
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1926 Kiss The New Philosophy of Life.
JUST OPENED THE PROSPERITY TAILORS DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING people ula But we GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted Recently a few of us have been Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies strenuously advocating the imWALROND, at the office No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes perative necesity of co operat Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
ing with our brethren in different PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be parts of the world to establish written on one side of paper only, and NEW RELIGION, or in other Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of words, to revamp and renovate Oze Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicathose garabs or phases of the Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
christian religion which we have Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reObe through the process of evolution jected correspondence.
CLEANERS DYERS outgrown, and which were simply kind ergarten or elementary lesThe Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS sons intended only for children, SATURDAY AUGUST, 7, 1926, No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue and which can no longer satisfy those developed individuals who THE COLORED RACE MUST MOVE are fully quallified fo: University PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Training ON AND RISE The vast majɔrity of our 18 people are certainly not being taught anything of intrinsic and Sometimes in looking over old files we come across permanent importance. The mathings we have stated in the days of yore and in comjority of their so called leaders paring the things written then to present day conditions we are conveniently blind to certain find in many instances that we repeat ourselves unawares.
OF THE HIGHEST ORDER fundamental facts which make for genuine and general progress.
And so today in this connection we attempt to belabour a They bave become veritable vamcause on which we might have already exercised our thoughts plres, exploiters, parasites and but which has again been forced upon us by local happenings fabricators. They kno Gita Work Done While You Wait qalte well and we neglect that what the coloured race has achieved in al to the lower Instinctive nature of the ignorant the past fifty or even eighty years has been properly called and credulous masses, and tbus by a noted psychologist of no mean merit, the wonder of the centuries. But we have not achieved much of our TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED engaged them in all forms of sensational and and voluptious enterboasted progress through the unreseryed assistance of those tainments, in order to gratify outside our own race. True it is, that in many instances, Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices their own ostentatious and inordioate lusts and ambition. Those we have been potted and fondled like so many poodles and given the freedom of the privileged circle; but then we were Ladies Garments carefully handled of us who bave bad some experience of the higher life, and who not considered much more than the playful quadruped, and would, in our own bumble way those who survived abandonment were of the sort that endeavour to direct the subordinated and suppressed their aspirations and ambiĆ. REID Manager attention to the cardinal and immutable principles and laws tions.
upon wbicn their material and The strain of personal and individual effort has wearied spiritual affairs should be conthe muscles and fatigued the brains of all who have suc. a sms sa sexsi kisokosiosis ducted, in order to be of mutual.
ceeded by themselves. They have struggled on amidst equal and permanent benefit to difficulties of practically the most gigantic, and apparently 50 00SXXSXSXSXSXSXSS concerned: we are empbaticalle up. the most insuperable, character. They have braved the Rrossly maligned and missreprestorms and fought the viscisitudes of life, not as all men do, we, however, are but under the most unfavorable circumstances and with the sanguinely convincent that, Truth heaviest handicap under which a people could compete in however grea ly disdaited and the great race for life.
deeply entrenched in the in the gutier other What have been done by the few great men of our race of human seltishness ignorance, credulity and supersti. ion, shali can be acchived by the many through a general unification eventually arise triumphantly.
of interests and energies. We have, by sheer necessity, was recently speaking to an already found the how of success in individual cases; acquaintance of mine on advance and we are now ready to learn the when of united effort.
thought he told me that. bls Priest told We know of nothing that can possibly prevent the complete him that New mobilization of colored forces skilled, and unskilled, Thought is of the devil, or words to that efect arden is wish to scieniific and mechanical, literary and otherwise. There was a time in history of our race when the wedge of intelligent readers, in the very put before your unprejudiced and unsophisticated meanness, cankerous insularity and social words of one of the most atle exclusiveness kept us apart and, consequently, oppressed. ATexponent of the New Rligion or New Thought doctrines, Dr. Those who had risen felt it inevitable to remove the Marden, being given to all old landmarks and cut themselves away from the relations the world under the tittla ol, and associations of former days. They ki ked down the THE NEW PHILO3OPHY OF LIFE ladders on which they had climbed so that the rest might wben one is thoroughly alive to not be able to reach where they had been privileged to go.
the consciousness that he is surThey became the votaries of another race and traitors to ported by divine power, which their own. But these days are gone just as surely as the will rush to bis aid in any emer.
glory of the one time German Empire.
gency or be is neither nor discouraged There are some existing impediments to the general God organization of the race seen, perhaps, more clearly in the within me fortifies me. says attitude of some of our laboring people in their quest for Emerson. That which sbows 550 SO Him without me makes me a employment. As non Unionists they possess and exhibit no traits of independency or manliness. As soon as a job wen.
greatest sarvice which the new philosophy becomes vacant there is a rush for the position. If the va manhood, self respect, honor, courage, fearlessness, inde: NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES is is rendering the race is is its insis cancy occurred because the last holder had made applica pendence, dignity and at last but not least, self preservation tion for an increased wage, the unspeakable meanness of as a people.
tence of man divinits, on the We cannot stand where we are, nor as we (From Onr Correspondence)
power that is his through tbe some of the applicants does not let them hesitate to com are; we must move and we must rise, but we will not be Tae announcement in God within bim. It teaches that pete on the principle of the lowest bidder for the place, able to do this until we shall have learnt to ignore the ene Star HERALD of the 24th uh must be one with God, partaker the all is God Such creatures (now hard it is to call them men. are the ploded fala:y that the Negro has been designed to be the that the National Government of His divine power and materia new class of traitors to the race and it is for us to clean dish rag snd mop head of all other races.
suspand the National roads pro discrediting man as found it necessary to temporary butes. Instead of minifying and them up as quickly and as theroughiy as we can.
gram; his caused general regret The spirit of insularity and provincialism is dying out.
ceived. In sin, born in iniquity, commuoliy We are fast approaching the time of intercolonial and in. Shutting Out The Sun.
