
Attractions at the Theatres WEEK STRAND Pell model billion two Square miles (BY PHILIP LEW)
Mapy great minds are begin ding to realise that the world pesce is again ing threatened.
Writing in the nineteenth Centory Magaz ne, the Rey, Clarke said: No one who survey PARAMOUNT tha world of the future with opo mind can fail to see at a glance that so far from peace belog la tight, mankind loon CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA the dawn of four great wora. 1)
a war between east and west. 2)
war between Jews and GenCOLON tiles. 8) a war between ProtesToday Saturday Sept. 4th Today Saturday Sept, 4th Today Saturday Sept. 4th tantism an Romanism. 4) a war Today. Saturday Sept. 4th and Shirley Mason in Edmund Lowe in batween what is comonly known THAT FRENCH LADY Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 5th MARRIAGE IN TRANSIT Lon Chaney in THE TOWER OF LIES These wars are on the Gloria Swarson in Tomorrw Sunday Spe. 5th Tomorrow, Sunday Sept. 5th way. The majority have not yet THE UNTAMED LADY Thomas Meighan in Jack Holt in Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 5th discerned the fact of the oncom THE BLIND GODDESS Douglas MacLean in ing of the first so clearly; bat Monday September 6th THE NEW KLONDIKE THAT MY BABY careful observers bave seen it Wm. Collier Jr. in looming in the foreground. Along Monday, September 6th Monday September 6th the followig lines on the THE LUCKY LADY James Kirkwood in Bebe Daniels in Monday September 6th various difference and legiti LOVE WHIRLPOOL THE PALM BEACH GIRL.
Clara Bow in mate grievance which are alleged Tuesday September 7th THE RUNAWAY to exist between here white and Neil Hamilton in Tuesday September 7th Tuesday September 7th colored, and which establishes Tuesday September 7th THE DESERT GOLD Douglas MacLean in good reasons for continued disJack Hoxie in RIDING THUNDER THAT MY BABY Jack Holt in satisfaction on the part of the colored races dnesd y September 8th THE BLIND GODDESS Clara Bow in Wednesday September 8th The population of the world is Wednesday September 8th Blanche Sweet in THE RUNAWAY Gloria Swanson in Wednesday September 8th estimated to be about one billion Bebe Daniels in eight bundred million; of these THE FAR CRY THE UNTAMED LADY THE PALM BEACH GIRL tbere are about six bundred Thursday September 9th million wbites; leaving a total of Jack Holt in Thursday September 9th Thursday September 9th Thursday September 9th two hundred million Monte Blue in Wm: Collier Jr. in colored peoples. This gives us THE BLIND GODDESS Neil Hamilton in THE LIMITED MAIL THE LUCKY LADY ratio of three to ope. The world THE DESERT GOLD habitable land surface is estiFriday September 10th Friday September 10th Friday September 10th Friday September 10th mated at fifty three million Bebe Daniels in Tom Mix in Neil Hamilton in Gloria Swanson in square miles of which about THE PALM BEACH GIRL forty seven million DICK TURPIN THE DESERT GOLD THE UNTAMED LADY are under white dominance; thus two thirds of the world popu.
Saturday September 11th Saturday September 11th Saturday September 11th Saturday September 11th lation is occupying only one Colleen Moore in Wm. Fairbanks in Clara Bow in Wm. Collier Jr. in third of its land surface. IRENE FIGHT TO THE FINISH THE RUNAWAY THE LUCKY LADY te Take for example Japan and China collectively, these two nations occupy about fou: million WATCH FOR IRENE square miles of land, with a popu.
WIDOW AND THE MERRY lation of dred billion. They have to house approximately five bu and feed nearly one third of the world people on a littlo over one tenth of the eartu babitable surface Compare this with Australia, a Noibiag could be more contrary We Need Your Help.
ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES to the fact modern white man laod, with a to te population a long time conditions we would not advocate Colon Boys Institute begs to not turn back, saya Commander Literary. Commander Watson of the stone of our journey we canActivities lion five hundredi borgande occa: indiscriminate mixing of the notify the many friends of that Watson. The middle of the way LA BOCA of land surface. Austria can races, por inter marriages: but all great charitable work that the has been reached and it is easier miles (in spite of her destru) easily sbould remember and recognize charity boxes which has been to go forward than to return support twenty times as many that God hath made of one placed by order in each of the from whence we came.
Oa Friday night, August, 27th. Juanita Armstrong Demise.
