p. 8


drome and the) men native Good Races MEAL are not either, Gas OPPOSITE RR. STATION cunot fools, Bolo celle And rights?
rio an bard was a me 32 60, Carcaico Pourth immortal Last Sunday Races Sparklets Graphic Story ToldToMorrow Races (Continued from rage Continued from page 1) There are nlne races the Last Sunday was an ideal day for horse racing at Juan Franco more, made that the matter would be program as Jean Franco Park Now for your unjustified stand looked after.
Park, and the afternoon saw the tomorrow slternoon; three of uspal glad crowds of fans take against Christianity as being a Now how is it that so many men these are for native horses, ong up their position at the Hippo. retarding factor of Negro progress happened to have been on the pa mlied, native and imported, kad rade to have caysed the unbusiness Bve for imported horses. series of he sport of Kings. gion of the leading factors of the to this accepted JUAN FRANCO TRACK which od utredt appy ive furlong festere by No raio tell, and there remained white rave; it is that of the leading Well it is like this eli. When we tblee dative penales will start the fast track throughout men and nations of the civilized are going to have theals me form program: While the most classy TO MORROW eight races, two for world. The most effective leaders into lines, bundreds of us, and we event will be the seventh beponiee, one mixed native and lm of modern thought and civilization march past the kitchen and receive tween Bolsberiki, Reins Mora, ported borses and five for im whom you and agree to be the Sunday, August 29th 1926 our meals We then go to the celle Bhole and Pereque. The line up ported borses were run under foremost world penetrators into wbere we eat, afterwards we are promises an afternoon of unibe most favourable connitions, the whose wisdom we let out, pod go back to work. On usually good racing and should not la tbe two racos for native only emulate but yearn to drink of the evening the thibg Bappened, bring out an unusually large bine deep of us took our Bads and crowd, borvos, Excuse Me, with Jockey in bigger mouthfuls day by day, went on. Wheb the othet me Baeza up, and Rialto, with Hidal endorse the Christian religion as came up they start to go up, were the winners; with the best. What about the fr Dr. Wendehake. be GRUMBLE ABOUT THE SANE BÅD Races for Imported horses MEDICAL CLINIC second in the respective events. Abnornal and the irrational? They Bideleo was the star jockey have not yet succeeded in puttina come back again. They will go on 025 Front Street Colou dent in. And ole for be afternool; Winoing and for Native bred Ponies to their cell, but bey put down the. pans all about the yards, sir. Then une and third in another out of theorislug, and what not, they Supa come and tell them to PHONB stili the WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE five mounts. He won on with the food and be four furlong for rem in Christians, as they are bandicap for being protected by the influence would see about it, They did not class Dative So, and after Supa go away for The Open Forun. Dandy in a fre furlong bandicap of Christianity. Isn it logical ts about 15 mioutes, for class thoroughbreds, assume, therefore, friend Gaskin, AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT police come in and start to fire all Christianity which you over them bead lot of them ran bodcap for (Contioued from page 1)
bark at as being in our way class off to the cells but some of those. thorougbbrede. He rode 17 Kol don mix the idiosyncracie progress the there real hard man stand up and talk Government through the solicita Peter Pan and took second Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
tion of the Cologists who had made place for them, rights sir.
What biod of talk and what several abortive attempts to me First Race Starts p. Sharp in the second event of six far of the ministers with the ethics of Jonge la mized bandicap for Christianits. And besides, calm you Lain a school of their own. r.
ball blood dative and imported ine. Isu it Christianity the reliClarke and Shurland was the main element of the community.
chief talkers sir. Them gion that made it possible for your tha by peper repre borter, be bad ma ADMISSION man, Temake the book sentation, thor governmsat will Dhole won an easy race for bie emerging from the unknown to ma now and the necessity of including Supa understand that them is wer Raul Espinosa In the learning bed wedding stiker leatore event of maven furlong the philosophy of Pythagoras and digesting Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. supposed to talk beesuse them ont teacher among English pegging for the food is item card, state of affairs. On the other hana quite content with the these Perequo Frou Prou came in second and abira, others up to and including thatod sir.
our own Pelgrim Wilkins, the Well!
there are some who view the situa.
