
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Th: Colon Boys Institute Attractions at the Theatres inmates, national colours and other the occision of Prominent gen gentlemen which MAN them.
COLON (Oɔmmunicatad)
Today Saturday August 28th Today Saturday August 28th Today Saturday August 28th Today. Saturday August 28th Buck Jones in and With a large and well ordered Wm. Fairbanks in THE TRAIL RIDER omorrow Sunday August 29th Monte Blue in g«thering of supporters and FIGHT TO THE FINISH irlerds, generally of the Colon THE LIMITED MAIL Richard Dix in Tomorrow Sunday August 29th Boys Institute and its chief, Ton. orrow, Suuday August 29. LET GET MARRIED Mary Astor in Tomorrow Sunday August 29th larger number being members HIGH STEPPERS Adolph Menjou in Art Acord in of the United Negro Improve: Monday August 30th SOCIAL CFLEBRITY THB ESCAPE ment Association of Colon; all Lon Chaney in Monday, August 30th comfortably teated with tbe Monday August 30th we Dorothy Revier in Morday August 30th youthful of the bogs THE TOWER OF LIES THE FATE OF FLIRT Harry Carey in Edmund Lowe in institute, the six six anniversary THE NIGHT HAWK Tuesdayugust 31st e lebration MARRIAGE IN TRANSIT Tuesday August 31st mon ebed at exactly August 15th, Johny Hines in Hoot Gibson in Tuesday August 31st Tuesdays August 31st with a Warranged program. RAINBOW RILFY Art Acord in On the THE PHANTON BULLET rostruo, which was Adolph Menjou in THE ESCAPE tastefully decorated with the dnesd y September 1st SOCIAL CLEBRITY and otber fix Wednesday September 1st tures for Edmund Lowe in Bebe Daniels in Wednesday September 1st Wednesday September 1st ever. MARRIAGE IN TRANSIT Richard Dir in MISS, BREWSTER MILLIONS society Harry Carey in th Atlantic side clor LET GET MARRIED and fraternal bodies, two or THE NIGHT HAWK Thursday September 2nd Thursday September 2nd three professional gentlemand Adolph Menjou in Thursday September 2d Statt Captain Thompson, thiet Conrad Nagel in Thursday September 2nd Lon Chaney in on the Isthmus of the Salvation SOCIAL CELEBRITY SUN UP Johnny Hines in THE TOWER OF LIES Army work at the present time. RAINBOW RILEY OPENING ADDRESS BY COMMANDFriday September 3rd Friday September 3rd Friday September 3rd Friday september 3rd ER WATSJN.
Harry Carey in Jack Holt in Johnny Hines in Richard Dis in Commander Wateon, with much SEA HORSES THE NIGHT HAWK RAINBOW RILEY fervency of expression delivered LET GET MARRIED a fitting opening address, telling Saturday September 4th Saturday September 4th Saturday September 4th Saturday September 4th of some of bis experiences duro Gloria Swanson in Shirley Mason in ing the past year history of his Edmund Lowe in Lon Chaney in maosgement of the Colon Boys THE UNTAMED LADY THAT FRENCH LADY MARRIAGE IN TRANSIT THS TOR 03 LIES School of correction: tation 6d of the at tout to stain his binder the progress of of his work bad the efect of preventing the earlier celebration of this year anniversary festivities on At this point Go. B, S, LECTURE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR Garvey Production Re: LABOR DAY EXCURSION ihe usual birth date of the Isthmus.
Institute, which is the 15 ofernor osemena of Colon SOCIETY.
hearsed At Clubhouse TRAIN May.
arrived and after he was comThe Judgment Day fortably seated, Mr. Wlkins With telling effect he told of continued his speech referring The Christian Endeavour So Milton Garvey New Play for To Colon and Return the weatal pin be su fered, as to the reed of a decent anb per Many bave feared to divinely ciety of the Colon Metbodist this season, Helen the Show the ordeal of court procedure in manent home for the boys of the appoioted judgement day; believ Church, on Wedaesday night Girl in which Miss Cicily Cow.
Toe publla are hereby reminddefending his reputation more ostitute. He finally closed by ing it to be a day of weeping and August 18th, held an Evening berland of Jamaica Praro willed of the Big Excursiou to Colon referring to the guasblog of teeth. The Bib e with the Methodist H60 and 377 with Fred Brathwaite also of La The management is leaving Hymn for the sake of his work than for play in the leading role as Helen on wahr Diy September 6th.
