
Tuney Says He Will we en Beat Jack Dempsey but Sixty Thousand Kilo.
watt Turbine Machine.
THE ATTENTION CHAMPION SAYS HE CAN ENTER RING NOW AND BE READY FOR FIGHT OF HIS LIFE barangongo CAPABLE OP OPERATING 31 PAN AMA CANALS OR PULL 47 TRAINS. OFA Well Doer Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business bled lowered it and nature of Dobarellloan maranaogopage Ar all drugdate and dealers Workman Stationery Store positive that THE BEER Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Consumes 31 Tons of Coal Per Hour And 96, 000 Gallons of New York, Aug. No matter River Water Per Minute.
wbat anybody else thinks of the chance Gene Tunney bas against New York, August big does more to drive away pains and aches than any ck Dempsey in a bout for the crane clutched a 200 ton arma other known remedy: that bavyweight championship of the ture at the Nw York Edison why thousands of people the world, Gene bimself is contiCompany new East River world over call it Spain enemy.
station yesterday noon, rumbl ence personited, Followiug is monotonously while It raised the Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff his opinion of the bout, which be neck, sore and tired muscles, gave for readers of The World: bure bulk slowly aloft, and then lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis. Jack Dempsey always bas it deftly and gently upon oprains and bruises are in been a rusbiog, tearing tighter, the massive base prepared for it.
Stantly relieved by have watched his per: ormances Another crane kripped ninety SLOAN LINIMENT None legitimate without portrait and studied them carefully. He top casing, swung it high in air has been guilty of some glariog and beld it poised walting for the tactical errors which am sure AT THE adjustment of the armature beI would have taken advantage of low before lowering it to ir close bad been bis opponent. am and complete the most powerful not belittling his ability, but am machine on earth.
These events. markicg th SLOAN can out box him, and he believe that can outclast bim, approaching a miletion of the LINIMENT an tirmly convinced first uuit of the cju pany new (PAIN ENEMY deteat bum wben meet him in gogogange og mang anging ang pagmamahal 200 mg 50, 000, 000 generating station, the ring, wherber Chiit be la testified also to the advances cago or by oiber place. Jack science bas made in the electridoesn think when he fighting cal industry in the last few years. he bigbts by instinct. You ve The 60, 000 kilowatt turbine is got to use your brain in the ring capable of genetical energy.
80, 000 to day If you hope to win, borsepower of el JACK OPINION.
enough to light 300, 000 six room homes, operate thirty. one PanColorado Springs, Aug, 4ama Canals or pall forty seven Gene Tunney bad better get SUPPLIED BY Twentieth Century trains. It can ready mighty soon, for am feel.
do the work of one million men.
ing wonderful better than wben Twenty years ago this one fought Firpo, and what more: m in splendid condition, machine would have supplied all Dempsey said in answer to the electrical needs of New York statement given out by bis prosCity, but it is only the first of In every form can be seen pective opponent at Saratoga pine great generating units 10 Springs, to the effect the be installed in the East River sta: here at its best Seo our.
champion nerves develop retion, Its construction was started Wrist Watches cently would prove his Waterloo.
more than a year and a halt ago in the Schenectady works of the Resting in his suit at the is brewed from the best General Electric Company under Bracelets Broad more Hotel! with Estelle the direction of men who in 1890 Taylor his screen star wile, at materials obtainable worked on 45 borsepower Diamond Rings bis side, Dempsey chuckled at the idea of nervas and said, Say, generator then one ot the and a hundred other adornhaee acted like a grouca out largest in the world, here? Belsive me feel like a kid It is specially suited for this climate While the generator will en ments and you ll recognize and that wonderful.
sume the energy of thirty tons why this is the LEADING The beavyweight monarch of coal an hour and JEWELRY HOUSE in town added.
is superior to all imported beers sold REQUIRE 96, 000 GALLONS OF never hold an opponent RIVER WATER ask prices and you ll find stil here and it sells to the public at cheaply, and for that reason per minute for steancondensing another reason. have trained faithfully for tbe HALF the price. bout with Tuoney so faitfully, older methods it will save five Fuller Jewelry Store in fact, that could go into the tons of coal for every ten con ring with any living man, within sumed to make huge blades 122 Cetnral Ave.
