
bur عمل of very Always being in the Limelight ostracized LUCKY STRIKE The New Philosophy 2, 000, 000 More Women Than Men In England.
of Life. Direct West Irdian calle (By THOMPSN)
despatch from London. dated Doubt is the great hrman August 14. states that the latest taitor that straneles mnr Registrar Genej a s report ability and keeps more sple did shows there were nearly two mnard women in mediocrity pillion more women than men in makes more peo le fail in life, England The review savs that in than almost ansthingilee. The Jone, 1924, the population of new philosophy warns us that gland and Wale was estinadat 39 768, 000 To song, every time we yield to it, evers time we yield to discouragement, 18. 545 00 being males aod 20 201 000 emales.
every time we become disheartDed or dispondent; we are making our minds Degative and Notice to Correspondents.
piling obstacles in the a! of our success, our ace of mind, cur happiness. is impressing Contributors and correspondente in us the necessity of conare asked to send in their contribu. pally holding tions not later thin Tursdays to of God. This new thought of insure publication. This is impers.
God, which Dr. Eliot says will be tive ard must be adhered.
the chiet characteristic of religion of the future, is man inseparableness from the great Creative force. When we live in the realization of this thought, Why pay double price we can bave no doubts, DO for inferior imported fears.
Beer when you can This new way of thinking is opening up a new world to multibuy a superior Beer tudes of people, It is giving such as BALBOA for them the livinz Christ It is teacbhalf the price.
ing man that bis mind is the expression of the divine the ore universal Intelligence, and that his mind may make connection with the store of in fioite treasures in the uniThe Church of God versal mind Thà claim of the new pbilosopby, that we are in Panamı, Arosemeda Street, Hetre 26, partnership with the Infinite, San Miguel Buoday at am. Prayer and hence in touch with the meeting and capel meetings 11, supply, the all good, is destined to and 30 Sunday School at p. to. Đday at 30 Testimony Meeting change the ideals the destiny, of the race. It gives a new meanTherday at 15 pm. Young People Meetin. Wednesday at 730 in, ing to man, who has bitberto been regarded as an inferior Cosnel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm.
Open air meetirg. Friday at 30 pt.
Tbeology pronounced him poor miserable sinner Preyer Meeting wbo bad forfeited his claim to BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. his divine sonship and been Bed Tank, Calzo e Suuday Schos from the divine p. Goepel meeting on Thursday family. But the new philosopby at 30 is reclaiming his birthright, Sis. GRAY reviving the Christ doctrine of Providence. Gospel Mee inge at man divinity.
11. 30 am and 30 Suncay Brhool Emerson says that Jesus alore at pm. Wednesday at 30 tn. GoeIn all history truly estimated the IT TOASTED pel Meeting Friday at 7:30 pm. Prayer greatness, the dignity of man, Meeting Jesus constantly emphasized Bro McDONALD man great possibilities. He Intun, Canal 2000, Gospel Meetings saw that God incarnated Him st 11. 30. sod 39 pm; Sunday Belt in wan. The mission of the School at pm. Wedaeeday 30 new pbilosophy is to find the Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 larger man that Jesus saw, to uncover bis possibilities.
we Prayer Meeting.
Bro, GEORGE GRIFFITH have all of Jesus divine qualiPolen and Streets Gospel meetties within us. Why are we not logs at 11. 30 a. and 30 Bunday like him? What made bim different from us? Jesus was ditEchool at 3p. Wedne day at 30 pm. Gospel Meeting, Friday at 30 ferent because he realized his Prayer Meeting oneness with God the Fatber.
His inner energies were aroused, Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON his forces were awakened.
The beauty of this Services of the Bethlehem remedy, this mental antidote DOOMO CANNON Additional Church Services.
