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PRICE Cts. Cy.
GARVEY TEN PERSONS ADHERENTS Imposing Demonstation At Burial of Chas. Bryant MONTH Large Expenditure of Cash Planned for Costa Rica this time several respect hour to the place of of the legal or ser heads These Barred From Speaking Is Quota Alloted At Fifth Annual Con Jamaioa to United vention.
Funeral Procession Claimed to be Contract Signed by Government Largest Ever Witnessed in the New York, August With the tollowers of Marcus Garvey, Presi been received at Jamaica the According to advices which have With German Co. To Build Republic of Costa Rica. dent General of the Universal American Government have decidNegro Improvement Association, ed Electric Railway.
not the still Bryant, High Commissioner of the A. at Costa Rica, we today called over Garveys bead by able time. It hus, therefore, been Costa Rica Correspondent, which appears in the latest issue In continuation of the report, in our last issue of the death of Charles convegnoring it, the fifth aut un spect to the viene di secilerin convention of the association, United States for some consider According to the subjoined article, from the pen of a give a full detail of the elaborate funeral accorded him as described by an Supreme Deputy Potentate eyewitness:entered its definitely decided that only 100 After the shooting, the body of Bryant was ordered by the Criminal Liberty Hard 120 second dassin persons iron Jamrica who are goal of the SEBANER to hand, the contract for the electrification ing Judge to be an autopsy; Street, yesterday. George Wes enter the United States each year by the Government (using wood as its principal fuel) has seek employment should Pacific TO ENBALM HIS BODY ton, President of the New York or an arerage of 10 a month save at last been signed by the Executive and a German Comand have him lie in state until Sunday, 1st. August, so as to give an Division, was elected Chairman.
May and Jane.
opportunity to delegates from Colon and Bocas del Toro to pay their last pany of Electrical Engineers. It only leaves ratification of In a speech, Chairman Weston respects to the dead hero, for such he was certainly considered by the negro said that although the schism in reached here from New York, it is From private letters whlch have the Concession by Congress for the work to be immediately population of these Republics. This was done and elaboratey árement the Associationem teemed could be learnt that there are quite a cuma started.
were branch to convey the body to Colon for interment there, but this was resolutely adherents could hot betek Garweyte to retura to their native home, but citates Gesellschaft of Berlin, has agreed to advance the This company styled the Allegemeine ElectriThe delegates who arrived from Panama came with instructions from that wideomne in the members would be ber of Jamaicans who wouldlike denied by the entire membership of this Republic. Hence Mr. Bryant body floor unless they retracted accusam to raise their paberage moraley Worle sovernment a loan of 1, 850, 000 with which to purchase from somehow was laid to rest in a is seemingly very hard to necessary machinery. The work is going to corpse by Mr. I. Hic special service was conducted in the hall over the Sherrill, Acting President General; will the President and thirty months.
and Chaplain of the Association at of tide 11 Supreme Deputy Potentate Marke the a. taking his texts from Lamentations 1: 12, there was never any sorrow and the Chairman. If the Garvey Harlem the coloured population is is claimed that there will be a wonderful saving. Twenty immigration, den American restrictions.
Io The Executive is very enthusiastic over the task as it like unto our sorrow; and from 1st Thesalonians 4th chapter, 18th verse, group refuse to co operate, he said becoming perturbed, and the lesson was masterly handled, which caused such an emotion in the building own lines, for our own success and vigilant that even with thoee from as the dead in Christ shall rise first, we must comfort one another, the we will bave to travel alorg our American authorities have been Bo Vears is given in which to pay for it, but is expected it will be paid for much earlier than that that he was interrupted by the sobbings and had to stop on two occasions. toward our owo odjective.
American Bankers have also got representatives here DEMONSTRATION OF SYMPATHY.
The body of Bryant, remained embalmed in the hospital until Saturday over to the registration of deleThe morning session was given to colleges to study, they are carry ment to enable them to carry out certain works of improvethe West Indies who arrange to go endeavouring to make a loan of 8, 000, 000 to this governmorning 31st July, when it was taken out and placed in the great Hall of the water, among whom were represen ing out a strict investigation to see ments, by way of roads, water works, wharves, etc. but Universal Negro Improvement Association, where it laid in state to the view of tatives from the Sudan and Cape that the object for which they they cannot yet come to an agreement.
thousands of members and sympathisers. Throngs of adherents through Town South Africa, enter the United States is fulfilled.
