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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Panama National Assembly LET HELP Opens in Ordinary Session nama to regain investment.
examiontion made of 100 for far from being pressed to have my the entertainment, he prould have NEW TRIBE Further Trouble in The THE SCOUT OF GIANT Movement to Regain Its Negroes Found in CenKingston Penitentiary Lost Position tral Africa, Several New Bills Introduced One. At the present time when there WASHINGTON new tribe Reported that Men Refuse to go is an earnest appeal by local Scout Ol giant Negroes, who are ralyd by Prohibiting Immigration of masters to assist in arousing the seven foot king, has been found to Work Owing to Discontent enthusiasm of the public in the in Central Africa. according to Certain Aliens, boy scout movement so that peWilliam Room, Secretary of With Their Diet.
her the lost position as the The long looking for sessions of the National Assem beri per cop in de foreign condimente y returned from across the To comprises 2000, 000 persons, The GLEANER of the 26th ulto states that during the bly at which it is expected action would be taken to bring we think that the foll wing ex. whose average height, Mr.
Rrsom last day or two the prisoners in the Penitentiary have again about a final settlement of the strained relations still exist tract from a report in the Scouter states is beetween eix and seven been expressing discontentment with the food given them ing between landlords and tenants were inaugurated at bould be read with interest and feet.
o clock last Wednesday afternoon with forty six represen to fall in line with the worthy sports. With their height and their pans and refused to go to work.
and yesterday the matter came to a head when about 50 of act as a The men are fond of athletic them on being paraded for the morning meal put down tatives answering the roll call. The meeting was called to request :strength, they easily surpass our order by Representative Suarez of Cocle, temporary presinatin Even at this time of day you best sport records, and would bave They showed no signs of waiting to create any out.
dent, who appointed Representative Batalla of Veraguas sometimes meet people who sask: po difficulty is carrying off the break or disturbance, but merely refused to go to their temporary secretary. After the roll call, Representative Movement. Why shculd belp the Scout Honours in the world Olympic various duties and were taken back quietly to their cells Turner of Chiriqui attempted to raise the question of Dr.
Well hecause to put it on the sames.
where they are confined for the present. Under the cirDemetrio Porras claim to a seat in the Assembly as a lowest The ruling caste appears to have cumstances nearly all the prisoners are being kept in conrepresenlative of the province of Los Santos, but President lives possible plane it a good descended from ancient Egyptians finement and only a few very small working parties have: superabundance of Suarez quickly silenced him and immediately proceeded mental and physical for fficients who come to Central Africa by been sent out.
with the election of officers which resulted as follows: means lunatic asylums, hospitals, way of Abyssinia.
reformitories, pricourte, detachment of police is on the scene in case of any presentative Vidal of Chiriqui, president; Representative Foos. workstations, which somebody Success of a West Indian. of the kind, and all sorts of disturbance, but the authorities do not anticipate anything brega of Veraguas, first vice president and Represent costly ative cano of Panama, second vice president, with Messrs. must Theo COMPLAIN ABOUT FOOD.
A, Valdes and Pinilla as secretary and sub secretary ires other hand, aims at the creation of Barbados, sat an examination at own food and not about any difference in the diet scale of movement, on the Miss Ina Payne Miller a native This time the prisoners are complaining about their pectively. committee was then appointed to wait on President Rodolfo Chiari, Informing him that the Assembly and if that can be done by taking Music, Cambridge Mass. Europeans and Jamaicans. They say that they do not get of an the Conservatory of was duly installed and awaited his pleasure. After a short hold of the boys now, see what recently and was classed in the quantity and discription of food that their diet scale calls recess, the session was again continued to receive the re lot of money will be saved in the all her subjects. She came first for, and that the food itself is often bad, and at other times turning committee and the Cabinet Ministers who came to long run.
among 3000 students who sat for improperly cooked.
present the President message. After the customary ex. Coatinued on Page 8)
the Change of salutations and before the reading of the message, Yesterday when the prisoners refused to work they said there was no sugar in their morning pap, which they the meeting was adjourned for the following day.
