
CLEANERS DYERS One bus DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING life, anytbing we upon endur Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD SOSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS The New Philosophy THE WORKMAN (Continued from page 2)
memory, that you never can remember anythlok, or that you never can do anythiog like other Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes people, that there must be some.
Avenue, Panams, de of public interest invited.
thing the matter with you are always blundering and All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and making stopid mistakes all this is contrary to its teaching. It Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of tells you to beware of all One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica ing of yourself, for every time BIx Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
you think or say you are a failThree We do not undertake to return reure, that you do not amount to jected correspondence.
anything, that you are unlucky, that you are week, that you have The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS not much vitality, that you tire SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 4, 1926, No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue easily, that you are afraid you are going to be ill, atrais some eril is coming to you, THE WEST INDIA ISLANDS AND PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 every time you speak disparagingly of yourself, or even think CANADIAN AGREEMENT.
unfortunate things are true of yourself, or are coming into your you are tending to bring As there are many West Indians residing in this part of them into reality or what we call reality, of the globe who have not lost all interest in those sunny isles in the Caribbean, but follow with some concern every OF THE HIGHEST ORDER The can not, phase of the progress of their homes, we think that the dare Do: afraid, pbilo sopby never accomplishes any.
following editorial comment on the new mail, passenger, thiog, never gets aaywhere, freight and steamship services, between those colonies and Work Done While You Wait because there is no law by which Canada which is occupying the attention of the Press One can, as long as he thinks he should be of interest to them. The article is taken from the can not. The new teaching is very euphatic on this point, It West India Committee Circular and reads thus:TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED maintains that, to win out in The extracts from the Press published in our last must boll the issue are indicative of the profound dissatisfaction which positive inental attitude that we Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices shall win.
has been caused in the West Indies and British Guiana by helps us to do this.
gives assurance and contidence, the failure of the Canadian Government to show any sign Ladies Garments carefully handled because it shows that we are not of its intention to give effect to the steamship clauses of mere puppets tossed about by a the trade agreement of July 6th, 1925. It is plain that the cruel fate or destiny, but that we opinion prevails that the British West Indies are not getting are childr o of the King of kings, a square deal, and that their interests are being sacrificed on REID Manager and as such have rights that no the altar of party politics. Under the agreement Canada is Late which we do not make ourselves can touch. It bolds that pledged to arrange for the new mail, passenger, and freight yesilcosys193 cexoxoxosSEKSS our lives rest oot upon accident.
steamship or motorship services. to come into effect as not luck, but upon soon as possible, and in any case within fifteen months ing principle, that we can plan after the date of the ratification of the agreement. But our careers with a great degree Xossoxectococos oi certainty; that it we live in time has been allowed to slip away. The spokesman of the accordance with the new thought late Canadian Ministry, in the course of the debate in the of God our lives will be one perHouse of Commons at Ottawa, on July 7th and 8th, petual progress, one continuous showed that they had no plans, but were waiting in the growth from the cradle to the Baye, hope that the increase of trade resulting from the agreement would encourage steamship companies to relieve The new pbilosopby tbrows a wonderful light upon the great them of responsibility by putting steamships on the West human problems, It gives a real Indian route. His successor has failed, as yet, to make any meaning to existence, shows us pronouncement of their policy, and it is improbable that our true relation to the universe anything will be done towards implementing the clauses of and to our God, It shows us that the trade agreement which provide for the new steamship we are a part of the cause of everything that exist because we Services until after the General Election in September.
are part of the great Plammer Meanwhile the immediate situation has to be faced. It has of all, and hence that we are coannounced, with a flourish of trumpets, that two cargo creators with Him. It teaches us steamers of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, that lite is not grab game, a Recommended for Removing the Humors of are to be placed on the Canada West Indies route, to fili scramble to get something away the gap resulting from the withdrawal of the Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, from somebody else, It protests Chaudiere and Teviot, and the suspension of calls by against Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic against the wealth money our God, against Royal Mail steamers at the ports of the Leeward and WindRheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disbuman beings coining their very ward Islands, Can, however, a service of cargo vessels be souls dollars.
