
THE WORKMAN Fort Sherman soldier accidentally shot a small boy on a forte pight ago, while both were on a bunting trip behind the Fort.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies ording to the report, the boy WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes ame is given as Morales, Avenue, Panssa, de of public interest invited.
was carrying a guide light After PO Box 74, Patama All copy for publication must be entering the woods he and the written on one side of paper only, and solier becrine separated when he Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of was taken by the former for a stray One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaanimal and hot at, the charge of Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
buck shot catching him on the Three Be.
We do not undertake to return rehead. The boy may rece ver, it was su.
090 25 jected correspondence.
CLEANERS DYERS later reper ted. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS man, SATURDAY AUGUST, 14, 1926, No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue vote of Thanks to the audience.
WEST INDIANS NOT THE ONLY vote of Thanks to Miss Doris PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Russell, who acted as organist.
Closing remarks by Mr.
Hymn No, 941 (3an key) and The following translation is part of a letter which apDYEING, CLEANING PRESSING Benediction. brought a very peared in the Spanish edition of the Panama STAR HERALD pleasant and er yable meeting of the 9th inst. signed Demetrio Fabrega is we think, to its close.
self explanatory and worthy of more than passing notice, OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Because of the youthfulness of Miss Magdalen Markham, viztherefore we give it editorial prominence:10 years, a copy of her address Now that our life as a sovereign nation is on the highis herewith attached way to greater stability and our institutions are apparently Work Done While You Wait EMANCIPATION Negroes were tha last among settling day after day, on more solid and permanent bases, the races of the human family to it is necessary that we think of defending ourselves for the have been made slaves; and the future against all dangers which may threaten our economic TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Edavcipation 80 righteously and social life. Much is being said in these days about championed by Wilberforce, Pitt.
protecting our national industries. It has ever been menClarkson, and other shining lights who lived a tioned that we should erect a monument Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices a century ago.
our race, yet in Earland, have brovgbt to us no one appears to take any notice of a powerful enemy we Ladies Garments carefully handled girls and buys of the present have inclosed in our own homes and which silently and agº. being the third generation, warily is undermining our ethnical, economic and social slavers) the freedom to participate in 10 foundations.
mean way in We wish to refer to the constant invasion of certain REID Manager the jy and bappiness of our parents, teachers, and friends, classes of Orientals who, from far off lands, come as a on this memo: ial day, to prolong roland formidable army threatening to wipe us out, without the least 3:55 Save sexseisesses 356 the joyful strain of rejoicing for the glorious victory which broke effort on our part to protect ourselves or without the least forth semblance of opposition from any quarter, being happy and our great graad parents eighty and eight years contented in our impotence, Chinese, Japanese, Hindus, SSS S5XX xsexsexsessocios ago, through their divinely ioSyrians, Turks, the whole of the legendary East with its spired advocates customs and vices seem to have made this their meeting Permit me to remind you, place and as a great tentacle is threatening to absorb us.
parents and frienis, that the Meanwhile the son of the soil with arms folded in his inabislaves of sio, are the worst cla sla yes which do ex st under tbe lity to compete commercially with these inferior races has to And may this watcb word seek government employ as a means of gaining a living.
clear, be to your heute to dav, and this evil will be the more aggravated in proportion as a blessing froun the King of our population increases with coming generations, for the kings, to speed you on your way.
government could not convert itself into a charitable insti.
tution for the maintenance of the whole country. We are not going to prove in this article the Annual Missionary Meeling different evils which this immigration, rejected in all other places, is likely to cause in this country, that we will leave OF WESLEY CHURCH for a later date. All we wish at present is to give the alarm in order that those who can may assist us in this work Recommended for Removing the Humors of which we are about to undertake in behalf of our country.
The Annual Missionary MeetScrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches. In other articles we will continue to study the ing of the Wesleyan Chur will different phases presented by this national problem which Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic be held tomorrow (Sunday) and Monday the 15th and 16th inst.
is one of ihe most important we are called upon to solve.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisThe preacher for the occasion will be Mr. Peter Martio from eases caused by Impurities of the Blood Empire. There will be three services riz: 118. m, pm. and Knee Benders And Cringers.
An Alterative recommended for purify7 respectively. All are cordielly invited to attend and to do ing and enriching the BLOOD.
their best to make the services a The following article taken from the oditorial columns success financially and otherwise, of the NEGRO WORLD is so striking and fits in so much with similar conditions among our people, we give it pub.
