
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1926 PAGE FIVE The God of Atonement Attractions at the Theatres over through tor God One part, deals with class whe deal with (BY PHILIP Lewis)
Jehovah chims for himself the authorsbip of the great plan of Atonement wbich we have seen 18 in progress of development; wbicb began at Calvary CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND and will be complete at the close of the Golden Age.
PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON COLON There are two features of the Atonement. 1) the righting of Today. Saturday August 14th Today Saturday August 14th Today Saturday August 14th Today. Saturday Auguts itth the wrong, and (2) tbe bringing and Helene Chadwick in Buck Jones in Eleonor Boardman in of the separate ones into accord; Tomorrow Sunday August 15th HER OWN FREE WILL are abown in the divise proposi THE TRAIL RIDER THE CIRCLE Lion of the new Covenant, wbore Bebe Daniels in Tomorrow Sunday August 15th mediator is Christ Jesus our Ton. orrow, Suuday August 15th Tomorrow Sunday August 15th Lord. MISS BREWSTER MILLIONS Alice Joyce in Mary Astor in Hoot Gibson in DANCING MOTHERS Whep father Adan was per THE PHANTOM BULLET Monday, August 16th HIGH STEPPERS fect in the garden of Eden and Conrad Nagel in Monday August 16th was in full barmony with his Monday August 16. Monday August 16th SUN UP Corinne Griffith in Creator, covenant between Dorothy Revier in Shirley Mason in INFATUATION them was implied, though not THE FATE OF FLIRT THAT ERENCH LADY formally expressed, the fact Tuesday August 17th that life In its its perfection was Jack Holt in Tuesday. ugust 17th Tuesday August 17th Tuesdays August 17th given to Adam and SEA HORSES Rodolph Schildkruat in Hoot Gibson in Mary Astor in be bad been given dominiony HIS PEOPLE THE PHANTOM BULLET HIGH STEPPERS everytbing on the eartb, and the Wednesday August 18th fact was explained that it be violated bis faithfulness God Shirley Mason in Wednesdoy August 18th Wednesday August 18th to Wednesday August 18th by disobedience be would forfeit THAT FRENCH LADY Wallece Berry in Bebe Daniels in Dorothy Revier in lite, and lose all the rights and BEHIND THE FRONT MISS, BREWESTER MILLIONS THE FATE OF FLIRT blesslogs which had been conThursday August 19th ferred upon bim, implied a coveMary Astor in Thursday August 19th Thursday August 19h Thursday August 19th pant or agreement on God pan Aileen Pringle in HIGH STEPPERS Conrad Nagel in Jack Holt in with his creature that his life SOUL MATES SUN UP was an everlasting one unless SEA HORSES be abould by disobedience alter Friday August 20th Friday August 20th Friday August 20th the matter and bring upon him.
Friday August 20th Dorothy Revier in self tbe sentence ol deatb.
All Star Cast in Jack Holt in THE FATE OF FLIRT Bebe Daniels in THE DANGER SIGNAL SEA HORSES. MIS Adam disobedience and its BREWESTER MILLIONS death penalty, left bin utterly Saturday August 21st Saturday August 21st Saturday August 21st Saturday August 21st helpless. There was no means Blanche Seewt in of recovery for bim kod bls race Margaret Livistin in Shirley Mason in Conrad Nagel in THE FAR CRY except as the Almighty provided THE CHORUS LADY THE FRENCH LADY SUN UP the new Cover ant.
This new Covenant bas a Mediaon the Mediator, and not with the sinner, and the singer, on the other part deals with the Media actual at one ment with God. did come into being, bave not tor, and not with God, Classy Program at Big Debate May Soon Carnival of The This mediatorial work on beball a Creator to love, serve and This Mediator Christ Jesus, of the world of mankind, wegbryfys Clubhouse Be Held.
Flowers, before he could become the have seen cannot begin before Jehovah Gad bag provided Mediator must have sealed the the number designated for aseo way of escape and the way is new Covenant with bis own ciatlog with Christ for the trough the precious blood of his At eight o clock th a evening It present plans mature there The above is a grand sacred blood; which he bimcell called formance of such work is com dear on which atones for the sunusually good program will will shortly be a banner time at Cantata that will be given by a or Covenant. Mark 14:24. That ied a claus who will be associate khubsequent falluresand thorbes Bacau Biativist oldida feming to information even out or City School, at the Cristobal the blood of the new Testament pleted. Jehovah has predestina will alsobedience of Adari and becoderede under the aurices of the La Boca Athenseum. Accord group of children from the Bu is to in our pefor of progany. All ployees Association Indications last Tuesday meeting, the the inner directly or mat cf this work. This tomorrow who do not reiza the opportunity polot to blg audience especially Albenaeum and the Cristobal (Sunday 15) at 3p.