SPARKLETS The second day was taken up mostly with the appointwould be entitled to under their diet scale, and on investiment of the various sub committees and the reading of gation by the Director of Prisons this was found to be the (By K)
certain bills, discussion of which was postponed for a furcase, the sugar in the majority of cases having been omitted for some reason or other. The Director of Prisons per.
ther meeting Among the Bills introduced and slated for discussion Conventional Decorum. Concert at the Division on the day sonally saw that the men were given the sugar.
is one by Deputy J, Guillermo Batalla of Veraguas pro this dig ified position of front page before. But not being free at the Having to continually occupy time to say all and sundry, ma On a previous day when the prisoners were entitled hibiting the immigration of Chinese, Syrians, Turks, Ethiontributor makes me feel un. com poly ao abbreviated reply by telling to three ounces of meat with their ration they complain upians and East Indians and providing for the registration fortable at times, although am Bica that if Brother Walters of La that they did not get any meat at all.
Boca was given 90 points of of those already domiciled in the Republic.
contributions conform to the max the 24t)
the 24th ultimo In connection with these complaints some serious imum ot journalistic requirements LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING The fact is, that am too fre to least two (Hutchinson) dowa dowo rumours are going about. One has it that recently a prison (Continud on page By STUDENT OF LIFE)
quently in good company, having efforist the points less for Sunday to associate with so many lettered would have also told him, among But if the clear folks like Bell, Gas other No: 7, FREE SOUL things that that was the best TWO BIG NIGHTS THE OPEN FORUM Patient and long suffering reader, As bave said or intimated ve let al. This Despent some program of its kind that was ever dering erince held at Liberty. Hill; and that if he which the Prince having dis overed one love ad been rudely awakened mirer since starting Little Lesson recent years to the fact that; and of Wales sometimes finds himself were to ask for an opinion from the At The Cecilia Thoatre. sible fos views expressed ia these miseroving been requested by some they lived happily ever after and which creates albime desire pied halt a row of chaira in front of events to be store the main ladies who occu If you want to pass pleasant Columns to write upon the subject of mar only happiuess. faire stories. ta rrow road atha mubolt fel en opbee me, they would reply that they too riage proceed to do so hesitating Brankly be os mostly ihe thin TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Sir: As have already stated in ly, having but a meagre knowledge half of the partnership who sve have rupts the business. The trouble nature.
adk a little while, so as to give vent to that at le st two of their number led at the Cecilia Theatre tonight and subject; you never been guilty of the criminal with them is they are too idealistic My principal reason for feeling in forcing two encores, viz: that of Samorrow night andere Gloria the Workman newspaper, do not Jolly piano interpreta: duction The Untamed Ladies and respecially with West Indians Swanson in wish to enter upon any journalistic act of luring an awary male to nie prior to the grand adventure to out of place is that there are a few boots uodoing via the court, the church, ward which they direct their fellows who really need periodical cotitele acutusie master bater was This Paramount picture is voted in god the in laws; never the less every effort and will, but great deal less) us you are dresin of Lng. they dream rapping on the writ, and some entirely out of my range for any one of the crowning events in Ibut must state a few fasta critical examination, perfect over the medulla oblongata; but Colonial Classical Orchestra num. it, is to miss one of the best pic Opeo and the Gloria a to letter published in the Screea career and to miss reply Torun of your last issue po doubt aware, it is always chill ill lover, worshipping blindly at his in addition to the of aforementioned ber, Serenade of Angels less who know most about sbrine, keeping bis hallow image demaud upon me for the observ by WORKMAN tures that has ever been sereened signed by Mr, Charles child care, who are profuse in advice 1st they capcure some male thing decorum, cur indispensable weekly musical side of the program is and chelors and ever before their eyes, and when at ance of propriety and conventional critical examination of the be there, bere in many months. So let all Nurse, Taylor, West Indian Negro, residing at Limon, near concerning who vaguely resembles their dream basn t, as you are aware, the And don forget that Paramount New Providence, he reserved for my personal enlighten week begins this coming watk when wer there fore Mr. Nurse is unfortunately one of truly: who empuatically any afiliation and is later forgetting or even a bi weekly publication, excluding Jump the playbouse have planned a program preaching peace, when as a mat. of sit proceed to give you theoretically course continue uomolested on their The role war gay least her experience during ret of a to the parade to my almost constant and unmusical; and and besides, he he was its patrons. But Paramount week denounce all his statements in the last few years baned y at elenine realise that she cannot make her other times, on or around Sundspeakers, the opening remarks has always been a big week 30 said letter as being phlegmatical friends dismay of Benedictine who fails to utmost annoyance. And then at In connection with the Music by the Chairman, und relatives. Since nineteen on what the use saving it.