Sofopreciatively to the presence Hymns as time No. 106. 293, 330 bis gathering hoped that trouble will apon. were dealt with Food sclous of the lot which from time he would live long and remain to vimeb obeneho hling does artline Pung and the president of the Boca on edhe prominent part. is stone unturned in an endeavour were unidio way. a great city bowling success mike this outing to the Windy undertake to make sacrifices in the oficial destinies of Colon and changes, a time of trouble such plained their histories, and the the Clubhouse on Monday even after a louisiders a badoo the interest of others. continue his building program on as never was since there was a conditions urder which they ing. Of the songs to be used in time on the Gold Coast Adapter MR. HECTOR CON NOR AS CHAIR to Nombre de Dios and Paoama nation, ev. to that same time. were written. Interesting this molodrama, Mr. Brathwaite cate band of music will enliven so that Colon could be relieved of Knowing the perplexity and stories were also told about is credited with being the author the urip sc 088 witb the latest At this juncture Commander its present cocgestion.
confusion of thought regarding to two. All the Songs to be used ita and dancing in Watson introduced Mr. Hector It is hoped that one and all are said to bave been produced dy, Connor, President of the United of the Salvation Army was next tional Bible entsAssociation avail themselves of the oppor by colored people on the last home or iti Atlantic side. And YU BO funny for the wants gro Improvement Association called on by the Chairm. n, he told in Color, bas arranged for a free tunities given week after week mus, but were printed in the Linn an will be provided of Colon as chalrman for the bow very soon after his arrival lecure on The Judgment Day to to hear the features of the United States.
io there will be refrest mente; occasion will be the Isthmus couple of be given by Mr, Skefiry at programmes on sale during the entire trip Mr. Connor in a telling manner months ago. he heard of the the Three Sisters Lodge toll, rendered.
Help For the Dudley So there no excuse for your not bow results along the Boys Institute and its Com Street, between having a good time on the Gold lines of real improvement, educa mandant, bow be felt cu tous to 4th 5th, Sunday, August 29. coast on Labor Day and for the tion and the daily activities of know all there was to be known 1926, at 30 CANAL ZONE NOTES. Eddy Dudly, well known Come small sum of 1, 00 at that.
the Inmates of the institute the about the work belng done to dian is a patient in Ancon Hoe same has more than justified rescu rescue the wayward of pital; baviog been there for the DR. DUBOIS TO WRITE reasons for its existence and the city. That he soon made his LA BOCA support. In his characteristically way to the Institute and to its boys in mind for some time, he past three or four weeks since he suddenly took seriously ON NEGROES einquent manner, he reiterated chief, how he was the once he had therefore resolved to make a Orpheus Club Being Re son at Balboa. The chances its For Encyclopedia Brittanica.
im points made by Commander Wat. pressed with the work, and the recommenda ion to be taken to workplace at the Mechanical Divi son in his opening address, the good being done to the mining the National Assembly at its bis former telling of his determina munity thereby and determiniag Organized.
early discharge from hospital is remote, and taking into con: tio not only to stand with Mr. to follow in the footsteps of his coming session by Colon Depusideration his very large family According the New York World, The Musical Club is Doctor DuBoisEditor of individual, but of guaranteeing arawem to the work done for the home for denne te boys in Cowe: to be re organiz:a. On Wedres small children his fellow em com an influential magazine his noble work as predecessors in Army for a grant to build a it the moral, influential and boys and to lend bis support both both, namely Colon Boys Institute, day evening last a special Ocm ployees are coming forward to gublished by Neeroes of the United every support possible of the morally and financially. Alur The Governor address on a mittee with Mcc. Bayne asaid the family.
Sta and Director of the Publiassociation of which he too: giving some very wholesome! whole and especially the last Chairman, appointed at the cation of Research for the Nationfounder and chief viz: The advice for the continued success was received with grateful Club general meeting held a Association for Advancement of of Colon.
of the good work of Command Employees Hold Special applause.
week ago when the re organ zaColored People, has been signally MR. WITTINGHAM SPEAKS Watson, Staft Captain Thompson His Excellency having to take tion was decided upon, met at the Meeting. Roured in being asked to contriThe Chairman then called upon the afternoon and asked leave to opportunity at this time to de tion and By laws of the Club headed the list of donors for of the gathering took the Clubhouse to revise he Constitu bute to the Encyclopedia Brit.
Mr. Whittingham to sdress the tspring a chapter on the Negro corate Commandant gathering, Oa responding young be excused.
Instead of the monthly comtion in the United States.