which it would be impossible tu wade a passage, visited all hours of the day The United Fruit Company is also disposed to spend and night until Sunday at four o clock when the procession moved. During 500, 000 in Railway and new plantations in the Rio Frio special coaches arrived by trains from all sections of the Repu, THE EVOLUTION FAKE section of the country. This is very significant when 10, delenches of the organization under Bryant supervision, with most considering that their concession as a fruit concern expires (BY PHILIP LEWIS)
elaborate wreaths and other insignia of condolence and to the deceased.
in 1930. Great developments are expected, so as to merit a At the appoiated His Lordship Father Jackson, as he is affectiona Ľffe, the existing principle of being alive, are aftected similarly favorable extension of the concession held by this comtely called went to the Hall for the dead and headed the assimilation, ejection, ad subdivi. by that woich affects life it eli, pany; it is safe to say this country has been made by the procession to the of interment Sache per Costa Rica before, a throng of 10. 000 persons went to the cemetery. mals and vegetable organisms. The of plants and animals do not there are those in influential circles who are arguing against prominent me Rafael profession said to the writer Iglesias got a demonstration of syme do President, composition and structure of an esteud a vegetable cell are the monopoly held by them.
The corpse was placed on a ou a railway car drawn by To prove this; play a clarinet or engine, while the identical. The diference lies ouly violin in front of a caged lion or many thonsands walked silently with bowed on both sides of the Railway in the function each performs. tiger, and the animal will indiente «THE FAR CRY THE OPEN FORUM with His Lordship Bishop Jackson, the President of the Organization, Mr.
been the officials of the body in front and the principal mourners following imme of the two classes of cells hae the stand before an oak on the park At the Cecilia Theatre To Bible to helemaalexpressed Higgins, the Black Cross nurses of the Organization, the Boy Scouts, termined and fixed, so that he der reception and appreciation of the. diately. ia when the procession reached the cemetery the ground was literally power of impressing any of its and play any sweet air on the same night and Tomorrow Night Columns filled with people; the surrounding hill was crowded and every place of vantage characteristics upon the other; for instru neats and you will receive from which the vault could be seen was teaming with men and women of all the laws are fixed and s9 com nothing else for your paius but sections of the province of Limon.
prehensible as to include even the jorose remark of passersby.
Movie fans to the Cecilia To The Editor The WORKMAN STRANGE COINCIDENCE germs, which are minute animal HYBRIDISM NOT EVOLUTION.
Theatre will be treated to another On Saturday last the 14th inst. rare phenomena occurred at this funeral. As soon as the corpse was organisms, and a fferentiate them taken from the car to be borne to the vault, a woman shouted Look at the from bacterias, which are micro More wonderful intermixtures serve thrilling but highly romantic 11 of the parents of this village Cross. Immediately all eyes were turned to the direction (south. where sconic plants, are possible with plant cells than picture in the Far Cry tonight attended the court of the local there appeared a large cloud. This gradually faded and by the time the corpse Kinship between the plant and abl como with reached its spot, a perfectly well defined cross, of a silvery appearance was animal kingdoms is certainly close ferdity and greater ease greater proportionite gly entertaining picture starring to suminons issued by him at the Rodriclearly seen. This, of course, occasioned a spontaneous outburst of cries, and chronologicaliy the plants are ling will be screened.
guez, teacher of the government weeping and praying by some of the women and the rehearsal of His Lord much the elder; but that does not ing unrelated species. But kraft. that noted artist Blanche Sweet instanee of Manuel de Jesus The following brief synopsis of public school, to pay fines for os note: There has yet ship could not at first be heard. Some minutes passed before the crowd could proved the animal wordt developed to hybrid, or any erant chis cromenio picture idea putih ciets alleged failure to send their chil.
be induced exclamations and evolved from plant like orzanists upon any wood, that has Claire is divorced from regularly The (Continued on pige 8)
proven to Unless due consideration is her father fou able boor reproduce fiber meets Dick Clayton an old Hibbert, Reuben, c, Phil.
ther SPARKLETS small fortune; Clarire moued are as follows: Misses and animals often manifest confu. Some a few seasons, but reversion to (By CK responses to outside influence. For rule. As a fact, hybridization Dick goes to Venice, Claire fol example closes So also does the Wild Cat Schemes big ideau and treating with, as it rear of the venus Flytrap. oes the wally seedless.
being married.
