
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1926 PAGE THREE Interesting News From The West Indian Islands TRINIDAD Isolation Hospital at Montego Bay.
Trinidad Traders Association.
VIGOR TONIC places were visited by Traders Associations to the.
Some time ago. deputation from the St. James Parochial Board waited on His Excellency the Gora Dor relative to the erection of a suitable Isolation Hospital in Montego Bay, but up to now nothing bus been done.
The following news article from the Northern news deals with the subject:It will be recalled thai two places were oftered, the one being Norwood, the property of Mr. Kerr Jarrett, and the other an adjolning property belonging to Mr. Holme Boren uters of the Sanitary Comwhen it was decided to amount could be reised. On the.
first named place there are two tanks and a bouse with three ecres of land and the price charge was 600, while the latter is pisce of 35 acres but Do house and the price cbarge was 250.
At a special meeting of the Board it was decided that deputation should wait oa Sir Edward Stubbs. This was done when the Governor decided to grant the parish the sum of 609 250 for the land and 350 to erect necessary buildings, the MO and Director of Public Works to visit and report on the sultability of the site In due course those officers visited the site acd were to bave sent in a report to the Government, That is nearly two inonths ago but up to the present acthing has been beard except that it was learnt yesterday that the M. Dr. Wilson, feels that the lack of water on Mr.
Holmes place which was commended to the Governer, was a draw back.
In the meantime it should be mentioned that wbile there is no water on Mr. Holmes property It is very near to the Montego Bay Water supply system.
such licence XAN and energy INVIGORATU ANO whole system WINE Cayman Fishermen Sail For Home TO BENEFIT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, Assistance For Employees, THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD The leading merchants of Tripidad, engag in the dry goods, hardware and kiadrel trades, have decided to form an corpo: and associaton for mutual protection, to relor an abuses, and to An promise better trading spirit Smoogst businessmen. It has This been decided that the name of this body sball be The Trinidad Invigorating and app!
Elegant Tonic cation has been error for a ilcence enabling it to and be registered with limited liabili Preparation ty without the addition of the Health Imparting word limited to its name.
The Acting Registrar General is highly in a notice under the Companies WINE Ordinance publish in Friday TRINIDAD GUARDIAN, set recommended forth the main objects of the Association, and makes it kcowo that any person, company or cor.
It in Debility, poration, objecting to the issue of by the Governor, may record an objection on or promotes digestion Nervousness before August 17, with the Registrar Companies General Office Port of Spain.
improves Female Weakness It is sought by those responsithe appetite for the forming of this body ble to benefit not only the wholesale Impoverishment dealer, but also thosc engag.
and gives tone ed in the retail trade, whose businesses are carried on witbln ibe Islacd of T, toldad For the of the Blood purpose of registration, Ibe HEALTH number of members to the of the and to build up a Association is declared not to exceed fity IHPARTING One of the objects stated in the run down constitution Memorandum of Association, a copy of which may be inspected as the offices, No. 11, St. Vincent 00 Street, of Messrs. Kelsball Co, Solicitors, is t) promoto, support and oppose legislation affecting trade interests in the Celony. The objects also provide for the establishment of a superannuation fund for the DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or Bervants of the Association, or other means of assisting any Buch servants, their widows and times a day.
children, and to support any other Association of similar JAVIER MORAN It is further provided that the American Pharmacy.
15 iDCORE and property Othe SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS corporate body, whencesoever derived, shall be spplied solely towards the promotion of its objecte as set forth in the Memorandom There is no intention of establisbing a trading combine with the object of forelug up prices, The Association 19, in JAMAICA 258 SOSSE fact, bot trading concern at all.
No Report From Mr.
Missionary Work In Ewen.
This Island.
ON DEATH OF JAMAICAN AT Tricidad, July In tbe CUBA course of his usual letter in the Trinidad Diocesan Magazine, His the past werk or so erquiries The GLEANER says: During Lordship the Bisbop of Tibidad bave reached as a to whether wbo has recently returned from inter any Information has been receiv.
Propiscial Synod was Jamaica writes most belp ed from Mr. William Goy Rev fel, and it was a great assistance pour Even, the Secreary of tbe to meet the other Bishops of the Bride addon attached to Consulate in Cuba, conpo time receive capies of the Pastopublic et certains de it is alleged was ral letter, and of the reasoxsted on board Vessel, was literally passed at the Synod could have exceed a the kindness Santiago de Cuba by Gael, at of the people in Jamaica. It was place a few wreks ago, and those It was engineer. occurrence also an inspiration to witness the who have writ:en, conjectured carried on by by that Mr. Ewen, as the reprethe Church there, ad a real el sentative of Jamaican labourers couragement to the Courch here in Cuba would send some report and elsewhere to persevere. Their to the Executive.
schoole buildings are inagnificent, of this journal What one Diocese and Colony can called at the Clonial Secretary do is possible for others. By el God a belp the successes there office yesterday afternoon, and may be achieved by us bere tary as to whether any report enquired of the Colonial SecreMuch miss onary spirit living for Ewen, and the reply was in the upon bad others and the Church, negative.
for the sake of Christ, or a least being prepared to give that in addition to his duties as It is learnt from other sources up everything for should Ha ask us to do so. ci secretary of Immigration, Mr.
dentally heard what did not Ewen is also acting as British know before that Jamaica bad Coosol at Santiago.
many years ago voluntarily Riveo up its grant eeen though up a portion when we do receive the Charch ere does not re help from the Government; that ceive any help from the Govern portion for the Society should ask us to give aime, but per Tbe local Government have received a cablegram sta ing that the Caymantan tisbermen who were charged by the Columbian authorites with fishing in territorial waters, but wbo were subor sequently released from custody, were out on bail at San Andrzas, salled from the latter mace on the 25tb instant for home.
It was arrar ged that a rebooner shuula iake them bome, but from what can be gai hered, their fishin ve sels bave also been released by the Columbian authorities acd the men are returning bome on their own schooners to Grand Cayman.
Lady Astor Leaves England Secretly alia: GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted. ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY he London, July 27. Lady Astor, American born peeress and member of the House of Corr.
acas, bas started for the United 8:ates for a good lorg test.
But when she started and on wbat ship, wbere sbe is to land, and how long she is to be away, ber private secretary refuses to say the secretary Lady Astor desires complete said this morning. If the American reporters find her wben abe lands, the onus will not be on The rence took bei great work my bead.
reporter Only First Class Ones Need Apply Lady Astor, who is the former Nucy Langhorne of Virginia, going to the United States on in annual visit to her relatives sid, as she told her friends be0 e sailing, is looking forward to lots of fried chicken, corn cats sod otber edibles for which ber dative State is famous.
She is accompanied hy ber children.
Viscount Astor will join ber in Virginia and later they are planning trips to Chicago and various other places in the United States where Lady Astor has relatives.
our lives ADVERTISE and be my be look our presider that works other than what is pureis In The WORKMAN it Pays sortie prelistaller Rent Receipt Books In Span Ish and English for sale at the


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