For Sale at all Drug Stores As was previously announced licity that it he read, marked and inwardly digested. ia the WORKMAN, Miss Doris 30 Russell stagod a grand secular It is an awful thing to be branded as a servile people, a And in Large Quantities by concert on Tuesday the third race of knee benders and cringers to those in authority and Inst. In behalf of the Household to those who are we Ithy. race can fall no lower than of Faith Union. Owing tot he into be so branded except it have upon its neck the yoke of JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy clemency of the weather the slavery and accept the disgrace of it without protest. Unperformance ce was not begun until AGENT fortunately for the Negro in America, he learnej in the At firrt It was thougbt that the concert would have had fearful school of slavery that knee bending and cringing to to be postponed, but the howers the white master was the easiest line of resistance to the SS. 55 33 SKS 58 Desve. 39KOOOXoxos, SSSS decreesed after p. and conhard conditions of his existence, and he came out of slavery sequently the functio went on branded as a race of such. Igncrant and poor, without according to arrangement.
The was large on organization and intelligert leadership, he was for a long time made the object of charity in religion, in business, in Lloyd Georges Uurges Youth. NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES account of the rain tinta e hoge who attended expressed themeducation and in politics, and was generally treated as a selves as having enjoyed one of dependent people, too ignorant and poor to stand alone. But (Continued from page From Onr. Corresponden) the finest evenings they have at New Providence the race in the United States has been gradually growing away from this vile condition, and we hope it will continue peoples and established the International La Emancipation Ce ebration and much congratulations were accorded to do so, in spite of the too privolent exhibition of the craven bour Bureau.
masterly way in which she preknee bending and cringing disposition.
But he conceded that it was a human the Union Baptist Church, beld cert such an enjoyable one.
Mr. Broome Deacon of pared the items to make the con Take the case reported in the Negro World of last week, The of coming from Los Angeles. committee of leading colored instrnment and therefore imperfect; and it was Sundaying, Augbat 161926. art 33 pieces and it would be unfair 1st business men obiained an audience with Mr. Hellman, who controls a chain of banks in which Negroes are largely de vital that its condition should be just as sub 30 commemora ive of tbe to particularize any of them for emancipation of slaves in the went through to stvle; but at 11 45 positors. They asked the banker to employ some Negroes ject to judicial arbitrament as any other dispute West Indies.
The Charleston when the 82nd item, in the banks as janitors and the like. The banker was disMr. Markham was asked Francella Henderson) was staged Dancer gusted, as well he should be and as we are, and told the between nations.
o aet as Chairman of the meet the entire audience called for an committee as much. What did the bauker say to the kneeHe praised the intervention of the churches in rouge as pole see me was gone encore: in vain did the Chairman through follows: benders and cringers? He said. Mr. Browo) try to per Well, su ade the audience of the lateness emen, absolutely refuse, and do not relish in the recent British general strike, and added, Hyun No. (Sankes)
Prayer by Mr. Broome. of the hour but they shouted the any suggestions as to the personnel of our bank staff. If amid cheers: wish to God they had inter Introduction of Chairman.
mere for an encore. and the my refusal offends you, you are at liberty to withdraw all fered in 1914.
tom your money from our banks and start one of your own at Opeping address by Chairman. In tem was therefore repeated.
The entertainment was Address by Mr, Broome. brought to its close at 12, 15 a.
12th and Central. And my reasons are these: You, repre Mr. Lloyd George, in a stirring conclusion, Address by. Mr. Turner. with the singing of the Panama senting your race, come asking for the smallest, most menial Address by Miss Magdalen nian National Anthem during jobs in my power to give, whereas if you had come asking said: Markbam.
which the audience rose. The beus to place some cashiers or tellers of your race in our instibaviour thrcugbout was tute, would have considered it and as fast as capable men Europe has been drinking of armaments Hymu No. 814 (Sank. Collection, on behalt of tbe ledt. sing to the small attendwere found would have placed them.
ance the until it got delirium tremens in 1914, and it chareb work.
concert was not a suoMr. Hellman is a man every inch, an he dealt with the is going on drinking secretly now.
Youth open, and tips who then thrown cess financiolly and Miss Russell the been several knee benders and cringers as they should always be dealt gave spler did addresses on the persons to repeat same with. And the race, to save itself, must more and more must take it in hand. They have faith and subject of the Emancipation, viz: an early date. She bas consented groundwana tumoran sightsiatnich latenhey keep to the back hope, believe, in the bright future. Let them M, Bs Peer te worden de license and the center bedre ground and out of sight and hearing of self respecting make it so. J, will consequently be repeated on Seott.
November 3rd next, Panama Negroes. vote of Thanks to the Chair. Independence Day.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD ever spent all (Miss excelat


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