
Pushing British Films. 27 iiiiOrbiru orilibril ใช ได ได iii iiiiiiiiiO Farewell Services THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders There were many Sainta from Pain Enemy MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS and wiadows.
ing departed choir from Workman Stationery Store 0169 Sister THE BEER atives BURSA sess Britain as The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Up to date Jewelry for 10 a British Dear Sister and Elder your Fuller Jewelry Store London. The British films inAT BETHLEHEM CHURCH OF dustry bas deen working for GOD HOLINESS some time on a scheme designed to secure the British made produet a better place in tbe bela as OFAT SAN MIGUEL compared with films imported from America, As everyone (COMMUNICATED)
knows, Hollywood is today the On the 20tb alto the members centre of the world film proof the above named church met ductions, and in British cinemas IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF for as in those of the purpose of bidding many other Elder Parkinson farewel countries, the American film largely predominates, though Germany is gradually making the including Bro. Reid from the Nazırene bersell a fairly assured place.
SLOAN Liniment proChurch claimed the world over as Various plans for strengtheplog the position of the British film being Pain greatest enemy.
The church was pretty well ve been under discussion refilled, many thronging the doors Multitudes of people use and recommend it.
cantly, some of them involving Rheumatic ashes and paine legislation and some depending Much thanks has been ren. instantly obey its command on voluntary agreements. Among Suitable for Lodge Business dered to the numerous Saints, and disappear the former in an enactment layfriends and well wishers who It penetrates right to the it down that every cinemajoined with us to bidding, the sore spot. No need of rubbing.
theatre in Great Britain must Elder gco )ye. Among It does its work thoroughly.
exhibit a certain proportion of AT THE those for special notice the te Give it a trial.
locoin British made ilms. The defect lowing Dames may be mentioned One bottle will convince youof that particular proposal is is that The the Sanctis At all druggists and dealers has no beating on the problem of Church for their splendid renhow to secure the more frequent ditlor, Sister Stuart, Bro. Calde, exhibition of British films in Elder Beckford and Sister SLOAN countries. So far as that can manananan. pagnanamagan nagraagaaraa unangmanga gaman maan para mange gangenaamaangam Grobber spoke on the life of the LINIMENT bope in ptations that have for some time (PAIN ENEMY)
Brother and the wonder power of thr Lord, also Bro, been in progress with American movie Rose way, Sisters, MoCaskey, moviog picture theatre proMoore, and Robinson prietors. The proposal has met Sobers (from Red Tank) sang ister with a good deal of criticism aud beautiful solos also Sister Ojle.
when first laid before representBrother Cumberbatch also of the British industry spoke fluently over the life of failed to gain acceptance. The the Brother, and the trials that conversations are however to be SUPPLIED BY beset the children of God, and pushed further in the bope that asked the der to press on in something may come of them.
spite of every thing.
There is no doubt that as good films can be produced in Great Miss Lavy sang a partir solo as anywhere else but the and caused many to sbed teara.
British industry was rather late Elder Odle (who represented in the field and it will not be easy the ministerial union and the In every form can be seen to attract adequate capital it Ebenezer church) then gave a unless more assured outlets for tew encouraging remarks here at its best See our films can be secured.
Elder Parkinson then to a few. Wrist Watches. And the necessity for considerwell each able capital is evidenced by the is brewed from the best every one of that large audience Bracelets fact that the proposed agreefor their loyalty and sympathy ment between British and materials obtainable in giving him so glorious a send Diamond Rings American producers contains a off, and encouraged those that provision excluding any film have not started, to te:t and and a hundred other adornthat cost less than 10, 000 from It is specially suited for this climate prov, God, consideration altogether.
In th whole it was grand ments and you ll recognize is superior to all imported beers sold and glorious evening and it why this is the LEADING came to a close by Elder Odle JEWELRY HOUSE in town Hanged For Murder.
here and it sells to the public at asking the vine prote tion of God on every one, the partiog ask prices and you ll find stil!
HALF the price.
bymn was then sung. God be another reason. Maryland States Penitentiary, with you till we meet again.
