
PAGE THREE Interesting News from The West Indian Islands TRINIDAD JAMAICA Good Prospect For Tourist Trade.
Grafting of Mangoes.
VIGOR TONIC know classical name, to whom tasted whose The Port of Spain GAZETTE of the 8tb instant says; few days ago we received, from Mr.
Grabam the well contract or of No. 17 Abercomby Street, a few samples of what cannot be termed otherwise than mammoth grafted wangoes. The largested weighed not less than ounces, and as far as flavour is concerned, we do not know vous any other variety in Trinidad wbich is its better or raiber we should say sequel. For want of of a the variety is known locally as the Graham. while some, to it has been shewn, and who have it, consider it a species of Julio One coonoleseur, with opinion we are ic clined to agree, believes it belotgs to a kind well known in French Gui ana, the flavour of which is not unlike the Julie, the ze however being considerably larger, Mr.
Graham is a great believer in the future of the grafted mango industry and has over 800 trees (all grafted from his original tree in Abercromby Street. planted on bis est estate at San Juan. where there are are also over 150 budded avocadoes 250 to 300 Ver more have by the 1st, one oranges. Be will. further of ber, about 200 grafts from the original tree ready for sale, particulars of which can be bad on application to to bim at his residecidering No. 17 Abercromby Street.
bow well our soil is adapted to the growing of mangoes, it is a pity that there is not more interest shown in the Rrafted kind, the demand for «b ch is certainly more tban the supply. Tourists are secure them, and were it possible to supply of the magnificent quality to get suficient which is crown by Mr. Grabam, for regular shipments to the and Britain we are positive that a lucrative moor industry would be established in the very bear future FERREZ co VIGORFONIC XIN INVIGORATINE ANO and to build up a alwa39 at to whole system eager WINE WEST INDIAN CRICKET TEAM May Visit England In 1928, The GLEANER of the 21 it Aug.
ust states that an important meeting of representatives of the Tativos steam ship companies running to Jamaica during the THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD tuurist season was held in Now Yrk a fortnigbl ago to discuss the West Indian and Central American tourist traficas whole.
And estimate was submitted showing that it was expected that at least 10, 000 cruise tou An 1sts were expected to arrive in This Jamaica during the coming season as compared with 7, 000 the tourists in Invigorating corresponding period of last year, One of the Elegant Tonic pero tary convenience at Castleton complaints made was the sanl.
and Gardens and the matter was so Preparation SO much emphasi. ed by the steamship companies in a communicaHealth Imparting tion to the Tourist Trade Devo.
is highly lopment Board, that it is clear that unless something is done WINE the tourist tratic will be atected.
recommended The steamsbip companies are so strong in the matter that they recommend that if necessary a It in Debility, charge might be made for admis.
sion to Castleton Gardens. The matter has also been brought to promotes digestion Nervousness the attention of the Government.
Generally the tourist trade of improves Female Weakness the island premises to be a big One and it is said both the cruise the appetite and tourists saying here for fixed periods will greatly exceed Impoverishment last year figures.
and gives tone of the Blood and energy Vaccination of Galves, HEALTH to the Oa Toursday afternoon IMPARTING Temple Hall estate, the prop rty of Mr. Soutar a demonstration run down constitution in vaccinating calves agaiost black lg was given by Mr. Arnett, Supervising Agricultural Instructor. Vafortunately owing to the short notice various local geatlemen were unable to be present. The lccal Instructor (Mr. Hansen) and the recre a y of the Agricultural ciety were also present.
DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or All agricultural instruc ors have been given the nicessary times a day, Equipment to give expositions of the vaccination more espec aliy in small settlers and middle class proprietors. As a rule the large JAVIER MORAN vaccinate American Pharmacy.
against Kerti very tatal disease when rains SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS and come there is of rich vegetable for the cattle to feed on diaease attacks cattle when they are young but it they are vaccnated when about three months old they are made immune. At one time there was large morta Normal At Penitentiary.
lity but where vaccination is carried througb it is nearly gone.
The prisoners who created the disturbance at the General PeniErection of School Buildings tentiary a short time ago and who were flogged have all gone By Government back to work and everythicg is quite again at thg it stitution. All the to raise a loan of 25, 000 some time suspended on account? of the disturbance have been resumed.
ago for the erection of number The temporary warders wbo of school buildings in the island, and although there has been were taken on are still employed cen at the Prison and it is believed some criticism as to the pro that representation will be made gress of the building operations to the Government to it crease the has good reason for the number of warders.
staticg that the Public Works Department is speeding up the work. Some of the school build West Indian Trade RepreIngs will be given out by consentation.
tract, such as the Chapelton Gov.
ernment school, but the rew The GLEANER understands schools at Sudbury in St. James that arising out of the report of aud at Stony Hill will be carried the Jamaica delegates to the out departmentally.
recent West Indian Conference in London, which will be submi ted at the coming Autumn SesTalented Young Jamaican. sion of the Legialative Council, the question of trade representation of the Wes: Indiau Colonies Newg bs just ben rie ived in the Mother Country will be here says the GLEANER of th brought up.
28. d, alto, that Mr. Vernon Tte Government will be recomAnderson of this city has passed mended to appoint the Wes his fipal examioation. having India Committee in London to graduated as a Doctor at at the there Westminister Hospital. London. datles for an annu subsidy if Mr.
Anderson is an o old Calabar 2, 000. portion of this to be lan and lett Samalca in 1921 for borne by Jamaica.
King College, London, where he creditably passed all mulas all his lige ramica ions as we several other examinations, In Have you tried the the course of bis College career be bas won several prizes, laclonew Beer ding the Hospital Gold Medal.
Mr. Anderson is a son of Mr. Kronen Brau David Anderson of the firm of Auderson And roon. og tɔn.
leg which is plenty This particular y, as earlier given the The decision of the Imperial Cricket Conference to invite a West Indian cricket team to visit Ergland In 1928, says the WFEKLY GUARDIAN has been received with lin the West Indies. Satisfaction reports bad impression that the much expec: ted tour would not come oil.
There can be no doubt it tbat Mr. Austin who has already done so much for West Indian cricket played an important part in bringing about this desired will be forthcoming later, but it is sincerely hoped that the cricket am ambition of the West Indies will be during WES our by test match Extures arts being aranged. In the several West Indian Colonies, cricketers should no all they possibly can to prove their play so as to make sure that the visit will mean the er hancing of the West Indian cricket reputation.
normal which were realised GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY that tour by Gleaner ANOTHER OIL COMPANY.
Only First Class Ones Need Apply Another Oil Company has been registered for carrying on oil operations in the south, says the WEEKLY GUARDIAN who claim to bave been the first to refer publicly to the activities which bave culminated in the formation of this Company. Mr. Paul Murcz who is directirg the affairs of this concern has considerable local experience. From ber be is is likely to be assisted by others who are not strangers to development work bear that bere is a great likelihood of other companies following soon and thuse, in the know, predict unprecedented activity in the oil areas in this Colony within the next six months (Continued on page 7)
SI in the oiltield area.
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