p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 7, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Races! Races. the this elty. 8 Exciting Races with ae ARY AS. reforro and VIGOR TONIC critice in tehnyt alebough Dan Samping have sauztime to for, and one aloog well their Last Sunday Races To Morrow Races Panama Literary Dr. Wendehake Association Formed MEDICAL CLINIC An eight rice program is One of those unusually offered the sports at Juaa Fran 7, 025 Front Street Color large and enthusiastic crowds co Park mrrow afuraoon, and Pursuant to a call issued by the OPPOSITE STATION was at Juan Franco Park on according to the line up auther Rev. Nighteogale, a PHONE 11 Sunday afternoon last to wit aftercoon of kern racing may be fair gathering of young people net exp cted, ness the nine races which jact ibat there tive furlonge out botaithstandi made up the program. The of the elgot even JUAN FRANCO TRACK day night for the purpose of or. Dr. Connell ganizing a Literary Association in after was a tense one for the Frou Frou is entered up in SURGEON DENTIST. Fans as very few favorites what appears to be the fessure TO MORROW The Reverend gentleman acted as Chairman and explained sbe supported their backers but, erot, the last race, a distance of Sv. urijag: be will carry a Begs to notify his patrons objects of the proposed Association instead, rank outsiders in the up weight of 180 ppunds against Sunday, August 8th 1926 stating that he was hopeful that and others that he has rebetting won most of the Pexque 126, Doole 114, lando the young people of Panama would moved his Dental Parlours events and upset the plans a Silver King 109, Spiomy is JODR make use of an organizatico of this to more convenient quarters of the keenest plognosticator entered in a sixwhich undenominational in at 165 Central Avenue, upfurnished many exciting mo o e, Dandy and Maelb, and agint Sess to all who might enter would give promise of stairs the 25 cent Store.
ments and in adition reward again in five furlongs as active members ed their backers with hand Te willo, Belle Sauvage and The following officers were elect ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO some returns. Those who deler.
Cicoobs, ed: President Mr. Burke. THE POPULAR HIPODROME os pa, Races for Imported horses dor, came in for the biggest diviVice President, Mr. Krl Harris; JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
Repvls, dends were the backers of Harald Pep. Ruso and and for Native bred Ponies Secretary, Mr. Smith curtain Novicia in the seventh race. raisco wbie Baby gey is se booked for the Treasuerer, Mr. Walters.
With a contempuble twenty given 126 pənads to run tive for discussion as to the name of WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE the Association was freely indulged Little Lesson on three win tickets sold to her longs against Zipo, Exsuse Me, in and it was decided ibat the credit, as against 399, 183, pale wood and Colqui. Continued frota page 1)
Io all the program is a na me THE PANAMA LITERvery 97, 108 and 69 credited to the be usual farge go ale id ASSOCIATION AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT should be a thrill the stories with few exepON chosen as mo appropriate.
other competitors, Lucero, crowd is expected.
tions end happily.
Thirty members were enrolled They purport to be the ravorite, Jailer Targ a warning from among who a Committee but prove a soare; minds tos belle Sauvage and La rSparklets Everybody will be there. Don miss it. on the framing of Bye Laws aod simple to judge the ethics of right zona, respectively. Novicia Programme Committee were and wrong are tempted to initate romped home past the finish First Race Starts p. Sharp formed The next thet ng of the the behavior of th heroines. to ing post ahead of her field (Continued from page 1)
Association will be held at the imagine that they can dance with and paid 68, 70 on each of reasovable share of the world schoolroom Tuesday August out paying the piper, can play with 17th, at p. to, All are invited.
fire, and not te burat.
the tickets of which the usual guous. Oue must firmly condemn ADMISSION This sort of literature may be ali price is. The lavorite, Lu the actions of any of our leac ers who dedicate his system of OPEN ETTER TO good and well for mature women cero, finished entirely out of to fool us with coltioual applause Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
whose ideals counvictions the paying circle.
by telling us that ou every etfort are already formed: ty may Continued from page 1) derive some satisf Ten dollars and eighty is the maximum of excellence and satisfaction from Will master Jngles rise to the musing upon what a hell on they cents was the next best lump just as good as the best in could bave been it be occasion or will he be found want tou virtuous, but in ihe young it Carethey were not sum paid an a two dollar in others; and we must also ful of those who would set all our ing?
vestment, and this was when weaknesses under the microscope Zapo won from the favorite to magnify them before the world The best Tonic in the World And now to my friend and spoils the taste for a better eless of countryman, Mr. Edw. Reid. Tea ing, is effects are demoraliswould not vive or allow Linda in the fifth race.
