
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1926 PAGE THREE Interesting News from The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA WW11 24 JAMAICA Civil Service Inquiry For British Guiana.
shortly residence would not Secretary ARREL by we one bit of of exagger inbabitants to offer that making AN little rain moved: and energy AND INVIGORATINE ibat falls WINE The Demerara ARGOSY of recent date eays: Session was resumed at the Court of Policy Hall at 30 His Excellency Sir Cecil Hunter An Rodwell, presiding, This The Colonial Secretary intimated that the Secretary of Invigorating Elegant Tonic State had notified the Governor that it was his intention to OL ply with the request of a Com and mission to taquire into the Civil Preparation It was understood that the Commission would comprise Health Imparting senior official of the Colonial is highly Office and probably an officer of the Imperial Treasury, The WINE Dames of the Commissioners recommended would be communicated.
hot be required It in Debility, before November and would probably not be required Mr.
Dougblas Jones immediate Nervousness ly on his arrival, it was proposed promotes digestion the Commissioners accommodation in that house and improves Female Weakness to appoint small committee which would include two of the elective members to assist the the appetite Government in Impoverishment tbe peccessary arrangements for and gives tone their reception. He therefore of the Blood Whereas by resolution No. 72 of 1925 it was recommended that HEALTH and to build up a to the the Secretary of State for the Colontes should be requested to IMPARTING appoint a Commission to inquire whole system into the working of the entire run down constitution Civil Service of this Colony with a view to economy and increased efticiency. And whereas the Secretary of State bas been pleased to notify bis intention of acceding to the said request. Be it resolved: That this Court authorises the Goveroment to incur such expenditure DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or as may be necessary to meet the cost of the proposed inquiry. times a day, The Surgeon General seconded.
Mr. Brassington said that as the moter of the resolation for the appoiotment of the JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Commission it was bardly necfor bim 10 say he was SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS very pleased 10 hear that they would bave a Commission and metabre of the Court would be very interested to hear as soon as possible the names of the officials who would conduct the inquiry. great deal depended on who were sent out.
BARBADOS The motion was put to the vole and declared carried, Mr. HIGY FOOD PRICES IN Cannon dissenting and remark BARBADOS.
ing that his views on the point were well known to His Ex AN APPEAL TO THE GOVERNOR, cellency.
During a recent visit to the Mr. Brassington inquired Parsb of St. Andrew, Barbados, whether the Government knew the Governor of the Colony, in wben the Commissioners were the course of an informal disexpected to arrive.
the with the had no information at the mo nona Parocbial Vestry was informed meat, but expected tử haar in a Williams, Ct airman of the by one of the members (afr, week or two.
Highways and Board)
that there was coneiderable distress among Demerara contemporary says that Commander classes, the result of the bigk Knowles, 0. Captain of believe to be due to excessive prices of foodstuffs Ormondewas admitted at a patient in the Lido Thomad profits the merchants were said aon Ward at the public hospitai to be making. There ex S:s in on Tuesday last 6th lostant, the Colony large combine of merchants, the was said to be the prevention According to the Daily Chronid of over importation. Mr.
there was exported from British laws asked the Governor to Guiana by the 8, Leit which look into the matter with a view sailed on Wednesday last, 7th of finding out whetter the profit instant. for New Orleans, A, of importers were not too large.
a sblpment of crude bauxite same speakers called the comprising 2, 288 tons which had Governor attention to been won on the concessions of several retired officials saces of the Demerara Bauxite Cose up remunerative emplopment while GAYA to the Demerara River, in the receit. and in pensions, Gosheh Q00000000000000000000000 it could not be proper to sus.
pend the payment of pension in TRY Buch cases. He instanced the case of Ma. Bovell, late KRONEN BRAU Director of Agriculture, who, in ats addition to an annual pension of 600 was also vote a gratuity ON DRAUGHT of 000 by the House of AssemOR BOTTLES bly. Mr. Bovell is now blling a ODOO 000000000000OOO D000 ca at a salary of 000 a year. correspondent writing to the GLEANER from Oracabessa in the parish of Portland on July 23rd says: still råges ardits The dects can better be imagined han described. Untold damage has been done to banana cultiratiscs. Of the little still standIR positively no returns can be expected. Even the bard y cocok nut is failirg under the intense heat and prolonged drought.
Only a few leaves around the buds arë left on most trees; and mady have ceased bearing. All yams and coeces planted trum May onward are completely burnt out; and all plastice is now at a standstill. The earth is 30 parched and hot that at noontide ran hardly stand on the ground withe ut moving. Without the slightest atlon most of the oldest and most intelligent thick this the worsed e drought has bit these parts withia their memory.
Ohers think that it not the worse its effects are more felt, as comparatively bas fallen for the last Reven years, and May rains now belong to the past. Then from the billy nature of these parts and a steep slope toward the sea the rain toward the latter part of the year is not retained but drains oft into the sea. The shortage loas never been anything like this before. Phe and spring is now barely flowing, may cease at any time. It this should ever occur tben would occur. The waiting busnothing short of a catastrophe dreds too often have to turn away without drop of the precious fluid. It is almost useless for one to go during the day time. and at nights it is aearly as bad One wonders.
IF PEOPLE SLEEP HERE judging from the crowds that fetch water all night. It is indeed weird spectacle to see the crowds children especially white with dust. wending their way to and from the spring anything calls for pity it is to see water conditions in Oracabessa.
are forced to the wai water from the wel sea side 80 brackish and dirty that one worders bow it. But not even the laws of necessity know health. Then the river bas completely failed Ooly a few pools of stagnant water foul with the te mains of dead fish and vegetable batter, enough to engender pestilence, is all all thatis lett of it. Well might we we write Ichabod over these parts Never has dust beer seen bere like this. It is no uncommon ibing for people to walk in dust, up to their les. The road is awfully broken up fact that the port puts out so owing to the much fruit and there is too much traffic passing over the Oslo street, with hundreds of trucilicet to and fro stirring dust, add with the high wit it is now quite unbear In short, unless Providence intervenes it is not known a will become people. With so much ust and the no water to drink or to bathe, and such thirst creating beat withal, well, how they are alive till now is a wonder. If only this tone could have the use of few sprinklers even twice per day conditions would be greatly relieved, Positively it is wished that someone in autbority would visit the place on a banana day.
AND SSE CONDITIONS for themselves, then they would be convinced that the truth was being spoken, and that things could bardly be worse anywhere.
But so much for the immediate effects. With plants all burst out, and planting at a standstil, there is going to be such a dearth in the coming year that will be sure to spell hardship. With the (Continued on pege of women and cessary to take and use along the they do in laws, GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ad Excellency replied that he conomie conditional. social and aokles.
which people AT blowing able.
what of ESPERANZA LAUNDRY WillOnly First Class Ones Need Apply inquired ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays


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