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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Sequel to Shooting of High Commissioner Bryant PROGRAM Chequered Operations of West Indians at Cuba audicolored iffirmative, CREDULOUS MUSICAL WOMAN Relieved of Largo Sum At St. Peter Church By Alleged Professor. La Boca Big Success.
Mal Adminlstration And Squan There was much excitement at The Musicale, ri ndered at st. Three Day Excursion From Sandering of Funds Led to UnBarry Street and Orange Street ter Chrich, La Roca, las.
yesterday morning whea Detective Thursday night was a pronounced tiago to Jamaica Planned For fortunate Incident Corpl. Campbell arrest Alexan. success At 15, the Rector, Rev.
der Wilkins on a charge of larceny Mulare, delivered a short August 28th o 100, the property of Catherine address, welcomide the large Latest news from Costa Rica relative to the Bryant living at Belmont Road.
Hemmings, a married woman, euce stressing the or ous poss bili ties the future held for be THE PILOT, a weekly paper published at Santiago de Bermudez incident states that the factions of the A, on race, pointing out the object of the Cuba states the following: According to the statements col. Musicale. He then thankd the the Bryant side are greatly wrought up over the death of the lected by the Police, it appears that audience for their unself. sh pa rou farm in this locality for some days was dismissed without San German, July Jamaican who worked on a High Commissioner and their threatening attitude towards on the 13th inst the complainant age, after which he invoked te pay and told to take the next best course. He consulted Bermudez became so menacing that the authorities thought met two men, in King Street and blessing of wod upon the under the Sergeant of the Rural Guards who imformed him that it prudent to remove the latter to the San Jose jail, where they asked hier if she keer wat one talking.
he is at present safely held awaiting trial.
Professor Craig. replied 10 the unless he had some documents to show what arrangement After vocat on the The remains of Bryant were laid to rest on August 1st negative While she was in ooreet sy dorper the Orchestre open the poor the owner of the colony had made with him nothiug could two and, says our informant never in the history of Port Limon man, who is supposed to be the Bron proper with a Firring Marah be done. This kind of robbery is the practice of many of at least as far as heve heard or seen, has there been wit. tue confederate of the accused Guardo Bonor (Lehnbardt. the plantation owners, and it is advisable that a written nessed such a large concourse of people on any one occa came up rnd remai kea that he and trilled the expectant crown agreement be signed before work of any kind be taken in sion attending a funeral.
knew where the Professor was to with their compelling strains Mr. contract.
be found and asked Me Hem Garfield Murray, the director of MAN LIBERATED.
shot by Bermudez on the 26th July last al Port Limon in John Lane. They went to the pra Orchestrs, which was amb Gordon, charged with robbery was liberated by the audencia Readers of this paper will remember that Bryant was miegs to walk with them to a house the Orchestra, deserves unstinted THE PILOT also published the following: Rufus when it is stated Bryant refused to deliver up to Bermudez premises there Wil certain incriminating papers of the latter record in Panama kins who told her that he was a ciously substained throughour the of Santiago de Cuba, by the opportune aid of Mr. Ewen, which Bryant had sent over here and got, to be used against things as he was well versed in the raw ng Sarah on the pro to the Secretary.
wonderful an and could do great evening paise canto be given Secretary for Immigration and Mr. Davidson, assistant Bermudez, who had previously signed a statement before the sciens British Consul at Port Lim on that he would cease all activi. vused, it is alleged, was to ask the gram diiss Wmifred Gordon, the science.
of the MURDER CASE ties in connection with the NJA, and in return that complainant ishe bad oliebalik te audience with her ne cursus voice informed two broteers. Granville and Reginald Elliott comas traine artis, W) elig, ieu the The following is also taken from THE PILOT. We are Bryant would destroy the papers which he held from Panama o perioade whetohe mer litede vie was by the ren diron her two solos.