Surely; Bolsbeviki Enthusiast? Yes; you are at liber. to make notes. Now, Gas, this Harlem Pays Homage to. The police had some little fight on from another angle, airing and afterwards the men go in ine their views whenever possible The horse coming in the is a big subject which is sure to cells, abd when the police fire every When Mr.
Rodrigueras Another source mchey were: Frot race Excuse draw arguments such as made the trouble arose of (Contioued from page 1)
time the prisoners beat the door conducted an examination which Director Me 8, 00 52, 40, Chiqui 260.
articles of your your Atlantic side coland Second race. Hope 521 00 8, 20 latorators force the Editor of the chancellor, and Wallace, secretary general.
the floor and bawl out bip proved that many children poseessPeter Pan 2, 20. Hope pald the WORKMAN to ask hip hooray. But all the soldiers proved AFRICAN FLAG CARRIED and biggest lump ram la the mutels correspondente to draw breath. At thing didn need to come ated only a superficial knowledge; as any rate, let because the men did not mean grades from which they had been all, The entire procession was festooned with banners, and to fight, result many were returned for the afternoon.
to Talrd rhor Rinto 400 80 Tittle man that sits in your citace: colors of the African Republic and of the Universal Negro in a scrap with a number ol men? resentment from parents who could po cram some more truth in the placards, and with bunting in red, black and green. the Now did you see an Inspector promoted, this action also elicted PO 9, 30, Fenomeno 80.
ace Dandy 60, You would scrap Christianity wouldn you? And as both are Improvement Association. thousand men marched on Yes sir. Bramwell replied, judgment, not appreciate Mr. Rodriguez Se prodajada per Gloria 87. 10 inseparable you would, too, the foot each with a red, black and green flag, and a detachment. Boss what im name! Well it, of. 22, 90; Oran 88. 80; Pet 20. boererate hd them bwoyo duas rigorosamente Sixth rach Dhole 00.
is vicioun and unjust, perDelgium in the Bible! Be brave and korp carried the same tricolor in a banner as huge as a blanket sonal contact would reveal a court.
Seventh race Dandy 60 70 yourself togeth a great And closing up the real rolled a complete assortment of four Belgium! What that?
eous and well balanced young mind to write a drama and have wheeled vehicles, varying from classy limousines to broken hard back bwoys stay sir them couth individual suagested in Mr. 40: Dad 70; Olla 10. That a Ward where some real man; justead of the brutish un Eight race: Col, Arango 40 om you. 2, 30; Spear Blado 2, 70, Sister Prodi che leading role as Theldown Fords and five ton motor trucks.
Son. fori am sure you bwoyo what grow in Reformatory Mark Cecilia 80.
letter. Anyone who is will very soon 8000 return. Go home The parade, which followed religious services at the and all that. The Inspector tackle not too old to remember childhood after we are through and havi Commonwealth Casiño, on 135th street, was the first func about of them, and then tackle days will readily understand the And Town of Falmouth liquid diet, and re read your Bible; vement Association. During the convention, which will of of fim was devels to delay boss Dearly dead.
your perspicasity will now allow last a week, discussion of segregation. disenfranchisement, men stamped on the flooring Isn conduet.
when the hostility of their elders you say the afford them opportunity for misa (Continued from page 1)
you to better understand what you memorial has been read therein. You seemed to amalgamation, race prejudice and other matters pertaining to it all concrete?
neve sent by some of the affected written much what you put it.
the Court House once the finest The Inferior Complex, from the Wallace. On Tuesday, which is the birthday Cup Garvey; living is board only one ities, who feel confident will eine he Negro problem will be discussed, according to Mr. No sir, for instance where. parents or guardians in the island now lands rent from litule immature experience of you, there will be special discussions on his accomplishments, know, and that is Limbo.
