
TIF HE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Cider Champagne from the colony inn Eagin Chesterfield GARETTES Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR of recent date. There has been a recurrence BRITISH GUIANA EL GAITERO Army Personnel In THE ONLY ELABORATED British Guiana, Spanish Cider with its It bas been proposed by the Iospector General of the West own Carbonic Acid lodian Local Forces and approved by the War Office and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, as regards personnel saitability of The goodness Army personnel selected for service in British Guiana, The rich aroma of Turkish that candidates be interviewed tobacco, the sweetness and of three tobaccos before appointment. by an officer satisfying fullness of North URETIC AND REFRESHING in American tobaccos. all in land, and that such appointments Trade Mark this one delightful cigarette. in one cigarette be a the first instance, with one and on the option of VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ renewal, and be limited to BLE, probably no one tobacco maximum of four years ser is perfect service in the colony, This arrangement S, But if to the natural sweetness of Virwill, is considered, tend to VILLAVICIOSA ginia tobacco you add the mellow body greater ediciency. The LegisSPAIN of Kentucky Burley (another famous accordingly be asked to authorise the travelling exNorth American variety. and then penses of selected non comESTEBAN DURAN season to taste with the rich aroma missioned officer required 10 be of Turkish, using each tobacco type in interviewed, and also the refund SOLE AGENT to the War Office of any expense exactly the right proportion. you will caused by the removal of an unFor the Republic of Panama arrive as near cigarette perfection as suitable instructor before the men ever come.
expiry of his engagement. Portof Spain GAZEITE, Aug, You will like these three tabaccos in the famous Chesterfield blend better than One Death in Year on British any one tobacco smoked straight.
New British Guiana Railway Railroads, With Over 1, 700, The British Guiana Legislature is being asked to approve of the 000, 200 Passengers engagement of an experienced railway engineer to advise the Government and carry out loca London August 14. Only one passen.
tion surveys and prepare estiCIGARETTES mates of the cost of construction ger lost his life as the result of a railway acciand operation of a railway suited Whypherd to the requirements of tbat part dent in Great Britain last year. He was not of the laterior of the colony known as the Bartica Tiboku killed outright but died from shocks due to Potaro triangle.
his weak state of health. According to the rules governing official statistics, however, he had BARBADOS to be reported as killed in the accident thus Interesting West. People and Things. preventing 1925 from figuring in the same category as 1908 and 1901, when not a (Continued from page 3)
Under the above caption the single passenger met death in an accident on following appears among other things in te WEEKLY HERALD the British railways.
ST. LUCIA The only recent year when a large numot talk about the emigration of ber of persons were killed in a British railway Corner 12 Street East Avenue Barbadians BriNeed of a Competent is colonies. It is really strange accident was in 1915 when 224 lives were that there is not enough business We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Occulist in St. Imagination in these parts to to lost in a disaster to a troop train. Aside from watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Lucia, make use of the surplus popuWorkmanship is guaranteed.
one calowy to develop that a century of British railroading shows as.
another. Britiste Guiana would toundingly few fatalities.
make a really serious effort, The Voice of recent date says: bundred families could easily be The worst years were 1923, with 25 WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED We are suffering in St. Lucia got within a few weeks, tive greatly from the need of a com bbod vodjablebodied one and hea killed; 1996 with 53; 1910 with 23, and hundred wen JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
the and petent ophthalmic Surgeons We make it worth something in a 1913 with 33. The best records besides those.
are well served itealgrant Refractionists and Optbalmists short time. Antigua, learn From this date on, a already mentioned were 1909, with one fatalemplair 200, Editor of the Magnet, latios ity; 1914, with 6, and 1916, 1919 and 1925 any one a AUCTION SALES glasses, but we are greatly in Unfortunately there is no scheme with three each.
in need of population.
Led of an Occulist who is comwill be held every day from a. to p.
to prescribe for allments to put before Barbados, ara beof the eye and it neede be, per fore our people are encouraged This remarkable record was achieved pera to leave their homes they ought Operations.
orm people here who are to be assured of proper condiThere are Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall de be pleased.
in need despite the fact that more than 1, 700, 000, 000 of e ent professional man. often their living, think British passengers travel yearly on British trains, we bear of people being forced Guiana should set the example make the journey to Barbados and try the experiment of so, which involves running 262, 000, 000 passenattended to. It is the duty of Nothing can be done withous ger train miles. In fact, as the railway comevery Government to attend to and Barbadian it the needs of people. end se: as good a settler as any in the panies proudly point out, the record means that Vincent but a few months ago world.
the Government paid passengers risk of meeting death while on the ago 275 to a competent Eye Doctor their trains is well nigh negligible, to pay a six weeks visit to attend Woman Death Occurs As who were in need of Asked how such a record was achieved, a 22nd Child Is born bis attention. Would it not be AND money very will railway official replied that it was due to the spent to offer to a competent man say Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 St.
Alpena, Mich. August. The careful way the trarfic was operated; the pidu Barbados Bena breth other twenty seennd child large number of safety appliances and the subsidy, to induce him spend month here to Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages supply this caused at McRae Hosgreat need! We feel certain hi Woloszyk, forty, The child also pital, Alpena, of Mrs. Peter excellent signalling system.
such a step was taken by the died.
a Goverament it would meet the Summary of Contents: Of her other twenty one chilcommendation of the overwhelming majority of the people of London, August 14. Travelling by aireighteen living History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years St. Lucia Seventeen reside at the family plane apparently is not nearly as dangerous as Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, home uear Posen, twenty eight miles north of Alpena, and the is commonly thought, The annual report of Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, COLD STORAGE. other in Detroit.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, The oldest son is twenty four Civil Aviation states that since 1919 air transThe St. Lucia Ice Company years old.
Photographs of the Teams end 16 Individual port flying has amounted to 4, 563, 000 miles bave within the past few days.
Players arranged the working of their and there have been only four accidents caus.
cold storage Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and chamber This Dempsey May Meet Wills.
chamber was built. moths ago ing death of passengers.
Interesting by the former proprietors but for some reason or the other was After years of util efforts During the year ended March, there were Price 50cts.
never put into use. The enter on othe past plese ver a belpfluenteak only five accidents and not one had serious prising new proprietors have people and Press to bring Jack now put it into active thus sup Dempsey, heavs weight boxing consequences beyond damage to aircraft.
plsing a long felt want of which champion, in a match with Barry full advantage will be taken by logical heavy weight Secure yours now there will be a great rush Passengers in British machines increased world the public provided the charges til Dempsy ha from 13, 478 in 1914, to 14, 675. Flying for e der for them, are not too succeeded in side stepping Wills and is reported to be practicing hire or joy ride flying showed a big incre: se, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama ADVERTISE for a bout witbelGence Tunder the number of passengers in this branch of is likely to consider In The Workman It Pays Tunney, it is said.
Wills it he succeeds in brating aviation was 67, 329, the largest on record.
lation of one و petent to their STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History sum of to those exy Dr. 50 to John dren, are


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