
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14. 1926 FREE COOLING DRAFTY FOR HOT of Commons bas Bad Manners in Com Lloyd George Urges Youth to mons Laid to Heat End War at World Christian Wave Endeavour Meeting.
MAY BE NECESSARY TO HAVE London, July 21. The supreme task of HEADED BACK BENCHERS few of the many Presents given out for Empty Packages of Lucky Strike the generation now growing up is to achieve or Victor Cigarettes VENTILATION METHOD the substitution of organised justice for organised violence, said former Premier Lloyd London, July 26. Not only are the British Houses of Parlit. George in addressing the Seventh World Con.
ment decaylig structurally, acSUPERIOR cording to the experts, but the vention of Christian Endeavours in the CrysKITCHEN OUTFIT manners by certain back bench tal Palace.
Laboritles bas led the political oxperts to expres fears of its We old fellows, he said were brought well. too, bea pariaments have that up in a world that regarded armaments, with a very bad time in certaia Euro occasional wars, as part of the grim essentials pean condtries, including Italy aud Spaic.
of human civilization. The most horrible, the But bad manaers in the House most devastating and the greatest of wars will of Commons is not cenfined to any one party and any one time, have yet to come unless youth tears that idea. wbat has bappenta in the past, from the heart of civilization.
attribute some of the recent unseemly conduct to the bea: Mr. Lloyd George said a similar eradicawave.
When the legislators are on tion should take place in industrial life that the job in hot weather at the strikes and lookouts were all parts of the same West PIECE KITCHEN SET bare many means of refresh relic of barbarism. There ought to be some Consisting of the articles pictured above ment, not all alcbolic The House brand of air. means of insuring justice between nations and 200 Lucky Strike empty packages or Thames by drawn from the neighborter classes, he asserted. The two essentials of 400 Victor empty packages spray before it percolates into tbe chamber. At dull intervals ptace were arbitration of all issues, and dis.
19 possible to go out on the armament, the former Premier said; for as terrace overlooking the Thames and while away the time with long as great armies remained there would be strawberries and crea. n, or ice cream, in the full er joyment trouble.
Oy the breize that always stirs on tbat side of the place. was one of those who had to bear the There is more complaint about burden, some years ago, of leading the youth the air wbicb ci:culates in the House in winter than the brand of the world into war, he continued. That that moves about in summer.
incusands of pounds bave been is why am an earnest advocate of peace.
on It can be changed in six mtu utes.
He briefly defended the Treaty of VerAlong the 680 teet the riversailles as the instrument which created the there are thing air is drawn into the buildings.
League of Nations, gave liberty to oppressed here is a downstair sual Ol (Continued on page 4)
experts ready to let the House MEAT AND FOOD CHOPPER have more oxygen when ibt PIECE KITCHEN SET necessity arises.
972 inches high. Five different Consisting of Can Opener, Paring sizes detachable cutters Minister Baldwin Lloyd Georgo knife and Potato Peeler or some 200 Lucky Strike other outstanding tigure in the House rises to speak 60 Lucky Strike during an important debate aca the chamber is packed, 400 Victor steward is always on the 120 Victor needs of the cbambcr at any given as certain the oxygenicotine Few Americans, and not maos Biittous, realize that the two Kreat Gotic towers, one of which BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. PANAMA) LTD.
bouses Ben, acı as fundels brough which the vitiated air ol Box 2025, Aneon, or 897. Panama the House is drawn off.
The Most Beautiful Love Story ever The air ig sbot into the chamber through grids in the floor.
Told with All Star Colored Cast Some day it may be necessaay have extra cooling draits abou Daring in its intensity. Startling in its upward in the airection particul larly of the botbeaded back gagandangundangan bemeters revelations. Abounding in action and thrills.
Waiting for The Word. ADAPTED FROM AUBREY BOUSER FAMOUS ROMANCE. 088e trobare That means when Prim or the air cr The Call of His Race alert to EXCURSION TRAIN Panama to Colon and Return On Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 1926.
BY THE ODDFELLOWS OF THE ORDER THE MAN WHO WOULD BE WHITE waiting it was a TRAIN LEAVES PANAMA AT 30 With Stops at Balboa Heights, Red Tank and Pedro Miguel RETURNING LEAVES COLON AT 7:30 The following is a good one taken from a New York Exchane. Judge Cole got down to his office the other morning sl. ortly before o clock and noticed a groun of workmea sitting around for to begin work, the Lyons (Kan. News They were cheerful and happy: tire spring morning and everything at had to go to work. The boss was also there and Elrick called him to one side and said the situa tion reminded him of about about a Masonic Lodge which ha been attended one pight by ten men.
The next morning one of the men was found dead on the sidewalk and the other cine neu had disappeared. Nothing was herd of had almost been forgotten when in them for years and the mystery tearing down an old building nine skeletons were found. It was a building in which the lodge bad been held and investigation proved that the ten men bad been attending lodge and the closing cere monies were under progress when the dead man who was the worshipful master of the lodge, had fallen out of the window. The other nine teen bad waited for the sound of the gavel to close the Powerful Human Document THRILLS THAT BITE ACTION THAT STARTLES LOVE. PATHOS. ROMANCE It the Man that counts and not his Color or Creed Never deny either your race or your religion THE MOST UNUSUAL PHOTOGRAMA OF THE SCREEN By special agreement only one day in Panama ROUND TRIP FIRST CLASS 25 SECOND CLASS 00 Secure Your Tickets Early. Avoid the Unnecessary Delay lodge.
Eldorado Theatre MONDAY, AUGUST 16th Have you tried the new Boer Refreshments will be on sale during the entire trip dooo ananasiasa Kronen Brau PRICES. 25c. 50c. 75c.


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