
boast circumDr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD SAISONSOISS 835368 Dr. Connell THE WORKMAN SURGEON DENTIST.
Begs to notify his patrons and others that he has rePublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies moved his Dental Parlours WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
to more convenient quarters PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be at 165 Central Avenue, upwritten on one side of paper only, and stairs the 25 cent Store.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Be.
We do not undertake to return ro25 jected correspondence.
CLEANERS DYERS Recruiting Campaign The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue SATURDAY AUGUST, 2, 1926, FOR LOCAL BADEN POWELL BOY SCOUTS.
WE LACK THE POWER TO RISE. PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 To The Editor THE WORKMAN Dear Sir: On behalf of the THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER says among other things:Baden Powel Boy Scouts Asso The Negro race has not a public opinion of its own, DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING ciations in the public of Panahas but small racial consciousness, because it has not na am requesting that developed a powerful press. The Negro race has not the assist in a recruiting campower that its number warrant in politics because it is not OF THE HIGHEST ORDER You no dorbt are, in a powerful press.
sympathy with this world wide morement for the betterment of And we would add the Negro race here has not the bo, s, Panama once power it should in commanding recognition and respect as Work Done While You Wait ed of being the leading British is accorded other people because members of the race will troops in a Foreigo Country, but not realise their position and cease to be made catspaws owing to unfor. een of for the benefit of the other fellow who shows them tolerstances we rank far below that TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED today. Japan bas taken that ance only as a means to an end, olace from us, which we crave This is too painfully evident in our midst today. Our for and hope to get back some people are being artfully enticed into frivolous controversies Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices future day, ostensibly with the idea that such a course is to their In order to create enthusiasm interest while as a matter of fact such action on our Ladies Garments carefully handled once more amongst the I, are overtly chuckled at and commented on as so much bait parents it is requisite that a thrown out to a gullible people who will bite at anything.
percentage of this enthusiasm be obtained through the body of Well may we excluim: How long Oh Lord, oh how long, REID Manager your dely read paper, therewill we continue to be the fools of those who use us for fore am hereby appealing to their own benefit whenever they will?
o soyoooxoxoxoxoxo your philantropic spirit and Why is it that no other set of people here in this cosam requesting that you will consider and give the encloser mopolitan Isthmus are ridiculed so much as West Indians?
It is that all the other nationalities obtaining here are so article publicity every SATURDAY.
grossly interested in their economic welfare that they have Our Assrelations do not own neither the time nor the inclination to enter into literary aoy fonds, as everything is done quarrels nor the airing of opinions on tnis and that topic by the Oticers connected therewhich brings no grist to their mill.
with Tree of charge and with a Then is it not time that our people get down to brass trua spirit of Brotherhood, thus tacks, do a lit le thinking and start something that will tend my above request is done boping tbat you will not make any to benefit themselves firstly and the race generally, instead charge for sald advertieing for of pursuing a course that brings no benefit while it in ONE MONTH it possible or until creases the coffers of those who, while they beckon us, with you are disposed to do so.
the hand keep their foot on our necks so that we shall Hoping that you will apprrnot rise.
ciate my appeal and be kind towards the Boy Scouts.
Thanking you in advance. am scoutingly, The Education of Adults. S. BARHAM JR.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of County Commissioner rather remarkable movement for the education of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, BRITISH WEST INDIANS adults has this year assumed larger proportions in Great Britain than ever before. It consists of a series of what are Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic LET YOUR BOYS JOIN THE SCOUTS termed Summer Schools, involving the settlement of a Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisTHEY ARE TAUGHT GRATIS number of students together for the space of a week or ten DISCIPLINE, SELF RELIANCE eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
days, about half the time being devoted to formal lectures HANDICRAFT and classes conducted by qualified teachers and half to less An Alterative recommended for purify.
formal but equally instructive personal conversations and WE ARE RECRUITING 1000 discussions. Most of the Summer Schools, which are held at ing and enriching the BLOOD.
BOYS, country houses lent for the purpose, or at Oxford or CamJOIN BEFORE DECEMBER bridge while those universities are in vacation, or at some 15th.
hotel, with possibly a camp under canvas to supplement For Sale at all Drug Stores WILL YOU LEND US HAND?
the accomodation, are conducted in the interests of some definite sociai political movement. Thus the Liberal party Call on any Scoutmaster regularly holds a Summer School which very directly influAnd in Large Quantities by They will be glad to help.
