p. 8


Rector Exciting Races st Jimento in with vupposed day a The Rector.
sixth is over rod tha!
Orani of more He is survived by a child The Evolution Fake Last Sunday Races To Morrow Races CHURCH SERVICES Continued from page Here the program for tomor List Sunday was a good day the proper time, from roots already on the tart Juan Franco Park: row afternoon races at Juan AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Tw. lfth Sunday After Trinity existent, therefo. e no change in the th: eight races on the program Franco Park. There are eight races asch of which promises to (Anglies Catholie)
specie of the creature was inade.
were ran off in good form before be a tbriller. For the main event St. Paul Church, Panama new born human infant has a good sized crowd of fans Bolsbevike, Frou Frou, Pereque (Rev. Nightengale, Root no teeth; but the fact that it deve Jockey Perkins was the Star and Dhole are booked, while Isps teeth at the proper ti ne and jockey of the afternoon, carrying JUAN FRANCO TRACK a. Holy Communion. The Ree: ge for absorbing solid food, does ia four winners, two seconds and Excuse Me, Zapo, Chiqui and 10. 15 Mati Mr. Atwell, pot indicate that that said infant one third in seven mounts. Per eartain raiser; Candlewcod are listed as the Catechist.
produces those teeth of its own kins tooks to Rapulse lo TO MORROW second Fye Furlongs purse 125, 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist serman, Тbe Excuse Me 128, Zapo 126, Caiqui. the. placa race four experience some of us had in eat. furlongs for native horses. Rialto Sunday, August 22nd 1926 102, Crodlewood 94.
12 m, Holy Baptiem.
Ting our first teeth, it is more than with ID p. Chureb Bchool.
Six Furlonga purso 175.
probably that, as a voluntary act, the third race of six class banthan with Hidalgo up taking first, Dardenels 30 Choral Ereosong wrmon 126, Top Sergent 117, we would be ver abandoned the temported shortes Perkins made Peter Pan 110. Lackland 95, The Rector than through in Spear Blade, this time Tuesday, August 24th. Feast of St.
Hops 94.
much trouble and suffering to at bed the of field; Col. Arango Four Furlongs purse 125. Bartholomew Holy Communion obtain then, it is a positive fact up taking seed that mankind at birth are provi: places. He again Femomeno 126. Don Simon 90, ed els Barba Roji 122, Rialto 119, Dicthe imported full supply of teeth by all the fourth rate, of six Races for Imported horses tador 117, Infimo 111, Repulse St. Alban Church, Paraiso to have developed. horses, on Dixie, with Oram and 101, Harold 96, Fap 94 Payaso 93.
Another handle upon which Petl taking secɔod and third and for Native bred Ponies Five Furlongs Porse 250. Rov, NIGHTENGALE, Evolutionists are endeavoring to places, respetively. Candl. Dandy 126, Meelab 117, CarcajuPriest in Charge.
bang is the discovery, which is wood in third in the a th race WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE da 102 Facbendo 112, Meddler Matias and addrere 11 105, made from time to time, of small and he was ridden by Perkins.
skeletons of horse like animals. The fifth race was over five TurMr. Osborne Catechist.
Five furlongs. Purse 200.
The structures of these creatures Tongs for class native Novicia: 126, Alanera 68 Super p. Chorob School and Confirma presenteras here, but the hoofs Zapo with Jimenez up.
similar to that of our borses. This race was won by AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT Gloria 121, Peti 109, Oran 105, tion Lastruction Mr. Osborne, Belle Sauvage 105.
are divided into two and some be an event of the after7. 30 Choral Evensong Bermos times three parts.
noon was over a mile, and this Beveren 182, Frou Frou 111. The Rer. Capon Melcher.
furlongs. urse 400 This is the ancestor of the wine won by Perigne wifo Per Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Pereque 106, 3Dbole. 104.
kins in saddle; ou Frou, cordial invitation to all.
horse, says our wi89 sayants be Five Furlongs Purse 350.
lived millions of years ago. Gradu. Dhole and Silver King coming in First Race Starts p. Sharp Burlesco 125, Dad 126, Capoul! St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca ally as conditions changed be in the order namned.