Phone 629 a week, and be ready for the TRY OUR NEW BEER revolve at the rate of twelve miles fight of my life. All need to say a minute.
is that Tuney had better get On a similar scale is the other ready, m all set.
equipment in the plajt. such as Important. You krow It a matter of one ton switches capable of pride with me to get back into handling 2, 500, 000 horsepower Contributors ibe ring and defend my title. in current, ten great bollers in and our Atlantic side writers in general want to fight and it doesn matwhich the brick work lining ter wbo is in the corner. Fans ten here will admit m in wonderful SUPERIOR TO ALL water cooling, two water pumps draw breath when writing Is replaced by a new system of in particular, are asked to condition and it is easy to see drawing in water from the East and Condense their contributhere is the some power bebind River equivalent in volume to my pusch and do slowing up in disossic that supplied by the New York tions considerably, to ensure my footwork.
City water system and pres publication.
quency changer embodying new 30 Colored Actors Used In principles of construction.
Paramount Film.
Tbe wben com M, WILKINSON pleted in 1930 will generate more than a million horsepower, Contractor Los Angeles, Calif. July,(Pacific Coast News Burean.)enough to supply any state in the country outside New York. and Builder In Douglas Mclean latest It will be 100 feet long and 206 laugh producer Ladies First feet wide and will produce more in which the action starts in New York and ends in darkest Africa, Of every description horsepower per square feet of House No. 20 space than any other generating thirty colɔred actors are being station in the world.
28th NOV. STREET, used.
Among those present to SAN MIGUEL Among the best known are Sam Baker and Floyd ShackleDONE WITH NEATNESS AND witness the installation of the ford, both seen in The Rɔad to generator were Chapman, Box 411, Panama, R, Mandalay, Jim Anderson who in charge of the installation work was seen in the Sa B:ast DESPATCH for the General Electric Comand George Reed best remem.
pany; Lawrence, vice pre Plans and Specificatio is Free bered by bis work with Antonio sident of Thomas Mur ay.
Moreno in the serial The Veiled Inc. who. is in of our Mystery. as The Porter in AT THE struction of the plant; H. First Class Workmanship Red Lights sad the aged Cranwell. contrac or for servant in The Bishop of and s. Kerins, con Satisfaction Guarante: the Ozarks.
Charles Bulec struction engineer for Thomas Manager of the Cinema AuziE. Murray c. The plant was liary, the only colored castdesignated under the immediate FLOWERS ing office west did the actual direction of Thomas Murray, casting of the picture, senior vice president of the New York Edison Company, Abogado. Attorney at La: Bank Money in Shoe Bag.
OFFICE: No. 44, ST Now Junk Man Is Is It True. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Richer Wife Loves All Men: Hub TELEPHONE No. 1377 Among the graduates of the High Schools of the city last by Obtains Divorce Practicing before all the courts of Springfield, Mags, July 29. By young people.
month there were six colored They were all th Republic since April 1914 Peter Los Angeles, Calif. Audain will girls, It seems that among our go to his grou West Indies for sometima, to nasculine bas become the weaker at least. the Mrs. Helen Pritchard of this THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER he city told her husband sbe loved come. His wife is the cause, sex, this year by the score of six The two of them had worked to nothing. It is the impression WITHOUT AN EQUAL him. Alter leaving him she bard and saved 1, 200. When offered to return It he would buy the writer that youug men up minds that a certain lot in ber came, bat be Don fail to try it they would go home, they slip ellow the thoughts of girls to take them refused. Judge Valentino HOUSE 912, LA BOCA from much ped of thelr furniture and more easily than the granted bim a divorce.
young Peter, all bappy, drew the ladies allow the thoughts of the (Opposite the Restaurant)
money they had and placed it in boy an old shoe bag at home. Wed sign of weakness in the male.
boys to deter them. Another Office Hours: a. to p. No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
nesday while Peter was away taught for today. Boston Mrs, Audaln heard the cry of a Chronicle to p, Have you tried the DAILY junk dealer and decided to clean now Beer out her closets. The shoe bag went with the junk and so did Rent Receipt Books In Span ADVERTISE PHONE 1941 BALBOA the 1, 200. The dealer has not Ish and English for sale at the Kronen Brau Specializes in all the brancher been found, Workman Printery IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS of Dentistry.
KRONEN. BRAÜ entire plant JOB PRINTING charge the work, WORKMAN PRINTERY Contra Crespo Dentist Howell when of the


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