My better was long because bad ink.
as this is not the way of any Frou Frou came up to exsive so many facts to state to making anyone to give a fi teen year Id out a case against the PANAMA Confesion in igazine.
under my care a copy of the pectation when he won the are aware of the fact that after we hall have arrived at a time in feature event, the sixth race; the conduct of our affairs. This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend do to whlle the other favorites wh) when our eyes will be sufficiently ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, glech Jess James Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up did not disappoint their sup. opened to modern light to enable SAID referring to ly.
19, aud as do not remember see Island to bed with him and road porters were Cococha in the us to ee and know ourselves both a run down constitution 23 you in the role of writing a far into the right when he was second and shimmy in the people with one cammon cause to individually and collectively as a play or stubbornly criticising one, supposed to be sleeping ad mother It promotes digestion, impruves the appe my objection cannot properly be may have taken Jean Tibly eighht fight and one common platform tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system M. Clay to to her their The winners for the after to to fight from, we will, with pervis: compliment you on the splendid effects were not a quarter a: detrinoon were: tency and consistency DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or manoeuvre. Everything Westy is mental to their morals, rud times a day.
now under fire. It is reasonable to persuit of know edge as the so called First races: Repulse, Fap, tried and generally accepted to be expect ibat department tores with rue stories, reach your children Second race; Cococha, Feno effective lines, be able to rival the best there ie in others. But in the jewelry and crockery will some day the value of good books, foster meno, Third race; Silver meantime let us not make any get their share a good camouflage their natural love for adventure King, Shimmy. Fourth race: mistake we are playing our own in time is nothing mure or less through the mediuin of the printed Dhole, Sister Cecilia: Fifth little game of life and the other than safety first, As for me. pages, and your efforts will be retuse to even take shelter. rewarded in more ways than one, race: Zapo. Barba Roja, Feno jfel ows are sitting on the grand menu; Sixth race: Frou Frou stand when we er pple with looking on. In admit knowing very little from ex verily they wil love to call you sneb in Canal Zone Notes Employees Meet Next our cheap dance blessed, Seventh race; Novicia, Tango, each other, as one crab does the buku cerpipe Friday (Continued from pag. 5)
there bas never D, BELL Belle Sauvage. Eighth race: other when the latter fiods an been, and never will be a case of a Shimmy, Sister Cecilia Ninth avenue of escare from the barrel. nude Westy girl bathing in at Secretary King of the Boca of champagne or run, and the race; Dixie, Oriental, Alta jin which they have been pulls him back with 180ned CLASSIC MUSICAL EN: Paper District of the Panama Jrinking from the tub CHURCH SERVICES as it TERTAINMENT during nera, Canal West Indian Employe its alter the bath The and were, a muttered, you shall not Association announced that Guianese and yet lion of of a lescape, we both must suffer and regular monthly business mes pinces me in the company of no less AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Indien, Tenth Sunday After Trinity Cets one Year for die in little inteleweblo cunningly when we use our Proceeds For Children Treat ing of this District will bold at the Clubhouse on Friday Unde bta person than Mr. Ormsby Gore, Forgery and unscrupulously dissemi (Anglican Catholie)
Secretary of State for the TALENTED ARTISTS ON ate destructive propaganda evening Dext the 13 inst. be o stid for pollical and colonial(Rev. Nigbengale, Rretor)
late or to the St. Paul Church, Panama write dwn gining at o clock.
PROGRAM wn and publish damnaging wo coa venience, Briti Guiana is with Club Plans Bazaar. a. Holy Communion The Rector Found guilty bs a jury who narodies against our the West Indies. To state that del berated for seven boue in witba view to bedim the possible. To ir no whys and where fores one is from Central, South or lontechist.
10. 15 a. Matias Me. Atwell, the Arcon Districts Court bright future of our own pwn! The classic Masiel Enterthe fellows in the era The ladies who North America, DOES provide 10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon, on Wednesday laon a cbaave or worden in den leg ina Panama sedlu themselves baumero wala man the Clubhouse on Saturday even: Guber Wanning for a bete ble o parte dow a day, but being.
is to be Li Bica Problem some special privileges The c.
Canal 12 ly Biption pt little battle While acting in tbe capacier of ourselves help ineír cause and the parts and enthe world codi be beld berada di laborator to cenuine son of Britain Magaidi. p. tn Church School.
quietly weaken our Enployees Association, 30 Choral Bronsong, sermon ber next, when they will of er cent Province on the mio land of of in Industry Division at Summit, George the Lilliputian once told buge success. Advance sale of Obcy band wade articles, such preciate my preference for the St. Alban Church, Paraiso Earnest McNalis, Wenisthree years old Waste lodian what fail to practice; he was not Clubhouse will be graced with a was guilty of preaching tickets indicates tht the popular pillow. cases, doilleb, etc. The Secretary, but after alle de not bareau scarta. of Under CANAL ZONE.
wus sentenced yesterday by Special Judge Blackburn to one meurteo but was hitting near to record audience to hear Misa Club in conducting sewing 80 mindful of (Rov. P. NIGH TENGALE, year imprisonment, the jury is common to man; but in the face curs spprano who with Mr.
jonghe truth. That kind of preaching Winifred Gordon, train coloraonca what is strictly correct, except, Priees in Charge maybe, you explained on the quiet, st. Holy Communion and perman having recommended the ate Nalls of this peculiar idiosyncracy of ours Olga King and other Isthmain Fire in Mvie Booth.
that the correct form ig Friends. Rev. Nigblengale.