Baltimore, Aug, 13. Richard Rees Wbittemore, Head of a non scattered million dollar crime TRY QUR NEW BEER among us, but Trust was hanged this morning 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 God moves in a mysterious way His for the murder of Robert wonders to perform Holtman, a Maryland PenitenHe plants His footsteps in the tea and The trap was rides upon the storm.
tiary Guard.
sprung at May the God of peace keep, later at 12. 12 Whittemore wa protect and guide you, for ever Contributors officially pronounced dead, The more is the prayer of in general end of an amazing criminal career packed for the most part SUPERIOR TO ALL The officers and members of and our Atlantic side writers the Bethlehem Church of God in particular, are asked to into the months following the Holiness. draw breath when writing beating of the sixly year and Condense their contribuold with an iron bar when serociocXXS XS Whittemore escaped from the tions considerably, to ensure Mass Singing.
Penitentiary old publication.
slayer entered the death chamber at 12. 06 a. just two minutes London To the man who WILKINSON before the trap door was pulled makes a babit of keeping bis and be dropped toto Eternity. He eyes and ears open, the streets was smilicg gamely as he came of London are always provitling Contractor through the small door from the curious death cells to the gallow platsights and souds. The latest diversion took place a and Builder form.
short time Trafalgar Square, which lies within a short Of every description distance of the House of ParliaHouse No. 20 Lunacy Laws.
ment, During their luncheon time a crowd of city workers 28th NOV. STREET, were gathered together in the SAN MIGUEL London It is an undoubted fac DONE Square and coaxed to sing that a strong section of public familiar English songs by an Box 411, Panama, R, opirion in Great Britain believes Australian wbo bas bad much exAUD DESPATCH that sufficient precautions are community singing not taken to ensure tbat a sane are not Plans and Specifications Free man is never detained in a luna1 ed to be particularly tic asylum. Moreover, with this, no one who beard the was in the further belief AT THE sinxing in the Square could First Class Workmanshle lont in dou bi the etyment whicb the mental institution it it is Lundreds of men and women of Satisfaction Guaranteed mely difficult for him to get out, all ages and types in Fi raishow many proofs he ing the yoice against the roar may give of his sanity. This of the street trallic. They erJ. FLOWERS view was greatly strengthened taloly seemed to be carrying out by a recent legal case in which a the motto of toe movement nent sane man who had been an iowhich is Sieg aud be happy. Abogado. Attorney at Law mate of an asylum was awarded The organisers hope that by enheavy damages against the doc asylums are extremely rare, and couraglı a desire to sing they OFFICE: No. 44, ST who had certified him as a various proposals are pnt forcreate a correctly BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY lunatic. Naturally this decision ward for making them, rarer ar draturails siuging community TELEPHONE No. 1377 had the effect of bringing home still, II, as is anticipated. the In Australia, were the move.
to the members of the medical Government put these recomment origina ed, they claim that Practicing before all the courts of profession the gave consequences mendations into effect they as a result of a campaiga similar that a mistakes opinion, however should do much to restore public to that which London has just the Republic since April 1914 bonest, in a ludacy case might confidence and at tbe same time THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER sampled most of the continent entail; and as a result doctors relieve the doctors of their prebas developed the habit of mass were becoming increasingly ner sent fears.
singing, which has led to a devous about WITHOUT AN EQUAL certifying anyone as finite improvement Insane. It was obviously desira taste. beginning was made ble from every polot of view that Don fail to try it simple and well such a state of affairs should be tunes leading on to Brahms and HOUSE 912, LA BOCA remedied, and the British Gotthe choruses at Wagner. One CANAL ZONE.
ernment adopted the wise course Why pay double price can only hope that the same (Opposite the Restaurant)
of appointing a special Commiseffect will be achieved here. It sion to investigate the for interior imported No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. nas to be admitted that when Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, lunacy laws. This Commit Beer when you can ever a number of Londoners are to p.
report, which be has just been inspired to impromptu siogiog DAILY issued, is buy a superior Beer reassuring document.
in the street, tbey usually choose Its most important finding, so such as BALBOA for the latest success from the far as the average man is conmusic balls, and any attempt to PHONE 1941 BALBOA half the price.
cerned, is that cases of the detenIN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS improve this taste is very wel Specializes in all the branches tion of sane persons in ludaic come, of Dentistry.
In portant.
12. 08 a.
KRONEN BRAU minutes crue)
The 26 year JOB PRINTING ego in WITH NEATNESS AND periences in Although Londoners is coupled man is a patient terethat a tound no matter WORKMAN PRINTERY tors will be able able to Contra Crespo mo usica Dentist Howell with known ADVERTISE


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