Count Stural and Gavoor, Mrs. Me aggert; another suitor makes Dick jealo such fines it is claimed were imSome months ago a few of our were, damoable contempt the value froz and the leaf are etherized, ne very good example in the case of returns to Paris, Dick follows and school Inspeetor with the We might observe the frog as a Fol wing an argument Claire posed on said individuals by the listle things, and who disrespect ther the eyelid of the frog nor not only apparently ambitious but the little lessons such as: If you flytrap leat will close But when animals of thes energetic young men, evulved groundleseness approval idea which lacked even plausibili would find gold you must dig The facts are as follows. The ty it was an idea that they wouli 3, it is not found on the surfaces; the ether is removed both recovers the origin of Species theorie rescued her frona blaze that of the Alcalde oricate.
sensibility tadpole is batched from the started at a gorgeous Roman ban io Claire honor by the children do attend the school De wapaper con Rom: was not built in a of fully grown frog, The above experiment is suppose evolved from any other source; our little circunscribed thrept bere smeat to prove the close connection or on it has within its ke up tie cells that will last you a week long be and all reach. regularly but sometimes they are cero in So if vou want to get a thrill sick with Maloria or other wilment ed ant kept were not attained by some put it, the actual relation of which prod ace legs, and also those at the Cecilia tonight and tomorrow ko by, after sudden fligh. seems to me a series of preliminary grandilo noch queot speech making and uninter boching to them. Unlike another cald be radhere from lebe Nothing with the ability to assimilate the cannot attend school for the cause esting gestures, the noise, however, series or scussions 08 by few other could be farther from the fact. tail, much as the camel assimilates night and take in the Far Cry, bat whenever the children This will however not interfere above mentioned they notify the commenced to subside; and after worden men, anent some commercial plaat oarele sensitive to touch in its hume Venus with the many propoFeat degree thrills which school teacher accordingly. Second, signs of positive abortion the propo resson There is no reason to believe are in tore for you, as the manage Flytrap is supersensitive because the said teacher is wickedly and sition further dvsrfed into enableness but also evapo its livelihood is derived from the that the frog ani tadpole are meat of this the premier playhouse cruelly illusing the children by nothingness course, ighe friend Moulton et al was all bunk and held in file rolled tea ves me and the butterfly. It was veces: very attractive program Lothe one your idea bodies of insects which are caught different animals, nòr the caterpill on the Isthmus has arranged a flogeing them excessively and reason to which the sitcoude might it was no indication of welcome instaheld they alixhite cu pea them sary for the caterpiller to piss siglt for the coming week which bodies at any clace; he every leaving marks of violence on their have been attributed could have showers froo heavy hanging rain The frog, teaving a good deal of througn the chrysalis stage while you can afford to miss.
been the unexpected call from the clouds. The ability to do big thing brain and great serve power for an its various organs were rearranged wrestle with the boys throwing them ravke of the initiators of my friend down on the thorough knowledge animal of its size, would quite a most wonderful feat bench the dignified Mr. Moulton, of the value of and the ability to naturally be affected in its most But upon its emercios porom its and illtreating of. Panaman, Zonian or them. Several of of the perents appeared on the do little things peetus as Secretary various occasions repaired to British Subject.
the itself in possession lem; friend Moultoriday, writiug and editing is as much one Sensitive part, the eyelid.
school liouse and remonstrated as with the teacher for his cruel understand, was slated to be editur: callings sof The effect of the ether on both of wings but is still a este piller.
the Llewellyn Gabay parents are actions; cat scheme died a natural death to commerce, in the commercial field; anything extraprdinary beyond ite eroich were present in the ces from said to be British West Indin ns, parent appear at the school house in chief! In any event, the wild professioua! feld as is maritime plant and animal does not prove The cells from which the wings are fact extent tact, the idea hardly matured into mature business kjo wledge, proper entering the leaf pores numb the idea to fly from watehing other fly Canal Zone, a strip of land gov. cord and other dangerous intris so the. was born. to tu very sensitive that the ether fuines The caterpiller dit oot get the years ago at Gorgona ia tbe for the same cause; be uses saslı any thing near to what could be tigancial backing and reasonable honestly termed commonsente ing things and cons qrently deve erned by the United States for meats in flogging the children, and Our community seems to be pro guarantees of dependab e financial delicate life cells therein.
support. To properly support a of the Panama whenever tre sehjol Inspecior due. bg too many who would tackle gegro newspapar bere needs much mechanical and does not provetrary. In the scheme allottel the anal but which is still territory puf in In each case the action is purely lop a pair of wings. Quite te con the purposes his appearance things at the wrong end at the top Republic of Panama. the school the teacher secretes too many who are filled with (Continued ou page 8)
any connection to ween the frog eitrrpiller it developed its wiəgs at of the ani the plant. Both are alive, uud (Continued on Page Coutinued on page Continued ou page 8)
We do not.
let us been is given be Markham, ws.
Sireenidke, ezks of quiet in not Count area, As the mouths ko other the ex Dected of ometimes upon a on whose name well.
Newspaper of the m in ofde ghest one both fullest as ia


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