
AGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1926 FREE few of the many Presents given out for Empty Packages of Lucky Strike or Victor Cigarettes 19, 1927 What Is Your Fortune?
King: LADIES HAND BAG Gedujoe Leather Colors Gray, Brown and Black 225 Lucky Strike or 450 Victor official 1929, Canberra in others, finding tabele In waking often produces be especially 00 IMITATION IVORY FANS Assorted Designs light and attractive 35 Lucky Strike or 70 Victor MAVIS FACE POWDER Colors Fleeb and White 15 Lucky Strike сг 30 Victor Duke And Dutchess of York THE ACME Ice Cream Factory TO VISIT AUSTRALIA NEXT YEAR CORNER 23. 24th STREETS CALIDONIA BELOW THE ELKS LODGE WILL MAKE TRIP VIA PANAMA CANAL Solicits the patronage of Lodges, Wedding Anniversaries and all Social Functions, also caters May be invited to Visit Jamaica to a daily trade with all.
Manufacturers for Wholesale and Retail trade Direct West Indis cable despatch from London, dated Doliolous Cream Cakes and Cool Drinks.
August 11th Ataten it is officially announced that the Duke of York is siling to Australis on Call and be Convinced Mail ur Phone your orders the warsbirp M8. Renown via the Panama Canal and rePhone No. 1253 Box No. 809 Turbing via the Su: Capal.
Panama Ancon, VISIT NEXT YEAR PYLE, General Manager Dominion Office, London, July 19 Their Royal Highness be Duchess of York will visit Australia on the occasion of the official opening of the Federal capital at Canberra oo May The invitation to their Royal Highoers was conveyed in the following telegram from the Madamo Rono. will Interpret Zodiaoal Signs Governor General of the Com oach wook for Roaders of this paper monwealth (Lord Stooebaven)
to the Secretary for Dominion WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Affairs for submission to the Oo bebalf of the Goveroment The Cusp of Loo and Virgo playful, Arcam.
August 20 26 cutting, although outwardly and people of Australia we most loyally and respectfully request Those born during this week Both the Leo and the Virgo that your Majesty permit their re Rover aed by the signs of signs belong to the maternal Duchess of York to visit Aus the Virgin. Consequently their mottos are COMPASSION na Royal Highness the Dake and both Leo, the Lion, and Vireo group in the Zodiac, and the tralla on the occasion of the stures partake of the charac CHASTITY. The women bord in teristics of both, and often ex during this week will be good May, and to perform the albit contradictory tendencies. Wives quest we recall with coppie friends fail terest of the home, and will be onenitg ceremony and mothers, within their own greatest happiness in their home tbis lite. The men also will pleasure pride your Majes great Interested In furthering the in1y owo Visit in 1961 when you to understand their quandary great lovers of children. Conjugal OWO unsympathetic graciously consented to open the fret Federal Parliament, and heap cruel censure upon elicity will undoubtedly follow We would regard it as iingular their already bewildered senses from union with a person born ly appropriate If your son were At times these people will be oder the permitted to represent you at klodhearted, sympathetic and part of April.
tbe establishment of the Federal tolerant. At other periods they The stone which brings luck capital, which marks another im will be upgressive, quick to wont of this great British Com portant phase in the develop sent an Injury and critical of the to those born this week is the weakness of others. They have pink jasper and the mystic Rower monwealth, and is regarded bs Gne sense of honor, but may en of their soul.
is the gardenia. Violet is the color people as an event of deep deavor to gain succes through national significance and im exposing the faults of thout about (Copyrighted 1925 by Henseportance.
bem, which they do by means of Adams Syndicate. Wo feel that the presence of bis Royal Highness op gach an occasion would evoke the strongest possible expression of loyalty and enthusiasm and further strengthen the bunds whicb CALL IN AT anite us to the mother country and to your royal bouse STONE HAVEN.
The Secretary for Dominion Adalrs replied; His Majesty the King bas received with very great pleasure your message and it graciously pleased to consent to the request of his Ministers of the Common No. 93, Central Avenue wealth of Australia that he will permit their Royal Highnesses ASSORTMENT OF the Duke and Duchess of York to visit Australia to May.
Their Majesties the King and GOOD STATIONERY Queed preserve the bapplest recollections on their own visit to Australia In 1901, as the SOUVENIRS, and Duchess of Cornwall and York, to open the first Federal Parliament, and rejoice to that they will be associated, presence of on and daughter and landwith thI Killed Siki Yelled Resolution of Sympathy Inauguration of the Federal capital, which marks furth:r im Crazed Man Wheress: it bas plessed Alportant stage in the progress of Australia, and which they trust mighty God, The Chlef Shepbe the commcncement of BEFORE COMMITTING berd of the Univers, in bis new ers of prosperity for the SUICIDE Infinite wisdom to call from Commonwealib.
labor to rest on Monday the It will give the Duke of York 16th day of August 1926, ou the greatest prido ard pleasur. New York City, July most respected, esteemed, a to represent blo Moj sty a tb mad map with rawy star beloved brother, CHARLES opening ceremony, and thel and faltering step apparently JONES:Royal Highnesses are eagiri bipped by his own conscience And whereas througbt bis looking forward to th ir visit langed into the tar Barber Shop, demine the Loyal Jonathan Lodge Australis for this purpose. 2167 Seventh avenue, Rreaped. No. 2641 Loyal Order Ancient razor from the stand and Shepherds, Ashthon Canberra is absut 200 miles red sikl, killed Siki. Then to those present, Society, bas lost from Sydney and ab et 70 frou be slashed his throat from ear to 990, Sue brother, one whose true friend and a the sea between Sydney an Melbourne. Already 3, 000 or loot of amazed an ear and fell unconscious at the borrified esolved that the LOOK In bas been expended the session Governm nt and orbe necessary bystanders, sospend Its business for five this year is estimated at another con Nowell, aged 27, 221 departed brother, and that the The man expenditur 250. 000 123rd Street. When Dr. Bailey Charter and other parapherpalias The district is a ary one, bu irrived from the Harlem Hoepl. be draped in black for thirtyal, Nowell bad bled to death. days.
bar bas been installed in th The body was identified by his And be it further resolved Parliament building in anticipa ister in law immediately after that letter of condolence be tion of a repeal of the prohibitio.
he saw a crowd in front of the sent to the bereaved widow along of the sale of liqoor.
shop and went there as a casual with copy of this resolution, a pectator to see what had hap copy be aprend on the face of our pened.
minutes, and a copy be sent to Why pay doublo price Nowell was a native of Colom the daily press for publication.
for inferior Imported pia, but had been living in New York for eight years. He Boor when you can pas married. Hie wife is alleged Havo you tried tho buy a superior Boer bave left him because of his quee actions. She is living in now Boer such as BALBOA for New Jersey. In addition to his widow, he is survived by a Kronen Brau hall the price.
brother and several other rela tlves South Carolina, The Workman BOOK STORE BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. PANAMA) LTD.
Box 2025, Ancon, or 898 Panama Dak XSSSSSSS EXCURSION TRAIN.
to think Panama to Colon and Return On Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 1926.
BY THE ODDFELLOWS OF THE ORDER CANBERRA sbrieked Unity, loyal TRAIN LEAVES PANAMA AT 30 With Stops at Balboa Heights, Red Tank and Pedro Miguel RETURNING LEAVES COLON AT 30 300 ROUND TRIP FIRST CLASS 25 SECOND CLASS 00 Secure Your Tickets Early. Avoid the Unnecessary Delay.
Refreshments will be on sale during the entire trip


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