117, Olla 124, Mitzi 123.
In the last event Meddler led grew in size and realizing the need the field to the winolng post, and Amerioan Episoopal (Anglican ComFive furlongs Purse 200.
of a solid hoof to meet changed mUDIOD)
it was Perkins ADMISSION Spear Blade 126. Sister Cecilia conditions and aditional hardship in the saddle Matice, and addrere 11 am Lay la 119, Col. Arango 117, Carcajada lo the titih race Excuse Ma imposed by men he developed the Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. 115, Chomba Loca 111, Trans Hunter, u split hoof. Ofcourse the horse was looking good to wia but late 104.
Church School p. o.
as a member of the animal world apparently Escobar was not Choral Evensong, sermon. 30 existed since the beginning of the feeling well and Perkins was out to do a good day work Confirmation Class Wednesday and six thereative day, which is that busand years ago and bas a. The Open Forum Friday 30 pm.
Dictador in the second race IMPOSING DEMONSTATION AT. been known and used by man ever Evening Prayer and address Wednessince his apperance on this planet pate 11, 70 in the mutuels the day 30 Continued from page 1)
and no indications bave beeu mani biggest lump sum, pald on (Continued from page 1) MULCARE, Rector fested as set of the reversion of for the afternoon, Zapa victory Undoubtedly this funeral surpassed all gatherings of the kind; one feel the instruments with which any of our breeds of horses to any in the fifth also brought his in sc. Simon Mission, Gambon evolationists come to this barrier, 510. 20 on each Spear Blade who had the privilege of witnessing our dear Archbishop Nuttall funeral Inspector is gone. In the case of The Litany, Holy Eucharist and paid 7, 50 on in the third and must confess that as a procession this surpassed it in numbers. It is safe to Luther Markham the teacher Sermon 10. 45 Rev. Mulcare, they stick; and small wonder.
coming in second in the say if Chas. Henry Bryant had died naturally at his home, half of the flogged him so cruelly and left Church Schol 30 The small borse like creatures fourth paid Not bad day thousands would never have gone, but the fact of his tragic end moved the marks of voilence on him that the with sloven hoofs, were undoubted. it is?
sympathy of than half the gathering unity JT MULCARE Priest in Charge wife to jumped out at one of the ly animals which did not survive in biber winners were: Dad and whom the main paths to be releases this Association; as it is incident happened on on Truly 28th obalomer Liu Cavedo, Sude turned windows and hurted himself. this ine struggle for existence when Sister Cec lia in the sixth race, a remains now what will At Barnabas. St. Barwestern planes of the New World, Aimported borsed. The frizzled away scores of thousands of its dollars, dissatisfaction is rife among home after his ill treatment as Church School, Confirmation Clase and millions buffalo roamed the distance of six fut longs for class passing at this moment through a very keen crisis. Mismanagement has inst, Luther Markhan co returning Submit o. If a man is the development of mutaele paid 40 and 6, 10 on that except a great Moses appears as its leader the Organisation too will fall and remained sick for a whole Evening will be bild at the usual tima the higher ape, what has caused Dad on 80 on Sister Cecila.
its members due to those mismanaged affairs, and there are those who fear aforesaid took in sick with fever cersation of that development, with Bryant.
by the Lwy Readers, and made possible the continued MULCARE Priest in Charge reproduction of toth the ape and On Fridvy July 30th while tbe ORIGIN OF THE EVOLUTION Was still mani suffering with of o independent Why do we THEORY.
his father went and interview. INTERESTING WEST EIGHT HOURS OR SEVEN in some remote ed the teacher in the presence of The logical reason for the seem.