Ward bave as far merited. as they did to burnt out shell. Kindergarten days? Now, you don a few ago when New This building was elected in the best belle consider all the writing is in prisotnihestions to civilization and his persecution and now there you are, whatever Providence Welfare Comente year 1815 by the Municipal Vestry. you may be be able.
part on this earth do you find approached them on two occasions.
at a cost of 12, 000 currency. to understand all of them; cal. Limbo?
in connection with the school, had a famous ballroom with full pot. But the Bible is not a book That is duog the bottom sir, it Hoping that this may serve to portraits of SCREEN ARTIST Visit CHURCH SERVICES name. 1827 29) and Sir Charles (of which will interest you while. clarify the New Providente school PANAMA Metcalle (1839. 42. Both of these others will not, and if yo LIMBO OR SPECIAL CONFINE. question am Sir, thanking you you are for portraits howe wever, are quite safe, looking for sound philosophy you distinguisbed visitor Thirteenth Surday After. Trinity and them keep in there mans like DE WHITMOORE NORSE.
as they were removed in time with will find that there in abundance Panama duriug the week was Mr. AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB who cut one another same place in some of the other fixtures. The Now, just one moute; let me Adolphe Menjou, prominent, movie (Anglican Catholio) there. Certain hours of the day CHIEF conISSIONER also contained three exquisite label and Rund you tbø following actor who passed through here og antique chandeliers ia cut glass contents of this little bottle which bursday last. faul Church, Panare those people who live there get his TO ATTEND.
and burnished brase wolke lekowing you will tako in good sixed doses mother and brother. The popular (Rev. Nichtengabe, Rootor)
soʻne exercise.
of of remedy is a. Holy Communion. The Rector that eventful evening?
Shamrock One these chaodellers each chum solas termine the day for a fronte con hiperty to create Then what really happened after Sorvle. With Boy Scouts was saved, but the others with the obfuscation: It is education, bigber had been making three new out mid. day next day sir, rils ornaments the police and bosuns come around for adorling pictur education, Every possible effort is being 10 80 a. Holy Eucharist. sermon, and them stort to make some re made to revive interest in the which the pare and simple, in He visited the Cecilia Theatre The Rector tapestries have been destroyed salvation of the Negro Thursday night and was royally The upper floor of the building lies. And that we are getting entertained by Manager Hal Wardmarles, like they were making a British Boy Scout organization on p. Church School.
housed the Court and the Town You dare not restrain the law. Those who were not privicheck on thos who gave trouble: the Isthmas. Mr. Harris, Hall whilst un the lower floor were igoor 89 Choral Brentong, South Ward did the work of District Commissioner party of mobirom marchiog leged to see the great movie actor The Rector de igoor at for Pada the Clerk of Court offices of paraphernalias and howling for tunity of seeing him on the and opport cleaning out celle, etc. ferer be ma, recently convened balance Officers and St. Peter by the Soa, La Boca bal of the fire has not yet help from above. They are not yet next Thursday night in the great of that week, a none of informed the members that in an allowed out. It was the interview with Major Brathwaite been determined. There are reporte inspired by Solomon s, Plato s, or Paramount, productiou Social American Episcopal (Anglican Com next week Monday before people smelled cloth burning Socrates philosophy of life, Celeb. ity.
Wallis, the begin to work little, little sir.