iudirectly and release him from wust must be selected from among when life is flowing Winifred Gordon why mate such at no car distant date meet in a the general public is cordian the sentence of death except the human family: and is called Cbrist, shall forever berish bit at her Recital at Paraiso to the fact that Miss Clubhouse Literary divine justice bus been satisfied in the scriptare a little flock, everlastingly. For God so love come and Hercebines that doen ord Jesus Cropel priesthod those who the world the human temlis. on Wednesday evening will be on demande date. The bearbect for the invited to on debate has not been given but it juyable time with the children.
spend an en in paying the penale babis bare ca tatred a greater portion of but there webstore contre les contain the proper dormitorios como sobre pected that one will mbich Silver City folks are specially one invited.
of the new Covenant between Adam; whose hearts are more in bim should not PERISH; but tributing and equal uumber of will be sure to drawn big gather There will be, in addition to God and mar. im. 2:5 harmory. The Colorlal Classical ing to the Clubhouse. The La the Cantata, a number of special ess, have everlasting LIFE. John songs.
Reconclllation and on and wto are willing to lay down 16. Orchestra that played at Miss Boca Literary bas journeyed over items by prominent members of ment with God was impossible their lives in God service and Gordon R cital will furnish Ito Cristobal Clubhouse on two this community.
until arst the redemption tad for fellow. who having the music It is occasions take in The following is the Programo: been secured me thon precious realised their miniuta condition CANAL ZONE NOTES use to which the proceeds of with the Cristobal Society and blood of Christ. The annulment and their fitness for everlasting tble Concert will be given to belp lost on both occasions.
PART ONE of the death sentence was made death under the curse, bave make the children feel bappy at Introduction. Mr.
pessible and all that is required sex the only way of escape LA BOCA the coming Christmas.
of the singer is the yielding up through the precious blood of The following is the program DeSouza Wins First Case Recitation Selected Mr Gi of bimself and the settling of Christ, and are endeavouring to to be rendered B, Parker, his account with Mediator Christ be perfect copies of their March Weiu Blent WeiuVocal Solo Selected Mrs.
Miss Gordon Cives They after proving (J. Schramel) caestra William Dafouzı, young aitor. Cousens: Jebovah in his wisdom planned that by tyto God and right4 Cornet Solo, Venus Valee2 Elocutionary Ite The Past ney of La Boca wbo, bot a few Successful Recital Me. Whyte weeks ago was admitted to prac Mr.
It so that his Be loved Son eousness, will be should die for the redemption of tios with Christ Jesus Joint privilege of sonship and associa Vocal Selection Smewbere tice Low before the Capal Zone his buman sons, so that through heirs is the kingdom of God, voice la Calling (Tatt. Mrs Bar, won bis first case in Judge bim (Jesus) all these human Bags Court at Balboa on 2008 should be brought back and parts kers of divine nature, duty, delighting Isthmain audiContinuing her very pleasant Olga ceoric, Silitude Mer. Wedneadav. Attorney DeSouzi Harrison, ences before returning to the candante) Orchestra defended Fontenelle of LA Saw Bolo, Selected Mr.
unto harmony with him. Jesus (1 Peter 2: 10: Titus 2: 14)
says: am the way the tro God through this Mediatorial United States on or about the Minuet Divertiment in Bainsult brought against Asber.
will make passible the last of this month, Miss Wini. Mozart. Miss Doris Redney Vocal Solo, Selected Mr.
him for damages by Anderson, and the life; no man cometh class the Fatber me. restoration, instruction in right fred Gordon; Coloratura səp ano, but Fontenelle motor cor baving Stephenson.
Vucal Selection A tempt John 14: 16) It is for this reason cousness, and the bringing back delighted a comfortably crowed From Love Sickness to fly. accidentally ran over and killed PART TWO ordon a dog belonging to the plaintiff.
that the bighest priviledge of into full barmony the human bouse. truly representative Purcell Miss Winifred Elecutionary gathering of West Indians and MUSICAL NUMBERS.
Item Miss It was the Attorney first case the most favored of mankind, family with him.
tew wbite American we doelbe Lagoon Solo Salected Miss Bar.
since he was admitted to the Chɔras, Creation Voices As the end of this great At Paraiso Clubhouse on Wednes(from Abel to John the Baptist The School, chapter el ven, onement work which will be a day evening last in a sonk recita! Jump see Hebrews especially 39 verses Song. The Carnival of and 40. pre the close of those thousand int rspersed vious to sacrifice, was years (Rev. 10:2 5)
all the incor bu obers by the Colonial Classi. Schmoll. Opera 123 Miss with orchestral Selection Plutes Rovel Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Flowers Five Girl.
only called friends of God. rigibles, the camberers of the cal Orchestra recooily organized Lydia Holder Soor, Hark to the Songmolte could be accorded son earth, whose influence could not The Girl Reserves teld e 10 Selection Norma, Walston for none were thus recognised be beneficial to oth us, and to this city. Chorus, Gladness breathes their regular monthly Rally in around us. The School. John 1:12. Thus it will be seen whose continued existecce would It was a moet fortunate thing. Orchestra Solo, Wake up Daisy Folkethat those ignore the sin offerto aot glorify their Creator shall for Isthmain West Indians 11 Elecutionary Item Retreat the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse and justice app asement rare be destroyed from among the there was reintroduced a standard of The French Army Fion.
