
THE ATTENTION cause of Friendly Societies and Secret Orders Well Doer MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Rramme Dbarlllloan At all drurite and dealers Workman Stationery Store (PAINS ENEMY!
fishermen THE BEER the The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
in now be divorted to the coloca Up to date Jewelry to year) of home British Finance And if it interiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirror மல யயயயயயய Mightiest Shipping Commerce.
Combined Formed In England: Writiog under the above cip tion late in July a London correspondent says. OF100, 000, 000 POUNDS IS The British coast line, beINVOLVED.
its Indented character, is exceptionally look, and Its many fine barbours afford sale cable despatch from Lonanchorage for its extensive fish ing fleets. Also, and this is im.
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF portant for British fishing, the mightiest ocean shipping passen.
waters round the British Isles ger and freight combli ation it the world bistory to protec are comparatively shallow. For does more to drive away England traditional sea suprepaine and aches than any it is in the shallow waters of the macy bad just been formed bere.
other known remedy: that is temperate or cold zones of the The British shipping controlwhy thousands of people the earth that edible fish is mostly world over call it pain lers claim to see in the repla enemy.
to be found juvenation of the great Ge Rheumatism, sciatica, stift Take the herring, for example, man shipping lines and Mussoneck, sore and tired muscles, one of the most valuable of food lini ambitious shipbuilding prolumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, aprains and bruises are in fishes, This cheap and succulent Suitable for Lodge Business an actual challenge for otantly relieved by article of diet, which is exported the bulk fees trade.
SLOAN LINIMENT in great quantities by British firms, abounds in the relatively This vast working amalgamaNone legitimate without portal and nature of sballow waters of the North AT THEtion was accomplished at hota.
conference including representaThis, however, was not always 80. About the beginning of the tive of the Farnese, Withys Cunard, Brocklebrook, Ancho sixteenth century the terring Line and Royal Mall interes first ventured out at the Baltic, covering approximately 100, 000 SLOAN to wbih ses it had previously 000 of North and South Atlao:lc LINIMENT been fned. Indeed, ti to waangaa. ngo agpapanggagas maganda anggagngang Lines.
records war waged by th It was the same conference English for the right of their to fish in that en 550XSSESEKS SEKS that decided to abandon the plan to purchase the White ar Linc.
closed sea! There e is no need for foto such activity now, for in the e To have carried out the deal days berring emerge from the with Franklin, head of Baltic twice each year visit the International Mercantile British waters in vast quantities.
Marine, the large sums invested The reason for the change of in sbips already flyiog the Brithabitat is the disappearanc SUPPLIED BY ish tlag would of necessity go to from these same waters of the American minority stockholders.
whale, the enemy of the herring.
The new plan contemplates But disappearance is parto that the capital originally intenda romantic story with which we ed for purchase cannot deal now Before considering the British sal fauna industry as a whɔl, it The alternative was adopted In every form can be seen will be convenient give a few to retain capital and resources, figures relative to the berring here at its best See our typical of the team work here, alone. All over Northern Europe and Russia the British cured when any British Industry is Wrist Watches menaced.
is brewed from the best berring is a staple article of food, The first alarm came from the bakingScotland, alone, we had Bracelets materials obtainable the 1924 reports of several members of ws 1924 (not an exceptional of the total am of tish the conference called to consider Diamond Rings landed the White Star deal, showing there walghing 996, 387 cwts, valued at 4, 617, 858, no less than 4, 504, 930 cwts, va u a It is specially suited for this climate that Germany rapidly was re and a hundred other adorncovering her trade routes, which ments and you ll recognizo at 1, 866, 798 war herring. In the before the World War covered is superior to all imported beers sold all seas.
why this is the LEADING Bame year over 200, 000 barrels of herrings were exported, am here and it sells to the public at It was asserted Germany JEWELRY HOUSE in town United States and Canada to the competition already was belt ask prices and you ll find stik and a a very large proportion to felt.
HALF the price.
Germany and Russia.