globe, a race that is (Continued from page 4)
just emerging from its ape. ike ing proofs of the evolution theory Jobnson the Inspector on the (Continued from page 7)
cuaracteristies, but. which exist is this: That to sepe: created by a series of Labour representatives from the lower was only a stone throw from the tant Master) was told that there 81VC tail or thumbs or o her rate those willing indication of its ancestry? Ask a Supreme Being as their Creator house, after the handful of Labour Lords had failed to hold house where the child was, did not were seventeen, men on board iustify wbo had left Trioldad as stowaof all things, up the proceedings by the delivery of a succession of lengthy in to see him and to yourself these questions aud try to and the fontaiohead match the answer with guod, from that class of mea too puffed speeches. The resort tɔ these tactics by one wing of the bome the father ways, by the German steamer four square logie up with false ego and pride to Labour Party is causing not only a good deal of dissatisfac part of a school teacher is abrupt port 12th June last for Curacao. actions on the Solbang which sailed from this of important isannot works, the Creator has constructed embarrassment to the official leaders of the Labour Party in səif that there are no medical diate ports. The men who were as acknowledge any bus their own tion in the House of Commons generally, but a good deal of and upwarrantable to satisfy him. via Guayra and other interme tbe origo of man, we afford to hang mere supposition. She condemn discovered during ken Let we prove everything! We do act koow, and never will know faithful loguiring minds of His the House, who disapprove of methods so unparliamentary. Kim so be brutalizes the children! Curacao were presecuted before will readily pass, wbat the missing link is, was, or sollicient wbile the at his pleasure; then he seads in the Caraco Police Court and sen ponderous chunks of sell will be held by Sparklets RAISE IN THE PRICE OF malicious reports against their tenced, we learnt, to three weeks is supposed to be or to look like, sufficient medence, parents to the authorities, bance Imprisonment. They returred BEEF. ow why it is that we albe earth is cannot keep apes in the 200 and not merely a saith the Lord; the trouble. All the parties con yesterday, as above mentioned a ball of cerned unanimously sent in to the disapp inted bateb. Continued from page 1)
as watch them breed up to human into shape by accideot Let us more gas whiled)
beings in time.
that a couple hundred The present raise in the price authorities (through the local lus their attention to get to MaracaiWe do not khow why amoebas ma ke man in our image It is safe monthly subsoriptions which of meat in the latest topic to spector) a protest against the pay. bo: It will be remembered that among are no longer becoming fish, fish to suppose that a spirit being has fluctuate sentimental exercise the minds of our com ment of the fines which ranges from only last week several stowaways were brought to the Colony and no need of a prehensive tail. readers whose support is held while able anxiety, especially among mubity, and is cousing consider. 25 cents S4 50 consecutively, taken before the City Magistrate are no longer becoming birds, birds are no looger becoming reptiles, derce It is also requested that the said nany who remanded them on board.
their scales and growing hairs, or more and Creator becom paper a series of controversial art Il teel, the Impost especially at be removed from New Providence reptiles are no longer dropping off more convincing cles involving pelty questioas or the present time.
time. May be or and a conscientious and reasonable wird reptiles are no longer belli eyes of those brilliant minds Bestures of local embry journalists Say be not there is cause for the teacher seut here in order to avoid thelorstwie ongebas. bevery day, let us hope that. 000 personalition. Tema tippant per be bumbled that Dew im post bat the may and a now and then canno: with In our next issue there will searchlight appear a full report of the celepreciate the glory of his work.
listic and dramatic efforts by Bro taking into coasideration the government did not voluntarily of the Colon Boys Costitete, is most appropitious for it wben It is glory of head or are all libere Gaskidre There is no harm in Furthermore if this theory of our remembered that the bration of the xth Anniversary The equally certain that after the peak made for grasping. ease our sym. to get rid of big wads of bad people.
development be true, then it is numbered; our hands, so perfectly trying at big things, but there is a recent de portes sed economie en establish school werk here it was which took place last Sunday. dition of working requrst people here of development is attained, degene feet, balancing by a memuriai to the s:houl autho PANAMAN, ZONIAN ration will ensue, with consequent metrical, well proportioned bodies earned mone we mast experirities that school work was started seversion to species. The of what all these the direct creation of ment in the newspaper business, champion elocutionist, a good Ju. unde suce then several teachers will the radio, telephone, an tell gent Being, not do a small at have been and (Continued from page 1)
any other adjunct of civilization to unreasonable animal instinct.
automobile, painler burgery, o tain bit of miso, development of starting from the bottom up and entertainmout given at the always a frieudly feel ug existing Llewellyn Gabay was shot someander the auspices between the time last month at the Panama of apes?