Successful bazara cultivation poor miserable worm of the dust ternational fraternization. All colored people are beginning in this country, den ands extenfron grace and forfeited his to feel that they are related in aims, aspirations, demands Smoke is a curious subject to engage the attention of siva araas, consequently, the divine rthright by incurring and interests. The accident of geographical conditions is the British House of Connons for practically a whole small cultivator can only keep Godos dispensare, birraigesting becoming a diminutive proposition, and we are thinking of Parliamentary day.
But smoke after all in an industrial abrest of the times by a contic to a divine height, makes nim ex:of his fields, more important things, as a race, than where a man was country like Great Britain is a matter of some importance. Falling us to do any your bufore God like being. It inculcates a born and who was his great grand father.
It blackens the sky and impairs the health of the whole certain stige is reacaed, la vites (Continued on page 5)
Professional bigotry has lost its line of discrimination. population in certain regions. For years past certain re disaster. Working along these The professional man does not think w that he stands formers have been endeavouring to secure legislation to lines the pople of New Provi.
in a world all by himself, unrelated to and disinterested in check the smoke nuisance, and now the Government has deve ser mated Limon are atings, until the roads problem is present confronted with a land solved the affairs of the labouring man The people are realizing definitely taken the matter up, the Minister of Health having scarcity.
that racial independence cannot be effected when a part of introduced a bill imposing penalties of varying severity on The National Government, the people feels that it should not be attached to the other factories whose chimneys omit excessive or unduly perroad program plans a road, linkThe Land department of the ing the colonies to Colon; incipart. We are learning that a chain is as strong as its weak nicious smoke fumes. Some very striking figures were Canal ne has rendered mater. dentally opening the wbole disest link, and that it is the duty of all to combine for the quoted by the Minister in the course of his speech on the isl assistance to these Colonists (trict to cultivation. To date the strengthening of the force that is needed to fight the tre subject. He said that as a result of the smoke nuisance cantine dicanse to cultivate road has roached Cativa, seven mendous battle that lies ahead of us.
there was 20 per cent less sun ight in many manufacturing Baboon Island and other lands in miles distant: the The deafest ear should be given to opposition from towns than there is in the country, a fact which has been tho appreciation of this impassable rivers.
Sy great has section containing one or two remainiog every side. There are men who will tell us that thesmoon direct bearing on the health of children in particular. He privilege that, at present, no is a torch light fed with petroleum; that there is no para also cited statistics showing that in a city like Mahchester, more lands are available to the who have visited the colonies dise, but hard work for the Negro; that ambition is immor which is almost entirely industrial, the inhabitants have to remediate victaltzei The depart within have pited like months, al and personal pride idiotic; that education is a mockery spend considerably more per head on the washing of their hans, however, desiring to con declare tinue and knowledge a sure road to hell; that a kick is sweeter clothes than the citizens of a purely residential town not speaking; of this than a kiss, and short pay more appetizing than chop suey: very far diştant. Some complaints have been made by opening cewe dando este Gigante eriet have given peroleter ebidelice Dear Fej joles. These lands at Industrial that money to the negro is like an explosive in the hands of factoryowners that the proposed legislation may to some though some distance from the an infant: that race pride is a joke and personal dignity an extent penalise industry, but the House of Commons is. than any other in.
impossibility. If we listen to this conglomeration of ignor altogether in favour of any measure that will make for the grave circumstances the colonists are, ance we would not be able to move a single step further purification of the atmosphere and the new Bili is pretty Krave situation.
Although serious, the outlook the day when the National patiently and hopefully awaiting than The b:icks that pave the certain to be passed into laws. The chief criticism brought is yet hopeful, because, adjacent Streets would have more chance of going on a military again it, indeed, is that it does not go far enongh, in that it to the colonies lie a large tract done so much to promote their parade than we of getting our people together on the basis leaves out of account domestic fires, and in a country where of Irod, suitable for general culti welfare, and to whom they of general organization.
the open hearth still prevails, and the American syrtem of vatlap. Through the lack of roads expr But we can and we should not pay any attention to central heating has made liitle head way, the ordinary thos a lands are almost worthless, express thelt gratitudo on every available opportunity: shall be in colonists who received a position to complete the bonthe traitors or the enemies of Negro advancement.
The dwelling house is a rather serious offender in the matter grants on colonization, never have New Providence New Limon time has come when we must exhibit the real qualities of of smoke production.
seen, nor will ever see their bold road section.
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply wart and Tha in this con being con beginning had had fallen that, and Economic solution to a sone what within any


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