
25 ole DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING Years ago, Twain aud Ry All calender tbat Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD lick an art The decay there is more sesse 3090509533 SSSSSX133034500 he Decay of The THE WORKMAN Wicked Man. BY A. GASKIN)
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies Dear Sparklets. It is a very WALROND, at the office No. Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes look time since tave bad a chat Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
with you. Draw your chair All copy for publication must be Digaer. continue smoke.
PO Box 74, Panams written on one side of paper only, and Don look so txous, nor do it Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of look so sad. It is nothing auoat 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicathe West Indies, am not a 1, havo beru warned.
Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
keep out of their at aire, and Three We do not undertake to return ream golok to heed the warios jected correspon lence. leave that for Sidney Yong, He says, he will die for the truth The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS SATURDAY AUGUST, 21, 1926, No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Such aa act is very spectacular, but it is not safe.
When Sid crows older, he will learn that OUR FIFIEENTH ANNIVERSARY. PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 oce life is not a thing to give for one belief, matters tot how true that belit may appear to Fifteen years ago we launched forth on the field of be. Tost is not what want to journalism in this city, because we found that in this speak to your abcut. Aly subcosmopolitan Isthmus the growing influence and intelligence Now tall de Sparklete, do you et is of far greater importance.
of West Indians were unrepresented. That the voice of the observe that our civil zation is silent masses were without any mouthpiece. That we were OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Rong to the dog. Yes, coing to the least understood people of all the nationalities reprethe dogs by express. All of our sented here, and that in the conglomeration of economics most cherished vices are going in 10 decry, Mark we played but a very insignificant part because of the Work Done While You Wait obscurity in which our reasonable demand was made silent.
Oscar Wilde wrote on the decay of living. You krow it During our fifteen years of existence we have tried is a great pity to allow sucba noble art to fall assidiously to serve the public, whether as job printers or Into disuse.
newspapermen. We concede, like all other professions TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Barring do nestic servants. wbo lies non. day! If Herodotus we have erred or made mistakes. it is human to errand were to come back to tartb, he the man who never made a mistake didn make anythingAlter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices would not be able to recognize but we contend we have not done anything which can be the art for which he was called Ladies Garments carefully handled father.
construed as a serious menace to the welfare of this com A few weeks ago, ode mourned in editorial munity and the pecple we represent. We have accom agony tbe decay of swearing and plished a few reforms, though very silent to the casual cursiok. Of course, be is, Not a observer. In spite of overwhelming odds we have demonC. REID Manager moral man. But he is a human.
strated what the energy and determination of a single indi or as Nie cbe would say, vidual can do and if the assistance of our large and influen100 Humn. He could not poor 0354086980150 SXOS ASENOS SONSES tial West Indians will come to our support in organizing a fellow, help dilating upon the subj ct. Wo curses Lo day? Not Limited Liability Company there is no reason why we even a coachman. And when it should not be in a position to establish a daily paper which would be more in keeping with the advancement and procomes to swearing, there is not a sexes 0:0: SSCSS decent Oath in the would pass, off the most plausable gress of west Indians in this Republic.
truto. tra has to stand upon Of one thing however we are certain, we must either.
its own merit as though it were go forward or backward. This paper will either go forward a thing of naught. It we had a or remain where it is. We have for fifteen years stood recoid or the oath that Peter alone and demonstrated that the thing can be done. We are took in the judgment ball of Pilate, then we would be able to not asking the support of the impossible, we are soliciting or use 11 as a pattern. am sure that advising that the project has grown out of our personal there is no man living who can ability to make it the success of the future and to demand a fishermen in what is essentialiy necessary for our West Indian people in of wearin, except the army the democratic reformation which is gradually reflecting its chaplain. And this brings me to my rays around us.
wicked Sparkle, Yes, my dear We pride ourselves with the fact thar we have met the not in the cause for which we launched forth and in doing so we have whole world tc day, one genuine served our people and this community to the best of our wicked tao, a man to whom we ability; it is now for them to come forth and say whether Recommended for Removing the Humors of can point with price and say. That is a wicked this medium is a necessary element or no.
Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Mencken and Shaw Oh, no.
are not We now beg to return thanks to our numerous patTetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic wicked men, they are only mischievous big boss. Now you are rons, subscribers and readers who have given us their unselfish patronage in making possible our fight against the Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disree with Ingersoll and Bradlaugh were realty wickstream of adversity during the past years. We appreciate eases caused by Impurities of the Blood ed chaps. And let me tell you, with unexpressed pleasure the encouragement we have when they died, the race of the received from time to time, and although our venture have An Alterative recommended for purify.
wicked men was extinct. Darwin we not met the financial success we anticipated we are satisfied Huxley and Spencer. They are ing and enriching the BLOOD.