The two societies met at the Cristobal people as she now possesses. Ba blood all nations of men for to Silver Clubhouses on the Canal foundation is laid, all that is left Silver Clubhouse in a very grand dwell on all the face of the earth, Zone some months Not unexpected, but sudden, what has happened? Har Gover there is no diderence in the blood the collection of funds to sta doing their very best for us, so was; Resolved that Medical much beloved by every member ago for is to build thereupon. Others are debste. The resolution discussed little Miss Juanita Armstrong, the incoming of Chinese and Ja which runs through the relas of the institute, wili by taken in do what yon can. The names of Science is more beneficial toj of this community, died at the panese Immigrants, stati the the human body, for all are of on or about the early part of all donors will be published.
humanity tban Judical Law. home of her parents, at 14 her reason that these immigriots one flash l the races of the October next. The friends are would cause an economic crials: earth. sprung from one family asked to do their best to help us The attached monthly report The Affirmative was Joseph Lampioned Jamaica Prado, at 40 on re Sunday the 29th, surrounded because they are willing to wo The continued put this worthy prograin over. will disclose to you how much presented by Mr. Stewart a number of her relatives and for lower wages on account through Shein, Ham and Japhetb.
After reaching the sixth mile we need your help :secondeid by Messrs.
their lower standard of life and The present supremacy of the Stephens and S, Williams: and requirements.
Japheth is, in fact modero.
the Negative Mr. Whit some time but due to her wonLittle Juanita was ailing for Following this action of Austra Its conception was in the six Report of Expenditure chamadoconded by bioage Rit until a few weeks ago that derful power of reelstance it was lia, New aland, Canada and the teenth century when western Uited States bava adopted a Europe, including the British and Mr. Messrs. Elijah she showed algas of failure. MAY 1922. TO JULY 1926 similar attitude toward the color Isles, becans the centre instead Hunter, Anderson and ed races, yet at the same time the terminus of Maritime communications; also the great Drummond. The issue was well Juanita was a member of the they maintain their bod uppemo 1922 mathematies, 1923 1924 1925 vast territories of land whic, by and instruments for recording May 59 55 by improvement in contested, the opposing parties Wesleyan Methodist church and location and ancient beritage, ume, measuring angles and in Jan. 363 95 Jan.
introducing technical and legal owery valuable member of the 406 25 Jan. 625 30 facts to back up their arguments unstinted praise for the very Orpheus Musical Club, receiving more righely belong to the coior optical observations.
Feb. 307 55 June 68 20 Feb. 357 75 Feb. 695 25 Whea tho somke of battle cleared ed race. But where ever March 278 90 March 539 15 Before this time Egyptians and July March 652 25 away, the judges unanimously able manner in which she played white man goes be cont scite Lutie in the first presentation 84 05 April 328 60 April 357 75 April 625 60 agreed that Jadical Law. nhad of the Club Play The Path the land as far as possible a 10 Asiatics were far ahead of won. This decision met with the treats the naties as ilfarior Europeans in such sciences as Aug. 109 00 May 324 90 May 366 20 May 917 35 approval of the audience of over Across the Hill. She was not belngs as barbarians. Chemistry, physics, mathematics June 287 00 June 462 11 June 630 00 two bundred person. as they priveliged, however, to play in In Africa the natives are beiog and astronomy. The modern rise Sept. 116 42 July July 455 10 July 563 50 burst forth in loud cheers when any of the other stagings and her part was beautifully taken by mobbed wholesa of the land bi ly viewed in the light of pros. Oct. 149 50 of the white race Japbeth famiAug. 435 85 Aug. 733 90 Aug. 600 15 the winners were anounced.
Miss Leanor Jump.
tie wbitas. The blacks are taxed pective buman 355 85 Sept.
420 48 Sept.
bistory, is Sept. 510 45 uy the white and are made to 60 mushroom growth; and is Nov. 237 39 similar On Monday afternoon hundreds Oct. 364 00 Oct. 652 00 Oct. 416 00 work all to the benetit of the not much to their credit when On Monday night, August 30th, of residents of both La Boca and Nov. 410 60 Nov. 531 65 Nov.
to not wbites. They are not allowed 456 72 tbe L, Bociety. Cristobal Panama and some of the deceasvote in the elections of Parla they hold prominent to view the Dec. 230 874 Dec. 401 65 Dec. 695 10 Dec. 346 20 Silver Clubhouse. held an eleced relatives from Colon, accomtion of officers for the term panled her remains to the ment or the other Coanells. It grossest form of selfishness they ask for such prichters lately acquired advantages to Total 1, 054. 984 Total 4, 088 00 which assist them to use their Total 5, 977 44 Total 7, 038 77 officers bedenin Sept. Zil The following rer. Cemetery do Panama is in the.
were elected where body was interred the detriment and boģcott of 1926 Reacbiog our ears in the voice bɔ89 peoples wbo were once advertising for the movies and AS BAS 9am, president; before the gaze of sorrowing of the Indian, the Chinese, the their superior, vice president; Mc gathering.