Church of God Holiness for all poisons from within and without, is that it is way we bave No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 86.
at band.
seventh Day Adventist Church SAN MIGUEL. o to cork it up or store it away in Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting closet, for its virtue will never STREET CALIDONIA ROAD 10 a. Children Service; 11 evaporate or Ret stale. We ouro (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Divine Service. Bro. Sma l)
selves are the only ones that can adulterate or cheapen it. Multi3 Sunday School, BuperintenBabbath (Saturday) 945 Sab dent p. 30 pm. Gootudes of people die ot polsoning Panama to Colon and Return zath Babool: 11. 15 General Worship pel Service, Preacher Bro. Reice uden every year because the antidotes 30 pm. Spaniel Clase; The usual weekly service will be are not at hand, but in the new pbilosopby we don have to wait 30 M. Society, meeting conducted on Tuesday and Thursday 30 Junior and Senior Standard night, at 45 the fraction of a second. We do of tainment Class p. Vespers. BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting not bave to call a doctor or walt BY THE ODDFELLOWS OF THE ORDER Sunday ever ing 30 Sterefor a prescription to be put up 11 am. Divine Service. Preacher Brs.
optican Lecture. The general public Webley at the drug store.
cordially invited to turn out in large our own doctor and this remedy 80 m. Sunday School, Superioteos is always at band. It aumbers.
dent. p. Gospel Fervice. Preacher dote any poison, neutralize Bro. 8, Webley.
mo poor enemies. Jour TRAIN LEAVES PANAMA AT 30 Seventh Day Adventist Church bealth, your sickness and disThursday night, Bible reading and Prayer, ease enemies, your efficiency eremies, your success enemies.
3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON All other notion for the week will be your bappiness et emirs, all the Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. cn Sabbath given from the Pulpit, enemies of yror peace of mind, Pedro Miguel sehool; 11. 15 a, General Worship Bro. WEBLEY, all the poisons that are killing 30 Young people meeting Acting Pastor in charge.
jour general comfort, barmony 30 Vespers and well being, RETURNING LEAVES COLON AT 30 Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching The Salvation Army The jew philosopby teaches service. You are cordially invited to that all forms of sickness ard attend these services and bring your disease, mental and physical friende, PANAMA CITY CORPS.
alike, are the result of errors, Services are as follows:and hence are cured by truth the Batural antidote for all error.
Ebenezer Church of God a. Early Prayer Moeting.
Truth destroys error Holiness 10 am, Children Directory Meeting alkali destroys the cutting, and Brigade United Open Air Meeting biting. rating Idfluences of an FIRST CLASS 25 SECOND CLASS 00 11 am. Holinen Meeting to be con No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD acid, Truth neutriz error just ducted by Commandant Martin, as natarally as light neutral s Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin p. Y, Company meeting and darkness, as harmony Deutral zee Secure Your Tickets Early. Avoid the Unnecessary Delay Brigade. Open air, 11. Divine Service Preacher discord. fud ntal principle Junior Open Air.
Bupplied of the new philosopby is that we nu. Sunday Sehool Superintendent. Meeting, 45 m. Beparate Brigade open Air should never thick or sas aps6 Programme thing ng ourselves, our 30 m, Big Salvation Meeting.
healtb. our success, our ability, Refreshments will be on sale during the entire trip 730 Gospel Service, Preacher Other notices for the week wil te Supplied.
our charac er, wh ch we do not given from the pulpit.
wieb to come true Tuesday 30 Gepel Service thoughts, our convictions, our Note Other Be vices for the week Salvation Army Hall.
assertions are dynamic forces wbieb tend to reproduce themElder ODLE in every ck of the body.
Pateor in charge LA BOCA CORPS For inatate, to denou: o and 30a. Knee Drill deprec ate yourself constantly, 11 Holiness Meeting.
to tell peopl: o your faults, fallings, your shortcomings Rent Receipt Books In Span p. Bunday School and English for sale at the 80p. Open Air. 30 Salvation meeting. Continued ou pale 4)
Wo extind a cotais ir vitato al CIGARETTES new ready, always at EXCURSION TRAIN On Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 1926.
We can be will anti: mentel enem ny With Stops at Balboa Heights, Red Tank and ROUND TRIP as an regard because our selves cananananana song the.
ADVERTISE pour transparente contre lichid In The WORKMAN it Pays worko an Printers


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