teen have seen six of my friends mere man over, and must make evenings, when would have feed waunt himself for the many polyyielded to Condolence. syllables temptation and attended fessor Barton, was such as he asliured by a bland spriest, or the best of him as he is.
is able to use helde students and pupils and the heels of disillusioament church services or the formal enthusiasts feed upon. Brother pompous judge upon the sea of writing? of us kaow each other for a Sibey a period of 82 years, matrimony and of that half dozen follows disaster, and somtimes, a and The many friends of Mr.
and alimony Hall fraternal evening conventions lieds, Thomas our there is but one who does not bit fat fee for a lawyer. especially to hear who represented Cespedes speak in Fsharp, High Commissioner Louis cum the Panama Railroad at Balboa further than ordinary acquaiu.
Acting Staoley Crag well check clerk for yet we have never adyanced any found their way terly gret her venture. Two have for Benedictine wbile poor bewirbis newly acquired high speakiog Lindo, the latter being absent on docks will regeret to her of the tanceship because do not stoop to out of the dered Bene lict is wondering what Labyrinth via the divorce route it is able about every thing is over noe some stay at home sardegrind account of ill ress, acted appropri death of his mother Mro, Florence indignity He has assumed the responsibili.
put some good stuft for Saturday? ately, with nothing to do but to Crag well which sad occurence tools Oh two darling babies, another na raia upon obey is another mur issue only to find that before Wed introduce the Chairman be at place at Barbados on the 22nd ty of being Mr. Rodriguez agen: Os has been leit a grass widow but the monthly payments.
sharp tongued.
and were nes day some journalist in akonce resorted to the slip shod still grand lareng upon ing from the others weli known August last. The sad news reached and in so doing le bus mis quoted into an everlasting nag, and that is the heart of some poor fish would and cut the prop from under my dies and gentlemen, Mr. Crag well by cable a few days my statem nts to suit bis maliI will not od was rather su iden, as just cious rem vostrances, but he is not a pin tr what Roman Catholics wait until had at last two thou feet, and have then to do some tin in a fit position to the cable he ame, bp Lake up much of your dew days prior hat will at once introduce Term a sin against the Holy Ghost: Baud dollars in my owa name, and reconstruction or submit to be the chairman for the evening sell. Io consequence of this Mr. gotten the bospitality wbich it justifies murder, and is the reel bank book before surrendering branded stating that all were his own handwriting. He had foon plagiarist. All this: The elocutionary efforts of the on which most marital barks have mysel to penal servitude for however, does not indicate that foundered; were do not look with the utmost disjuniore, little Misses Lansiquot Crag well will be sailing for Bar received from his fellow West in or about the ilth of the dians when he came here about cheerfully slit the throat of such a There is nothing so heart rend. favour on CHEAP ARGUMEN. aad Iona Johason were very good, years ago stranded as he ing so belittling to a woman PATION for the papers, a subject suited only for old veterans like but the length of their pieces are present month.
He has quoted Panamanian This journal tenders bim sincere Lawa in bis lette. the knowledge Reader. gentle and otherwise, il ende and givelas canceolate of very chicho extemde to discuss in this Johnny Ferreria, and candelence in his beren vement.
of La Boca, to be used only at of which he is not in a a cent an the column week a position to magazines you no drubl have cost of her personal expenditures, Substantial Progress extra special oratorical contests.
the present time; and so whatever acquire for himself; this shows that discoyered that four out of five tomed to haqdle her own wag Division No. 10, communicat: present wer Nick of the Star the Star regarding the entertain newspaper at the especially if she has been accusBrother of the Among the members of the elite was reported in Monday issue of be was used as a scapegoat in that direction. He reads the WORKMAN bave pyorrhea, well marriage is before marraige.
expense of like that only more so; one out of ed with me on Monday morning HERALD and another gentleman ment has my approval as to twenty baving Happiness. Continued on page 8) last and solicited my opinion of his whose Dame, fail to remember at veracity. Continued on page 8)
Occos fre. to marke him kin, Nel Philip describes that We do not hold ourselves responio. my Professor of Braga.
rispinsters valeries co a bamaa, or and model 50 py 1)
of Benedict conti refuses ProBoth developed Lack of matrimoby; into the the maker side comes along formula: to read even got mail tvo man would life.


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