Chief Commissioner, he the night, bat gave no attention to education broad education which was asked not to spare any pains matter.
the But, if understand you ariglit, in having the movemegt brought will enable our people to penetrate There will be celebration of the Exclusive of the destruction back of Holy Communion to marrow. ane you hadnt even a bath?
to its original status. Then that is nothing sir! We ve 30. As this will be the only celebrathe Court House, it is conserva to compete more favourably with THE FUTURE OF.
tively estimated that yesterday there, and who tion for the day, membeto far hadserdido? bathe or change the clothes, very interesting and excellent to so to be on but is strange, Coming mobile the rest our lies early morning fire did damage to the bigliest form of civilizatioo the Now which time, if they in ond communicating. Continued from page 1)
for the most interesting part coming months, the the extent of fully 10, 000, part of world will have seen. Some sy will be 11 o ek Me. A, Hunter, Bramwell, the part where the a Church parade to the which is covered by insurance.
buildings altogether en dose didaction et mange med oss of the association, declared that Roador, will conduct Maatine and Salone Warders cut and the men skuffled. ember ast Chureboote undos. Sops.
la again. Agitate for high schools, the title of Provisional President of an addre.
fella did flogging?
5th. Commige prey to the flames, the conflagra colleges and universities, Gas, bot Africa was an insulting the African Church School will be held at p.
sir, me and the man who sioner will attend and inspect the tion bing the greatest in the against Christianity. Don em. people, bistory of the town for a generation ploy circumlocution in your argu Leaders We need more toschors. Who will volan was living next door to me climbed lads at the close of the service.
aments past. The fire was discovered in ments, blaming our alleged tardi have been invited medite or to help in the grand opado work of up and look over the door top sir.
the. They flogged them the Saturday Mr. Arsoott atore, the Temple note on Christianity. And now, convention. Among there are a of Fasbion. How it originated is a you have received an effective phillip Randolph, organizer of the clook. The Rootor will oficiata, a Wardera beat at Two entertain no fear as will not be Choral Eventong start at 30 morning over 120 men.
time sir, when your game.
mysterv, and the Parochial Board remedy for that ailment of yours, Pulman Porters Union; William you bave not boon to a Church service one lick and him tired little bit But wants you to manght. to be with Pickens, field secretary of N, la for quite bitiging of any party or parties to other patients. By the way, Taperican Negro Congrese, god service booked attend one of the him lick sir, The man then bawl say is true. eat to thot mot invitation for tomorrow you see bec! like any bog. And need be as bada; ali be guilty the terrible have to get a snooze after we have lel Francis of the Joternational lot of them sick after that sir. And further, from at hear since ast to justice, and they are dietod, as have to be ready in uoce of Negroes T. MULCARA, Rector boss. is naked them flog ther, you come things was painted the Government and Insurance time to attend President Lindo During this sessions a ompanies to follow their example Concert at Division 17 of the great deal of debate will be given to The Parochial Board has decided at 3pm. tomorrow. Sorry the position that Marcus Garvey St. Simon Mision, Gambon Canal Zone huffling, is really Warder cut, but allowed to bwoil good, it just meni is At. Barth lomow Le Cascadas, bout Warder cut and prisoner bad, and the corn is not even puncheons, so what you aux me sir, the meal mouldy and smoli to offer a Reward of 500 to bring you are unable to drift over and is to hold with the organization on Church School, Confirmation Class and there was a shufflidg there boss, barely begin to get hot sometimes anyone guilty of starting hear Dame Olga melodious sing his release from the Federal Prison Brensong will be held at the wual time theme tie them duo good and at least that is the taste sit.
the conflagration, and wants the ing with Miss Gordon is the st Atlanta, Ga. Cao tbing certain, by the Ly Roadero.
Government and Insurance Com latter good bye numbers, he will the socalled plently.
The writer then closed the interpan es to take similar action.
J, MULCARE Priest in Cb rgel thank you Bramwell, You ceed view.
Markham Gas.
No Bramwell, of surance, MENT space.
to ball where be Catechist.
10. 15 a. Matin. Me. Atwell, the of ol Local District of meeting The origin us were we Faster into the Truth and be able can tell set up At we Eleven id you see the iba who might Week to justine dent of Africa.


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