And most of of all, the human brain! not only how to, but why they of the La Boca Panama Disttet parasts bere but the present Golf Club by an officer of the Are not energies and time wasted Who can reason out the immense should support their own news of the W. A:00 Saturday teacher is an exception to be Patama Police force, and this on the production of marvelous difference between the brain of a paper. We cannot reasonable ex. evening last, was a coinplete eu. ther and he is not desired by the Britannic Majesty Minister to inventions and useful discoveries; man and those of all other ani cept to succeed in all of our business cess, or you may call it people, Panama, the Honourable Charles to be destroyed in a few genera mals, and not see a direct model of ventures, blow our horns we like, prevents me from giving you day the 9h just, the day before presentation to his office that but at least when we sentimental attachment of son On several occasions up to Mon Brathwaite Wallis had, upon retions by our screeching, chattering, infinitely higher and apısh descendants?
miod? Toe facts then are! Fronter start to The cleverly propounded theories man by wilful disobedience of his! Real ENTERTAINMENT, perfect human creature at Creation plausible idea.
a ought to have, if nothing more, a gherewith a snapshot view of the the summons were issued the Gabay is a British West ladiang high plane to which soared, aad children have been sent to school den anded an indemnity the of the wise evolutionists do not Creator laws fell from bis hichi also the cause for my having been sad they had to return home be Goverament of Panama for the except on stand the test. Their reasoning estate of mental and physically Brother Dalby lack of enough, gentle reader, LO under the Colony in Panama, Colon or mau, Tbe Secretary of Foreign you are intelligent cause Roiriguez was al sent from wounds received goes smoothly along, in each perfection, and became subject by uranch and soological proceso unul missing the encounter.
HERALD and Jingle of ed, but for which a complete train descended from perfection, but not and its duly qualified represeots Iday scue of their respective parents for the order to prote teach then, and it the claim for comemankind bus dignified position which the Press PANAMA American wrote ic Mon he sends in reports against the pe sation on the grounds that destruction.
Heuce tives bolu in the community, which on which he Gebay is not a British subjett, events would lead from the low scended from primitive beastlinea; resulted in his holdiog up Jingles papers, you may be able to form was absent in est protozoa to a Lanzan tree or a and shortly all mankind shall again celleresorolie gereed Unfortunately enjog our former kind te of metal of the PANAMA AMERICAN ne the ero opinione to the cause which binsell; he is his own bookeeper Dr. Wendehake no gues door for fully for prompted me enjoy so and matters along will limmensely.
those lines so as to suit himself to ruing from ine in the premises; away, this obstrus ve missing unit; porfection forever.
so the break is smeared over wito MEDICAL CLINIC the inconvenience and annoyance Miss Lydia Holder regrettable Tuetorical millions of years, making Rent Receipt Books in Span but unavo dable absence, and my ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO of the parents of children attend 7, 025 Front Street Colon a bridge upon which many are will ish and English for sale at the own uopardouable inadvertence in THE POPULAR HIPODROME of ing the school, OPPOSITE STATION ing to trust themselves, Work 7ian Printery not handing Alfonso Ferreira, eur JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW. MARKHAM.
PHONE 11 each other?
Lather do we not fever find in some corner of the come to ou para On Bucha it was WAS With the of a personal coming monksys and in due course, wenn Derde en blad frately easy things to do it for polished and any dbp Monitor the prevalent prople of this district.
the bair upon.
gradually to a Bucfrom the young With to doorman so lifted. But if of


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