is thought that men now trained ing this famous fostitution of of America would be attracted to nothing further has been beard of in Canada and the United States learning but except for the print blanks the College Instead. It is sug the matter. Have the promsters gested that local contributions of the scheme lost interest in the scope; to what extent this is will be 25 House Rent Receipt Books TRINIDAD priceless Good Roads SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of recent date says. The roads of the Color y have been acclaimed by visitors as setting a standard for the Carib.
bean; indeed, as good as those found in Europe where roadmaking is a developed science.
The motorist who travels widely over the Colony can give per sodal testimony of the splendid condition of in spite of the rapid development of heavywbeeled traffic. Taking tha Stretch between Purt of Spain and Tacarigua as an exumple, would appear that it improves with the increasing traffic, the surface certinuing in an excellent state of preservation.
of the roade Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Improvement At Tobago CAN BE HAD AT The Workman The claim of Tobago for support of the High School which bas been establisbed there by the Bishop is strong, and the Government should give aid to this secondary school as early as possible. The children of Tobago are entitled to have an opportunlty of secondary education given to them in their island, and it will be turning the hands of the clock back it this application were refused and the opportunity lost for definitely giving the parents in that colony an opportunity of education than that now available giving to their children a higher in the elementary schools. Tte list of grievances which Tobago used to trot out in in the past wia long one, but recently the of been beve Rble to point to improvements such as the establishment of the le Water Works, and hope that the Government rejoicing in Tobago by meeting the higber education needs of the Colony by promptly giving supStationery Store will cause more ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays


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