
BOOK STORE Five Members of Judiciary few of the many Presents given out for Empty Packages of Lucky Strike No. 93, Central Avenue Con. mittee Agale st Section of or Victor Cigarettes House Measure, ASSORTMENT OF Washington, The declaration that a secilon of a pending meaGOOD STATIONERY sure to amed the national probibition law is so drawn as to sbock the nations of the worlu SOUVENIRS, is a challenge to every civi lized country is made bs presentative St.
Tucker of Virgicia in a minority report of tbe Judicitay Commi British Women Stage Red ttee just filed with the House. The section complained of makes all Parade.
domestic as well as thus written, say Mr.
Tucker, state.
The bull claims the right of the London, July 17. The strains of The United States over the bigh seas not only as este boere diction Red Flag and the International echoed to 61 own vessels but as to those through London fashionable West End dom of the high seas, free from to day as 3, 000 women Labour sympathizers the jurisdiction of any country in times of peace, has been re marched from the Thames Embankment to civil zed nations, and by none Hyde Park to demostrate their sympathy with more ea phatically tbane by our the striking coal miners, uw countryIt may stated HEAVILY NICKELLED ALARM that the law of nations ad Each marcher wore a miniature miner mits the right of yisitation and Works all of brass and Aluminum, will search in only one case, aod that lamp and a red rosette. Many also wore red. The not rust in this climate and si zure on the high stas handkerchiefs about their heads and carried 350 Lucky Strike belongs alone to belligerents.
QUOTES Seizure PROVISIONS. red flags. Com munist songs arose as the proor 700 Victor The section referred to by cession swept past the exclusive club land of. Section (a. Every vessel on Piccadilly and St James Street.
the high seas, domestic foreign, which possesses, tran.
The marchers included members of the sportin e tranships, licello or deli. Labour Party from every section of London.
vers intoxicating liquors as fined in the act of Uct. 28, 1919 They were led by a little group of miners. Page 305) Intended for ultimale wives and daughters, representing the South United States, its territories or posses Wales, Durham and Gannockchase coal fields.
sions, without permit, either means of such vessel or by 1cMrs. Adamson, wife of the Labo. INCH SHEARS tended for introduction into the urite member of Parliament, carried a banner ASSORTED KNIVES Puritan Brand. Finest Steel united United States subject to for.
Fine Steel 140 Lucky Strike teiture to the United foreigo, bearing Cook strike war cry: From 30 to 225 Lucky Strike found to be transporting liquor 10 Double the quantity for Victor any other vessel, together with not a penny off the pay, not a minute on 280 Victor her tackle, apparel, funiture and the day!
the liquor, goods and effects on board of ber, be subject to for Groups of strikers flanked the procession, feiture to the United States.
Provided, that any vessel law selling miniature miners lamps to raise relief fully documented under the las of any foreign country which funds. Men who gathered at the windows BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. PANAMA) LTD.
has entered into treaty relations in clubland were taunted by the women with the United States respec.
Box 2025, Ancon, or 898 Panama ing extra territorial seizures marchers with cries of: Why don you do shall col be seized except in accordance with such treaty; some work? and Go and earn your living!
and provided, futber, that such forfeiture shall not be At Marlborough House, which is being or attached to a foreign vessel carrying liquor to and from a renovated as the future home of the Prince of part of the United States, or the Wales, a woman wearing a red rossette in. ponovnovada Jeg when such transportation and her hat stepped out of line, took her place possession is compliance with existing treaty provisions. Every person woo on the in an empty sentry box, and saluted the pasbigo seas without a permit, hat. sing marchers.
ing reasonable grounds for be Whilet here is no likelihood of the Gov.
leving or with intent, that the same shall be introduced into the ernment sanctioning a subsidy at the public United Siates, its territories o Panama to Colon and Return possessions, gossess, transports, expense, The Daily Mail reports that there is caling pors as a fined in the a proposal afoot to raise a loan of twenty tranships, stlls or delivers uutux On Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 1926. açt ol ufst utes Pake o October 28, 2019 (Popese thousand Pounds Sterling secured on resourBY THE ODDFELLOWS OF THE ORDER 305. sball be deemed oby, and on convic. lon thereor ces of the coal industry and says the miners sball be fined in any sum 10. jexecutive may meet in London next week to exceeding 10, 000, or be impr. soned for any urm Lot exceed consider it.
two years, or TRAIN LEAVES PANAMA AT 30 discretion of the Court; provided, persons transportlug or possess mile limits to the twelve mile e destruction of the harmons of With Stops at Balboa Heights, Red Tank and ing liquors on board of a foreign the limit is the bigh seas tree to all the world and ulimately to war.
to carry world except where by Liquors to and from ports of the treaty, and though these treaties curred in by. Representatives Pedro Miguel The minority report is conUnited States under aby existina break the Constitution, violue Dyer and Missouri, and German, teaty provisions.
the law, defy the Supreme Coat Perlman and Weller of New RETURNING LEAVES COLON AT 30 HIGH SEAS RECOGNIZED decisiots, and in my judgment, York. Ine de fioltion of tbe high are spurious, invalid and uncon sear said Mr. Tucker, and stitutional, they get show conke jarisdictional control of the clusively that the United States waters adjacent to the coast out Government recogniz. their irROUND TRIP to the three milelimit beyond ability to search or to seize beyond wbich the high as begin was the three mile limit, and culd TRY recognized by the United States only secure this right by treaties Government wben our Govern with the said countries.
FIRST CLASS 25 SECOND CLASS 00 ment, in order to check the evil For the above reagons find KRONEN BRAU of smuggling beyond this three myself unable to endorse this mile limit, sçund tba it could bill, believing, ss do, that the ON DRAUGHT Secure Your Tickets Early. Avoid the Unnecessary Delay only be done under the well adoption of Section (a) and (b)
known international principle by would operate as a cbrllenge by OR BOTTLES treaty, and at o ce the Gorean the United States to the world of ment began to conclude treaties a principle as old as civilization OOO000000000000 000000 Refreshments will be on sale during the entire trip with Great Britain, Germany, itself in the international law of France, Italy and others in order the world, and would ing upon to secure the right of scarch witnin tbe 12 miles limit de tined the Government of the United Rent Receipt Books in Span to them without such treaty. States the just rebuke of the ish and English for sale at the agamaaaaaaaa at The distance from the three world civilization, and lead to workrian Printery Or be applicable EXCURSION TRAIN OL at the wote vessels pera itted modified 000 DODO


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