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PRICE BCrs. 8Cy.
THE FUTURE GRAPHIC Harlem Pays Homage The Town of Falmouth OF GARVEY STORY AS To Marcus Garvey Hard Hit by Great Fire Ad to whether the prisoner riot Number of Buildings Destroyed morniug.
nwell dence of chem diree.
in officer family, destroy bananas AS nams than that to apce In Outlined At To Cause of Prisoners Convention.
Riot in Jamaica Jail.
At Opening of Convention as Re New York, Aug. 11. Amsterdam News. Corning to the rescue on the afternoon of Monday, July Including Famous Court House ported by Two New York of the once was well handled or depounced Casper Holstrin, mer Answered by one who was residing Newspapers.
chant und philanthropist ad in that sea front iostitution at the And Anglican Rectory.
vanced 10. 000 cush for a lime, when a representative of the mortgage on Liberty Ball, 128 Herald a few days ago had a The New York HERALD TRIBUNE and the New YORK West 138ch entered thicha. Fridhe ale with the Bromwil, paroled the GLEASE of the 2001 inst. store of Mr. Arecott, known Early yesterday morning people on scene JOURNAL of August 16 give the following report on the property of the U, Friday August 5th.
Bra zave the writer the news was current in Kingston that as the Temple of Fashion, was parade of the on the opening of rhe Convention un ihe 15th inst. The last day of grace expired impression of being a fairly intelli the town of Falmouth, the capital ablaze and with the deficient fire Up Lenox Avenue to 145th street, across Friday for taking care of the gent man, and proved a very good of Trelawny, had suffered beavily appliances available it was clear to and down mortgage. The building was to be conversationalist.
from fire, which was not even then all that the chances of saving the It may be better followed it under control, and that among the building, were quite Improvement Association, 56 West 135th street, rolled a fites refused to meet io a conference with the present group that is in Well Sir, he began It is like another of ihe island landmarks themselves on the resilong parade yesterday, flaming with banners and gilt braid its annual convention at the hall to this, bau dia pot riot because any the Palmouth Court House and faste delore the flames wbieb tben Miss Josephine Deliser complete brass bands.
loer of the property.
fast and From every window on the route and from the hot roofpe truction was furious complaints were coostantly the colony.
At the last minute, it is reported, whick but because the diet, of best appointed public buildings in a three storey building and its de tops hung thousands of Negroes, cheering the name of George Westya, president of the wedly fit to be given to a durab got so bad where it was PLACE OP ORIGIN OF FIRE Giant tongues of flames leapt into the sky sod shot out in to Mr. Hol The fire apparently originated tins, beating back the puny etorta of to the health anima out in all stein. Convincing bim African Republic, admiral of the Black Star Line, presidents was operating en What the diet like in fact, in Mr. Arscott et ure pre of those trying to combat The orto a general and founder of the Universal Negro Improvement spreading Suddenly creat cry of dismay business basis ad on what are the meal hours?
east to Chin me building came from tbe crowd. Facies ctive industrial Association and leader of all the Negro peoples the trial programine, Twice a day we eat Sir break world. On the sidewalks, ten deep, stood 100, 000 more, he consented to advance the large fast at 10 o clock, and dinner at fon Reid Street of the waving and shouting and applauding as the procession, sum of morey. 30. Breakfast make up of an oz. north easterly dire velling in the Court House, in opening the first day of the local convention of the Uni moeder from our yout their rectory chose prekinite se. which baratos motto, Build the and not from the air down, the raw baba (saltfish. sometimes Chandler sud huell as the per the direction of Mr Clinton Delgaversal Negro Improvement Association, went blaring by.
ground up, porridgeis and buildings GARVEY IN PENITENTIARY willing band of helpers under iled and served with skin, rice, and some pot water sonal effects of the the rerkless bandling of But Marcus Garvey hirnself, dreamer of dreams for the by the Garvey regime. soup. But all these things are do worked desperately hard to se Then came the greatest disaster, the old and historic pile, but their future of the Negro ruce, was not present. He is in the Getting dowa to a more tangible not given ac oso meal.