David The new name of the club will monity Digbt program, the La Whittingham referred to the good work being done to the com baat faster and tepsion grew Dition for the service be bad ren Dramatic Club. It will Loca Panama District of the sometime in Jnly last. He will Everybody pulse seemed to Watson with the Medal of recor be the Orpheus Musical Doeter DuBois sailed for Europe en munity by the Colon Boy Insti bighest when the time came for the public for rescuing deavour to enlist members who belo ho special ment: iocture in Germany and Switzer.
tute; he contrasted the life of the that part of the ceremony which wayward youths from the streets are more or less intelligent and ing at the Clubhouse last night, and thus cerin be his first Svet zero youth on the public thoroupb was chiefly responsible for the reforming and turning them into are willing to sacrifice a little which was fairly well attended.
Germany since he was a student nes of 1ares and in the homes the visit of Colon useful ciuizons.
popular chief time, not looking 80 much for in the University of Berlin, city, to executive, Governor Arosemena, the present good bebavi exec our of the boys in the institute who was now introduced by th: semena was suitably replied to to the raising of the standards of The address of Governor Aro monetary compensation but also CATUN and in conclusion emphasized in Chairman, who in few wll by Commandaat Watson and entertainment which are being forceful wordel the good wbich obosen remarks eulogised the in Charmin.
given to the public from time to VARIETY CONCERT. Why pay double price Watson work bas and is contid Governor for his work so wel Tae Governor then asked to time.
for inferior imported uing to do not only for the city known and see all around to be excused and retired.
of Colon but for the Atlantic side clty of Color and His Excellsney variety concert will be held Beer when you can La Boca Girls win Several other addresses folimpartial and democratic deport as a whole.
tonight Saturday night August Honor Prizes 28th, 1926. under the auspices buy a superior Boer AS OLD VETERAN CALLED UPON ment in dealing with the numer llowed among which was a trite ous and very cosmopolitan mal 006 by Dr Seymour Williams a of The Star of Paradise Lodge such as BALBOA for The next person slated to 14A. 10. at speak was referred to by the ters that came before him from graduate in medicine and surgery half the price.
wh) practises on the Atlantic side to ebairman as an old veteran and GOVERNOR AROSEMENA but who bal never been beard and Violet Dixon of the La Boca Miss Winifred Gordon, supporter of all things making from as a speaker at any public branch of Wesleyan Methodist Coloraturist from Brooklyn, for the wel are of the colored gathering hare before. The Doc Sunday School under the superRrim Wilkins, who on rising pressive manner, Governor Aro occasion in honouring the work received Bonor prizes people on the Isthmus, Mr. Pi.
In an ardent, sincere and im tor bowever did justice to the lintendence of Mr. Walters, New York, will make her first Notice to Correspondents.
in sale of tickets a banner crowd Is appearance at Gatun. From the no longer dans spoke of his interesse for Command another tono nged the site pladomluable command are able Perlwe dleytendo church habe chamada bi the Teting with use asked to send in their contribu.
add ressed the gathering at some remena told of his high area and of the Color Boys Institute and scripture and other subi cte, at expected to hear Miss Gordon Contributors and correspondente the institute, of in the working of the tute, of work is doing among bringing into being the Rapt attention marked the Panama last Pacific side of Isthmus Jovelle youths in Colon and of his deterthey had gathered that day to so long as he was satieked it was ers eroverende borraacheable speak the exBoifaa tionday School took salls around sept, 1, 1928. Come invare publication. This is impera.
society which sixth mination to support such work as nivered to and other address the La belirtend achildren from her musical talents before she thone not later than Thursdays to apd must be celebrate Baring ta cu se of bring honestis and faith ully and from their lodges ar Messrs. the examination and all passed. One Come Ali and enjoy yourself bile adaresWilkins waxed performed. He told how he felt John Thompson and the repres Druids Past Officers Association Rent Receipt Books In Span eloquent and turning in he di convinced present sentative from St. James Lodge, Ish and English for sale at the the boys were real piructure in which the boys are N5. 28.
ed said Let me say housed Have you tried the and have been occupying Warkian Printery meeting of PO. will be Alver a well prepare repast new Boer Convened on Moaday 30th inst, to you my yonog Irinds, you for some time now, had served boys of this hom are better prc. its purpose so far and the time intermingled with music from at 30 m. Members and progvided for at the present, and for had arrived when the boys should the Inst tate Bapd, a pleasant ADVERTISE Kronen Brau pective members are asked to be me time to come that mar y of have a permanent home as their function was brought to a suc.
on time as there are important us at this Atlantic side of the wo. Having bad this need or the cessful termination.
In The Workman It Pays business to be dealth with that showed by youths ill at his al ave dered.
Little Misses Pauline Matthews Bernarda Aloe Bli. ADDRESS recilor where jvcb


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