
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1926 PAGE THREE Interesting News from The West Indian Islands GRENADA JAMAICA Tragic Death of Malcolm Gibbs.
Up to Late Yesterday Evening Samuel Vale Was Reported To be Dangerously tu.
Urhes XIN pound.
TORATING ANO and energy whole system was lying WINE (From the West Indian)
Between the bours of two o clock and ball. past two on the afternoon of Friday the 9tb inst. loud, reverbrating sound was beard in the town of St. George, An causing many of the lohibitants This to grow instinct with fear and alarm. It was a strange sound, Invigorating it was not like the sound of canElegant Tonic non, not like the usual sound as when stones are being blasted, bot like a sbap thunder clap. li and was an unusual sound, deep and Preparation bonorous, and it carried far wbst turned out to be its tragic and Health Imparting painful report, is highly It was a gasolene drum that exploded 20 enpły drum and WINE recommended MADO the accident had as its victim, Gibbs, tae widely appreciate 1, courteous and job! igiag chauffeur It o! Chykra Garage ZEMANS in Debility, The following is the story, related to us in a broken, sobNervousness promotes digestion bing voice by Louis Salhab, bis lace bathed with tears. He was standing alongside Malcolm improves Female Weakness Gibbs when he was rtruck by Death in the most beart rending Inaonar.
the appetite Impoverishment STORY OF EYE WITNESS Said Louis Salhab: bbs ard and gives tone came up to the garage gether of the Blood from the whart. We swoud to the street in front of the Rurige.
HEALTH We were talking. There were to the and to build up a two empty gasulene drums beFIMPARTING wo fore the garage door, on the pavement near the street. Ode run down constitution on its sid, and the other standing, Dudley Webster, one of the cbauteurs, was sitting on the drum wbicb W48 lying.
with bis back resting on the standing drou. Niles, the the garage Gibus and were standing on boy, was sitting on the pavement.
the side of the drum looking down Scott Street, and Albert Ferguson on the side looking up up Scott Street. We remained toere DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or lor som time chatting and swapping jokes. Gibbs and were times a day, bots smoking cigarettes, and took a cigarette from his lgbte 100 atter it out, JAVIER MORAN tbrow It away. Immediately tue explosion occurred. Toe drums SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS were empty, and the standing drug exploded bad the usual small opening at the top.
We beard a sound, drew aside, and Gibbs put up his arms to save his face. He fell, bleeding profusely, and was unconscious saw bits of bone witb the blood he said.
SAXOVAS on the ground pieces of skull. SURGICAL SKILL UNAVAIL1 tried to raise bim, and saw that ING he was stuck on the forehead An operation was performed above the right eye, and a white at the Colony Hospital by Dr.
substance. some of the brain Boucaud, but the case was too was coming out, tried to stop serious, and too much past the fluw of blood, but to vain, human ald, for anything, MalHis right arms, which be raised colm Gibbs died at 10 o clock to protect his face, was broken, and it was only his strong pbysiBy this time my mother and cal conntitution that kept breath to the scene, hody car was got ready and Albert 24 years, of age and is the son of drove hide to the hospital. Mr. Gibbs (now in Gibbs was struck by the top Trinidad) and Mrs. Gibbs, and of the gasoleue drum coding brother to Mr. Elm more Gibhe clean oft. It whizzed past my of the local firm of George face and struck bim. Dudley, Huggings who was sitting on one drum, The body was taken to the and leading on the one whica residence of his Uncle in Tyrrel exploded, was unhurt. None ot Street at about 30 in. from us suffered lojarles we were where the funeral took place the ooly dazed for a short time. To following afternoon. The funeral give an idea of the force with service was held at St. sorge which Gibbs was struck, the top Wesleyan Church.
of the drun, in erumpled form, Albert Ferguson was arrested was found to the lumber yara on a charge of manslaughter, of Habbard Co. about 100 und put on 100 bail.
yards off.
It weigbed, bear, about 14 lbs.
PREMON TION Daring the time we we e Why pay double price talking we spoke of several for inferior imported things in 8t. Earlier in the day SEOSKIS we talked about someone who Beer when you can died. Gibbs sald at one tim. buy a superior Beer Man is but a shadow, shrugo king his shoulders, and said that such as BALBOA for when the call came every man half the price.
must obey. Tais was sometime before he answered the call, The boys in the garage say that few days ago Gibbs said he was feeling queer, and thought Rent Receipt Books in Span he was going to die. Always of took no particular notice of what Workmar Printery Says the HERALD of the 14th, Inst: Were it not for the tact dis.
played by Sergeant Sutton, ot the Cross Roads Police Station and the men under bim, there might have been serious trouble in that vicinity on Wednesday morning last.
The disturbance arose at the time wben people who work in Kingston were wending their way down to the metropolis.
Their attention was directed to large crowd which had gathered before the Police Station, the central figures being little boy who was bleeding from his bead, and a soldier of the Green Howard Regiment.
It would appear that for certain reasons, the military authorities at camp have for bidden anyone to enter that place without a permit or with out satisfactorily explaicing their reason for entering the comOn Wednesday morning the boy above referred to, and who gave his name as Samuel Vale, went into Camp in search of employment. He was accosted by a soldier who demanded of bim his permit. The boy stated that be had come in search of work st the Royal Engineer quarters where he had been eauloyed some months previously.
The Green Howard soldier, who is said to bave accosted him.
WAS NOT SATISFIED with his explanation aud preceeded to take him to the Cross Roads Police Station. Words evidently passed between them on tbe journey, with the result that on Vale arrival at the Police Station be showed signs of having gone through some rough handling, An angry mob quickly gather.
ed, and threats were being mada as to violence which would ba meted out to the Green Howard soldier and bis compatriots.
Immediately Sergeant Sutton realised that trouble was brewing, with great diplomacy, he had the boy quickly sert oft to the hospital, whilst his men succeeded in dispersing the crowd.
Up to late last evening tho hoy condition was said to be very serious as a matter of fact it was reported on Wednesday Dight that he had succumbed to bis injuries.
Statements bave been taken in the matter aud more is likely to be heard of it.
It is also reported tbat, as a result of the oceurrence, it was feared tbat there might have been disturbance in other quarters; bot every precaution bas been, and is being taken to preyent anything of a serious nature occurring at Camp and outside.
American Pharmacy.
which GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY CROOKS LEAVE ISLAND Only First Class Ones Need Apply The Police bave bad their eyes on two famous crooks in the community during the past few months says the Gleaner of the 13tb inst, and it was expected thot they would have been arest ed at any moment; but according to Information whrob has reached the ears of a representative of the Gleaner. the birds bayo sought fresh fields and pastures new.
Fearing arrest they secreted themselves on board a gbip bound for a Central American republic; and the master mind of a band of gangsters has departed from our shores. Certain extensive swindling operations will, therefore, be lulled. Continued on page 71 ADVERTISE for sale at the In The WORKMAN it Pays


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