p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 14 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Races! Races! 8 Good Races 8 Meddler, The object 10. 00 and 60 lucky in To Morrow Races Dr. Connell Last Sunday Races The Call of His People SURGEON DENTIST.
Eight races make up what pro.
It was over a pretty muddy mises to be a pretty good card at track which the right races were At The Eldorado Juan Franco Park tomorrow Begs to notify his patrons run at Juso Franco Park on Sonafternoon. Five of these will be and others that he has reday afternoon last; and although for imported horses and three for moved his Dental Parlours the wbether was elightly bazy and By LEACOCK native ponies.
the mus ue did not pay any of The Screen has proven its influthose magnifcent lamp sumns, encial power over most of the What promises to be corker to more convenient quarters JUAN FRANCO TRACK to one mile race which will at 165 Central Avenue, upthose right distractions d dot people of the world. It has opened bring out Real Espinosa Dhole stairs the 25 cent Store.
in the least detract from an an avenue of education thal is very TO MORROW carrying Ipe 128 lbs against Frou afternoon of real sport for the bard to surpass. It is true that the Frou 122, Capoul 119 Pereq ae 107 CHURCH SERVICES large number of enthusiastic insight emsbating from the Screen, and Silver King 90. lang who attended Dhole, but when the good of is pro and con (as in all things. Sunday, August 15th 1926 The Class All imported horses Mr. Raul thing rewhich will take part are Dad, Eleventh Sunday After Trinity with Jockey Escobar up, wen the sonably balances the evil, it a true Sister AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE two billeest events be difth siga that the good when intelliCecilia Marcela and They are given six furexpands, and in (Anglican Catholie)
ricecf urlongs ard tbe ez h:h guatly directed the evil; and longe. the purse annexed to this of seven furlongs, testing Mee time, exti race is 100.
St. Paul Church, Panama The Call of His lab aud Daddy lo tbe first and this is what There will be a furlong dis. Rev. Nightengale, Restor)
Frou Frou, Shimus. prque People. photodrama with an tant for class imported and Rando in the other. all star colored east, and which will a. Holy Communion The Rector Races for Imported horses horses and those wbo are looked Meddler, ridden by Perkins be shown at the Eldorado Theater 10. 15 a. Matino Me. Atwell, for this are Rolando. Dands Catechist.
won tbe second event on the pro on Monday night the 16th inst and for Native bred Ponies Moelab, Cio Clo. To wells, and kram in brillant form; this was will prove.
10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sertoon, a five urlong distance for theeThe Rector The playwright is Aubrey BrowIn the natiue Divicior, class year lds imported thorough 12 Holy Bsptiem.
ser a colored American and grad bred imported by the Panama Jate of Harvard. He wrote a book WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Exeuse Me will carry 126 pm Church School.
ibe and take on, over bie furJockey Club, Muddler paid the entitled, The Man Who Would 30 Cboral Breosong, ut mon langs, Zipo 116, Chicni 108. The Rev. Canon Melcber.
biggest lumpsum for the after Be White Candlewood 94, nomeno 90. cordial iovitation to all, LOOC 11. 10 marketine and the successful of AN. AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT The Program will be wound up with a four furlong race between St. Alban Church, Paraiso As did Escobar on Dhole, Par: the moving pictures adaptation rode which The Harold, Infimo, Rialto. Repulse CANAL ZONE, Translate who was classed as an Of His People, of the and Py aso. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, outsider in the batting, and won playwright, seemingly is to bring Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Priest in Chargo.
Oriental the heavily backed, before his people, especially, a We are asked to state that the am. Holy Communion and setma First Race Starts p. Sharp Tigre and Altanera, paying 10 lesson that should stay with them Rev. George Austin of the. Rev. F, Nightengale.
on 32 in the mutuels, the third throughout their entire struggle of Balboa Heights Baptist Church biggest pool for the afternoon. life. His thought is centered on a. Holy Baptism will preach at the Colon Baptist p. Church Sehol Other winners for the day his people welfare, and therefore ADMISSION tomorrow, Sunday, night.
were: Zupa and Repulse in the he has devised means whereby it 7. 30 Choral Evebong Sermon first race; paid 70 and 20 product could be easily and effec Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. COLON BOYS INSTITUTE Rev. A, Nightengsle, respectively, Marcela, Spear tively carried to the greatest num.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Blade and Sister Cecilia in the ber of the people, and this means third paid on is, the Stage; and, think we are Anniversary Postponed American Episcopal (Anglican ComMarcela, Spear Blade 2, 40 and to find ourselves within range munion)
Sister Cecilia 60 of the great moral lesson he Sequel to Shooting of.