The secret reports on Musanother reason. Now, let us enquire what is solin prognomte diectoare debri Futter Jewelry Store the present position of the Britobvicas intention ish fisbing industry. Tbis TRY OUR NEW BEER can travellers to that part of the Industry was particularly hardcontinent. These secret disigas 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 bit during the for for new Italian liners also call not only, was a considerable or superiority over the ships of number of its vessels destroyed any country. WILKINSON new form of nay. w 1Oy tare, but most of its persoon was employed in Duval work Contractor Each as minesweeping Sinc.
the war, of course there bas SUPERIOR TO ALL The Famous Silver and Builder been for this industry, as for otbers, the effect of tne wat Five.
tinsncial depression, Yete Q:30 50 50 Kesses ENSEE sos sexo House No. 20 tics would seem to sbow that the British fishing industry is on the (BY ALVIN GUNTER) 28th NOV, STREET, upgrade. The trawling IndusThere stood the cheerful oncs SAN MIGUEL that saw try most certainly is holding its Tbere are fewer steam The good old basket gim. trawlers than before the war, Which Silver Five had gaily won Box 411, Panama, but tbat is because the trawlers ho With freedom pride and fame.
are larger in siza. The fisbiog fleet has undergone in With furious mind she played Plans and Specifications Free respect the same chang as the her game, general mercantile With actions swift and true; Tbus, while the Batish trawl is Of every description With righteous rule and sporting First Class Workmanship in 1913 numbered 357, with a beart tota! of 273, 110 in 1924 Despised by only few.
Satisfaction Guaranteed the 1265 trawlers ha at nake of 284, 105 like th: meiDONE WITH NEATNESS AND She ever cbeers wbene er sbe cantile marine, sail is wine, FLOWERS 10 its tur. Add sailes whene er she lose.
to motor Motor DESPATCH To skow that tru born spot Abogado. Attorney at Law trawlers have increased from ing blood six in 1913 6) in 1921, and in Can never be confused.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST, the same period sailing trawlers have declined in number from AT THE BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY; 817 Hurrab, good old Silver Five, late Toese figures Her fans did gaily sing; TELEPHONE No. 1377 to tra vlers o ly, but a similar decreas in numbers with an Throughout the city far and wide Practicing before all the courts of Her fame did surely ring.
inc ease is total tontage applies to all British fishing vessel Colon, the Republic since April 1914 That fewer vessels does not mean less employment is demon strated by a comparison of the Dentist Howell number of men employed. In In 1909 there were regularly employed in England and Wales who represents tha Port Why pay double price 37, 624 men and boye. This tell of Hall in the British Parlifor inferior imported HOUSE 912, LA BOCA to 32 933 in 1923, but a recovery mint, recently contriba ed a Boer when you can CANAL ZONE, was made in the following year most interesting account of the to 37, 127.
fishing fleet of that port. From (Opposite the Restaurant)
buy a superior Beer One foal comparison, him we learn that until recenly Office Hours: a. to 1p. the total value of the catch in there were two famous trawling THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER such as BALBOA for to p.
the last two years, and we have leets ttached to that por, but halt the price.
DAILY done with figures. Briefly, this they have now been amalga 19, 840, 000 in 1925 as mated under one management.
WITHOUT AN EQUAL agaiost 15, 594, 794 in the pre They are the only organized PHONE 1941 BALBOA vlocs year Alets in the world.
The success of fish as food, Dessels, under an Ad Don fail to try it Specializes in all the branches of Dentistry.
particularly la hot Weather, slx for or Imiportant: ett time. Every ness, which means, of course, pight Het is joided by. the the speed at which it can be and No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Contributors in gen ra British Consulate Notice placed on the market. Many trawler, known as eeter, and our Atlantic side writers Improvements have been made other vessis, the Aaeter returns the catch of in recent years in organizing who speed direct to Billingsin particular, are asked The British Consul at Colon draw breath when writing would be glad of information as to delivery. The larger and newer che ADVERTISE gate Market, London. By this present whereabouts vessels ko to sea with a large means the tisb arrives absolutels and Condense their contribu of homas Davis, a native of supply of ice for three to six tions considerably, to ensure ataica, weo some years ago bad a IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS weeks. Commander Kenworthy, fresb, publication.
autine in Guachapali, Panama, Great War, KRONEN BRAÜ OND.
JOB. PRINTING this marine tonnage of Also, is to steam, and steam giving way otor propulsion tə 338 ار WORKMAN PRINTERY Contra Crespo of WAS ghty, lark. fast fitted,

    EnglandGermanyWorld War

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