GUIANESE aad countrymen. p. Church School and Co: fime time in favour of one Nino for stance, have not yet forced me to gether with Yours truly small find occured in the the 5th, 6th 7th of June, last and accepteren one contemptible tra present a rent of the cum at the Clubhouse on Monday tion Instruction Mr. Osboro, and shave from Catechist.
BABINGTON SIMONS moving picture machine booth for the ad a mount which was any but West Indian 30 zn. Choral repong address, barbers.
sponse from parents supposed to bave been earned muolty indicates tha that with each night last. The fire emanated It should be demanded that our succeeding year they are more trom certain irregular contacts Miss Gordon in Musical Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
by Nino, ordered and appropri bis own use a Capal Zyne honest efforts, whether individually and more appreciating the Recital.
of with the coupons or collectively, be respected by the efforts of the Esployees 1000 baube ihm but was put ot by the mies Miss Winifred Gordon, gifted St. Poter by the Sea, La Boca soprano who arrived recently from American Episcopal (Anglican Comevalued at 50. Accordior to Press, or sections of the Press, ciation is not only working to wittes operator who, bo Saskine voice culture, will be the testimony of Forema Mar that elect to represent us No improve cɔnditions New York where she had been munion)
abal who employed Nino, the one who, in the opinion of our education but the Association hands. An alarm bards on Matino, and addrew 11 am Lay inster did not start to work untli editors, is unable to offer išteili: Interest in the Lappiness of the slot Fre Station to the turned in the the the first colored inger quickly the morning of the 8th of June. gent criticism or comment, should children at Christmas time. The We B. Hunter, brought the fire tighters claimed to have loaned be allowed unlimited practice at entire net proceeds of this eater scene they also rendered some Curch School p. o.
to the appeared before the footlights of an Isthmian stage in a musical Choral Evengong, sermon. 30p.
Authorized bim to draw and use friend Simons has some knowledge fund provided each year by the the fire. The damage is said to he has planned to take place at Nino a couple of dollars for which one renders had taken to that fainamento al so to nards, the help in entirely extinguishing macedonde magis might be trend after his to The Bore: Carmen Macher.
night recital which cordial invitation to all.
book; Nino, bowever, of the business of a newepaper and District throagh pablic enter be slightlyfover 100, the hParaiso Clubhouse. Judging Friday 530 pm.
Confirmation Clase Wednesday ad corroborated Marsbal slate some of the things which come tatoments for the children ment.
within of its Christmas.
from her stage performances since MeNally was Evening Prayer and address Wedne very popular. this is so they he may expect Tramway Service Reduced ber arrival it is predicted that her young man ia social circles both that our people are going to to be debut here in this class of pro day 30 T. MULCARA, Rector here and in the Canal Zɔne and trained to tolerate what is news in Variety Concert.
The five mlaute tramcar ser gram will meet with every succese.
befallen fact, and that such Jews includes At St. Barnabas Empire, St. Baribalothe truble which has vice between La Boca aod Santa mew Las Cascadne, St. Simon Ganghim has a greatly moved the among a multitude of other thiors, Ana Plaza in Panama City which Regular Meeting entire Community to spmpathize anything that people will talk grad variety Concert in had been institued immediately The Isthmian League of British bon, the Litany, Holy CFmmunion and with him.
about, and that the more the thing whica Miss Lydia Holder, Pana after route busses were prevent West Indisas will hold its regular berano excites comment, the greater its ma young marvel on the Piano, ed from entering this təwn ter meeting in Paraiso on the 11th 81. Jude. Mision Summ.
Rent Receipt Books in Span the controversies io connectiɔn will be given by the Paramount Erst instant ths ten minute ser 21st.
sews value; providing, however, will be heard to great advantage minated on July 31st, and on the instant and in this City on the Church School, Confirmation Olate and Evensong will be held at the usual tima ish and English for sale at the therewith do not violate the canons Social Club at the Clubhouse on vice was reverted to, as route All members are requested to be by the Iny Readers, Morkrar Pulatory of good taste and the laws of libel. Thursday night next, the 12th. bussse may again enter La Boca gresent. MULCARE Priob in Chotte JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
the boyo and LOM Cuizon, honest.
eftoris me are really 20 Youne is. reputabla orchessted 10.
promptly commissary book subdued and abor of to have MeNally the


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