Holy Commuaion 6, 30 The Owing to the locagsant showers Excuse Me and Chlavi took the teaches. For when Nelson Holmes Rector.
which fell all day Suuday the 8:b fourth race, paying their backers (G. Edward Browo the colored (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1)
Iloly Bap. ism 30 am.
man who takes the leading role)
lost the sixth Anniv rsary of the 80 and 80 the former man op and 50 the later.
b) Latany, Holy Eucharist and was forced by Elinor Graves (Edoa From the findings of the Government investigation Colon Box Institute which was sermon 10. 45. Rev. Mucare.
to In the sixth race Gaiz ona Norton the colored girl who plays committee, it seems that during the ten years the various bave taken place on tbat date and Jallur came in drst and opposite him) to realize that he Chapters of the division in Costa Rica have existed the been postponed to Sunday bas Church School p.
second. respectively the pool too, has his part to play in assis over 200, 000 colones have been extracted from its members Choral Eveusog, normon. 30 tn.
nasing 40 and 00 on the ting the race to attain the recog. as death benefit taxes, picnic and dance contributions. began falling and continued a. From Saturday night the rain The Rector.
winner and 80 Jailer. Dition of the world, by the follow charity box, admission and monthly fees for the accumula sekunti 30 pm. At Fr. day 30 m.
Cupbrmation Claes Wednesday and that heard the of my many persons turned out Evening Prayer and address WednesUNITED STATES the blood within my body quick other business propositions, agreed mee dance 415 30 ened; the hairs of my head retion should be postponed util It is stated that from the last audit of books only a tomorrow. T. MULCARE, Rector mindd me that they are standing small cash balance appeared in the hands of the treasurer. Continued from page 7)
og roots. picture every womso. NF. Smith donated At St. Barnabas Expire, St. Bartholomew Lu Cascadas, St. Simon. GA versary of our independence the place of Elinor, and thus and that only one quarter of the UN. ten years pro and Mis, Beatrice Humblin Lbs. Jude Mission Summit, may be taken for practical pur saw their great duty to God, man ceeds has been invested in the purchase of real estate, would not leave the institute u Evens. ng will held at the usual tias the cause and other friends who Chu Ch School, Confirmation Clare and poses as marking the end of the of the vision of the playwright.
and their race; and then thought building construction, and payment of death benefits.
adolesc nt growih of the United The board of management of the Association, in the received. Rave a collection 10. 00 by the y Readers.
States in territory, population Cond the race ever repay bim? course of the last decade, in several instances, atempted to MULCARE Printin Chargo and weal:b. In o her wɔrds, ll the colo ed race reatize that put over several business schemes, but owing to various CREDULOUS WOMAN England Is DOW considering this man tas, through the medium reasons these enterprises are only attendəd with disaster and wh ther with less necessity for of Holmes, brought every map failure. The to day is solely existing on the proFinod For Illegal Use of Aunericans to nccupy themselves face to facu with the sacred duty (Continued from rage 1)
a ith the consolidation of their he ought to fulfill for his race? ceeds of taxes exacted from its members, who are also bur The complainant believing that nations, the coming ofty years hey realize that ke has also dened with frequent levies to cover the cost of legal she would soon be the recipient oflold American boy who on July 26 Francis Holston, sixteen yearwill not tind the Voited States brought the women, through the expenses of lawsuits in which the Association has been in a fortune rushed to her hone and icevitably demanding or assum. mediu. of Elicor, to clear view volved constantly.
took be book to Wil. ins. She had last accidentally stot Jemima ing more voice in international of their sacred duty to God, man economics and politics.
their cacbo? Poroueba de folie tle High Cornmissioner has been a source of disagreeable 100 and give him in comparents home Baiboa, was on The newspaper comment this could always be brought before pany with week ba. created the impression masses to went to the bank drew Boggs in the Balboa Magistrate that unofficial Britain, after 150 pen of all in Eingly, and that the happenings in Liberty Hall. He caused the dismissal of all Wilkins she men who took her to Thursday fined 15 00 by Judge writto such could be wielded the Officers of the old board of management, to which many 10) and then wat back to the court for illegally carrying firearms vears, has decided to recogn with dal canadie that the of the evils the Association has undergone is attributed, and house where Wilkins took the in the anal Zone. Roper was dis: the arrival of the United Stat. stage could always be used for the money her the accused pre: from mej writy. Lest at the age of its international moral betterment of the people, has been bitterly criticised.
tended t) burn the money and week ago, pronounced cure.
It is said that as soon as the findings of the Government gave her some ashes telling her that Perseverence Lodge No.
entertainment could this statement and that should be held to bave a sardon always be synchronized with edu Secret Investigation Committee are turned over to the proper if she talked about the matter implication it should be pointed.
authorities, every individual on the A, old board of within 90 davs she would be deaf, 2292, Order of Druids, cut on beball of British writers August 12th, 1925, management will be indicted for embezzlement.
Jumb, and bliad.
that in the words of one comWhile she was in the room with mentator this week, a century LITTLE LESSONS ON. Wiikins he told her that he was Grand Rally representing and a ball is only the Jwe which going to speak to the dead and he Druids Hall, 20ch Street Central.