MAJOR BRATHWAITE WALLIS ences the programme of the whole party, and at which Chief Commissioner leaders like Lord Grey and Mr. Lloyd George make import JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy BARHAM JR.
ant speeches. The League of Nations Union equally regular.
ly holds one Summer School in England for the study of AGENT Country Commissioner.
League problems, and also joins with an American Society in organising a similar school at Geneva. The Independent Labour Party has a summer settlement on the same lines as ses DOWS Sooooo Baptist Churches, and tbe that of the Liberals, and some individual trade unions, Seventh Day Advantist Church notable that in the mining industry, arrange Summer were present, so there was a Schools to thrash out the problems that concern them Snapshots NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES good congregation for a week most particularly, Many of those who attend can only come day service: the spirit of the at all by giving up their brief annual holiday; and for that (From Onr Correspondent)
meeting was encouraging, and if the services were not a Bucreason the element of recreation bulks large in the schools. FROM OUR EXCHANGES)
Short as they are, they are an effective stimulus to further The annual missionary anni cess it was only so financially thought and study for the thousands who attend.
The remedy for lawlessness is enfordement of the versary services of the Wesleyan and not otherwise.
law. Trying to buy peace with sacrifice of principle is a Chareb were held on Sunday the fertile gesture. The Mosaic law, an eye for an eye, con 5 Inst. There were three serMr. Scott caretinues to be the active principle of life, and no man can do cestiam, pp. 30 uker of the telephone line be: peetively. Mr. Peter Martin harm to another without having it come back to him with frem Empire preached at 118. love this, and he tween New Providence and The Dignity of Labor interest.
and p. the a working hard th services were good, and the to keep up communications beermons were well suited for tween Colon and this district, cable despatch from Washington dated August 14th the ocasion, particularly at the but there are very much obstacles states that the editorial staff of the American Federation of Left to plead our own cause, we can beat the world p. m, service.
usiness middle of the rainy season large was unable Labor is insisting that Society must awaken to the dignity with the sincerity of our purpose and the justness of our matters Mr, Malog to business in his way; now that it is in the bi labour, and therefore make life more worth while to the cause, but what we seem to lack and what militates against and for the public meeting on the bine ralline andulge in need to remain for trees are falling down and dis, humble toilers of the Nation. The Federatiun staff en our success is the failure to practice what we preach. Monday dorsed the recently made remarks of Dr. John Ryan. of bat be bas left very good im of cering, its condition is worse Catholic University, who, in paying tribute to Labor, said: presion on the minds of many now than before the forest trees The worker is not an animated instrument of production, who beard lin on that day. He were bewn down, Mr, Scoit Is His directive and creative faculties must be given gradually We have some egotistic members in both races, whose is quite a young man and there about the fittest person to have been appointed for the job, and increasing scope, not only for his own sake, but in the in greatest ambition seems to lead them to do visionary and sees to be bright prospects it is certain that he will do jushimselt, industrial peace. The human dignity of the laborer is by influence and common sense of the great throng of wish blm abundant success.
The public meeting was held generally understood as involving his equal rights with all people who never forget that the good of all must, at all at pm. the only speakers were other persons, his equal claim upon the bounty of the earth times, be conserved, to the exclusion of those who aim to on Monday the 16. com menetrg Ia last week issue of the for a livelihood, his equal right to join with his fellows for exalt themselves for personal ambition and self laudatfon.
the two ministers of the Circuit, WORKMAN, re The Open For the betterment of his economic condition, and his right in the Rev. R. Wade, Superir. am, there are a few typographttendent, and Cousios pastor cal errors viz. The word a great democracy like ours to seek an industrial status in of the Church. The superinten ten: Messrs for the word. Misses which he will enjoy an ever increasing share in determining dent delivered a very interesting as prefixed to the list of male She names of Mr.
not only his conditions of employment, but the operation and Instructive address which names.
ADVERTISE of the industry in which he is engaged. This is the next Mrs Eva was well listened to and much Eugene Hall and appreciated by the bearers. Samuel should be added to the step in the realization of the laborer human dignity. IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS Several visitors from the two list of parents.
or for the night as one the speakers;


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