Federal Penitentiary at Atlanta, serving a term of five years platform, the association voted to Is prisoners obthe lack of proper fighting appliThe fire crossed over the Court etorts were rendered true nugatory for Fordeaudulent use of the mails, but his grip on the Negroes of drop the title of Provignaal Presi. jected to eating the green bangsa? Aracott premises and completely audbo teh pride of the Tombia dent attached to the Harlem, whose new conscious pride of race he was general president Nothing of the soft sir, Them destroyed at The Court House by bow was due to she bad meal that insured in the name of the Tre The bre had also spread in other i: the purist was doomed!
foremost in instilling, apparently has been weakened none Marcus Garvey.
was used. They had always been awny Parocbial Board, with the directions and a whole block of at all by his absence. They went wild over his name on William McD. Bolder, secretary comnlaicing and promises were Northern Assuranee Company for th banners yesterday, and close behind the leading band. Continued on Page 8)
buildings, including. Coutinued og page 8) the sum of 3, 000, but it is more fust disappearing in smoke.
rectory Was surrounded by gaudy ranks of soldiers Marcus Garvey x certain to re erect this with the fearful menace to the own soldiers the officers and the rank and file of tne building will take considerably SPARKLETS Universal African Police, the Universal African Legion, and more than the figure Messrs Chia catire town stating them in the Soe Brothers also carried face, the services of the Montego the Universal Royal Guards of Africa crawled his big (BY K. in the Northero Assurance Com Bay Fire Brigade were requisitioned black car in which two gold braided lieutenants held up a life sized oil portrait on an ebony standard. The leader was Romonstrating With Dority of the white race over the Mr. Chandler bad bis furniture of another block of buildings and pany to the extent of 1, 000, while and before the Brigade arrived at o clock, the fre had seized hold Friend.
painted in full dress, just as he appeared before officers black race has been definitely insured in the same Company for settled one is good whisked him away to the penitentiary in Febuary, 1925 quickly demolishing three or four other and your reference to that 100.
dwelling houses.
DETAILS OF CONYLAGRATION Next behind came the Garveyite officers of the Dear friend Goskin: Our little by way of passing is only taken as On their arrival, the Montego Fred Toote, acting assistant president general, in a confabulation on Tue Decay of means of furtber advertising the Falmouth, August 19, The Bay Fire Brigade did aplendid work fact among the masses; it pays inbibitaste of this were proving that they are capable magnificent gold robe, occupied a car all by himself, follow the Wicked Made was both in 10 advertise It goes without started this morning about and emicient body of men, ing that of the master Close behind roce Lady Henrietta fermetures, and contertaining me You: saying that on question o clock when the dread cry of The fire was finally put out near Davis, fourth assistant president general: Levi Lord however, almost elowed me out of rank wbite race as a whole Fire! resounded all over the on to midday, after doing damage and was unable to put in a good station, office (Cootinud on page 8)
word the my own It did not matter merit, place, arousing all sleepers, running into thousands of pounds, it all over the negro race; but much, as that wasn the subject has It needed bat a glance to locate a part of whicb is covered by inwhich had intended to have dia men for man, we are good for the fire aed 400A hundreds of LITTLE LESSONS (Continued on page 8)
ON LIVING used; it was that Inferior com But ve not yet come to the main die good handful of those fellows, Gao.
plex article of 0000000 (BY STUDENT OF LIPE. AMERICAN of the 18th inse. Intretiego bytushotb expressed and THE OPEN FORUM LET GET MARRIED bat should have taken procedence tianity are the two most prominent Slavery No. WICKED MEN for want to challenge that complex of yours, You were the proWe do not hold ourselves respon. At the Coollla Theatro ToLast week Gaskio in bin was not a wbining, anivelling sin swful state of mind when you grow of the uegro race. You are sible for views expressed in those. Sure letter to Sparklets bewailed the ner like bio sire who was forever ground out that stuff. Although, mis night and Tomorrow Night.
state Columas.
dearth of wicked men and in the expecting the Lord to get him out neb of it of it was good.
But must emphatically If you want to hit the bigh eure of his writing mentioned a of scrapes of his owa making.
Be passionate thos. race calm. The people at TO THE EDITOR THE WOREMAN: lights. if you want thrill and few immortal characters. However Sir. In the open forum of your excitement be at the Cecila Since one of the wickedent was desires, be transgresond splendidly, curry enormous weight with our mother at some time or the other issue of the 21st inst, there appear. Theatre tonight and tomorrow Solomon was fearless in die time to prepare, for they must the world were all slaves to one am inclined to for be loved in defiance of God and big orehin bere me to you are according to the fluctuation of Jesus Rodriguez, Director of the new Paramount comedy Let stronger enslaving the weaker ed a letter accusing Mr. Manuel de aight and see Richard Dix ia bis may a word concerning him of all Biblical charaoters man. to. Solomon best; when it comes to Ikke rether with the danghter of Plar now on ta. rching orders ready to potrete andre Nes points of the West New Providence Public School, of Get Married it is stated that thie farce comedy has of the notions concerning Indies the States of a sob, fire created red blooded he men, be happened to which the said there with the goods.
reform, se acerca, respective lised areas to refer Buggeet that, although illness long time. Let Get Married is a The tone of the ietter to which fun and frolie than any picture for obal erimental to their progress. bave been liberated those of the dren of Israel Lot go in to And when it touches upon pure then Solomon be had seven hundred times you ainuse meat others, Uuto these 16 Ouce, you wrote of me thusly: At West Indies 180 years ago and the bas been advanced as an excuse comedy full of action from start DOD attendance; dissatisfaction, to finish. There is not a none to hold a candle to bim.