that the suppurt we have received has beeu able to keep us the trinity of wickedness. Those three fellows say that we came alive in the storms and trials which have afways brought from the ape. It would have failure in any attempt by West Indians tu ameliorate the been alrigat it they bad For Sale at all Drug Stores let es tha people condition.
let the rest But un ibe implety to prove the the one they called, Huxley bad, And in Large Quantities by theory head: in a debate that he had with one Let Make The Right About Turn bishop wilberforce. Of course, JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy the poor bishop could not cope The following excerpt taken froin the WASHINGTON with such a wicked man. TalkTRIBUNE expresses so much of what our people fall short, that AGENT ing about the devil quoting passages from the in giving it publicity we are promoted to ask the question prove his case, Huxley was how many of us to whom it applies will be affected thereby, master of tbe science that they and make the right about turn to put it into practice?
30 sessosxasies Costosos call, anatomy, and the bisbop The Extract reads knew as much about the subject as Mr. Lewis knows about the BUY FROM NEGRO Bible. The froin The business interests of the group do not belong en advice of the foregoing extract from the TRIBUNE and BUY Dr. Connell anatomy alone was too much for divine. But Spencer was tirely to the individuals who operate them. They are to a FROM NEGRO. no matter where he be or who he is, so Let us be clanish and throw SURGEON DENTIST.
greater extent the property and responsibility of all of us long as he has the goods.
the worst of all, Heap applied the theory of evolution to the whole a and of the posterity of each of us. How long will we con insularity and petty prejudices to the wind and become tinue to be traitors to our own interests?
says that, God did adhesive for our own existence in this the land of our Begs to notify his patrons not create the world out of Let be sensible. When it is pc ssible to obtain the adoption.
and others that he has re nothing in truth, but tbe whole moved his Dental Parlours thing evolved in same goods at the same price and with even nearly the accordance with to more convenient quarters is not the limit of wickedness, the laws of same service, BUY FROM NEGRO.
gravitation. If that The world respects money and its possessor the indiEight Hours or Seven.
at 165 Central Avenue, up will like to kaow what is! But stairs the 25 cent Store.
viduals or the group. The more we buy from our group, the of all the wicked men that this more respect the world will arcord all of us.
It would be difficult for anyone living outside Great. there like Thomas Paine and Voltaire.
In this connection, the colored race on the Isthmus are Britain to understand fully the feeling aroused by a measure will always think of them as one hundred per cent contrariwise. We have yet to be which the Government has just succeeded in passing into In portant.
the Abab aad Jizebel of our civischooled into supporting ourselves by patronising those of law, the effect of which is to legalise the working of an The one stirred up the race who cater to our wants.
eight hour day instead of a seven hour day in the coalmines the unrighteousness Contributors in general the Lord, and the other diaboof the country. On the face of it there is littler enough reason There is no end of frothy utterances about the race for serious complaint, for the new act compels no one to and our Atlantic side writers lically denied the christian God.
unitựng for its existence, economically and socially; numer work eight hours, or even four hours. if he prefers not to in particular, are asked to tea; at they are going to lead be The miner hours are of when writing There is another fellow that of his brother and n, one will trust the other, consequently the Eight Hours Act makes is that, whereas it has hitherto tions considerably, to ensure deserves to be better known. legitimate and sound ventures that would perhaps benefit been illegal to work more than seven hours in a coalmine, it publication.
mean David Hume. Before be the race considerably, die as soon as they are conceived.
is now legal to work eight. The point of that is that with came. every body believed in miracles, and that the world was Are we to remain an apathetic people in a strange land eight hours in the day for coalhewing the owners believe made by design. Up steps Home and continue to be the hewers of wood and drawers of they will be able to offer sufficiently attractive wages to with a series of wicked and uawater because we will not trust and support our own? Are tempt strikers back to work. Such at least is the fear of Why pay double price answerable metaphysical arguewe lagging behind for some mysterous Moses to deliver us? the men leaders, and this accounts for the bitterness that for inferior imported ments, and to day, no body be Let us shake up ourselves and realise that each and every has marked the passage of the measure through both houses lieves in the one or the other but Beer when you can a few Bible students, and old one of us can be his own Moses and deliver himself from of Parliament. In the House of Commons there was serious buy a superior Beer ladies of both sexes. No. Sparkthe bondage of suspicion and mistrust of one another with threats of obstruction and a few minor disturbances by a lets, would not call Luther such as BALBOA for which each of us have enveloped himself, section of Labour members; even the traditional decorum of wicked man. am out to give Let right about turn, sense our own economic wel the House of Lords was rudely violated by the uproar half the price.
the Devi! bis due. will admit fare and patronize our own; in short let us take to heart the (Continued on page Continued on page 5)
man, chant, agree matter the sot Cosmos, Be lization in face of instance they have proved abortive, Every man is suspicious ments between him and his temployer. the only difference and Condense there contribue tevelion betalt of the damned:


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