Mos: last Saturday, August 7th. The Edna Harrison, irdis Acts. for classic entertain con Croly. Mr. Russeli Mary Church Te rell Girls had Song, Look up be glad Tbe pearable foundation for ever Phillips 12 Piano Selection Fra Dyan FX rellent trekas volley Cect heart. The Sobool.
the program and gave the girls Daisies.
lasting life.
The conflicting creeds and at it was another opportuntSong, Serve God with a perdogmas of christend) has pre y for bearing. colored singer This work of Atonement, so vented men from appreciating to advantage, at since the Ameri. velo Fantaisie Billiant. Syd. where he me between the child Bear Paet, our coloro. Color game Phyllis caunot be accomplished instant made for them by the great God tored latb mian audlences in her Melaia begin in an and Father.
the But the earlier song recitals many years ago, ab 83 tbe stoner 13. ed! Selection Sing, the Mary Church Terrell Girls Instant and by they get to realise thair position und dard behet had never been iSmile andl Slumbe. Gunod) of Colorarebe ocore being two toling. The Dandelibel io favour of the Mary Church believes and accept ibe nessage as sil ners before God and being followed. Wednesday aight Mrs. Olga King 14.
of truth, and at one ment may be iba opportunity to make good program was an Inspiration.
Derrell Girls.
Violin Slo Selected Children Day. The School.
The next Rally on the Atlantic recordediy accomplished plishe dhe as uide will be held in the Gatun Lord Mildred Payne.
15. Elecutionary Ioom Return earlier they will real za the neauty much stage culture, a good comtween the singer Silver Clubhouse on Saturday mighty through faltb in Christ; and grandeur of the Atonement mand of her voice, marked ex: of Regulus Elijih Kellog Hos Ferreira September The France The School.
the late to: 16. Walt Che bave vote of thanks. Mr.
which God purposes is grander there is none other name under She was accompanied by the program.
Dream (J. Rosas) Orchestra Ellis and higher than this. His 17 Vocal Selection Dream Please buy WORKMAN arrangement is that those of the bea ven given among men where Lydia Holder, we sayed; wbo was, however, upNotice to Correspondents.
and carry your Programme.
the human race who desire to name of Jesus: and neither able to get the desired reflect. I, Bartletí. Niss Winifred Admission adults 25 cents, chilGordon return him is there salvation in any other, from the Clubhouse piano wbich At ode ment 18. March Scond To Nunedren 15 cents.
was not at all properly tuned to (and ble righteous law) sball be (Acts 4, 12) It is beart rending by used in any classical pro Orchestra (J. Humes. Colonial Classic Contributors and correspondente are asked to send in their contribu.
teu als tor; but shall not be fully minds, breeders of iniquity and Rram.
tions not later than Thursdays to received by the Father while in der deguedation among the bu The Recital on the whole was iasure publication. This is imperaThis topotahrist and his church will brought into freedom from slave mush for all who contributed to family expect to be a complete success and bespeaks Why pay double prico tive and must be adhered.
undertake the work as misery, sia and death by it.
Have you tried the British Consulate Notice ther representative, to restore upwards through their the human family back to per lowo effort.
now Boor buy a superior Boor 1:et mental, moral, and physical It is time to lay seide all de The British Consulat Colon condition making them fit for Wrious and theoretical dream Rent Receipt Books In Span Kronen Brau would be glad of ioformation as to the performance of the pert et Let every man see himselt (as he ish and English for sale at the the present whereabouts of Argold law of God which will result la oogbt and ask the question; bow Workerian Printory James Lewie, a native of Barbados Hackett Braated Recitation Miss Winolfred Brown. Duet, Selected ss Violet uoto Plano Rose Maidens, none sonship musical ball aneously.
in Song, Flower Belle are ring.
10 Chorus, Greeting the dear 11 Solo, The Earth is the 12 Chorus, Hosanna to God, of behes mpassioned Harper Girls clevar young with bel One ise sa sher el ruconditino.
Medi man atorlevelving for Interior imported Boor when you can reior id rete such as BALBOA for half the price.

    Death SentenceFrance

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