January 522 04 Caddy at the Gatun Golf ground, Japanese, the Arab, the Egyptian. The cause for discontent, February 435 18 Quarless, Asst. Secretary, and the Negro; all are asking that March There are many things that could Waller, Director and Critic.
Employees Plan Big Meeting they be freed and given the right en mitles, race hatreds etc. etc. Ap il 595 72 be done in building up this great so as to develop the memberto use aod expand the power of are not hard to trace; when ex May 656 25 mind which they possess. Fast amimed in the light of facts they Indications point to a lively work, but it needs support. here ship in the arts of elocation, oraJune 683 95 and by make an open appeal that a tory, and debating, the society meeting by the La Boca District very fast they are reaching are quite superfical. The bar.
July seprerate the 610 55 monthly donation from the ladies has began a campaign, and will of the I, Association the point when, it their domin riers that now eerers continue to assert their ace are mostly artificial; In and gentlemen be given so that be pleased to hear from other on the 10th, Friday evening next.
this work may advance.
Total 3, 912 23 The apparent weakness of most autbority and resist these des duced or inculcated in the homes.
mabas, they will millivantly en and show a mark preference for given by this Government, of which wahee. The white child will dearly love Thanking you sincerely in adMeetings are held every Tuesof day nights, commencing at 00. cling to any one thing long our people here in failing to force them its black doll or black Mamy. remain yours truly, enough to assure success has Leading up to the clash be Inis proves that the color bar is 100. 00 goes for rental. We rua been in evidence of late by the WATSON, tween the two races is another not instimctively present in the our Institutue by selling papers, scantiness of members at the cause growing out of the feeling child, but is put in its mind Vote of Thanks District monthly meetings. This of resentment that is now promi through suggestions and educaattitude is in diametrical opposinent in the minds of millions of tion by the adult by produc gence of the colored races will not is also under white dominance.
the arrogant The proper recognition and help By SMITH)
tlon to that of other people in educated yellow, browns, and tion of our so called clyillization always tolerate achieving any definite purpose or blacks, over the boasted Superidominance of the white. Japan to every race can only be achieved Through the courtesy of the bolping a common cause; and it of The fact that men of different is already recognised to be a throngh the promised kingdom WORKMAN, am taking the West Indians are to malntain the white rac. and the refasal of the governments side by side in a common cause ised army and navy: ber univer of Christ, the Messiab, in which opportunity of thanking the many their prestige as a community of race and colors can co operate world power with her modernthe colored equality who oportunity with the white along 1918. Tre the contusions, religious arties and be due to watch one are brown, yellow or white will barattar det ble flowers, who attended the Sacred Cantata serving of mnch consideration the lines of industry, wages: bigotries and saperstitions the clamoring for coctrol of a fair realize their highest hopes and Silver Clubhouse on the after constructive way of from their employers, a more conditions of labor, priveleges of political antagonisms, the ocono proportion of the world.
thinkiog franchise, non prejudiced lega!
desires, Then all guestions and noon of Sunday the 15th alto.
with regard getting together decisions, ana the perpetual mic and educational disabilities, It was surely gratifying to note and keeping together must be hem be removed from the world, Some look upon the League of adjustments will be fully settled ostracisin that is shown by petty rules and customs set there would be little or nothing Nations as the channel through the perpetual color line will be the cheerful way in which the put into effect. The District peace and proper out in spite well up by the white for the purpose left for color llne.
of segregating the colored The day of recording is ap aition and adjusttment of earth abolished; all wil enjoy the trust threatening obowers, and want Executive Officers living better peoples, ao reminder that they proaching. There are ominous affairs will come; but this bope and loving friendship of each to assure them that their mant and who are members of the (Continued on page 8)
are members of interior races algos that the growing inteli is a forlord one: for the league other forever. Continued on page 8)
production 90s of appointed were 279 15 NEED FOR HELP 458 60 erity to of are


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