It regarded as an efficient substitute for a passenger service?
eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
against the unnstural crowding, Residents in the Leeward and Windward Islands think not, pushing, elbowing one way and we concur. Article XII. of the trade agreement An Alterative recommended for purify.
through lite of others rights. It protests against the definitely lays down in black and white that, pending the ing and enriching the BLOOD.
doctrine of might wakes right, establishment of the new passenger and cargo services against the ricb and provided for under Article IX, the Government of Canada riding roughshod over the rights and tirer sensibilities of the weak will use its best endeavours to maintain a fortnightly serFor Sale at all Drug Stores the sensitise, he vice on existing lines. We have yet to hear that the Canaed It tests against the frantic effort dian Government has taken any steps to redeem this pledge sex teyerywhere of ations as well as and we are not surprised to learn that forcible protests are And in Large Quantities by individuals et abead of their being made by the commercial and agricultural bodies in neighbours, get something the Leeward and Windward Islands, the colonies chiefly away from them. It protests JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy affected, which by the inaction of Canada, are cut off from against the everlasting catering to the animal, against your makpassenger steamer communication with the outside world, AGENT ing daub of your life, which except by the Dominica, which visits them monthly from New York. The British West Indies may not bulk was intended for a masterbase.
It vide you come out of the largely in the eyes of the average Canadian, but a bargain is sexes en ment of animal laculties and propensities, being, up from your a bargain; and we trust that it will be realised in the into Dominion that in the opinion of the British West Indies su into upper chambers of that in this matter the honour of Canada is at stake.
nature they reach the age of twenty one. Nevertheless, the mem Health and Modern wbere intellect and character dominate. It will bers of the House of Lords remained true to their ancient Habits.
cuange your tastes, your desires, prejudices and rejected the bill by a substantial majority.
Women Rights Again.
so that you will long only for the But the battle is by no means over, and there is no doubt good, the beautiful and the true.
You will desire the things that that the attack will be renewed at the first opportunity.
London From tbe official will lift, that will inspire and statistics that are published ennoble your nature, and you There are signs that England is to have another from time to time it appears that will get what you desire.
feminist campaign. Since the franchise was granted some the general health of the inbabit.
Snapshots years ago to women when they reach the age of thirty (To be continued)
ants of Great Britain is steadily much less has been heard of women rights as they improving. congress of were called. But women are by no means satisfied with (FROM COLORED EXCHANGES)
In London has been discussing siderable effect upon both lary experts which has just met ust met also credited with having a con.
the restricted franchise they now have; they argue that the itfluences that have contri sonal and public health. This there is no reason why they should not be given the vote Disagreeing on men and issues is nothing more than buted to this benifcient change.
on the same terms as men. Logically, of course, they natural, and the calored race will do this just like others. In the opinion of the eminent aprovement has not, of course, have a very strong case, and the indications are that they but to fall out with an individual because he doesn see officer in doctor who is the chief medical been accomplished either quickly are determined to press it home with all their power. The as you do, is a rank display, of ignorance, but we are sorry babies have badlandreatmedlect come at a steads and persistent England, modern or easily. It is largely the cut first onslaught was made a short time ago when a great to say you find many of us who think this way.
proocession, led by many well known feminists, marched we do not agree on an issue, is not enough for us to become believes that the people as. and by varions voluntary orgari Because upon the nation well being. The campaiga carried out for nunber of years both by the Stat through London. But equal franchise is not the only object enemies. It would be indeed a sorry world if the bnman whole are showing more en: zitions, many of whom use the of the campaign. Another sex disqualification which family lined up the same on issues.
Your neighbour has a thusiastic interest in the princl. advertisement columns women are demanding should be removed is that which right to his opinion that you should have sense enough to recent years there has been an of hygiene, and that of the to spread thell propa prevents pearesses who inherit their titles, from sitting in respect.
altogether more widespread apan ganda.
schools, in particothe House of Lords. bill which aims at lifting this ban preciation of the benefits of of the poorer classes, have also ap, lar those attended by child eo has just been debated in the Lords. Its supporters all fresh air and sunlight. More played an important part in this argued that now women are able to become members of the House of Comons, it is anomalous that peeresses in their own right should be refused a seat in the Upper House their place in the world workshop. Opportunity does not dietary, an increase in sobriety, hygiene has an effect upon the How few heed the call and grasp the opportunity to fill authority, there has been an effort, and their can be no doubt improvement in the English that the systematic teaching nux the rules of solely on the grounds of sex. The bill would have affected stop and wait for men, It passes on, never to return, and and steady trend towards cb idren that is not forgotten in only twenty two peeresses, but it happens that among them if you do not grasp it at the right time, the very time it simplibity and commonsense in after life, are one or two who take a prominent part in the public life, presents itself, you have sadly lost in life game. Every dress. The habit of Erglish and naturally enough they see no reason why, because man who has made good in life has done so. by having ends either by the sea or in the they are women, they should be permanently deprived of vision enough to see opportunity for quest and to enter country, wbich has been fostered ADVERTISE a privilege which is automatically granted to peers when in upon the search for the golden fleece of victory. by cheaper travels facilities, is In The Workman. It Pays alth fetish, making protests regardless the poor.
to Your soul. the drawing room of the your bed of Santper ples during Press The over,


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