against him toll that it it is further stated that Bryant did not keep faith with ow her time to get a fortune as he The Winds i, the South and plicated in murder of Irene Brady of Guantanamo and at present incarcerated in Santiago had not commited the murhis agreement before the British Consul but con inued to world being to help the poor. Ile che oliger Krog Mrs. Sarah Clarance Sherwood is also attached to the crime and roams ould help her, his miss on to the was a Dream. The other vocal routributers, der. From what can be gathered a man by the name of inenace Bermudez by retaining same papers in his pussession also promised her, it is i, to lose weia mole a Misladys and made duplicate copies which were forwarded to the bor ket E007 but he would required as basesimbe, na Mrs. cs at liberty: Rance, local authorities at San Jose sh wing up Bermudez.
some money to start the job and Mulcare, were at their best and The Secretary of Immigration is doing all in his power On learning of this it is stated that Bermudez strolled requested bocor to go to her horns for won the plaudits of the apprecia to speed the case and bring the matter to a definite bank.
into the Commissioner oftice on the day in question, chaltermination. nged him for not keeping faith with his promise before (Continued ou page Continued on pige 8)
Che Pilot of August in announcing a day Excurthe British Consul and shot him dead.
sion from Santiago to Jamaica which begins on August 28 It would appear that previous to this unfortunate inci DIGEST OF IMMIGRATION and ends September ist says: The idea of the excursion dent things were not working very smouthly in to Kingston is being generally endorsed by almost every circles at Costa as the following taken from an exchange LAWS.
person who had been desirous of visiting Jamaica for either will show: business, pleasure or curiosity. Port Linon, July 10. President Jimenez is now OF THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA general tid of anxiety prevails and communications in direct touch with affairs. He has ordered are rapidly despatched to relatives and friends to arrange for a secret investigation of them, in order to disclose the Asso. Through the courtesy of the address a memoral to the Ministry their reception thera, ciation working methods; that is to say the modus British Consul at Colon, we pub fo Foreign Affairs requesting per One of the org inizers of the tour will leave shortly for operandi of the men in charge of th Association business lish for the benefit of oar 1ca lers, mission to bring the near relatives Jamaica to arrange with the Jamaica Tourist Association for during the past ten years.
digest of the Immigration laws of concerned to Panama, vnd at the the accom nodition of the visitors and t) maktheir short Panamı, which he has kindly sent same time produze documentary stay as delightful as possible. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8)
Any person who enters the Repostber with of his relationship to th of his ability Castleton Gardens, Port Antonio, Moneague, and other It permission is beauty sports of the island may be visited, provided time SPARKLETS public of Panama without having to maintain th roof complied with the requirements of granted, the Consul of Panama at allows. One thing is certain, the pleasures that the outskirts the Immigration Laws is subject the port of departure will be of the city affords will be obtained. grand time is antici(By CK o atret, detentiou in the Com authorised to visa the passports of pated.
il, and deported to the the applicant relatives.
country whence he came, WHO President Hortor Counor of the test of the leader ability to suc Au immigrant is a person who NEAR RELATIVES OF SOME LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING And the comes to the Republic of Pan ma PERSON ALREADY DUNIIU. of Colon ihaile aceed is yet to come.
the Ma. of the Hur he is leaders of the novement antiexed with the intention of establishing CILED IN PANAMA. BY STUDENT OF LIFE)
head of the new Bakery and a most appropriate quest on to bim elf there, either on his own in Grovery Auxıllarles of Colon, pro the form of the program; it took account or the employ oi (1) PERSONS WHO INTEND No. Hair, The Long And Short of it a pers or Cuinpany TO WORK ON THEIR OWN were inaugurated on the first of the schools of connected with the Sucb persons must Dear Girls AND LADIES Im nigration laws anply Woman from ages gone bas.
this month amidst great frjoicine Resolved Toat the Future Suc whether they travel by fiat, second Consul of Panama in the country question was, immigran as drfired above. forward to the of Foreign Affairs in Pataint, through the Ineluding bob hair atrocities, sacrificed her natural beauty on the altar of style but perhaps Connor has merited our hearty cess of the NJA, of Coloa or third class on the ste imstip.
