
STILL ON SALE Habitual Criminals. West Indies Cricket History (Continued from page AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Taste is the fast by which we invite you to fudge Chesterfield by its richnen, ita fragrance, and its satisfying fullness, One thing all smokers like in a cigarette NATU With the recent outbreskimoogst the prisoners in the Gener al Penitentiary Ir sb before them tbe Gleaner has good raron to believe it at the ruling anthorities are now considertug the question of establisbing an lodeterminate prison.
During the regima ot a former Governor of Jamaica (Baron Cilver) the Government acquired property in St. Catherine known as The Tamounds, for the building of an indeterminate prison. Owing to the financial condition of the colony the scheme was held in abeyance; bu: the fact that the indetere prison was not build, Circuit Courts, who found men the law empɔwerlar Judges leadiog lives of habitua?
crime, to tbem to an Indeterminate period. Thus we have the penitenciars; and it is felt that their contact with younger prisoners, and men sent to the pen for the first time, is not conducive to prison discipline.
Steps will, in due course, be taken for the establishment of a prison for the segregation of hardened and hopeless habitual criminals.
Summary of Contents: History of West IndiesỊCricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting CATURAL TOBACCO TASTE. a distinctive quality that sets Chesterfield definitely apart.
And not one tobacco merely, but several tobaccos, each fine, each contributing to the ensemble one its rich aroma, another its mellow fullness, a third its smooth sweetness the goodness of each brought out in fullest measure.
So for men who want natural tobacco taste at its suave and mellow best, there is only one cigarette. and that cigarette is Chesterfield.
sentence tbed Price 50cts.
prisoa for we many such criminals in Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Chesterfield British Capitalist.
Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products It certain corditions are fulfiled, the Gleaner learne that Spanish Cider with its Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
English cepitalists have decided to invest gite a large sum of own Carbonic Acid money in the devel pment of the eltrus fiuit industry of Jamaica.
The Church of God It is learnt that the Blush Empire Producers Association are 1o terested in the matter, and the be San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer made to the growers of oranges Panama, Arosemena Street, House 25, terms on which advances wil and Gospel weetings at 11 am, and grapefruit in this island will URETIC AND REFRESHING and 30 Sunday School at p. be made krowa at no distant Monday at 30 Trotimony Meeting date.
Trade Mark Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Jamaica Agricultural Meeting. Wednesday at 30 Sseiety bave also taken a forward Corner 12 Street East Avenue Ci soal mooting. Thursday at 30 move for the development of the VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ en sir meeting. Friday at 30 Sitrus fruit industry of the colony Prayer Moring and a big conference is being S, We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Bro, C, Pessoa. iz charge. arranged to take place in KingVILLAVICIOSA watches. Our prices are the lowest and our ston at which the method of Rod Tank, Canal Zone. Sunday Schood SPAIN Workmanship is guaranteed.
30 Guspel meeting on Thursday 10 Wheel and packing of the fruit be discussed.
at 30 pm.
which have en received bere DURAN Sis. GRAY from England tell of the great. Providence. Gampel Mee inge a market there is for Jamaica SOLE AGENT WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday Srhool citrus fruit in the mother counJEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
at p. Wednesday at 30 Gos try at the present time. The For the Republic of Panama pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer coming crop will be large, but unfortunately it will be a little Bro. McDONALD From this date on, late, jatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Moatinge AUCTION SALES at 11. 30a. and 30 pm: Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 The Housing Problem will be he every day from a. to p Goeprl Meeting. Pridy at 30 Prayer Meeting It is now over five years since Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH the Housing Commission equirDo not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Colon. and Streets. Gospel meet ed into the general bousing con Regular Assortment of be pleased.
Ings at 11:30 am and 30 Bunday ditions. The Committee forwardEchool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 ed their findings to the Governpu. Gospel Meeting Friday. 30 ment som months ago, and the Prayer Meeting.
matter is receiving careful conBro. GEO. GRANDERSON sideratlon Additional Church Services. Ebenezer Church of God Holiness It is however realised that SUCH AS what Services of the Bethlehem whatever steps are likely to be Seventh Day Adventist Church Ny 46 CALIDONIA ROAD Church of God Holiness.
houses STREET CALIDONIA ROAD largely on the present market Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetio (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
No, MARIANO AROSEMENA st. value of materials. which cannot Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine 11 sm Divine Service Prescher SAN MIGUEL be said to be to day what it was Babbath (Saturday) 45 am, Sab Supplied bath School; 11. 15. General Worship Sunday School perintendent.
Sunday 80. Prayer Meetiop. 16. 1920 21, and which one huge Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, building scale as is contemplated 80 pm. Spanish Clase; 10 a. Children Service; 11. would run ia to seyeral figures. b. Prior mue etc. etc. etc.
Divice Service. Supplied.
4:30 M. Society, meeting 30 Gapel Service, Preacher m, Sunday School, Superinten An early pronouncement as to 30 Junior and Senior Standard Supplied.
deot of attainment Claes p. Vespers, Tuesday 30 pm. Gepel Serviçe İpel Service, Preacber Supplied. pm. 30 Gve the Government intention is lookerd toward to.
Sunday evening 30 Stere Note Other Se vices for the week The usual weekly services will be optican Lecture. The general public is will be given from the pulpit. conducted no Tuesday and Thursday BARBADOS cordially invited to turn out in large Elder ODLE night, at 45 numbers.
Patsor in 93 CENTRAL AVENUE charge BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 Divine Service. Preacher Sup 3rd states that Naws was reThe Weekly Illustrated of July plied.
The Salvation Army Seventh Day Adventist Church ceived in Barbados recently of 80 m. Sunday School, Superintent ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON dent. p. Gərpel service. Preacher the confirming of the degree of PANAMA CITY CORPS, Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath pplied.
upon Mr. Hutson Lovell, who was formerly a law Bebvol: 11. 15 a, General Worship Services are as follows: Thursday night, readings and student at Fordham University 30 p, Young people meeting 56. Early Prayer Meeting.
Prayer, New York The date of the 30 pm Vespers 10 a. Children Directory Meeting All other notice for the voek will be presentation of the Diploma was Sunday evening 30 Preaching and Brigade United Open Air Meeting given from the Pulpit, the 15th June last. Mr. Lovell is 11 Holiness Meeting to be con ot Mr. Robert Lovell, of Service. You are cordially invited to ducted by Commandant Martin, Bro. B, WEBLEY, Collymore Rock, and a brother of attend these services and bring your p. Company meeting and Acting Pastor in charge. Mr. Livell who was at one triende Brigades Open air.
Pie time attached to the staff of the Junior Open Air.
Agricultural Reporter, and the later doubt interesting, books when you 000000 sub editor Q000 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air Salvation Army Hall.
of The West Indian Meeting, TRY We congrattue the young stu can have them neatly bound at 30 m, Big Salvation Meeting.
dent on his success so far and LA BOCA COP3 Other notices for the week wi be KRONEN BRAU bope that he will gather further laurels in the course of his pro 30. Knee Drill.
given from the pulpit fessional career.
11 a. Holinese Meeting.
ON DRAUGHT 93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. Sunday School. 30 Open Air.
Rent Receipt Books in Span Ish and English for sale at the ADVERTISE OR BOTTLES 30 Salvation meeting.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre Wo extend a cordisl ir vitaton to all Workrian Printery onoo 0000000000000 000000 In The Workman It Pays taken with a view to improving Tonics, Soaps; Vanishing Cream, depend The Workman Printery Panama City.
Book Binding! son Why throw away your old, but no THE WORKMAN.


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