Naadulterated wicked Dres there wives, princesses, and concubies! unable to find the park of the United States sone year on a count of Mr. Rodriguez best in this picture 44 action is from. Gruptetlater.
Ha proverbe are like glittering als de alege dine tiparable at the age in the late it creates Reforming section code the bidental promily has the trouble.
it is a that no other alleged cruelty; is the real cause of olemassa in evidence. Speeding our. jump, and igures. uncomparable made such wonderful progression certainly iathe above mable, his songs like the noon dav though he was. it is inconceivable de complime. st: You devil may care adventures. It sum: exciting and thrilllog every foot of sun o er powering in its passlonate that one man should have such terest me at times at others, such short space of time after after mary of the coolestie conditiarents the way. So if you would send than the Negroes.
collection) Doultless be guite your piffle such as much of intensity, the He was sensuous, and even the much of bis wisdom through them contained in your The pro whose children were guilty of in. Itwo hapwy, evening dont fail to be exploits of Don Juan pales by While be had youth and health complex gives me the sonor time from which to count sress of the Negro is logically. Iringing Act Law 35, 1919 of the at the Cecilia tonight and tomorafter his release from chattel elave Civil Code, not only merit the row night.
be drained the cup of Life to its And so, as the king busidee reMost likely it was in a fit of dress, without a care for the bere, quines baste. want to, before the one per intention the levet razy punishment meled to them, but adalso satinly that be cried; For am after. Did he not say: All go unto hi ing, help you rid yourself of the of these points which have bave themselves to to blame, DEATH OF GREAT MOVIE siek of lovel Perhaps it was the one place, all are of the dust that spells of acute iotellectual obfusca duced in the premises is a veneer ACTOR.
100 be learned that Vanity of man bath no preeminence over hetion which, though not regular and will, automatically. negative because inhebe brave momentos some of them memoralised. autborities after having beea vanities all is vanity.
beast? He gleaned wisdom from and may be tolerated, should be itse Rudolph Valentino.
To say that Solomon Song was soandent of councils, the fruit of a experience and left to rosterity teeentinly eliminated, Don see that are might buve travelled faster the best could have take the The Moving picture world has of the church is inoerrect, plainly life spent not so wisely, ap well, the ords and pbruses when and advanced modern civilizatiophich they complaid the evils of it grammar or in our progressivo to rhetoric; we manufacture our direct contact with the most and thereby been made the poorer by the death but tion, the queen of Sheba was his inspira cogitatione of a man who could lebed true esse in writing who can tell that we are not, in olleet any adverse representation on Monday last of Rudolph ValenSolomon bad none of the mean search bis own beart and recognizemes from art, not chance your 070 time, laying down made by Mr. Rodriguez.
His death has ca ness of his father David, none of and acknowledge his mistakega As a matter of fact, the real issue foundation of more genuine Pope if poetical license allow tre foundation his vindictiven288, but a magnani More than anything else like bards to use bad grammar why civilization? The fast traveller bybas been suppressed, but, injustice groot sorrow the world over mity of spirit that has seldom been bis praver: Give me an under. can we take it for gronted tbat motive to orme of Valentino was a bye word equalled; he was not cowardly: and standing heart ob Lord for that we also have a similar license wbep in the power is bot likely to tako to Mr. Rodriguez make the fol. Moving pictures are sbowe tho lin the mouth of both old and sights, and be has all the lowing statement.
with him there was no half way which he craved is the greatest of writing prose?
chances in bis favour of toppling The Public School (curriculam ycung, indeed he was a great favormethods, even his apostecy was all gifts.
Well, bere goes: The belaboured over sore precipice and be no Spanish) was established by the ite with every one who saw his plewhole hearted while it lasted. He BELL. question of the biological superi(Continued oo page Continued on pag e8) ture on the screen.
town the or of meatal factors working against ment which refute more regola. Lord upto the cb13 into nearly mortes of previously those dull mo and ig what slavery. com itself same course all the screeo.


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