so conxratulations for be bus laidd pende more upou Leatership The following classes of rersons from which they depart, proof that we will take our lesson for to lay grotesque in appearance, as fa: 38 dowa for us some practieal means th thin Following The you. ure NOT considered a: immigrants: they possess tha necessary means which we mv promote scif ludies who argual for the affirma. 1) Persons who come to Pana to engage in private business; and from Modes, the nineteen hun ber hair dress concerned, as at upon being and twenty sixth chanter present, as she frankly disports her respect and so attract greater res tiveram em out on drenge na miehe hierobjectes exercising that the applicant a les satisfacer prevailing phase the extreme boy. mahantong from other prope, But Their apparently simple of better arguments audu. but on of liberal professions; pect is one. eye sore and the handing the flowers to Mr. their victory (2) Persons of independent means, independently, will authorise the possess sufficiënt means to work Bobbed hair is like pyörrhea, so much as an inverted ship sgirl whose head resembles nothing Connor we cannot overlook the has helped a most important ques. 3) Persons who can prove that Cob sul concerned to Visa the appli four out of five have it, no conta, mop is just as bad.
tact that he caught the Inspirable to ution tion at a psychological moment they have been doniciled in the cant passport President Connor initial success Republic of Panama for more than to do big things for his gin: with nu has spread over the whole world bave yet to see a woman to hire was a tached for some time. He tion and to the West Ladian com period of reaidence they were of TO WORK FOR OTHERS. Such influenza ile is bere to stay of like bob is becoming, one from whose the Survey school to which is co sredit to be well bod As rocin five years, and that during thor. 2)
PERSONS Wro intend. as shorn tresses have done; and no doubt had scrapped much of munity in connection tiver with, od conduct.
Garvey i lens of the best means to person must depo it wi the the poor, we have it with us al appearance it does not detract: should give the new e new project all Secretary of the Treasury Sacre ways, every now and again an epi only a flawless beauty should asour problems but he is still the support we possibly can. All foreig ers coming to the taria de Hacienda y le oro) in demic of it breaks out aat folks sume so servere and trying a bal indebted to the school.
The other day the La Boca Republic of Panama, eitaer to re Pipama the sum of One tuwdred who steadfastly refused to be dress, if that it can be called, It was Counor to make good or Athenaeum. influenced by Teacher sde there or in transit to other and a comemorial dollars, and by msaus of sloro, yield to the lure of the bar. Whenever enccunter women with their passports from Diploma. a for Foreiga wonder greatly whatever makes teool of Garveyism he had the paper og Ethics of Journalism Papama in the country from which permission to enter the Reputie Before going further may as de Exteriores do it? Is it ignorance of to prove that he was able to snuke subiect of whóch koew but very Pun little however submitted what is not becoming to This applies to of of the people, he had to set up a sci Dolcs of Journalism. persons of both the Immigrant and Panama. This sum will lee well say that am not fur lonelves individually and to to the riumgraut or bis have not course or the aid but feber goud taste in general? Haven was, in Non immigrant Classes.
at the end one well oomed head of either a pr gram which may be easily fifteeu sixteenths of which RULES RELATING TO IMMI weated that the fol owed hy the people, and at that fact, observatious on Newspaper Govern xanety. ve seen chic bobs, that they a blunt young relative to teli candidly It looks like.
not be a program which it followed will writing and Editing which reaped GRANTS.
Volume on the ment considers that the immigrant on the other hand beheld long hop not fail to help them achieve from hy Professor Bleyer an NEAR RELATIVES (This term stable character or possesess the tresses well brushed, siinply are everlasting bun at the back of PERSONS WHO ARE has obtained employment of course a woman with an subject by greater thing bustues enterprises, however, is not calling to be renognized as a pro unts, husbands, Kaivoa rend legiti. be returned before this ſeriod only in there you are tike your there is no necessity for the bun it rentes unere inauguration of these Usiau.
in stself as success, as buying a good ſession, Professor Beyer informa mate children) OF SOME PER. in the case of repatriation or death. Choice! Lut, remember that a habit, or horse does notes always mean that chat Journalism has established SON ALREADY DOMICILED If permission is granted for the respectable bob depends on two mothered by indifference to perthe buyer is able to train him to neither standards of admission nor IN PANAMA, immigrant to come to Panama, he things, first the quality of the hair sonal appearance.
wiu be classsies; therefrre the acid (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
and secondly by the style of cut. Continued on Page 8)
us lo mon Borne The AC ou Nine Muslister The morning: dredth won ish bob Bolres And then co what La paper they depart, turned to from an So The relative in Panama must


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