Dorcas Society Concert Sparklets. wil beld at the Plasped between the battle of said: Ah, Ajil Ah, Aji! She don Hastings and the rigoature of Continued from page come to kill, she come to better her on Saturday August 11h under.
the Magna Charts, which is Bob if you The Darcis Society recently the auspices of Perseveranc.
saying that 150 years, in the bob you will inspite of all and organiz :d within the Istbmian (Continued from page 1)
The complainant went away and chestra will be in atter dance, N, 2292. popular o opinion of this British writer is an extremely short probationary sundry; but when you do choose a ague of British West Indians la formulated code of ethi But not hearing from the consedre.
hair cut that emphasizes your good will give a concert at Geddes although writing on newspaper ported the matter to the Police and a verv er able time is and Wilkiss was arrested.
features and modifies those not 89 Hall, East 16 Street on the writing and editing must necesgood, let your short locks be a balo evening of August 19th. sarily include some ethics of JourTo Face Trial For MUTICAL PROGRAM.
of glory, not a screaming carica The purpose of this concert nalism. used the Professor DIGEST OF.
In closing, will relate an Embezzlement.
an is for securing funds with which statement to manouvre easily incident that took place in the to start up the proposed work around (Continued from page 1)
MAmerica Theatre not long ago: o making clothes for our poorer pleted by subject, and when comthe contents of of the paper re (Continued from page 1) tive listeners, Misses Daisy Whyte masterpiece on J. Croxon, a California Sheriff Ashrimp of a man seated just folks. cir a arrivey on tne Isthmus on Wed. before me after gazing disgustedly It is the aim of this small band cumlocution. 80 much so that must present to the Diplomatic or and Guilermina Jump, centri nesday last to take back bis son in at a remarked. to younger med mandiblyank boss of women to do what they can to be for sale chords had a year Carauthorisepresentative of Pana ca este mai derive much praise for the law George Williams, when companion (also male. Now that into the homes of our poorer ma graât the deft manner in which they accused of addressing young charged with having embezzled bis bring aid, comfort and cheer Baptists at Chorrillo on Emancipa. following documents: sixty five hundred dollars County woman has gone so far to imita. brothers and sistere.
only piano solo con tien Day during a funds while he was employed as hair like bis, it is to be hoped that to all sympathisars with the decided that as the tidg. that cuts To this end an appeal is made the Day, and other members conduct, and has never been con flected credit on her teacher, controversy on the pro and con of competent official that he is of good buter of the evening, kave a accouat of herself, and under Sheriff and assistant she will stop at What matter of esllector under his father in law.
any crime. 2) certified copy of his birth Mrs. Mulcare, in the rendition of be certificates ber piece The Shepherds. This wife and baby girl, now four years ever resort to cavemaa methods this laudable project by donating that be requested to consent to (3) If married, a certified copy of tising musician also presided at certificate; old, when he absconded, and is and start hitting a feliow over the somethiog for tbelr benetit, change the caption of the Paper to his medical certificate that he spite of the fact that she had had alleged tot have married, apother the head with a club and dragging him Everything that can be of use to Newspaper Writing and Editing. under the home by his hair to be her wedded the poor is solicited.
to wbich strenuously objected. 4)
name of Raymund in New Orleans in Articles can be delivered at Has there since been estal lished a to preside at the organ, Miss before coming to the Here endeth the reading of the the Wesleyan Miss! on. House, formulated code of ethics on Jour. Bious disering from any conta a short notice that she would have PERSONS WHO ARE Winifred Gordon also showed East 16th Street, in ca e of Mrs. nalism?
Ishwa llis first wife is reported lesson for today.
DOMICILED IN PANAMA marked ability in accompanying Wade, honorary memto have recentiy obtained BLLL AND HAVE LEFT PANAMA Mrs. Muloare at the ber of this organization, or derren 10 divorce. piano, e action Miss Fairweather, secretary, TEMPORARY VISIT TO Through this medium the Rector When isted here a few weeks ANOTHER COUNTRY Such again begs to heartily thank all house 16, West 16th Street, top Dr. Wendehake agu Willi uns who was going uader Have you tried the leaving Panama the dear friends who by their patthe name of Raymond Black, was should have obtained from the ronage helped to make MEDICAL CLINIC in the enuploy of San the Blae now Boor The public is cordially invited Developing Corporation, a local to assist in this work by attend. 7, 025 Front Street Colon ment necessary to permit their reGovernor of the Ploviece the docc Musicale a suroess.
fruit er wing and buying concern. Kronen Brau ing the Concert, ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO entry into Panama, as onshier. He was living with his Doors open at 30 Thursday British Consulate, Colon, THE POPULAR HIPODROMB OY second wiſe at Cristobal.
evening. Admission 10e. PHONE 11 July 27th, 1926.
less Siccer fansavimierastas the presence of Charles Bryant, en bol od home more worth Indian cookies position.
Lodge tore.
presented a head her competent certific te issued by a Tories, the coulbow. Mis Dorothy victed of at that.
terri able manner, is not woman of this March husband!
Jeat a Gual ON floor.
before persons OPPOSITE STATION


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